Home :: Educed violations
Educed violations
In human life there and there are disorders that produce and make it damage. For each person, it is important to understand that it violates or does not violate any order of life, society and country. Many people are able to make some violations and does not know its wrong in a particular case. Therefore, people in society continually learn to act correctly in their events and activities.
Mostly people commit themselves to how not to do and does what is allowed or not allowed.
Therefore, the materials in this department by its contents expand the understanding of the browser on the topics that it is desirable to exclude, in its fulfillment and certainly understand that such a violation.
Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich
Map of the department:
Division number 11. Violations.
Section number 1. Life and human health.
Section number 2. The rights, obligations and responsibilities of the person.
Section number 3. Civil rights, obligations and responsibilities of the person.
Section number 4. National rights, obligations and responsibilities of the person.
Section number 5. The territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Section number 6. Legal conditions in the country.
Section number 7. Legal relations between Ukraine and other countries.
Section number 8. Ideological positions within the country.
Section number 9. Ideological positions in the international space.
Section number 10. Mechanisms of governance and accountability of officials.
Section number 11. System of culture and education in Ukraine.
Section number 12. Business, manufacturing, research and development.