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BlogИерархия сил ВселеннойIFI in sexual relationsVideo interview of the finalist of the project "Top 100. Pride of Ukraine. Men" by Vasily SamolyukThe finalist of the project "Top 100. Pride of Ukraine. Men" is the author of the monumental works "Scientific approach of psychonomy", "Fundamentals of natural psychology", "Anatomy of human psychology" Vasily Samolyuk. Watch video .... To buy a book - Anatomy of Human Psychology
To buy a book. The Scientific Approach to Psychonomy Fundamentals of Natural Psychology
Books on psychonomy - coffee 06/19/2018 at 16.00 pm Ukraine, Odessa,In the city of Odessa on June 19, 2018 at 16.00 in the "House of Scientists" of the Odessa public will be presented the book "The Scientific Approach to Psychonomy Fundamentals of Natural Psychology" and "Anatomy of Human Psychology". Interested in learning more about the capabilities and abilities of a person, as well as those wishing to purchase a book with effective tools of natural psychology technologies, welcome to our event! Video announcement of TC Odessa "Morning on Channel 7". Watch the video. Presentation of the books 6.06.2018 "The scientific approach of psychonomy Fundamentals of natural psychology" and "Anatomy of human psychology"On June 6, two books were presented: "The Scientific Approach to Psychonomy of the Basics of Natural Psychology" and "The Anatomy of Human Psychology" in the Odessa Regional Organization of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine and the TC of Odessa GLAS. Dice with the effect of a frequency gyroscope.December 18 - International Migrants DayThe aggravation of the migration crisis in Europe, the change in the migration policy of the European states. Ukrainian labor migrants, who and how to protect their rights? The channel Kiev Easter! With novoletie - New tiller Year!For whom I have voted in the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2014?Disbanding of the presidency in UkraineVIOLATION OF CURRENCY State border of UkraineThe legal position on foreign currency lending.Since the beginning of the crisis in 2008, millions of citizens of Ukraine received loans from banks in foreign currency Ukraine, faced with the problem of rise in foreign currency against the local currency - the hryvnia and consequently the indebtedness. Banks began mass appeal to the courts of Ukraine claim for collection on concluded credit agreements and borrowers assert their rights infringed by presenting various claims against banks. According to statistics provided by the appellate courts of Ukraine in 2009 for national courts of first instance were 197.6 thousand. Civil cases arising from the credit relationship. In this regard, 07.10.2010, the judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine Luspenykom DD individually prepared generalization of judicial practice civil proceedings arising from credit relations (2009-2010 gg.) who were negotiating at the meeting of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and courts of Ukraine sent for consideration and use (take measures to eliminate shortcomings the administration of justice). This document essentially actually strengthened the rights of creditors and znetsinyv rights of ordinary citizens. Thus, the "legal position Luspenyka DD" to resolve disputes related to agreements and contractual obligations in foreign currency is to ensure that banks legally granted loans in foreign currency to individuals on the basis of a banking license and written permission to trade in currency values. Meanwhile, such a conclusion can not agree, as follows. Since 01.01.2004 entered into force the new Civil Code of Ukraine, which is the main act of civil legislation of Ukraine and has supreme legal force (Article. 4 CC of Ukraine). In content, ch. 2 tbsp. And 192 h. 3. 533 CC of Ukraine the use of foreign currency in Ukraine for obligations may only be, the terms and conditions established by law. This is consistent with prescriptions and art. 99 of the Constitution of Ukraine and n. 1 h. 2 tbsp. 92 of the Constitution of Ukraine that the laws of Ukraine established the status of foreign currency in Ukraine. By the relations that arose after the entry into force of the Central Committee of Ukraine shall apply the provisions of this Code. However, by this time in Ukraine there is no law that would regulate the procedure for the use of foreign currency in Ukraine, and The Bank and obliges citizens of Ukraine to make illegal currency transactions, guided only by the sub-normative acts to be taken pursuant to law, and not a substitute for the law. At this time only a subordinate legal act that regulates legal relations in the sphere of currency regulation is the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control» № 15-93 from 02.19.1993 year. In terms of powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has no right to usurp the powers of the legislature, which he did not and they were his only delegated legislative body - the Supreme Council of Ukraine. Therefore, in view of the rule of law in force in Ukraine and given the rule of law in relation to the regulations, no one can be forced to perpetrate illegal acts. Thus, in the absence of a special law issued by the National Bank of Ukraine from 01.01.2004 (both general and as individual) licenses for foreign currency transactions in lending is illegal because it does not meet the requirements of the current Civil Code of Ukraine. Consequently all currency transactions on credit agreements are invalid, since the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine does not replace a special law had to be passed on 01.01.2004. No law, therefore pursue financing and payments in foreign currency is illegal. Banks refer to the fact that in this special law is the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activity", which is wrong because the law regulates banks. Thus, p. 1 of the Act defines the object and purpose of this law: "This law defines the structure of the banking system, economic, organizational and legal basis of the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of banks." Article 3 of the Law stipulates that the law regulates relations arising in the establishment, registration, reorganization and liquidation of banks. In addition, in respect of the law at the time, he preferred the law, which was adopted later. Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activity" was adopted 07.12.2000 and entered into force after its publication, the Civil Code of Ukraine - from 01.01.2004. Thus, it is again the desire to legalize illegal to provide continuous visibility legality lawlessness. Outlined the legal position used in many court cases and passed all courts but no court of appeal did not satisfy the application filed but not denied. So refusing to meet a claim for recognition of credit contracts invalid on the grounds stipulated hours. 1 tbsp. And 215 h. 1 tbsp. 203 CC of Ukraine, as being not in compliance with the above laws, the courts have not provided any refutation or argument confirming the reason for such refusal. As a result, the motivation of all courts is reduced to mechanical duplication "legal position Luspennyka", which was given away to other legal aspects. In cases with the above legal position, the impression that judicial decisions concerning some other things but not this. Source: Member of the Board of Legal Affairs and co-director of the commission on social and labor issues MHOU "Fourth Wave", member of the Board of Legal Affairs and Chairman Mykalayivskoho regional branch of the All-Ukrainian NGO "Ukrainian Mutual" Odessa regional member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine Vasyl L. Samolyuk. Ukrainians - the titular nation of Ukraine[vote-33] Revocable right of Voters of UkraineOpen Ukrainians vote in electionsIdentification of Ukrainians in the world[vote-30] Polls, statistics, analytics[vote-30] "Ukrainian Mutual" Social OrganizationCONCEPT OF SBI "Ukrainian vzaєmodopomoga." Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" was established at the founding conference in Kyiv on 17 November 2003, has local offices in 24 regions and Crimea. The main goal of the organization is to protect the interests of Ukrainian citizens living abroad, public help to tackle the causes of mass migration of Ukrainians abroad and creating the preconditions and mechanisms of their return to their homeland. Organization dedicated to the protection of civil, professional, social, and economic rights and ensuring national, cultural, informational, and other common interests of Ukrainian citizens who are temporarily abroad to work, and their families in Ukraine. During the period of operation, the SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" holds an important social work to social-legal protection, the awakening of civic activity and consolidation of Ukrainian citizens abroad to establish and develop effective relationships with Ukrainians fourth wave of migration and immigration, he studies the social aspirations of the citizens Ukraine, who are abroad on earnings or try to go back, he studies the challenges that Ukraine faces the fourth wave of emigration, and looking for solutions, and supports community initiatives of Ukrainian citizens abroad, promotes the formation of a new environment in the Ukrainian emigration network of professional, trade union, cultural, informational, educational, children's and youth, sports, charities and other organizations distribute to Ukrainian migrant workers information about Ukraine, in particular the regions of their origin, and in Ukraine - about their situation in the host countries, promotes human rights, consolidation and preserving the integrity of the Ukrainian society. SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" organized the World I. (constituent) congress of the latest wave of migration and emigration from Ukraine (18-19 August 2006) and was the creation of the basic structure of the International NGO Ukrainians "Four Hvilya", designed to integrate and coordinate the activities of many Ukrainian companies and public organizations of modern migration and emigration wave. SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" systematically holds round tables, seminars and conferences on the Ukrainian education and culture abroad, management and reduction of the latest migration and emigration flows from Ukraine. In 2008, SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" together with MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" a large-scale international cultural community project - Relay cultures of European nations "Serce Єvropi." The "Serce Єvropi" is aimed at consolidating the Ukrainian creative forces abroad, mainly in European countries for a common goal - the spiritual, cultural, social and economic development of Ukraine. However, the call for cooperation on an equal footing with public and state organizations of Ukrainians stay with societies of national minorities in Ukraine. This initiative promotes public policy of the Ukrainian state on the active involvement of Ukrainian foreign societies in the process of formation of the nation state and the consolidation of Ukrainian society. In 2008, in a broad cultural and social project, an International Plein Air Ukrainian artists and photographers from abroad "Serce Єvropi", dedicated to the International Children's Day. Plein Air was held from 1 to 10 June, p. Tower and the surrounding villages Velikobereznyanskogo district, Transcarpathian region, where the borders of Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland. On the basis of cultural events SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" and MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" initiated the establishment of the Ukrainian capital, the Gallery of Modern Ukrainian Art in the world (Gallery SUIVM). Need for such a gallery just in time - it must be collected scattered around the world the works of Ukrainian artists, mostly young and promising talent who ends up in private collections abroad and forever lost to Ukraine. SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" also deals with the return of the Ukrainian cultural environment names of prominent people of Ukraine. These initiatives aim to raise the prestige of the Ukrainian culture and science, and the restoration of spiritual and intellectual potential of the Ukrainian society. SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" and MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" initiated the introduction of coherent strategy of Ukraine's development strategy of Ukraine's cooperation with Ukrainians abroad, on social and economic state of the "return to the homeland of Ukrainian labor migrants," that will renew and develop genetic, spiritual intellectual, physical, reproductive, creative, scientific and economic potential of the Ukrainian society and will encourage the Ukrainian state to protect its citizens around the world and to the elimination of the country's socio-economic reasons for the mass migration of Ukrainians. Tip SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga." "The fourth hvilya" International NGO UkrainiansCONCEPT OF MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" Creation of an international public organization of Ukrainians "FOURTH Hvilya" initiated and conducted its founding congress Alexander shock - known public figure, the chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" with the support of Ukrainian communities abroad for an organized, systematic cooperation between representatives of the newest waves of Ukrainian labor migration and emigration public organizations and state bodies of Ukraine and countries of their residence. MOOU cofounders of the "Fourth Hvilya" became the SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" (founded in Kiev November 17, 2003), which has local offices in 24 regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukrainian and 48 international non-governmental organizations from 23 countries (the founding congress was held in Kiev on August 19 2006). The main purpose MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" - Ukrainian association of a new, fourth, migration and emigration waves for the exercise and protection of their civil, professional, social and economic rights, support the professional interests and civil self-help and assist in their return to Ukraine. The primary objective MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" - wide involvement to solve problems of the Ukrainian labor migration patterns of public and private sectors of Ukraine and the countries of residence of the Ukrainian citizens, and most important task - to return to their homeland and Ukrainians play structure of Ukrainian society. Ideologem MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" - "The Ukrainians - for Ukraine" - the essence of the state ideology envisages the creation and conservation of independent power of each person and the Ukrainian national team identity of the people and their right and duty to create a national culture and the independent national state. With the affirmation of the human personality and the self-organization of the team begins individual people and the nation. On the universal principle of self-produced all the living structure of the world and the unity of the human world. The process of self-organization of the human world - it kulturosozidanie or second, the spiritual birth of the people. National culture - a system of self-organization, self-development of the nation. Only a single system of Ukrainian national culture, we will restore the structure of Ukrainian ethnic society on mainland Ukrainian world and create self-organized, self-managing, self-protection a national resource system with its spiritual and intellectual and natural and economic factors - the independent nation-state as a system of social order. Through its public bodies in Ukraine and abroad MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" establish direct communication with migrant workers who are legally or illegally to work abroad, so that they were in sight of the Ukrainian community, and encourages the Ukrainian state to protect its Citizens around the world and to the elimination of the country's socio-economic causes of mass migration of Ukrainians. MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" and SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" initiated the introduction of coherent strategy of Ukraine's development strategy of Ukraine's cooperation with Ukrainians abroad, comprehensive socio-economic state of the "Return of the Native Ukrainian labor migrants", which will ensure the restoration and development of genetic, spiritual intellectual, physical, reproductive, creative, scientific and economic potential of the Ukrainian society. MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" is designed to be directly involved in solving large complex problems faced by overseas Ukrainians newest wave of labor migration and immigration and their families, especially children, who remained in Ukraine. MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" promotes among migrants and new immigrants a network of professional, trade, support, information and cultural, charitable and other organizations. One of the activities of the organization - promoting registration of Ukrainian migrants in the consular offices of Ukraine abroad and governments legalize their stay, which creates conditions for the conclusion of bilateral agreements on temporary labor migration of our citizens. This will guarantee real social protection of Ukrainian citizens, provide them with the realization of civil rights, including voting rights and pensions, as well as contribute to the conclusion of illegal labor migration from the shadows. MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" operates through a structure specialized divisions: 1. Ukrainian World Information Network (UMIS). 2. International Center of the Ukrainian media. 3. International publishing center. 4. Ukrainian world economic network (UMES). 5. International center of business and scientific-technical cooperation. 6. Clearing house for small and medium businesses. 7. Research institution "Ukrainians of the world." 8. Commission for the Conservation of ethnic and cultural identity of the Ukrainian people. 9. Commission on Children and Youth Movement and education. 10. The Commission on the legal protection of migrant workers. 11. Commission on social issues and work. 12. Committee on Health Care, health care and sports. Principles of activity MOOU a "fourth Hvilya": mutual assistance of all components of the global Ukrainian community on traditional moral principles of mutual aid and self-organization in order to preserve a coherent framework of Ukrainian ethnic society in Ukraine and prevention of demographic and economic crisis, the interaction of the old and new emigration to approve Ukrainians as an independent force - cultural , social, economic - around the world and the public in creating mutual independent Ukrainian state. The Council of Representatives MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" Will of the people - the leading principle-the law!
