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What horoscope, Zodiac, astrology, numerology, psychology and psychonomy

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Information about the psychological structure of human society has been studied in ancient times, is studied today. From a material standpoint of modern science has discovered the DNA of living organisms, these foundations are conducted extensive research and made various experiments. In parallel with the DNA of the person there is an information matrix of the individual, which is responsible for his behavior, for his attitude and for his commitment to the individual circumstances.

Information matrix of the individual is an integral part of man, which is called the spiritual body. In this part of the person hiding the forces that govern human DNA. Mood affects the state of his physical body and is able to notice a lot of people.

Researchers have been studying the ancient rights of the information matrix, as evidenced by the knowledge handed down to the present day. Today, there are different qualities and knowledge of the properties of the lived experience of mankind, we will consider their structure from a strategic perspective awareness contemporaries.


Horoscope drawn up in the individual man, has a relative accuracy, which reveals the information matrix of man. To draw up a horoscope can use the setting of birth, which are explained from the standpoint of the total life or characterize a certain period of his life. Sometimes, the horoscope to the events of circumstances specific dates in the life of man.

Friends are more characterized by its contents in the event circumstances, namely certain conditions in the environment of the individual. Using horoscopes, people almost always changes nothing in himself and in his character. Most people use the horoscope to determine a common understanding of what is special about them in the character at the moment and what might happen in the future in their own circumstances.

On information compiled by horoscope for a particular person may be affected by the interacting people, namely their horoscope can affect the properties and quality of the accuracy or inaccuracy of the information is diagnosed. Drawing up a horoscope is a psychological diagnosis of human matrix.

As people and their horoscopes differ force that can manifest itself in many ways. Superior force horoscope affects weak horoscopes. Thus, the relationship between individuals affect the quality of their horoscopes. Therefore, in compiling accurate horoscope is important to consider the horoscope of interacting, close friends. Friends are more based on the information the Zodiac signs and east.

Horoscope indicates the length of time cycles, during which there is self-realization of man and his impact on the environment. To draw up horoscopes professionals can use the cycles of Earth's rotation on its axis and the Earth's rotation around the sun, as the rotation of the Moon around the Earth. Practically most of the horoscopes are based on time cycles associated with the planet Earth.


Zodiac means the circle of life, divided into twelve segments, which are assigned to the zodiac. Zodiac can be equated to a clock face, and the signs of the zodiac to the numbers on the dial. Zodiac circle is relatively immobile in deep space, inside which is our planet and solar system. Zodiac was used in the ancient astrologers, who on the basis of its values ??were horoscopes for people and countries of the time.

Knowledge, which are incorporated in the zodiac were little known in ancient times and today they are also not entirely clear. Knowledge of the Zodiac pervade almost all areas of human activity, and especially cultural beliefs. With the help of the zodiac can be explained by the information matrix of the human individual and the laws of social relations.


Astrology - is the science of the influence of outer space bodies on the vital relationship between man and his social behavior. Astrology is based on the time cycles that occur on Earth and in the intervals of time, during which there is a change of conditions and opportunities for the relationship in the life of a particular person or a particular place on our planet.

The science of astrology to a greater extent explains the impact of the environment on human rights and on the basis of forecasts of future events are done in the circumstances. From the history of the last time we may be aware of some astrologers, who are our contemporaries appreciate the great experts of astrology. Their forecasts were on the level of prophecy. Perhaps astrology was in their lives attached to their superior gifts of spiritual development. Services of qualified astrologers use the rulers in the past and today are used by many of the leaders, rulers and businessmen.

With the help of astrology one can gain knowledge in the form of maps of future events. These skills enable a person to understand what will happen to him if he goes one way, and what happens if go another way. In the man with the help of astrology nothing changes and astrology does not affect human development.

Astrology - a science that allows one to see and understand the sequence of certain events in their lives and to assess mood circumstances. Also, astrology can reveal temperament, laid in the time of his birth, and many inclinations and disposition of his character. Professional and high quality astrology can be called a system of diagnostic psychological relations in society.

In modern astrology, most of the knowledge has been lost for various reasons. This science contemporaries mechanize, creating automated programs. On the one hand a lot of individuals can use automated programs astrological forecasts and analyzes, on the other hand the quality and accuracy of such programs is low, mainly total.

In astrology, we can hear that for an accurate horoscope for a particular person, it is necessary natal chart! Natal chart called the exact data on the time and place of birth. Natal chart for many people is vague term, sometimes intriguing them, and in general - it is a classic term astrology.


Numerology is one of the mysterious science of the properties of numbers impact on human life and humanity in general. Based on some crops religions is that the numbers are at the very beginning of the world, after the numbers shows the information and after the matter.

Numerology is associated with mathematics, psychology, biology, and theology. To date, there are a number of systems and schools of numerology, which have useful and effective system of knowledge. The benefits seen in the fact that a man with the help of numerology can determine its energy capacity, its dynamics of health and spiritual abilities. With numbers people face every day, and without betraying any significance from the standpoint of numbers numerology.