– Олександре Андрійовичу, Верховна Рада України днями прийняла постанову щодо гарантій збереження та розвитку етнічної, культурної, мовної та релігійної самобутності кримськотатарського народу, його захисту та реалізації невід’ємного права на самовизначення у складі суверенної і незалежної Української держави. По суті, визнано статус кримських татар як корінного народу України тоді, коли він опинився на окупованій росіянами території.
– Так, тільки тепер, після анексії Криму Росією, ВРУ прийняла постанову про визнання кримських татар корінним народом Криму й України. Хоч проект відповідного закону було підготовлено ще 2003 року. А взагалі з визначенням корінних народів в Україні – української титульної нації й корінного народу Криму запізнились на 23 роки. Тоді, коли приймали Декларацію про державний суверенітет України, треба було чітко означити, що в Україні корінний народ – українці, в Криму – кримські татари, а представники інших народів – національні меншини. Найперше, не було б ніяких підстав для спекуляцій на темі «поліетнічності» України й не виникало б питання про другу державну мову – російську тощо. Нинішнім конфліктам в українському суспільстві знаходимо певну підставу і в чинній Конституції, де записано, що «український народ – це громадяни України всіх національностей». Ця норма списана з Конституції Радянського Союзу. Зрозуміло, там провадився процес нівелювання, так званої інтернаціоналізації, всіх народів, які населяли СРСР. Сам термін «радянський народ» сьогодні викликає подив, бо тим псевдоетнонімом прикривали деструктивний процес поглинання більшовицькою імперією цілих національних світів і перетворення народі на біомасу. Власне, то був експеримент винародовлення, наслідки якого пожинаємо досі в Україні. У заголовній тезі чинної Конституції України отим абсурдним визначенням українського народу запрограмована знеособленість не тільки титульної української нації, а й представників усіх інших національностей. Так з Основного закону вилучено природну правову підставу української національної ідентичності й підмінено її оманливою громадянською ідентичністю в чужій народові «чужоїдній» (паразитарній) «державі в державі» (визначення П. Куліша), де люди – пожиточна маса. А українці ж є домінантним титульним етносом в Україні – становлять 78 % українського суспільства. А згідно з міжнародною правовою нормою, коли корінний народ становить 67 % суспільства, воно визнається як моноетнічне. А основне життєве питання: за міжнародним правом, корінний народ має право власності на природні ресурси, на надра своєї країни. Ось чому чужинці виривають природну кореневу систему в корінного українського народу. Отже, в новій Конституції необхідно визначити статус українців як корінного титульного народу Української держави і на цій основі чітко виписати всі інші норми. Національна ідентичність української корінної людності – «збірної особи народу» (П. Куліш), «суцільного культурного організму нації» (І. Франко) – має стати основою громадянської ідентичності українського суспільства та реальної політичної самостійності України. Суттю української національної ідентичності є моральна зрілість і духовний тип людини агрокультури. На цій традиційній культурно-господарській основі й розвинеться самостійна сила збірного духу українського народу – його воля.
– Часом люди з непевністю допитуються: за що депортували кримських татар у травні 1944 року з їхньої історичної батьківщини, з Криму?
– Офіційно в постанові Комітету оборони СРСР від 11 травня 1944 року кримських татар звинуватили в «зраді Батьківщини», у співпраці з німецьким окупаційним режимом. Звичайно, були серед татар, як і серед інших народів, окремі особи, які співпрацювали з німецьким окупаційним режимом. Але цілий народ не може бути зрадником самого себе, бо кожен корінний народ живе своєю волею на своїй рідній землі. Отож, масову депортацію кримських татар треба визначати як геноцид – винищення за національним мотивом. Таку масову геноцидну депортацію більшовицький режим запланував був учинити й українцям. За наказом Народного комісаріату внутрішніх справ та Народного комісаріату оборони від 22 червня 1944 року, підписаного Берією й Жуковим, вирішено було «Выслать в отдаленные края Союза ССР всех украинцев, проживавших под властью немецких оккупантов. …выселение начать после того, как будет собран урожай и сдан государству…». Чому не виселили? Нібито на всіх українців не вистачило ешелонів. Вистачило тільки на частину галичан, на кримських татар і малочисельних народів Північного Кавказу. Більшовики вчиняли депортації й геноциди над народами, які не ставали їхніми рабами. А прислужники різних режимів були й є в усіх народів, на відміну од вільних людей, які стараються зберегти самостійність за будь-якої влади. Ось і зараз стає видно, хто в Криму прислуговує російському окупаційному режимові… Відомо, що виселивши з Криму корінний народ, більшовицький режим натомість активно заселяв його російськими військовими відставниками, які вже в нинішніх українських реаліях відіграли свою вирішальну сепаратистську роль як «п’ята колона». Зрештою, таку «п’яту колону» було сформовано в східних і південних областях України ще після винищення там корінної української людності голодомором 1932–33 років. Повернення татар було формальне, бо фактично людям не повернули землі, й по суті вони змушені були ставати самоселами. Думаю, що аналогічно діятиме Росія й тепер – постане питання зачистки, відбирання землі у кримських татар, як уже відбирають квартири в родин українських військовослужбовців та громадських активістів. Відбуватиметься зачистка тих, хто не визнаватиме режиму нинішньої кримінальної адміністрації Криму, а їх місце займуть нові переселенці з Росії. А щодо нинішнього рішення ВРУ, то це скачок навздогін. Хоч тепер кримські татари отримали правову підставу для відновлення своєї державності. І вже курултай прийняв рішення про початок політичних і правових процедур по створенню національно-територіальної автономії кримськотатарського народу.
– Захоплення Росією Криму – це випробування і самостійницьких прагнень кримських татар, і самостійної політики цілої України…
– На Кримові проявилась і агресивна, шовіністична суть колонізаторського режиму Росії, й неспроможність «нової» влади в Україні захистити українське суспільство від агресії й зберегти цілісність країни. Традиційно васальна влада в Україні продавала й продає її природні й людські ресурси за власні вигоди. Вже стало очевидним, що нинішня влада просто здає Україну Росії частинами. Суттю клептократичної влади є гроші. А гра в політику – це на публіку. Але одурманена політичними ігрищами публіка сліпо вірить своїм клептократам. Виявилось також, що і в Росії, і в Україні при владі немає політиків – самі клептомани, а отже нема стратегії розвитку обох країн. Росія вже 360 років експлуатує Україну як свою колонію, а українські васали й досі вдають із себе незалежних правителів. Хоч насправді вони – колоніальна адміністрація. Спільне в обох правлячих еліт – вони думають тільки про власне збагачення. А кремлівські колонізатори думають ще й спецопераціями: як зберегти загарбане, повернути втрачене й загарбати нові землі. Російська імперська свідомість оперує тільки просторовим виміром, у ній відсутній чинник культурного саморозвитку. Звідси цинізм російської імперської пропаганди, розрахованої на ідіотів. І саме ідіотизм імперської маси роздуває популізм свого вождя – нахабного, цинічного, агресивного монстра. А той тріумфом своєї агресії відволікає імперську масу від проблем її власного животіння. Аби мати привід для інтервенції, окупації, російський колоніальний режим постійно шукає зовнішнього ворога, влаштовує провокації, диверсії, терор через свою «п’яту колону» й криміналітет. Сила російського колоніального режиму – в його імперській агресивності. Слабкість України – в відсутності самостійної політики як системи управління державними справами. Як каже композитор Валентин Сильвестров: «Нинішня політика – суцільна какофонія. Це не ті ноти. Дириґентові треба негайно виправляти всю партитуру». Але замість системи політики в нас діє клан політологів і політтехнологів – маніпуляторів масовою свідомістю, агентів зовнішнього впливу, виконавців чужої волі…
– Навіть у ЗМІ вже достатньо інформації щодо кримінального досьє у нинішніх самопроголошених начальників Криму…
– Взагалі треба сказати про роль криміналітету в Україні, який особливо проявився у формі Антимайдану й нині заявляє про себе на Півдні й Сході. Власне, скажу їхньою термінологією: в Криму, як і в цілому в Україні, три останні роки насаджували режим «сучої зони», коли тюремна адміністрація віддала кримінальникам усю повноту влади. В результаті «суки» нещадно грабували людей, країну, нехтуючи державними законами й навіть кримінальними поняттями – чинили свавілля («беспредел»). Процес остаточної зачистки України не завершився, оскільки заключною фазою мало бути перетворення всієї країни в офшорну зону. Цілком зрозуміло, що для орудування в ній потрібні були вже «цивілізовані» – навчені й спритні олігархи, наступники попередніх кримінальників. Цей перехід мав відбутися через чергові президентські вибори. Але стихійні суспільні процеси в Україні порушили кремлівський сценарій. Оскільки в кремлівських адміністраторів немає стратегії, вони як службисти оперують різними варіантами спецоперацій. Коли зірвалася спецоперація в масштабах цілої України, вони взялися за Крим, застосувавши тактику «мирної» окупації. Ганебну здачу Криму з людьми, з природними ресурсами, з унікальними військовими об’єктами, з народним господарством можна розцінювати як наслідок таємних торгів нових адміністраторів України з метрополією, аби зберегти за собою владу на решті території. Нові адміністратори й незмінні олігархи лишають недоторканими свої корупційні й офшорні схеми, а в Україні розгортають офшорні схеми для своїх партнерів із Росії. У Криму вже всі ознаки кримінально-офшорної зони, яку насадив московський окупаційний режим, прикриваючись бажанням певної категорії російського населення «жить и умереть в России».
– Час сьогодні чітко означив потребу невідкладних перемін – це нова Конституція, це кардинальна заміна нинішнього антинародного режиму на систему стратегічного управління, нові механізми гарантування безпеки від агресії військової, інформаційної, економічної…
– Політика самостійної держави засновується на системі культури корінного народу. Саме культура як система саморозвитку має визначати принципи політики. А в нас досі діє поняття: «Грабуй, переділяй і споживай!». В Україні, на жаль, немає жодного політика, жодної політичної партії, які мали б стратегію розвитку України й засновану на ній систему управління державою. Ці 23 роки з проголошення суверенності України наше суспільство існувало в омані, що маємо незалежну державу. Зараз приходить усвідомлення, що Росія інакше й не розглядала Україну, а тільки як свою колонію, яку перетворювала в офшорну зону. Саме для цього остаточно зруйновано обороноздатність країни! Аж коли почалась російська агресія, ми гарячково взялися за залишки армії, кинулись до військової доктрини, якої в нас немає. Тепер олігархи купують пальне, акумулятори для техніки армійських підрозділів, а люди постачають солдатам харчі… Зрештою, нинішні владарі в Україні – це в основному представники фінансових груп. У нас нема політичної опозиції до влади, а є конкуренти в боротьбі за «корито» – за державний бюджет. І ворогуючі партійні клани не зважають на потреби суспільства. На зміну криміналітету попереднього партійного клану прийшли кримінальні прислужники нинішнього партійного кагалу, які далі контролюють бізнес і тероризують суспільство. А в людей немає життя, бо немає ясного бачення його перспективи. 23 роки проговорили про якусь абстрактну національну ідею й лише тепер починаємо отямлюватись. Та за той час еліта згубила совість, розікрала й запродала Україну, а народ втратив соціальний імунітет: моральний орієнтир і почуття справедливості, волю до життя й відвагу, людську гідність і честь, обов’язок і відповідальність. Як і застерігав Т. Шевченко: «Присплять, лукаві, і в огні її, окраденою, збудять...». Прокинулись – і не розуміємо, як нам жити далі, до чого прикласти свої сили? Точкою прикладення суспільної сили має стати ідея. Національна ідея – це життєва програма народу. Народ має збірну душу і має знати, що йому потрібно робити для щасливого життя на своїй землі. Перший пункт нашої національної ідеї – звільнення від колоніального гніту Росії. Далі постає питання: «Як нам уладувати життя?». Оце основний пункт – стратегія розвитку. Тільки на основі стратегії може бути поступ! Передусім необхідно звільнитись од масового колоніального психозу, що є наслідком гіпнотичної дії російської імперської пропаганди. Потрібно розвивати самостійну політичну свідомість, засновану на традиційних світоглядних цінностях. Народові належить вийти на шлях самостійного життя –повноцінного самоврядування. Переорієнтація з доктрини центральної влади на місцеве самоврядування убезпечить Україну від федералізації, яку намагається насадити Росія через свою «п’яту колону». До слова, система місцевого самоврядування успішно діяла на українських землях до 1914 року. В кожному селі, містечку був свій сход, були повітові сходи, по суті діяло наше давнє вічове право. До того ж, колосальну роботу виконували земства, як органи місцевого самоврядування. Тому в Російській імперії була мінімальна кількість управлінців, чиновників. Зрештою, в Грузії тепер майже на 90 відсотків скоротили чиновницький апарат, набрали нових людей, може, й без належного досвіду. Але в них є розуміння, що треба робити, аби люди жили нормально. Кожна вільна людина скаже найперше: «Не заважайте мені жити!». Бо в людях живе дух волі. Й людям не треба наказувати, ставати на заваді – люди самі наведуть лад у себе в селі, в місті, в країні. – Ще одне злободенне питання: як ліквідувати корупцію? – Основою корупції є партійно-олігархічні клани: кадрові призначення, контроль над розподілом бюджету й грошовими потоками, хабарі, побори тощо. Як можна призначати міністрів оборони, МВС, керівника СБУ за партійною ознакою?!. Ці люди мають бути позапартійні. Взагалі партії деструктурували наше суспільство. Якщо брати загальну кількість виборців, то партійні виборці становлять лише 1,5 %. Тепер тільки партії формують виборчі списки, й навіть мажоритарники тим чи іншим чином приписані до партій. І для суспільства нема різниці – закриті чи відкриті партійні списки, основна біда в тому, що партії перекривають доступ звичайним громадянам до управління країною. Отже, партії узурпували, привласнили конституційне право народу бути «носієм суверенітету і єдиним джерелом влади в Україні», здійснювати «владу безпосередньо і через органи державної влади та органи місцевого самоврядування». Конституційне народовладдя підмінено партійно-олігархічною диктатурою, і кланова «держава в державі» (чи то у формі номеклатурно-кримінального режиму, чи в формі олігархату) 23 роки узурпує виключне право народу «визначати і змінювати конституційний лад в Україні». В результаті партійно-кримінально-олігархічної узурпації замість задекларованої в Конституції республіканської форми держави й відповідної політики як системи управління державними справами в Україні насаджено паразитарну «державу в державі» й відповідну антисистему влади, яка владарює – володіє людськими й природними ресурсами, а не ладує в ній, яка тримається на підкупності й продажності політиків і чиновників усіх рівнів та їхніх громадських прислужників. Тож нема чого дивуватися, що державні чиновники й військові чини і далі безкарно запродують Україну. – Далі постає питання: звідки починати – з «верхів», з «низів»? – Як кажуть у народі «Риба псується з голови, а чистити починають з хвоста». Щоб вивести країну з тотальної кризи необхідно почати оживляти комплексно весь суспільний організм. Слабкість України – в відсутності самостійної української політики. Партії в Україні – не політичні організації, а кланово-фінансові угруповання. І ті партійні клани узурпували владу в Україні через свою пропорційну виборчу систему й позбавили народ можливості здійснювати своє конституційне право – бути джерелом влади. Адже 1,5 відсотка маріонеткових партійних виборців не представляють інтересів цілого суспільства. Через партійну диктатуру в жодних органах влади в Україні немає належного за Конституцією представництва українського суспільства. Нас нібито представляють партії, а насправді то свати, куми, сини й дочки, й усі за гроші. Олігархи купують у партійних списках місця для депутатів, і ті лобіюють інтереси кланово-фінансових груп, а потім їх ще перекуповують для просування й підтримки корупційних законопроектів. Ось тому сформована на кланово-фінансовій, корупційній основі ВРУ й не є вищим політичним представницьким органом народу. А новоявлені уряд і в. о. президента вже за кілька днів показали не тільки свою нездатність управляти країною, а й свою запроданську суть. Бо вони не самостійні політики, а кадрові дублери, ставленики зовнішніх сил, і здають Україну за чужим сценарієм. У цей загрозливий для України час ні ВРУ, ні уряд, ні в. о. п., ні жодна партія не прийняли політичного рішення на захист українського суспільства та забезпечення цілісності країни. Тому необхідно усунути від владарювання в країні всі політичні партії й структурувати суспільство на засадах традиційного природно-звичаєвого права – у звичній для нас системі самоврядування волею національного духу. Адже «право – це явище національного духу» (П. Юркевич). Навіть за царизму в Україні ефективно діяли сільські сходи й земські управи – органи місцевого самоврядування на основі нашого традиційного вічового права. Більшовики знищили все те й запровадили свою партійну диктатуру. Досі система суспільного самоврядування й самозахисту діє у Швейцарії. Люди збираються й громадою вирішують не тільки свої місцеві справи, а й загальнодержавні. Така традиція вічового права була донедавна і в Україні. Так було й за Хмельниччини, коли в народу прокинувся дух волі. Під впливом народного духу гетьман змушений був очолити селянську війну за звільнення від панства. Але так звана визвольна війна закінчилась крахом – Хмельницький із старшиною здали Московщині народні інтереси заради убезпечення від Польщі «своїх», награбованих, маєтностей. Відтоді й почалася колонізація України. Але досі живе в народній пам’яті, що тоді в людях прокинувся дух волі. І нині подібна ситуація. Відразу запрацювали механізми самоврядування, самоуправління, самозахисту. Дух волі живе у людях. Людям тільки не треба заважати, й вони самі наведуть лад у себе в селі, в місті, в країні.Настав історичний момент, коли українське суспільство покликане звільнитись від необільшовицького партноменклатурно-кримінального режиму в Україні, який привласнив усенародне багатство, надбане за 74 роки більшовицької експлуатації, й 23 роки прикривався облудою «незалежності» – псевдонаціональною атрибутикою й примарною демократією, яка зводиться до права більшості на «корито» як джерело особистого збагачення. Тож починати слід із ліквідації самого «корита» – паразитарного корупційного розподілу партійно-кримінальним кагалом усенародного багатства, інакше примарнодемократичній конкуренції влади й «опозиції» не буде кінця. – Виходить, позбутись нинішнього абсурду й відродити політику як систему самоврядування, самоуправління можливо тільки на основі відродження культури суспільства? – Дивлячись на абсурдність нинішньої квазіполітики у світі, часто згадую нашого видатного економіста й державника Михайла Туган-Барановського, який сказав: «Політика ніколи не може бути вищою від рівня культури!». Культура – це принцип і процес саморозвитку людського світу. За принципом культури саморозвиваються всі народи у світі. Але для саморозвитку необхідно мати запас самостійної енергії. А цієї самостійної сили в нас нині немає. Суспільство обікрадене. В казні немає грошей, як еквіваленту суспільної енергії. У людей немає самостійної сили, бо вони обдурені й обікрадені. Має бути основа прикладення людської сили, основа консолідації всіх наших зусиль. Цією основою має стати національна ідея – життєва програма збірної душі народу. Якби люди осягнули цю істину – цю програму, вони знали б, що їм необхідно робити. Свого часу в Радянському Союзі була програма партії, яка чітко визначала орієнтири розвитку країни на п’ять чи сім років. Але ж то була тільки ілюзія соціалізму, якого партія й не збиралась будувати для народу. Тоді партія керувала й розпоряджалась усім народним багатством – володіла розподільниками для партноменклатури, яка жила по суті при комунізмі. А люди трудами своїми забезпечували той комунізм паразитів. Моделлю паразитарної «держави в державі» є ієрархічна піраміда як схема визиску. Моделлю суспільного саморозвитку є коло як знак вічової ради, символ культури. Для саморозвитку необхідна взаємодія, взаємодопомога всіх продуктивних сил в Україні й українському зарубіжжі як складової частини Українського світу. Енергія саморозвитку здатна анігілювати піраміду паразитарного визиску й заснованої на ньому антисистеми нинішньої влади. Спадкоємці колишньої партноменклатури, колишні комсомольці, в основному недоуки-трієчники, стали тепер олігархами-олігофренами та продажними чиновниками. Вся та паразитарна нелюдська нечисть витісняє з усіх суспільних сфер талановитих, енергійних людей. І ці люди, які становили собою український середній клас, стали зайвими в Україні й не знаходять гідного застосування своїм здібностям у себе вдома, тож змушені виїздити в чужі країни й там поповнювати продуктивний середній клас. В Україні почнеться відродження суспільного єства й системи державного управління, коли відновиться український середній клас. Для того, щоб не було зверхників-паразитів і проміжної паразитарної ланки в системі виробництво-реалізація, яка привласнює 90 відсотків доходів, необхідно ліквідувати саму можливість паразитарної наживи й повернутися до кооперативного принципу взаємодії, взаємодопомоги всіх ланок виробництва, реалізації й отримання доходів. Кооперативний принцип взаємодопомоги – основа розвитку національної економіки. За цієї умови ресурс суспільної енергії починає максимально наростати. Нинішні 28 податків – це грабіж, обдирають людей, як липку. Треба дати людям можливість працювати, а напрацьоване нікуди не дінеться – напрацьоване у взаємообміні посилить нашу суспільну енергію. А соціальні паразити експлуатують народ як останнього раба. Ми маємо реалізувати людський, професійний і господарський потенціал на користь кожній родині й суспільству в цілому. Наприклад, як пропонує відомий бізнес-філософ Геннадій Балашов: встановити податок з реалізації 5 відсотків, і 10 відсотків соціального податку, й це дасть можливість розвиватись людям культурно, соціально й економічно. Але нові владарі замість створення умов для економічно-соціального зростання українського суспільства узаконюють його визиск (як свого часу більшовики розкуркулювали селян) та збереження партноменклатурної корупції. Виходить, владарі провокують в Україні економічний застій і збідніння людей для власного збагачення. Нинішня Україна нагадує бідний колгосп – заповідник державно-паразитарного соціалізму. А на чому ж багатіють країни? На тому, що держава не оббирає суспільство, а забезпечує йому можливість самому розвиватися. Ось і перший пункт стратегії – дати можливість людям саморозвиватися. Треба звільнятися від корупційних тенет паразитарної державної піраміди та обслуговуючого її продажного чиновництва. Можливий такий оптимальний варіант – три управлінські структури: 1. Відомство культурно-соціального розвитку й внутрішньої політики; 2. Відомство науки й народного господарства; 3. Відомство оборони й зовнішньої політики. А в цих структурах мають працювати малочисельні й результативні галузеві департаменти. Новий принцип організації їх роботи – система управління за цілями й результатами. В нашій задекларованій як незалежна, але фіктивній державі всім орудує корумпована паразитарна «держава у державі» – колоніальний інститут експлуатації, насильства й проїдання. На тлі зубожіння корінного народу маємо приклади непристойного, абсурдного збагачення паразитів-чужоїдів. Більшість визискувачів уже не можна навіть назвати людьми. До слова, світогляд нашого народу чітко розмежовує людей і нелюдів. Деградація людини до нелюда не залежить від національності. Головне треба усвідомити, що сподіватися не можна ні на кого: ні на так звану політичну облудну еліту, ні на зовнішні сили. Звичайно, прагнення бути самостійними може зреалізуватися, коли ми матимемо достатньо самостійної сили. Поки що й далі піддаємося чужинцям, як почав це робити сумнозвісний гетьман 360 років тому. Важливо вирватися з колоніальної залежності й піти в спілку з людьми. А набравшись сили, можна й нейтралітет проголошувати.Нинішнє становище України ускладнюється ще й геополітичними чинниками: ми перебуваємо на перетині глобальних інтересів євразійського й трансатлантичного векторів фінансової цивілізації, на межі зіткнення культури людей і безкультур’я нелюдів. Через потужну транзитну територію України проходить лінія фронту економічної геополітичної боротьби між Сходом і Заходом. До того ж, Україною як підконтрольною територією Росія убезпечує себе від безпосереднього сусідства з країнами НАТО – міжнародної політично-військової організації. Для цього російська імперська пропаганда цинічно мусує облудну тезу про Україну як квазідержавне утворення, яке не здатне до самостійного життя й потребує опіки Росії. Для виходу з цього кризового становища, необхідна потужна збірна воля українського суспільства, делегована системі тимчасового військово-політичного колегіального управління країною з негайним усуненням від влади соціально деструктивних чинників – усіх партій та інституту президентства…
– Отже, це ті першочергові заходи, яких необхідно вжити, аби убезпечити наших людей і країну від російської агресії та забезпечити суспільний саморозвиток?