Numerology is based on the twelve numbers when looking at it in the full content. These figures represent the twelve signs of the zodiac and the communication relationship between the signs of the zodiac. Therefore, numerology in perfect its manifestation leads the researcher to the zodiac and theology.


Psychology - the science of information in person, it seems his mind and logic, and its manifestation in human behavior. Psychology is based on the knowledge of theology, astrology and other sciences of antiquity. Psychology can be considered the founder of Hermes, a reformer - Hippocrates.

Psychology of today's order and principles of pragmatic and antiduhovna. The public enjoys psychology since Darwin and his theories. As the positions of a large number of Darwin's theories, and very little practice and a lot of psychology theories that often have no practical use.

Psychologists eventually take over their patients or clients of their ailments and disharmonious state! Therefore, psychologists are effective in middle age. Not everyone manageable mental stress psychologists.

People spontaneously become a psychologist with extensive relationships in the community. This happens with the cashiers, salesmen, bartenders, managers, administrators, and others with high relationship in society.

Psychology is the science of human behavior and society. Psychology in a way a young science, which develops particularly the last 100 years. In psychology has its own standardization and its tools. If you observe the subsequent self-actualization psychology after graduation, you'll notice that very few professionals able to work in their field.

Psychology - materialistic science, which explains the little psyche of people and better explains the logic of human relations in society. Psychology is based on periodic knowledge that manifest the object under study. That is, the actions of certain individuals appear, through which it is possible for analysis and answers to questions. Therefore, in modern psychology are mainly test programs.


Psihonomiya - the science of the human psyche, his outlook, the manifestation of a person's world inside information among his relations in the form of logic behavior and its relation to human society interacts. Psihonomiya represents the next stage in the development of society. Psihonomiya - a young science, but his youth, according to many psychologists, it is difficult to hold an ocean of knowledge and understanding of science psihonomii.

In psihonomii unique system of training that allows a person in the educational process is practical to use their life experience and the experience of interacting people. Peculiar system of science education psihonomii called "dialogue-associative."

In psihonomii formed static knowledge, which are displayed in the elementary and the periodic table. Also generated maps of human outlook, making science psihonomiyu first science, which displays information schema ideologies and systems thinking of certain individuals.

Psihonomiya diagnose the structure of the information matrix identification kventillionoy accuracy (16 224 413 709 933 808 704) Program "of the individual scanner." With the tools of science psihonomii person can make changes in their natural traits.

In diagnosing yourself or someone the person is informed of his knowledge or one's state nature of the relationship and the events in the community diagnosed personality. Psihonomii technologies allow people to effectively influence the development, transforming itself into an efficient and productive person.

Imagine the person involved and work twelve signs of the Zodiac, then it begs the question, what is a man to be a horoscope and how it will behave in the society? The society called the people in a state of spiritual and developed or born again.

The nice thing is that people can learn a lot when he sees or becomes aware of it. Psihonomiya disclosed to new horizons of knowledge, understanding and skills that increase the efficiency of human self-realization in the sphere of its activity.


Horoscope, zodiac, astrology, numerology, psychology and science are psihonomiya information matrix of the individual and his relationship to society. Scientific data with varying accuracy and efficiency disclosed to the parallels of latitude and life, its laws, measures and measurement. People who want to understand themselves and their opportunities in life, most often takes the path of self-development and its relationship to society. Contribute to their election science explaining information matrix of man and society. People tend to vote for their development are scientific approaches which more than any other available understanding of his mind.

Elected a Fellow of the scientific approaches depends on the level of quality of its realization, the rates and costs of forces in his personal development. A great indicator of the level of human development is its ability to control their DNA. Mood contributes to its effect on DNA! In science psihonomii are the keys to a person to control his mood, respectively, to influence their DNA.

By studying the information matrices of individuals, one begins to see and understand that human life is programmed and runs on one scenario. Human life programs are capable of change through the development of his spiritual body, which controls the DNA (the physical body).

Spiritual body of man is not certain organ, it was the center of his personality, a part of the Creator of the Universe. Human development begins with the desire to create the perfect man himself. Therefore, to begin to understand themselves, their information appliances, after the information necessary to understand the structure of society, then the person is able to understand the meaning of their lives and begin to positive change. To understand themselves and society science psihonomiya provides knowledge related to human development.

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Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.


15.01.2014 13:20

Огромная Благодарность Самолюку Василию Леонидовичу за оказанную помощь в непростой ситуации с любимым человеком, огромный профессионализм в науке Психономия, Психологии людей, знании Астрологии, Нумерологии и жизненной мудрости и большой практике работы очень помогла решить мой вопрос, научить по другому смотреть на ситуации, людей и переосмыслить свое отношение к себе, окружающим, любимому человеку и жизни. Еще раз большое СПАСИБО! Всем советую обращаться к Василию, его знания очень помогают разрешить ситуации, более духовно развиться, больше узнать себя и развиться. СПАСИБО!:)

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