– Так, зараз для убезпечення України від зовнішньої російської агресії й внутрішнього тероризму «п’ятої колони», для подолання злочинної бездіяльності влади, для збереження територіальної цілісності країни й системи культури, для консолідації українського суспільства на основі національної ідеї-програми та повернення українському народові конституційного права бути джерелом влади, для запровадження системи управління соціально-економічним розвитком України необхідно невідкладно запровадити: 1. Систему тимчасового військово-політичного управління країною з колегіальним органом – Українська Військово-політична Рада. За 23 роки панування колоніальної адміністрації Україна послідовно втрачала обороноздатність і не набула суверенітету, а суспільство остаточно збідніло й розкололось на дві антагоністичні частини за орієнтацією на дві основні владні партії – ПР і ВО «Батьківщина». Отже, партії не стали політичною силою, здатною об’єднати й зміцнити українське суспільство. 2. Мораторій на всі партії й відповідно ліквідація фракцій у Верховній Раді та звільнення всіх органів державного управління від партійної номенклатури й залучення до управління в центрі й на місцях професіоналів. Управлінці мають керуватися не вузькими партійно-клановими вигодами, а загальнонаціональними інтересами, а їхнє основне завдання – забезпечення саморозвитку цілого українського суспільства. Ліквідація партій як деструктивних і корупційно-паразитарних організацій звільнить суспільство від партійної диктатури, поверне народові його конституційне право бути джерелом влади, поверне в бюджет колосальні кошти, акумульовані в партійних фракціях, а також звільнить бізнес від паразитарного партійного лобіювання. 3. Парламентську систему Української держави й ліквідувати інститут президентства. Парламентська система має ґрунтуватись на єдиній національній державницькій ідеології. Організаційним принципом парламенту має бути наша вічова традиція приймати одностайно (консенсусом) рішення в інтересах цілого суспільства. Парламент має бути професійний з оптимальною чисельністю (150 осіб). Обрання до парламенту й до місцевих рад усіх рівнів здійснювати на мажоритарній основі з дієвим механізмом відкликання виборцями свого депутата в разі неналежного виконання ним делегованих йому повноважень. Провести замість президентських виборів вибори до Верховної Ради та до місцевих рад. Інститут президентства за 23 роки показав не тільки низьку політичну ефективність і високу фінансову затратність, а й нездатність об’єднувати українське суспільство. Навпаки, президентські вибори збурюють суспільне протистояння й призводять суспільство до розколу, бо ще жоден із президентів не мав усенародної довіри, бо президенти – ставленики фінансово-олігархічних кланів і зовнішніх сил. А умовно обраний половиною виборців президент працює не в інтересах цілого суспільства, а для вигоди фінансових груп, які привели його до влади, та відпрацьовує своїм покровителям із-за кордону. Тому жоден президент не став гарантом незалежності України, а гарантував лише її залежність від паразитарних кланово-фінансові угруповань і зовнішніх сил. Деморалізований «гарант» як агент чужого впливу неминуче призводить до деморалізації все суспільство. Невластивий українцям інститут президентства дійшов до остаточної деградації й засвідчив свою суспільну неспроможність. Новообраний парламент як вищий представницький орган українського суспільства зобов’язаний невідкладно внести основоположні доповнення до Конституції України. Для убезпечення України від геноцидного процесу винародовлення титульної нації й представників усіх інших національностей та від політичних спекуляцій на мовно-національних питаннях, для збереження цілісності українського суспільства й забезпечення його саморозвитку на основі культури з ресурсу самостійної внутрішньої сили, в Конституції України узаконюються такі основоположні світоглядно-правові засади: Український народ – корінна, титульна українська нація, моноетнічне етнокультурне ядро цілісного українського суспільства й основа його політичної національної ідентичності; Українське суспільство – різноетнічна соціально-політично-правова цілісність із громадянською ідентичністю, сконсолідована довкола моноетнічного ядра корінного українського народу, домінантної титульної української нації; Українська національна ідея – життєва програма збірної душі українського народу й основа саморозвитку українського суспільства з власних первенів власними силами, основа суспільного ладу. Українська національна державницька ідеологія – світоглядна система традиційних ціннісних духовно-соціально-правових орієнтирів самовладованого життя українського суспільства на основі української національної ідеї та на правових засадах усенародної волі й вселюдського морального принципу; Воля – принцип-закон, який одностайно, усвідомлено приймають усі громадяни й якого всі дотримуються, бо воля стає дієвим принципом для кожного в триєдності прав, обов’язків та відповідальності. Воля – вияв національного духу, природно-звичаєва правова основа самовладованого життя українського суспільства на вселюдському моральному принципі. Воля народу – провідний принцип-закон його самостійного життя! Спілкувався Петро Кулінець
Укрінформ 16:08 24.03.2014 http://www.ukrinform.ua/ukr/news/agresiya_rosiii_zmushue__nevidkladno_napisati_y_priynyati_novu_konstitutsiyu_ukraiini___shokalo_1921275
Всеукраїнський культурологічний тижневик «Слово Просвіти», ч. 13, 3–9 квітня 2014 р. Russia's aggression forces immediately write and adopt a new Constitution of Ukraine - expertRuss Three-dimensional map of 1728 horoscopesIn 2012 of December, 21 23 : 00 the new era of Aquarius inuresOf the historical roots of human civilizations, numerous useful knowledge about the existence of man, of the structures of society and the culture of social relations of the individual. In parallel with the many tasks of the life of humanity tried and tries to penetrate the laws up their lives and in the laws of the structure of the environment. And one had to have in any of their activities generate action standards to develop social and academic relations intelligent and methodical growth. The ability to measure the time it became the main engine of human progress, people today in their lives measures the period of time. Calendars for the modern man are valuable, he uses them as a map of the past, present and future. In modern society, there are a number of calendars that can characterize the two-hour interval, day, month, year, twelve years old, the age, the age or era. In ancient times, the length of time the influence of the era called differently. For example, the transition from one era to another is called "end of the world", the "end times" and a number of other definitions. Contemporaries interpreted differently transition from one era to another, their explanations rely on the objectivity used their knowledge or self-concoction. The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012 on the transition of eras zodiac sign Pisces Zodiac sign Aquarius. It turns out that from this day introduced a new calendar, which has new properties belonging era zodiac sign Aquarius. Perhaps the Maya had a new calendar, compiled and the Age of Aquarius. But there is historical evidence that the representatives of the Spanish (conquistadors) were destroyed manuscripts Maya. Maya people had been developed, but not enough to resist the old world of the colonizers. They were not able to protect their heritage, which has now become so interesting to modern society. It is important to know that there are other sources covering the impact of AD on the properties of the planet, its nature, society and man. The New Testament is based on Christmas, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus Christ was the beginning of an era of Pisces, Year of the Rat, Mouse, where he was born, is the first sign of an opening in the twelve-cycle effect on the eastern calculus. It seems that the switch is in the age interval influence the sign Capricorn, during which he was born and the influence of Jesus Christ. The current Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, this day is the last day of influence zodiac sign Sagittarius. With the end of the day, which occurs on the clock sign at 23:00, it's time to influence the sign Capricorn, at the same time takes effect and a new era, its power and properties owned by Zodiac sign Aquarius. The fact that each era through the circumstances forming the environmental conditions, a new kind of man, a new society with its new internal and external values. The transition to a new era is of prime importance, as the moment of re-evaluation of the old and the new adoption. New era as a new weather, to which a person is prepared differently. The transition to a new era of instant and it will manifest itself in some of the changes the psychology of people in their attention, perception of life, at the level of feelings and moods. What is the Age of Aquarius, regarding the characteristic of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Aquarius - maximalist, has a top speed of perception of life events, it pumps the maximum speed in relationships and behavior. Aquarius candor generates openness in the relationship, which in the majority of his contemporaries, who are in the foundations of the Age of Pisces tend to avoid. Therefore the Age of Aquarius will start to show in the relationship between people, the transparency properties of human characters. Not everyone is ready to be psychologically transparent and to open, sincere relationship with other people. This is the essence of the court, which in these conditions automatically. The man, seeing all the positive and negative in yourself and the people tend to judge immediately. This Court ultimately leads the individual to himself and re-evaluation of what he has and what he does. So the end of "light," we can define as the end of "the world of lies." What is the Age of Pisces, the characteristic of the relative sign of the zodiac Pisces. Pisces - the extras, analysts seeking to overcome all sorts of restrictions and obstacles. Fish superficially perceived vital information of having that lacks quality. We can turn our attention to the fact that not count the amount of knowledge possessed by modern society, owned era of Pisces. These skills have different qualities of accuracy, utility and value. The properties of impulsivity and variability positions of man and society are properties of the Age of Pisces. We can summarize the many events that took place two thousand years of the Age of Pisces! During this time, mankind is largely developed, and in some respects degraded. Age of Pisces and have been informative, humanity over this time has developed a technology and communications for the production, storage, transmission and broadcast information about their lives, about the events of the device and their environment. The Age of Aquarius has the properties and conditions of practicality, tact and efficiency. In the era of Pisces much knowledge is impractical people's attention, which encourages people watch intently, choosing their own truth in current events, trying not to repeat the mistakes. We notice that impractical knowledge becomes neglected by modern society, which is why many people with irrelevance, are not able to use it in society. Goes era of Pisces and some knowledge without practice is a burden! Age of Aquarius reveals to man the conditions circumstances practicality and realism. Sincere person develops and reinforces the realism and practicality. On sincerity, honesty and certainty in understanding the behavior and the relationship is based Age of Aquarius. Age of Aquarius with the start time of its influence in human form new outlook on life and a new way of life solutions of relations. Age of Pisces exfoliate society on the individual line items for its local operations. The Age of Aquarius has a unifying understanding of the properties of information, methods of communication, behavior and relationships. Such conditions instantly accelerate the development of the individual in society. The transition from one era to another does not exhibit unexpected properties, and events on the material level, everything will happen in due course, which is relatively visible in the current events. Changes occur at the level of ideology, information or understanding of human attention. People, paying attention to the experience, with the sensations can be noted that with the advent of "New Year" shows a new mood and a new sense of life. New sensations form new actions, after created and new relationships. Therefore the arrival of the "New Age" opens the new conditions of life, in which there are new goals and priorities of primary importance. A new era comes slowly, because it is a continuation of a previous era. In the Bible, in the New Testament, Jesus Christ spoke about the end of which, if anyone does not know, even the angels, only one Father in heaven. Based on this new era dogma predictable and can not have anything to do with the end times Bible script. Before the age of Pisces, the time of Christ was the era of Aries - the time of Moses, before the era was the era of Aries Taurus Noah's time, before the era was the era of Taurus Gemini - start time of Adam and Eve. A new era is subject to influences of the zodiac sign Aquarius, it will open new horizons for humanity life relationships. Zodiac Aquarius "elementary science Psihonomii table" is the twelfth level, it is the final mark, the highest intellectual activity. Calculus' elementary science Psihonomii table "reveals axial sequence of the Zodiac vertically. Zodiac Capricorn One - "Alpha" and Aquarius final, twelfth - "Omega". Zodiac sign Aquarius on natural properties owned by the air element, the element of Air associated with the powers of heaven. The heavenly bodies in human psychology, born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, showing the properties of rationality, which is seen in the ability to communicate with people. Age of Pisces showed conditions in circumstances predispose a person to the unconscious mood and behavior. Age of Aquarius offers very conscious forces, it will need to re-tune a person out of the subconscious, sluggish lifestyle assembled, energetic and enterprising sober. Therefore, as a "New Year" and "New Age" series comes, revealing to human conditions and timely opportunities for life relationships. The sky and the heavenly bodies unite Earth's continents, countries, peoples, societies and people under uniform conditions. We share the sky above, and therefore the heavenly bodies are a common source of knowledge, regardless of our diversity of cultures and religions. Who and how to understand these sources of knowledge, depending on their level of development. The Bible says that the heavenly bodies are created for human development, for its orientation in space, time and knowledge! The book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 14: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years; On the basis of the place of the Bible, we can conclude that the age of Aquarius is one of the "signs, seasons, days and years", which take place according to the laws and principles of the original order of the present life. So everyone on the "New Age of Aquarius"! With the advent of new standards and values ??in the development of mankind! Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Map of psychology of the Astrological signs and their levels of world viewsThree worlds and triuneness of man(Part of IV. Integrity of the worlds)People from birth through their attention absorbs information from the environment, called the astral world. With the maturation of some of the information from the experiences of a person's life it is used in behavior, making changes in the material world. This process occurs through the account of the person, which we call the center of his spiritual world. Human behavior leaves behind traces in the material world, on the basis of traces left by the people around him to form his attitude, which is called the astral influence. Human attention is the essence of a person's identity consists of the integrity of the three worlds, it, in it and from it a person interacts with the three worlds. The three worlds are composed of laws impact on a person's attention. The influence of the Worlds is a positive and negative manifestations. For example, the negative impact of the astral world on the psychology of man is manifested in schizophrenia due to the depletion of attention and positive impact - in the logical, intellectual properties, consistency of thought. The material world is a negative impact on human psychology depressed state due to the depletion of attention and resources, and positively influences the hardness of consciousness, increasing current facts visual manifestation of matter and the ability to make changes in the visual, material level. The spiritual world is a negative impact on the state of human psychology of paranoia due to the depletion of attention with regard to predicting the future, inevitable events, and positively affects mental charged, inspired to achieve the desired current, and future manifestations of visible goals and plans. Natural effect of the world is automatic from the moment of birth. Each of the three worlds consists of twelve characters. At birth, the person assigned to one character from each of the world (a total of three). These signs are necessary for human perception of external life, self-behavior and relationships in the community. Signs of Birth form laws levels accompanying certain orientation purposes of human life, tactical tendencies in behavior, and the effect on the mood of the public in their environment. A person with knowledge of the laws and rules of the effect of time on the birth of people can get in their understanding of what is inherent in the nature of a beginning. Also, in what he can achieve in his later development, based on the planned objectives of the comprehended knowledge of themselves and the world of the triune life. The strategy marks a person's birth forms the triune human world, and we divide each of the worlds of certain signs and their circles of influence of time. The astral world is Eastern Signs dvenadtsatigodovogo cycle influence, born of man forms his level and the laws of astral influence. The material world is the annual zodiac signs influence a person's birth month, the level and form of material impacts of the laws. The spiritual world is the influence of Eastern Signs daily two-hour period of time a person's birth forms his level and the laws of the spiritual influence. Man is capable of developing, possessing the necessary knowledge and assets. Human development begins with understanding it, and then goes on the ability to apply their understanding of the practice of action and is reaping the fruits of development. We need to evaluate our development on the final results, which are partly manifested reviews around and interacting with people. In my mind, we see things and events one by one, in practice, feel differently, and the people around them see and feel the third one and the same things and events. Each point of view is important in its own way and creates compatibility universal view and opportunities for human development. Man has the ability to rapidly develop their identity through knowledge and technology provided by science Psihonomiey. Elementary Science Psihonomii table reveals the basic properties and the quality of thinking, behavior and relationships of others inherent in human nature of his birth. Elementary table number 2 reveals methodological characteristics of man and his tact, by the nature of birth. The Periodic Table of Science Psihonomii № 3 discloses the properties of human development conditions in each year of his life up to 144 years. Elementary table number 5 discloses the properties of human thinking and outlook. All materials www.psychonomy.com.ua accompany the development of human personality and the strengthening of harmony in social relations. Of particular importance for human development programs is "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education." These programs instantly reveals the structure of man in the three presentation. The "Scanner individual" gives the answer to the query, revealing the three-dimensional human psychology, its current characteristics of the natural properties of thought, the level of ideology, tactical methodical behavior and reaction to the interaction between people. "Crown of education" gives the answer to the inquiry, revealing the three-dimensional human psychology, its basic characteristics of the natural properties of thought, the level of ideology, tactical methodical behavior and reaction to the interaction between people. Program "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education" to a request to the parameters of time a person's birth instantly forms an individual book about the psychological device of man. Replies programs allow a person to feel the impact of the properties and laws of the three worlds to a certain person. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Three worlds and Triuneness of man(Part of III. World spiritual)The spiritual world is precise and inflexible in comparison with the material and astral worlds, and integrity is its foundation. The spiritual world is within the matter and living beings on the level of photons and charged electrons orbiting the nucleus. The spiritual world unites matter in its entirety visual manifestation. In man, the spiritual world with the outside world interacts through astral attention. People financially, physically, organs of the body perceives an external astral world, the perception of control over the information to their attention. Human attention is an information road leading from within his inner world into the outer astral world and vice versa. Directs attention to the spiritual world of man in the future of the upcoming event. In the spiritual world is the kingdom of God and the kingdom of God is in man, as Jesus said. God belongs to future events. Future and upcoming events inspire people currently or may be in the mood for human paranoia. Precise vision of the future allows a person to behave in the present moment. Each one of us mentioned earlier today and noticed how people consciously and unconsciously tries to attract the attention of other people. Attention of the people is the center of all individuals and is in his flesh, which shows the influence of the environment and the astral world, while showing the influence of ideas from within the person. Spiritual center of the world is in a person's attention, the astral world acts on man quickly through the events of the environment, the world and with the thoughts of printed events in memory experience of human relations in the environment. Thus, the person responds with their attention to the information of their thoughts and make certain acts or reacts to the information environment, and other things. Human attention is as the center of the human personality and the center of the spiritual world. People's attention from the standpoint of theology called "personal God." In Christianity, a person's attention is also called the "Eye" or "The light" of the body. It turns out that our focus responds to the information of past events, which we have accumulated in their thoughts or respond to current information from the environment. In this response a person has the freedom to choose to do the experience printed in thought or knowledge to do the alternative variable information environment. Spiritual potential of man, his attention is between the thoughts and the environment, a person chooses what more important to him at this moment in the process of self-realization. The spiritual power of man is manifested in the generation of his attention and abilities with the help of his attention to external events affect the environment, to influence their own thoughts and the thoughts of other people. Attention to a person spiritually, his influence in the material world hardly detectable! And people, well-developing their spiritual potential, do not seek to make their talents on display masses. Spiritual development of man shall send it to the self-reliance and individual responsibility for their actions and attitudes in society, to yourself, and sometimes in front of the Higher Power, which he opened. Many people confuse the spiritual world with the astral! This is natural. On this in Christianity said: "Spirits are different." In order not to confuse this worlds, we pay attention to the distinctive characteristics of the spiritual world, which manifest themselves in human psychology. Like a person is to direct potential of the spiritual world, we seek to achieve in the present and in the future, what we liked about the experience of life and love in the current visual manifestation. Future aspects of life is always perfect past and present manifestations! Because of this, the future forms in the human sense of bright images that can inspire people today, the present moment. Health inspired people currently enriched the spiritual world for action in the current circumstances of life. The key is man's spiritual development is human attention. To a person to develop his spiritual powers, he needs to work on his original focus, which is the entrance and exit to the spiritual world. Preferential perception of the spiritual world is developed by nature born in people who were born under the signs of the zodiac Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. These people are mainly concerned about their future, they try in the current, in the present moment as do all in favor of future opportunities. Because of this, their self-impulsive, as continuous in this man can not work for the benefit of future opportunities. And reaching the expected data people use these fruits, enjoying their customs and enjoying achievements! Their spiritual vision in the mind creates a white background, which appear dark subject lit from the outside. With this perception of people clearly see the appearance of objects of thought in general without going into the details of the internal structure, keeping the charge of mental focus stock. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Three worlds and Triuneness of man(Part of II. World Material)Visual visible manifestation of matter, energy and properties owned by the laws of information material world. Man is able to relate to material objects and to feel their effect on your physical body. The material world of the three worlds is the position of the cross, it shapes itself and its properties crossroads of worlds on which interact with other worlds. Thus the material world is manifested by the intersections of the astral world to the spiritual. The spiritual world is inside the matter, and the astral world - the outside of the mother, and their intersection and the connection seems to us in the form of various properties of matter and the related energy. For example, the astral world in Christianity is called the "outer darkness" and the power of the astral world belongs to the "prince of peace." It is difficult to see the composite particles and the elements that make up matter, but we can see the connection of matter with the environment. The scientific community has reached his understanding of what matter is made of atoms around which the negatively charged electrons. It is assumed that between the atoms of matter and in the nucleus of the atom is empty. Based on this understanding Folding so that inside the material and the outside is void. This is indicated by some religion or belief in their holy scriptures. It says that the visible world is also the fullness and emptiness. Delving into the culture of Christianity, we can see that in the Old Testament it is said definitely. The Bible, the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 1 and 2: 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the ground. 2 And the earth was without form and Void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit God was hovering over the waters. Drawing attention to this passage is easy to see that initially appeared heaven and earth in the form of water, which at that time had the properties of emptiness. As such, the water we can assess how antimatter, because "the earth was empty and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." We look at the next verse of the same book: Genesis, chapter 1, verse 3: 3 And God said, Let there be light. And there was light. It turns out that the water in the form of voids (antimatter) was filled with the energy of light (charged electrons), which today revolve around the nucleus of atoms of matter. We may regard the dark astral world and the spiritual world and God in the creation of shared matter, as evidenced by the Holy Scriptures in the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 4 and 5: 4 And God saw the light, that it good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and Darkness of the night. And the evening and the It was morning, one day. Thus, God divided the astral outside world from the spiritual world properties of matter. Folding so that the spiritual world is within the matter and astral - the outside of the matter. The material world is the medium that forms itself and the properties of the border to the astral world of darkness and light of the spiritual world. The spiritual world can be regarded as the kingdom of God, based on the words of Jesus Christ, who said to one person, asked him about the whereabouts of the kingdom of God? He received the answer: "The kingdom of God is in you!" Humanity some time for nuclear energy for peaceful and military purposes, using the slowing down or speeding off a chain reaction of destruction of atoms of matter. Matter is the boundary, and in some sense a border guard, a huge deterrent effect, which is hidden within it. Destroying matter, we learn at least that power to give heat, which transform the mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical and other potentials. Material world for its properties creates space and time within the law, which we are born, we live, rather develop up to a certain ceiling, and die from the destruction of the physical body. Nondeveloping people confined to their perception and knowledge of the material and the astral world. Few people trust inherent in them information. In the more people tend to enjoy the fruits of the pioneers and not to engage in personal research of its vital properties and abilities, he repeats what most people do! In something right, and in many ways a person is vulnerable, as many people are, sooner or later, repeating other people's way of life, come to a dead end in its development. Lose some precious time his individual chance to achieve perfection in his Trinity. The material world reflects itself, its properties and laws of two worlds - the spiritual and astral. Based on this, one can see the invisible worlds, which are reflected in the visible material world, but for that he needs to will and to work initially on it. The material world is ruled by the laws of time, the effect of time, mankind notices in diverse changes in the properties of matter. Age people clearly show the development and degradation of man, and these actions take place according to certain laws of influence of changes of time. Special significance and importance to the human characters represent his birth, which clearly reveal the human-readable start and that the necessary scenarios of its development. With the properties and laws passed signs of birth, people are able to assess the quality of the basic nature of human development, after the diagnosis of the people can understand the qualities necessary to develop for the harmony of his individual excellence. Time laws affect the astral and material world, and the spiritual world - out of time. The material world allows a person to feel, see and do-sided changes are evident not only in the material world, and in the astral and spiritual worlds. Preferential perception of the material world is developed by nature born in people under the signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra. People these zodiac signs are more likely inclined to pragmatism and atheistic positions. They are by nature of perception of life can feel great matter and lead in her multifaceted changes. These people are trying not to be distracted by other worlds, the world of material it is especially clear and sustainably carry their influence. People spontaneously develop material positions in their current behavior psychology etiquette and teach his society. These people stop their attention on current, visual facts, not distracting depths or heights of moral habits. Their current increased susceptibility etiquette sometimes exhausting their attention to depression. The material world belongs to man and mankind! Jesus Christ said of himself that he is the son of man. That is, the flesh in which he was on land owned by a person under the laws of creation of the worlds, and the Spirit, which is in the flesh belongs to God. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Three worlds and Triuneness of man(Part of I. World Astral)The existence of different worlds in a manner heard or knows everyone. The fact that there are many worlds in a sense, we can agree. Existing diversity of worlds with their combined three measures and the three worlds are the rest as their derivatives. One can not exist separately from the rest of the world, their existence is based on the interaction between them. We consider three basic world that clearly show the influence of a person's life facts of this diverse, the current time. Each person is simultaneously in the three worlds, having some knowledge of their experience. Mankind has given to each of the three worlds name: astral world, the world of the material and the spiritual world. These three worlds are intertwined laws, properties and meaning, thus forming the integrity of human life. Each world has a certain value for human life and having an impact on his life. As it happens, consider from the perspective of each of the world alone, and after a three-pronged integrity of the person. Astral world. We labor over the information of the past, trying to use it effectively at the moment. The strength of the impact of information from the past is called the astral. And the properties of different stories, guides current human attention in the past, called astral influences. Astral effects in humans is manifested in its impressions. That is, when a person is his current focus is primarily in the information events of the time. He is the current sensation of consciousness continues to receive the information of the past, present or repeated spraying because of the attention and the people involved. Such processes can introduce human schizophrenic state. Schizophrenic state of man is when information is thinking about the past time it closes the perception of the current external information now. Excessive memory drain current potential of man, his mind, power of attention. Man's mind is made up of information experience of past events and partial exploitation in the present, the current time. At least Boches person automatically uses the information from the experience of the past to the current time and often does not think that it does not produce anything new at the moment. Information from the experience of the person called morality that can be metaphorically compared with the root of the tree. That is, at the present time a person self-realization, drawing knowledge from his experiences shaped his morals. Some people tend to over-rely on the current events in their morality, while ignoring the current innovations and changes, all sorts of people are trying to persuade the new manifestations of experience under his past relationships. This ratio is called the astral influence or tradition. Every tradition has to have an explanation of its necessity and meaning of the current time. Otherwise, without giving tradition is the mechanics of astral influence. If you carefully examine the meaning and properties of the past in people's lives, we can see that in the experience of every man is full of mistakes and various violations of the rules and laws of current importance. Man, fixated attention on their past erroneous actions, forms in the present tense negative mood. Almost every one of us, looking back at the past, is able to see that information on the mental level of experience consists of a dark background, illuminated by our ongoing attention. Astral imagination creates dark field, which sometimes appear different objects interact with each other. These objects are lit from within, because of this we are able to see with respect to the internal structure of objects such thinking logically follow links in their attention to consistent information. For example, in Christianity a person's past is called "the old body." Also in Christianity says that to everyone is a sinner repent, which means the offender a perfect law of life. Each person can accept that he had to be wrong, and that he knowingly and unknowingly violated the law of life, the state, society and God. All violations of the laws of life that made people formed imprinted in his experience of life morality. Subsequently, these violations are not correct shaped "car" that man in the present pulls like a locomotive. Sometimes there comes a time when people are not able to draw on his "train of wagons" consisting of violations. Such a situation encourages people to conduct audits of their experience of life. Vulgar of the devil, and he rules over man through past events, making an impact on a person through the astral world. Guidance manageable order in my experience allows a person to subordinate their morality. After restoring order in their morality astral world begins to feed people in the image of "the root of the tree of life." Restore order may make current knowledge of their rights violations and mistakes that he made in the past. Important person to skip past abuses through its current level of development, forming in this order to do similar events of the past or the like. Important to be prepared with the use of the present talk about past violations, if anyone would raise in the communication process. It is useful to talk with harmonious current findings, based on the current level of development and understanding that everything in life is comparatively. Comparing his immaturity in the past with the development of this, one is able to understand that all the events of his life have led to the current understanding that in life, the bad and the good things in life! In society there are people who tend to engage people through communication in his past mistakes and violations, such actions trying to humiliate, offend or simply win the competition. It is important to understand that people are more united by the experience of past relationships and therefore need to be prepared to raise the different situations of the common past or from the personal. Willingness almost always protects a person from the unexpected and sudden competition interacting people. In these communications related to human experience, made him rather early violations, they must do affordability and opportunities to correct the disorder immediately upon detection. Minimum a person needs to be able to communicate with the side on which affected existing or existing problem. In this case, a person needs to cover in this is how it goes at the moment based on the level of its current development, in identical situations or similar events of his experience. Competing people generally put pressure on people that he was wrong in the past experience and the burden is now on life, which is not correct, and it characterizes the identity of the person, his morals. So mainly relate to others, interacting and close people, people who are born under one of the four signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. People born under these signs of the zodiac, crush the information of past events, they involve interacting in the experience of the past. In this way, direct current live account in the direction of the past, leaving no longer exists. Such actions are in favor of the astral world was subject to the devil. Some people perceive these signs of the zodiac that their actions are wrong, and some do so at the level of animal instinct. It is important to understand what people perceive life soberly find rare! But it makes no sense to condemn anyone for their negativity and evil, it is important to be able to confront the unacceptable and to the best of the need to push and motivate others and themselves to their and their development. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Map of psychology of man and societyMap of levels of methods of tactical behaviorFor a man from birth the three Astrological signsKnowledge of the triune man unit had people in the ancient past. For example, such peoples as the Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids and other information on the left of the human trinity device. Some of their calendars and horoscopes surprised contemporaries high accuracy in their anticipation of future events that are based on knowledge of the laws of time. Their level of development was high, but not perfect. All existing sources of knowledge about the human device is difficult to comprehend a person during his life, especially when that sparseness of attention, in a state where most people arrive our time. Therefore, the quality of knowledge sources reduces the familiarization and training. Our source - one of these, he adopted from a modern man. Most people tend to pay attention to the fact that there are differences between the three areas of human activity. A man sees his life and the lives of others in three ways. The first area is the beginning of a reasonable person - it's attention, thinking, imagination, forming the world of man, his inner spiritual world. Yes, the spiritual world is in the mind of man, since man's understanding impressed by information from the past or the future inspired by the achievements, and the information is present, time is a visual supporting physical realism. Therefore, the past and the future - spiritually. The second trend is the continuation of a person's world - is the physical body, the shell of which is thought (the spiritual side). The physical body is the executive part of the man, it is subject to his thinking, automatically acts, performing the task of understanding human development in the orders of the trained. The third area is the end of human activity in the form of traces of his activity in the environment, on the basis of which other people form their attitudes. The three areas that make up the human person, consistently interact on unshakable laws of life. Life and its steadfast laws apply in the rhythms of time and within the distance of space. In order to understand myself as a person, we need to penetrate into their device to their abilities, and that is imprinted upon our activities in the environment. Time and its laws contain the answers to the questions. The fact that the human influence on the laws of the time of birth, each of us had heard. But how does this impact on the face of difficult to see, understand and be able to influence, or change something in this effect. Man, being born, comes into this life nothing more than not having anything, and not being able to. In this case, from the moment of his birth he patronized signs of his birth. Nourish birth marks can evaluate the influence or control of human psychology-time properties that offer the person the primary laws of the time required for the perception of life and relationships in space. You can clearly see, understand, extract useful information and use it to make changes in the influence of the laws of time, a person needs convincing facts presented in maps, charts, theorems and axioms, which are fixed effective experience. Of these requirements will provide you with some materials. In Christian culture in the Bible specifically says the Trinity manifestation of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" (Chapter 1, Article 26 Bit.). God the Father represents the past and the events that occur in the present in the form of him created the World. God the Son stands now, current events, which manifest in the laws of life and changes in the data for the current moment of time. God the Holy Spirit represents the future, upcoming events that occur in the information from the past and present. 1. In the person of God the Father appears displaying the influence of oriental characters - the year of his birth. 2. In the person of the Son of God manifested mapping the influence of the zodiac sign - a month of his birth. 3. In man, the map of the Holy Spirit of God manifests the influence of ideology - the daily mark his birthday. With the birth of the three parameters in the man formed his basic psychology of perception of life and its relationship to the environment. All options are subject to a person's birth zodiac, including the time of day and marks the eastern years. Parameters of a person's birth is divided into three basic groups, each of which is divided into twelve signs of the zodiac time periods. The first core group exerts its influence, the eastern signs of birth. East mark a person's birth creates laws regarding the interaction of people to the man on the principles of a particular zodiac sign. Enumerate the principles of public relations show signs of the zodiac surrounding people each year, the eastern birth. Year of the Rat, Mouse - 1900.1912, 1924, 1936, 1948.1960, 1972, 1984.1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044, 2056. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Aries. Year of the Rat, Mouse man creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Aries. Year of the Ox - 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045, 2057. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Taurus. Year of the Ox person creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Taurus. Year of the Tiger - 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046, 2058. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the sign Leo. Tiger man creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the sign Leo. Cat and Rabbit Year - 1903, 1915, 1927.1939, 1951, 1963, 1975.1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Pisces. Year of the Rabbit Cat-man forms a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the sign Pisces. Year of the Dragon - 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Year of the Dragon form the man of the field, in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Year of the Snake -1905, 1917, 1929, 1941,1953,1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049, 2061. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Year of the Snake person creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Year of the Horse - 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954.1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Capricorn. Year of the Horse man creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the sign Capricorn. Year of the Goat, Sheep - 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Virgo. Year of the Ram Goat-person forms a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign of Virgo. Year of the Monkey - 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Gemini. Year of the Monkey man creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Gemini. Year of the Rooster, Hen - 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Libra. Year of the Rooster, Hens person forms a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Libra. Year of the Dog - 1910, 1922, 1934,1946,1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Cancer. Year of the Dog person creates a field in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Cancer. Year of the Pig-Boar - 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983.1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043, 2055. To a man, born in the year, the surrounding people are relations on the basis of methods of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Year of the Pig-Pig form the man of the field, in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The second core group exerts its influence of the zodiac signs of the month of birth. The zodiacal sign of the birth of man creates laws and principles of the methods of his behavior and should be considered as a manifestation of tactical as well as the impact and manifestation of the zodiac sign is clearly seen in the visual behavior of the person and its physical properties. List the sequence of signs of the zodiac by months of their impact: Aries - from 3.21 (March) to 4.19 (April) Taurus - from 4.20 (April) 5.20 (May) Gemini - from 5.21 (May) to 6.20 (June) Cancer - from 6.21 (June) to 7.22 (July) Leo - from 7.23 (July) to 22.8 (August) Virgo - from 8.23 ??(August) to 22.9 (September) Scales - from 9.23 (September) to 23.10 (October) Scorpio - from 24.10 (October) by 11.22 (November) Sagittarius - 11.23 (November) at 21.12 (December) Capricorn - s 22.12 (December) to 20.1 (January) Aquarius - from 1.21 (January) to 2.19 (February) Fish - from 2.20 (February) to 20.3 (March). Third base group exerts its influence eastern signs that divide the day into 12 levels of two hours each. Eastern Signs daily impact of an emerging level of a person's world, the laws of thought and purpose aimed at by the people they meet a certain sign of the zodiac. List the sequence of Oriental characters in the daily impact and their belonging to the signs of the Zodiac: Time effect Rat-Mouse (two hours) 23.00 1.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Aries, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time influence the Bull (two hours) from 1.00 to 3.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Taurus, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time influence the Tiger (two hours) from 3.00 to 5.00. Given period of time creates a mental sign is Leo, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time Cat and Rabbit influence (two hours) from 5.00 to 7.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Pisces, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time influence Dragon (two hours) from 7.00 to 9.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Aries, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time effect Snakes (two hours) from 9.00 to 11.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Scorpio, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time effects of horses (two hours) from 11.00 to 13.00. Given period of time creates a mental sign Capricorn, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Goat-time impact bar (two hours) from 13.00 to 15.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Virgo, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time effect Monkeys (two hours) from 15.00 to 17.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Gemini, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Cock-time effect of chicken (two hours) from 17.00 to 19.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Libra, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Time effects dogs (two hours) from 19.00 to 21.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Cancer, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. Pig-time effects Cabana (two hours) from 21.00 to 23.00. This length of time creates mental Sign Sagittarius, goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world. The three signs of the zodiac shape the laws and principles of the human psychology and divided into twelve levels outlook assigned to two-hour segments of the birth, twelve levels tactics of behavior assigned to the zodiac sign of his influence month, twelve levels of strategic fields of activity assigned to the eastern symbol of birth. We list the twelve intellectual levels and belonging to them three days time settings, the month and year of birth of man: 12. Twelfth intellectual level: World, the outcome - Time Dragon from 7.00 to 9.00; tactics - Zodiac sign Aquarius; strategy - Year of the Dragon. 11. Eleventh intellectual level: World, the outcome - while Monkey from 15.00 to 17.00; tactics - Zodiac sign Gemini; strategy - Year of the Monkey. 10. Tenth intellectual level: World time Cock-Chicken from 17.00 to 19.00 outcome tactics - Sign Libra, Strategy Year of the Rooster, Hen. 9. Ninth intellectual level: World, the outcome - while Tiger from 3.00 to 5.00; tactics - is Leo; strategy - Year of the Tiger. 8. Eighth intellectual level: Worldview, outcome - Pig-Pig time from 21.00 to 23.00; tactics - Sign Sagittarius; strategy - Year of the Pig-Boar. 7. Seventh intellectual level: World, the outcome - while Rat-Mouse from 23.00 to 1.00; tactics - zodiac sign Aries; strategy - Year of the Rat, Mouse. 6. Sixth intellectual level: World, the outcome - while Snake 9.00 to 11.00; tactics - Zodiac sign Scorpio, the strategy - the year of the Snake. 5. Fifth intellectual level: World, the outcome - while Cat and Rabbit from 5.00 to 7.00; tactics - Zodiac sign Pisces, the strategy - the year of Cat and Rabbit. 4. Fourth intellectual level: world, the outcome - while dogs from 19.00 to 21.00; tactics - Sign Cancer; strategy - Year of the Dog. 3. Third intellectual level: World, the outcome - while the Bull from 1.00 to 3.00; tactics - Sign Taurus; strategy - Year of the Ox. 2. The second intellectual level: World, the outcome - time Goat bar from 13.00 to 15.00 outcome; Sign Virgo; strategy - year of the Goat bar. 1. The first high-level: World, the outcome - when horses from 11.00 to 13.00; tactics - a sign of Capricorn, the strategy - the year of the Horse. Triune dominant value in every intellectual level is a sign of the Zodiac! So world (outcome) forms in person the purpose of life, the desires that people would like to achieve, or thinks, dreaming about them. Tactic forms of visual methods of human actions, through which he tries to achieve our goals, that is born in his mind. The strategy forms the sphere of human activity and attitudes of other people, which appear in time to experience a previous relationship to interacting people. Trinity of man, we figuratively compared with the millstones that people melyat wheat. Millstone consist mainly of two flat stones between which poured wheat and melitsya. The top stone is comparable with the outlook assigned to man a two-hour span of time of his birth. Lower stone comparable to the strategy assigned to the eastern symbol of birth. Wheat to the mill is comparable with the zodiac sign assigned to the month of birth. Tactical characteristics of the person assigned to the sign of the zodiac is between intrinsic motivation coming from the mind and external motivations, exhibited on the environment. Every time a person chooses, in deciding when self-realization, to use his inner understanding or knowledge to the surrounding circumstances. Compare the trinity of man with common computer device. Computer processor is comparable to a person's world, memory, with the zodiac sign, a hard drive with an Oriental symbol of birth, and the video card is comparable to a person's attention. Thus, we can see that the computer is in a sense made in the image of man and of human activity. The man lives and acts on more complex programs that automatically self-improving or degrading. Computer programs consist of "yes / no", and human programs consist of "yes / no / abstain". Man is able to make changes in their programs perception of life, in the way of behavior and attitudes in society, but to do so he must desire to grow and fit the necessary effective efforts. Easily degraded man, and labor force with common effective and fruitful. Primary necessity! In order for a person to develop, it needs the tools of precise information on the device of man, of his current and potential abilities! Basic knowledge you can draw from the "elementary science Psihonomii table" and other tables on this web site www.psychonomy.com.ua in the section "Psihonomiya." You have the possibility to obtain information about their individual triune device right now in automated programs "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education." Science Psihonomiya, the Ukrainian version, gives a person the tools for personal self-development. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Map of the Astrological and east symbols signs, their levelsLaws of the Astrological signs, are their natural psychologyIn our life, all sorts of processes and events take place according to the laws, some of which are known to us, and some of the unknown. Humanity during its existence has mastered many of the laws of matter and the living world, and many have been lost to comprehend the knowledge of the law in the past. Drawing our attention to some of the artifacts found, we can imagine the level of development of ancient civilizations that lived before us. For example, found in excavations images or statues astronaut space suits and aircraft form a lot of questions that remain unanswered. But it can be concluded that in some ancient civilization surpassed his contemporaries, and in some ways inferior. As technologies of ancient civilizations, as a modern society and technology are consistent development, and the labor of many search-based researchers. Officially, the public do not understand the causes are unknown and lost in the depths of the ancient level of human development. But we see that humanity is once again developed by using a new chance of a revival and development. By studying the information of historical data available from different sources, we can not come to a holistic understanding of their origin and that of the future that we are heading. With noticeable that we, humanity, are reborn and continuously evolving. Current life of humanity and its relationship to society is an important for every person. Laws that benefit humanity, subject to limits of space and time cycles of influence. Society united by laws in the country and in the form of religious views on life. These laws regarding synthesized by man and partly a natural! There are natural laws of life that are inherent in man, in his psychology. Some people may notice the natural laws of their psychology and can apply them in their lives, in the lives of their loved ones and others. In society there are people who try to ignore the natural laws of life, or simply do not notice them. The natural laws of life are imprinted in human psychology at the time of his birth, after developing his influence in their lives. Zodiac Signs assign individual influence the laws of time, at which the person was born. Man lives and acts on the orders of certain laws, often ignoring the laws that are assigned to him to sign. Many people do not believe in the influence of the zodiac signs, because they see no clear evidence of such an effect. Evidence of the influence and control of the Zodiac human psychology can provide scientific laws psihonomii. Twenty scientific laws psihonomii concentrated in its content alternative philosophy of mankind. These laws are the basis for the other laws that people enjoy in society. Natural law meaning of its content guide people to the integrity of themselves as individuals and for the integrity of relations in society. From the simplest to the most complicated zero law nineteenth law list their titles: 0.Esli do something, do it as necessary, but not as much as you want or can. 1. With regards to how such an answer. 2. Straining myself and it worked. 3. Be collected, but not constrained. 4. You have it all! 5. Obstacles in life. 6. Relax, take it, but in moderation. 7. Coolly observe the law. 8. Attention will save you. 9. Love against pride. 10. All in good stead. 11. Does it make sense to show your face? 12. Give people their face. 13. In immensely not drunk. 14. Foresight is correct. 15. Vzaimosimpatiya everything. 16.Vzaimoponimaya not concede. 17.Vidish! - No effect. 18. God - Procedure. 19. Devil - a mess. It is important to emphatically voice read these laws and to draw attention to the mood after the pronunciation. These laws are a harmonious motivation, ordering information of human psychology by understanding and listening. Learning the titles of the laws by heart, the person automatically receives from them. Almost all of the laws of man seem familiar and many of these people use for a long time, as these laws are in content associative affect many events from the experience of life. Yes, to a large extent it is, because these laws are a natural matrix of the human mind and its psychology. To ensure their practicality and precision characterize the natural laws of science psihonomii generally they mean: Zero law is gross. This law is important as a foundation for all other. The Act directs the person enjoying it to the professionalism, quality, develop themselves and improve their relations in the circumstances. Gross law: № 0. If you do something, do it as necessary, but not as much as you want or can. General definition. Realizing a task, we wish especially to express themselves in it, and this extra care and expense. Sometimes we are lazy in their tasks, referring to the fact that we can and no other way to Folding. Accordingly, it is necessary to avoid these extremes and in between them. Zero law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values ??that form the structural incentives for people who wish to develop their character useful properties zero law. More .... ... The first law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Capricorn. The law directs man zodiac sign Capricorn for the conservation of consciousness-raising in the current state of relations and events. Tactical Law zodiac sign Capricorn: № 1. Which greetings - c this answer! General definition. Attitude to us interacting person automatically allows us to treat it as and no more. For equal treatment does not have to spend as much resources as spent interacting. It is always necessary to use the wisdom that reduces unnecessary costs of forces in various ways. The first law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values ??that form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Capricorn and those people who wish to develop the useful properties of the first law. More .... ... The second law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the zodiac sign Virgo. The law directs man zodiac sign Virgo to the preservation of consciousness-raising in the state of current and upcoming events and relationships. Tactical Law zodiac sign Virgo: № 2. Straining myself and it worked. General definition. Every man should first demand of yourself doing all that depends on it. This automatically allows it to require the other parties involved. The second law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values ??that form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Virgo and those people who wish to develop a character of its useful properties of the second law. More .... ... The third law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the zodiac sign Taurus. The law directs man zodiac sign Taurus to maintain higher conscious state on the topics of past relationships and events. Tactical Law zodiac sign Taurus: № 3. Be collected, but not constrained. General definition. Any minor problems should be solved, if possible at once! Minor problem with accumulating sprayed our attention while we are immersed in a constrained state, with a renewed sense of security threats. The third law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Taurus, and those people who wish to develop a character of its useful properties of the third law. More .... ... The fourth law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Cancer. The law directs man zodiac sign Cancer to maintain high subconscious, that is intuitive in the current state of relations and events. Tactical Law Zodiac sign Cancer: № 4 You have it all! General definition. Feasibly understand that all information in a person and it is around him! While human action is manifested in the environment, returning to it, changing the form, direction and scope. On the basis of this man is one with the environment. The fourth law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Cancer and those who wish to develop their character in the useful properties of the fourth law. More .... ... The fifth law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Pisces. The law directs man zodiac sign Pisces to maintain high subconscious, that is intuitive in the current state and approaching relationships and events. Tactical Law Zodiac sign Pisces: № 5 Obstacles in life. General definition. Most of the obstacles to our goals comes from the election of unrealistic goals. They can not be achieved, they do not exist in reality. It is therefore necessary to examine closely their goals and how they are real. The real goal should not overlook that on the way to her all sorts of obstacles are not the object of faith. The fifth law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Pisces, and those people who want to develop themselves and their useful properties of the fifth character of the law. More .... ... The sixth law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the zodiac sign Scorpio. The law directs man zodiac sign Scorpio to maintain high subconscious, that is intuitive state on topics of past relationships and events. Tactical Law zodiac sign Scorpio: № 6 Relax, take it, but in moderation. General definition. Excessive rest is useless effort and burns a lot of time, leading to the degradation of many abilities and the abilities of a person. Overwork disables sensitivity, includes subliminal and emotional, subsequently manifested a deep depression. The sixth law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Scorpio, and those people who want to develop themselves and their useful properties of the fifth character of the law. More .... ... The seventh law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Aries. The law directs man zodiac sign Aries to maintain high penetrating volitional state, that is mindfulness in current relationships and events. Tactical Law zodiac sign Aries: № 7 Coolly observe the law. General definition. Trust the laws which in violation can hurt you, and the rules are that you have come in the experience of my life! The seventh law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Aries and the people who want to develop themselves and their beneficial properties of the seventh character of the law. More .... ... The eighth law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Sagittarius. The law directs man zodiac sign Sagittarius to preserve high penetrating volitional state, that is in the care of current and upcoming events and relationships. Tactical Law zodiac sign Sagittarius: № 8 Attention will save you. General definition. With all sorts of trouble, pay attention to this situation, especially its history! In the story, you will find your flaws and be able to solve the current mess. The eighth law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Sagittarius and the people who want to develop themselves and their beneficial properties of the eighth character of the law. More .... ... Ninth law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Leo. The law directs man is Leo to maintain high penetrating volitional state, that is mindfulness on topics of past relationships and events. Tactical law is Leo: № 9 Love against pride. General definition. Love is a human attention! A man's pride is the ability to absorb the attention of other people. Give your attention to a proud people, as those of your relationship with them and you will not be competitive for them. Proud people are fighting with other proud people for the right to draw attention to himself. Ninth law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man is Leo, and those people who want to develop themselves and their beneficial properties of the ninth character of the law. More .... ... The tenth law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the zodiac sign of Libra. The law directs man zodiac sign Libra to maintain high tactile, that is prudent and volitional state in the current relationship, and events. Tactical Law zodiac sign Libra: № 10 All in good stead. General definition. Any information and the benefits that come from the circumstances to you, it does not impose any obligation to you, to be taken in order. They give you the very God and do not take them - proud, later on it will lose a lot more! All sorts of difficulties in self-manifested especially in a time when a man rises to step up its fulfillment. These difficulties must be overcome and much more abundance. The man drops his hands down in the difficulties below its level of development and self-realization. The tenth law expanded the spectrum of explanations, consisting of sixteen values, which form the structural incentives for man zodiac sign Libra, and those people who wish to develop in yourself and your character useful features ten laws. More .... ... Eleventh law is tactical. This law is innate in people who were born under the sign of Gemini. The law directs man zodiac sign Gemini to maintain high tactile, that is prudent and volitional state in the current and upcoming events and relationships. What horoscope, Zodiac, astrology, numerology, psychology and psychonomyInformation about the psychological structure of human society has been studied in ancient times, is studied today. From a material standpoint of modern science has discovered the DNA of living organisms, these foundations are conducted extensive research and made various experiments. In parallel with the DNA of the person there is an information matrix of the individual, which is responsible for his behavior, for his attitude and for his commitment to the individual circumstances. Information matrix of the individual is an integral part of man, which is called the spiritual body. In this part of the person hiding the forces that govern human DNA. Mood affects the state of his physical body and is able to notice a lot of people. Researchers have been studying the ancient rights of the information matrix, as evidenced by the knowledge handed down to the present day. Today, there are different qualities and knowledge of the properties of the lived experience of mankind, we will consider their structure from a strategic perspective awareness contemporaries. Horoscope Horoscope drawn up in the individual man, has a relative accuracy, which reveals the information matrix of man. To draw up a horoscope can use the setting of birth, which are explained from the standpoint of the total life or characterize a certain period of his life. Sometimes, the horoscope to the events of circumstances specific dates in the life of man. Friends are more characterized by its contents in the event circumstances, namely certain conditions in the environment of the individual. Using horoscopes, people almost always changes nothing in himself and in his character. Most people use the horoscope to determine a common understanding of what is special about them in the character at the moment and what might happen in the future in their own circumstances. On information compiled by horoscope for a particular person may be affected by the interacting people, namely their horoscope can affect the properties and quality of the accuracy or inaccuracy of the information is diagnosed. Drawing up a horoscope is a psychological diagnosis of human matrix. As people and their horoscopes differ force that can manifest itself in many ways. Superior force horoscope affects weak horoscopes. Thus, the relationship between individuals affect the quality of their horoscopes. Therefore, in compiling accurate horoscope is important to consider the horoscope of interacting, close friends. Friends are more based on the information the Zodiac signs and east. Horoscope indicates the length of time cycles, during which there is self-realization of man and his impact on the environment. To draw up horoscopes professionals can use the cycles of Earth's rotation on its axis and the Earth's rotation around the sun, as the rotation of the Moon around the Earth. Practically most of the horoscopes are based on time cycles associated with the planet Earth. Zodiac Zodiac means the circle of life, divided into twelve segments, which are assigned to the zodiac. Zodiac can be equated to a clock face, and the signs of the zodiac to the numbers on the dial. Zodiac circle is relatively immobile in deep space, inside which is our planet and solar system. Zodiac was used in the ancient astrologers, who on the basis of its values ??were horoscopes for people and countries of the time. Knowledge, which are incorporated in the zodiac were little known in ancient times and today they are also not entirely clear. Knowledge of the Zodiac pervade almost all areas of human activity, and especially cultural beliefs. With the help of the zodiac can be explained by the information matrix of the human individual and the laws of social relations. Astrology Astrology - is the science of the influence of outer space bodies on the vital relationship between man and his social behavior. Astrology is based on the time cycles that occur on Earth and in the intervals of time, during which there is a change of conditions and opportunities for the relationship in the life of a particular person or a particular place on our planet. The science of astrology to a greater extent explains the impact of the environment on human rights and on the basis of forecasts of future events are done in the circumstances. From the history of the last time we may be aware of some astrologers, who are our contemporaries appreciate the great experts of astrology. Their forecasts were on the level of prophecy. Perhaps astrology was in their lives attached to their superior gifts of spiritual development. Services of qualified astrologers use the rulers in the past and today are used by many of the leaders, rulers and businessmen. With the help of astrology one can gain knowledge in the form of maps of future events. These skills enable a person to understand what will happen to him if he goes one way, and what happens if go another way. In the man with the help of astrology nothing changes and astrology does not affect human development. Astrology - a science that allows one to see and understand the sequence of certain events in their lives and to assess mood circumstances. Also, astrology can reveal temperament, laid in the time of his birth, and many inclinations and disposition of his character. Professional and high quality astrology can be called a system of diagnostic psychological relations in society. In modern astrology, most of the knowledge has been lost for various reasons. This science contemporaries mechanize, creating automated programs. On the one hand a lot of individuals can use automated programs astrological forecasts and analyzes, on the other hand the quality and accuracy of such programs is low, mainly total. In astrology, we can hear that for an accurate horoscope for a particular person, it is necessary natal chart! Natal chart called the exact data on the time and place of birth. Natal chart for many people is vague term, sometimes intriguing them, and in general - it is a classic term astrology. Numerology Numerology is one of the mysterious science of the properties of numbers impact on human life and humanity in general. Based on some crops religions is that the numbers are at the very beginning of the world, after the numbers shows the information and after the matter. Numerology is associated with mathematics, psychology, biology, and theology. To date, there are a number of systems and schools of numerology, which have useful and effective system of knowledge. The benefits seen in the fact that a man with the help of numerology can determine its energy capacity, its dynamics of health and spiritual abilities. With numbers people face every day, and without betraying any significance from the standpoint of numbers numerology. Numerology is based on the twelve numbers when looking at it in the full content. These figures represent the twelve signs of the zodiac and the communication relationship between the signs of the zodiac. Therefore, numerology in perfect its manifestation leads the researcher to the zodiac and theology. Psychology Psychology - the science of information in person, it seems his mind and logic, and its manifestation in human behavior. Psychology is based on the knowledge of theology, astrology and other sciences of antiquity. Psychology can be considered the founder of Hermes, a reformer - Hippocrates. Psychology of today's order and principles of pragmatic and antiduhovna. The public enjoys psychology since Darwin and his theories. As the positions of a large number of Darwin's theories, and very little practice and a lot of psychology theories that often have no practical use. Psychologists eventually take over their patients or clients of their ailments and disharmonious state! Therefore, psychologists are effective in middle age. Not everyone manageable mental stress psychologists. People spontaneously become a psychologist with extensive relationships in the community. This happens with the cashiers, salesmen, bartenders, managers, administrators, and others with high relationship in society. Psychology is the science of human behavior and society. Psychology in a way a young science, which develops particularly the last 100 years. In psychology has its own standardization and its tools. If you observe the subsequent self-actualization psychology after graduation, you'll notice that very few professionals able to work in their field. Psychology - materialistic science, which explains the little psyche of people and better explains the logic of human relations in society. Psychology is based on periodic knowledge that manifest the object under study. That is, the actions of certain individuals appear, through which it is possible for analysis and answers to questions. Therefore, in modern psychology are mainly test programs. Psihonomiya Psihonomiya - the science of the human psyche, his outlook, the manifestation of a person's world inside information among his relations in the form of logic behavior and its relation to human society interacts. Psihonomiya represents the next stage in the development of society. Psihonomiya - a young science, but his youth, according to many psychologists, it is difficult to hold an ocean of knowledge and understanding of science psihonomii. In psihonomii unique system of training that allows a person in the educational process is practical to use their life experience and the experience of interacting people. Peculiar system of science education psihonomii called "dialogue-associative." In psihonomii formed static knowledge, which are displayed in the elementary and the periodic table. Also generated maps of human outlook, making science psihonomiyu first science, which displays information schema ideologies and systems thinking of certain individuals. Psihonomiya diagnose the structure of the information matrix identification kventillionoy accuracy (16 224 413 709 933 808 704) Program "of the individual scanner." With the tools of science psihonomii person can make changes in their natural traits. In diagnosing yourself or someone the person is informed of his knowledge or one's state nature of the relationship and the events in the community diagnosed personality. Psihonomii technologies allow people to effectively influence the development, transforming itself into an efficient and productive person. Imagine the person involved and work twelve signs of the Zodiac, then it begs the question, what is a man to be a horoscope and how it will behave in the society? The society called the people in a state of spiritual and developed or born again. The nice thing is that people can learn a lot when he sees or becomes aware of it. Psihonomiya disclosed to new horizons of knowledge, understanding and skills that increase the efficiency of human self-realization in the sphere of its activity. Conclusion Horoscope, zodiac, astrology, numerology, psychology and science are psihonomiya information matrix of the individual and his relationship to society. Scientific data with varying accuracy and efficiency disclosed to the parallels of latitude and life, its laws, measures and measurement. People who want to understand themselves and their opportunities in life, most often takes the path of self-development and its relationship to society. Contribute to their election science explaining information matrix of man and society. People tend to vote for their development are scientific approaches which more than any other available understanding of his mind. Elected a Fellow of the scientific approaches depends on the level of quality of its realization, the rates and costs of forces in his personal development. A great indicator of the level of human development is its ability to control their DNA. Mood contributes to its effect on DNA! In science psihonomii are the keys to a person to control his mood, respectively, to influence their DNA. By studying the information matrices of individuals, one begins to see and understand that human life is programmed and runs on one scenario. Human life programs are capable of change through the development of his spiritual body, which controls the DNA (the physical body). Spiritual body of man is not certain organ, it was the center of his personality, a part of the Creator of the Universe. Human development begins with the desire to create the perfect man himself. Therefore, to begin to understand themselves, their information appliances, after the information necessary to understand the structure of society, then the person is able to understand the meaning of their lives and begin to positive change. To understand themselves and society science psihonomiya provides knowledge related to human development. More ... . ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Spiritually-intellectual centerSpiritual and intellectual property rights and the ability to characterize the development of the human personality. As commonly understood by society, spirituality is related to God and the supernatural manifestations of force in people's lives, and intelligence - with exact pragmatic and humanities. We are now able to know or hear about the existence of certain spiritual centers and individual intellectual centers. To merge two different areas related to the development of man and society, the knowledge that must be practical in everyday life and manageable for learning. Science Psihonomiya, Ukrainian version has the necessary materials to create such a center. While the world is not such a union to be able to characterize it "Spiritual and intellectual center"! Therefore, in the interest of the Ukrainian public and authorities have the opportunity to become the first country, which could become the founder of such a grand unification. "The spiritual and intellectual center" can be created on the correct area and have special structures and facilities that their shapes and other properties would be accompanied by increased diversifying man. Ukraine its diversity of cultures for centuries intertwined with other nations and has matured to the point and the right to form the basis of integrity of cultures and religions. Psihonomiya science was presented at an international business forum in Ukraine in 2007 in Kiev, in the "Ukrainian House". At the presentation was shown map of human abilities and capabilities - "Elementary Science Psihonomii table." During a brief presentation, it was noted that these techniques are highly effective in the business, with their increased income of enterprises from 35% and above. It was also noted that the technology-based science Psihonomii be established in Ukraine, "the spiritual and intellectual center" of international scale. Announced plans to present delegates and guests responded with thunderous applause. In Ukraine, the geographical center of Europe, which is not particularly think Ukrainians, possibly due to the fact that from this center does not have a direct benefit or harm. From "Spiritual intellectual center 'benefits can be many Ukrainians and visitors to our country, as the center will be used towards education, towards the rehabilitation of citizens and towards the rest from the daily hustle and bustle. The idea of ??creating a "spiritual and intellectual center" is an unfilled niche in the international space and Ukraine could become the first state for which can be followed in this regard other countries. Until this point in center exists on the internet, it was created by citizens of Ukraine and continues to develop to its geographical expression. You also have the opportunity to participate in matters of organization, or financial support. More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Informative products of UkrainiansEveryone tends to engage in a feasible task, creating benefits of different types and manifestations. Psihonomiya project until only the Internet is a "spiritual and intellectual center," which is designed to develop the human person, regardless of nationality or country of residence. Strategic projects Psihonomiya called: "Information Products Ukrainian peoples of the world!". On the part of project information that is published on this site and other sites, you can appreciate the scope and objectives of the project Psihonomiya. In many materials Psihonomii You can see the position of unrivaled accuracy truths of our life, the human abilities. Many Ukrainians and citizens of Ukraine to establish and produce fruits that are honored by the world community. You have the possibility to be involved to support the project to society of the world learned of the knowledge and data as needed to use them. Financial help is needed for an advertising project work, for translation into foreign languages, as well as to pay participating professionals (programmers). Ukrainians and citizens of other countries, you can make donations to the account Ukrainian Privat 6762462039866998 or purses WebMoney R313933682739, E354287014474, U203070771160, Z250379466193. Your help in any amount is a value, which is necessary for the project. Therefore, you have the possibility to take part in helping develop "Information Products Ukrainians peoples of the world!" Different ways right now, today or tomorrow. We, the organizers of the project, thank you in advance for your understanding of the location of the heart and feelings to their active part in the great project of Ukrainian citizens. Integrity of cultures of religions is in the secrets of the Astrological signsSociety of peoples, countries and continents are separated by cultural traditions faiths northern, western, southern and eastern. These traditions centuries reclaim lawmaking actions and reforms of society and instruction of the Creator. Prepared creator man to commit information to relations in society and the true meaning of life. By our time took the form of cultural traditions of folk wisdom, beliefs, traditions, creeds, religions and ideologies of art. Modern man fills his psychology such forms of information and then engage in practical realization of what is able to do and what he has learned and is learning today. The existing laws of society and the laws of life a person needs, as they are for his benefit. The laws of human life exert an effect of domestication his natural capacity. The Company is developing continuously, as the laws are developed at the initiative of the people. In Christianity, it is said that the people of Babel to speak the same language, and they had a high level of mutual understanding. Their tower was a manifestation of their delusions of grandeur, it was the cause of violations of the cycle of the society, which was scattered across continents. After these events, the society struggle to find understanding among themselves and with the time people reclaim laws again shown to him by God. Thus, people were united to form the integrity of society. Culture denominations were the founders of the laws of social relations. With the current set of denominations, movements, religions and cultures, science Psihonomii are applying natural systematic exercises. Based on the open strategic systemic religions in science Psihonomii Folding natural reasons for the existence of religion, which are intended for the development and improvement of the human person. Systemic nature of religion symmetrical to its foundations and meanings from one of the four elements zodiac. Culture religions preach automatically for human laws, rules and behaviors that are the natural properties of the three zodiac signs one of the four elements. Four Elements of the Zodiac are the cornerstones of the existing religions. In man, in his nature to the nature of his birth manifested religious inclination, he instilled in the zodiac signs. Politics of human behavior, he instilled the influence sign of the zodiac, is preached religions. Systemic nature of cultures religions metaphorically compared with the structure of the world building. The structure of the building of the world consists of four parts and their parties (all) light. Four of the world's building divided into four pillars of religion. The foundation and the north side of the building belongs to the global elements of the earth and preached Christianity. Jesus Christ was born in the sign of Capricorn influence. This Sign is the ruler of the element of Earth. The ground floor and the west side of the building belongs to the world and preach the Water element of Hinduism. Krishna was born in the sign of the influence of the zodiac Cancer. This Sign is the Lord of the Water element. The second floor and the south side of the building belongs to the global elements of Fire and preached Islam. The Prophet Muhammad, may have been born at the time of impact of the zodiac sign Aries. This Sign is the ruler of the element of Fire. The roof and the east side of the building belongs to the global elements of air and preached Buddhism. Buda may have been born at the time of impact of the zodiac sign Libra. This Sign is the ruler of the air element. Born a man grows in its development, thus, not suspecting that he laid on the birth of religious inclination and conviction. Most people become followers of those religions that preached extensively in their regions. The modern world is showing favorable propagation comprehensive information on the life of human activities, including knowledge of many cultures, religions and doctrines. Because of this, many people become followers of their respective cultures of the soul and spirit of the Faith. Zodiac Signs by nature a person's birth in him lay religious qualities of character. To establish this, we characterize as is the current practice of the time at the moment. Christianity preaches a conscious way of life. In Christianity, God manifests His presence in the form of the Force, and the devil in the form of impotence. Zodiac Virgo earth element manifests in man power. Elements of the same Zodiac sign Taurus shows the impotence of man and Capricorn abides by half at one and the second character as ruler. Hinduism preached subconscious way of life. In Hinduism, God manifests His presence in the form of the plenitude of the imagination, and the devil in the form of voids imagination. Zodiac Pisces Water element manifests in man fullness of imagination. This verse also shows the sign of Scorpio in the man void of imagination, and the cancer resides in half at one and the second character as ruler. Islam preaches astute way of life. In Islam, God manifests His presence in the form of action, and the devil in the form of inaction. Elements of Fire Sign Sagittarius shows a man of action. This same verse is Leo takes a man of inaction, Aries abides by half at one and the second character as ruler. Buddhism teaches tactile way of life. In Buddhism, God manifests His presence in the form of harmony, and the devil in the form of disharmony. Zodiac Gemini Air element manifests in man Harmony. Elements of the same Zodiac sign Aquarius shows a man disharmony, and Libra abide by half at one and the second character as ruler. Culture of Christianity is based on the philosophy of natural elements of the earth and is the cornerstone of his teaching culture of the North. Culture Hinduism is based on the philosophy of natural elements of Water, and his teaching is the cornerstone of Western culture. Culture of Islam is based on the philosophy of natural elements of Fire and is the cornerstone of his teaching culture of the South. Buddhism culture is based on the philosophy of natural elements of air, and his teaching is the cornerstone of Eastern culture. Each culture is important cornerstone for human life because of them naturally is human psychology. Culture denominations exist for man and for it to open, develop and perfect manifestation of God. Therefore, every law of the Society is for man, not man for the law is! The laws of human life, provide the framework and barriers within which people effectively self-realization and improved. At the same time, without producing damage to themselves and others personalities. Laws unite individuals in society, showing the effect of development and enrichment of the person. Thus God in the life of man is wealth. Form of wealth a person can be in different forms and meanings. Everyone, without exception, is the need to have the power of the senses, the fullness of the imagination, there are policies and harmony in their lives. Man is able to develop his character positive properties of twelve zodiac signs. Each sign of the Zodiac is valuable in its development. We are interacting with people of other zodiac signs, and develop the properties of their signs, and they develop features of our zodiac signs. Everything that exists in our nature is for the development and improvement of the individual - "the crown of creation." All kinds of technical and information technology designed for humans. How people use opportunities, conditions and abilities, depending on his outlook and his companies habitat. Many of the needed man for his development and improvement was with him and in him. People develop through relationships with other people. This development is automatic to a certain level. After reaching the limits of automatic development, people in need of additional, useful information that accompanies its further development in the relations of society. In science Psihonomii Ukrainian researchers generated a certain amount of knowledge that allow us to systematize the knowledge of themselves and interacting humans. "Elementary Science Psihonomii table" reveals man laws device vertical hierarchy of society, the vertical sequence of signs of the Zodiac, religions and levels of vertical nature of the Earth. In a community cultural beliefs symmetrically divided into three areas of human activity, characteristics and abilities. These areas represent three of the world - a world of astral, the material world and the spiritual world. Astral cultural beliefs are based on outside sources of God's manifestation. In these people based on tradition, experience and past times. Hinduism and Buddhism are their teachings astral culture. Material culture of religion is based on facts, manifested in the current time. In these people based on personal experience and formal sciences. Official science is represented by its religious education material cultures. Four elemental lord mostly strong in the culture of the material world, the real facts. Spiritual culture of religions based on internal sources of manifestations of God that are in man. In these people based on their condition and what wants to achieve in the future. Christianity and Islam are the teachings of their spiritual culture. Every person is in a medium of these cultures religions, it elects itself approximate the spirit of development, aspirations, understanding and skills. Constellation of the Zodiac in parallel with the formation of human exert their influence on its propensity to act in public relations by the laws and rules of one of the cornerstones of cultural beliefs. Signs of the Zodiac on the properties of nature in man show time priorities and religious inclinations. Zodiac Signs spontaneously manifested in a person's life, and culture of religion in a person cultivate his nature natural properties of nature. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus signs intensely conscious elements of the Earth. People of such marks by nature influence his birth slopes act in public relations from the standpoint of Christianity. These people are especially able to understand the Christian ideology, not knowing it. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio hard subliminal signs the Water element. People of such marks by nature influence his birth slopes act in public relations from the standpoint of Hinduism. These people are especially able to understand the ideology of Hinduism, not knowing it. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius strongly basic elements of Fire signs. People of such marks by nature influence his birth slopes act in public relations from the standpoint of Islam. These people are especially able to understand the ideology of Islam, not knowing it. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius signs intensely tactile element of Air. People of such marks by nature influence his birth slopes act in public relations from the standpoint of Buddhism. These people are especially able to understand the ideology of Buddhism, not knowing it. People in their lives interact with different people of society, cultivate, in their ability to understand the nature and the ability to conduct the twelve signs of the zodiac. This happens with every person primarily at a subconscious level, automatically interact with each other while people vzaimoobuchayutsya deliberately not setting ourselves a target. This development effectively as the battery, effectively for a time maintaining relationships with certain people. This development is lost when a person changes the range of relationships in society. Human development is continuous if it is on a conscious level, the necessary skills the twelve signs of the zodiac. Man is by nature a device is able to develop the qualities of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, combining the four cornerstones of cultural beliefs. Working on yourself and on the relationship, in the circumstances, a person can develop a responsible Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, ingenuity and thinking of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, militancy and efficiency of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, strength and self-government of Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. There are no good or bad, better or worse signs of the zodiac! Each of them is an individual value, which is shown as a person's ability to understand life, to be thoughtful and loving creation of God. The strategy of human and social development based on the fact that the signs of the zodiac are created for man, culture religions created for man, laws are made for man, the state created for the benefit of its human development and improvement. We are able to notice the opposite, and this is precisely where a person belongs zodiac sign of religion or culture, or the state, as the property of slaveholders. Much can be done to man, but nothing is going to have a man of many possible not everything is beneficial to man. Just in case people have the time, do not get ahead of ourselves, in the future, do not fall behind in the past, do it now, at this moment, you will be happy in the present times! Attention in a person is a part of the Divine and the main product of human activity. Attention in man is formed and controlled mind, the subconscious, permeation and touch. A person can manage their relative attention that is increasingly controlled by man. Knowledge, absorb man's attention is structured, reinforcing effective human capacity in the present or prigashaya them. Human happiness - in continuous operations of its development and improvement! It is important to a person than does not substitute its own development and improvement, continue to effectively use their time, because our soul is the vehicle by the laws of time, and the engine in our minds - this is our focus. Use your chance to develop and improve the science provided to you Psihonomiey: http://www.psychonomy.com.ua More ... . ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Signs of east horoscope, property of influence of year of birthMost people in the community heard of or are familiar with the eastern signs and horoscopes, which are assigned to a person in the year of his birth. Oriental horoscope shares millennium times on successive cycles of twelve segments. Next annual signs accompanied by some of the legends of the eastern nations. In the Bible, we can also draw attention to the scenes in which Adam assigned names to animals in the creation of the World. A person without knowledge of the target experience is difficult to notice the influence of the individual properties of each year in the eastern segment of twelve horoscope. Also the effect of the personal year of birth is uncertain, and it is not clear. Professional impact on the annual horoscopes are not found in the modern world, as the Eastern and the horoscope signs are not being improved in comparison to the zodiac horoscopes. Really is the case that thousands of years ago, there were figurative explanation eastern characters, but today, these forms are not alternative explanations, they are not development. Society is not static, it is constantly evolving in their communion, in the examples of images of understanding and thinking. In order to clarify the effect of year of birth on the person, we pay attention to the laws of physics, which are directly linked to the impact of years of human activity through the solar activity. Solar activity with official science varies by eleven-year cycle. Folding so that the sun shines on the earth every year in many ways, it cycles on the steps of each year reduces or increases its activity. The man in charge of the birth absorbs solar activity, this charge is further manifested in human behavior defined strategy of psychological relationships in society. Year of birth of the person gives him a certain field of strategic activities with a customized environment for him and society. Annual solar charge deposited in the overall potential of person at birth. This charge generates in man psychological contrast that becomes necessary capacity in dealing with interacting people. Marks the eastern horoscope called strategic, properties of its influence, they form a psychological level for human activity. Each strategic level exerts its influence in a person's life a certain mood and attitude of the people around him. Twelve signs of the eastern circle, are the twelve signs of the zodiac circle. The impact of the Zodiac in the annual horoscope is under the law "in a mirror." That is, the people around them, regardless of their zodiac signs tend to act or show its relation to man by the laws of its annual mark. Born people are showing signs of the zodiac to the influence of the environment, interacting and behaviors of other people. Each year, the eastern range, given by a man of his birth, he creates a field of the laws of circumstances that are arranged under the principles of a certain sign of the zodiac. People, paying attention to your surroundings, able to see a preferential attraction of one sign of the zodiac circle. For an accurate understanding consider what zodiac signs are predisposed to interact with a person of the eastern character. Year of the Horse equal sign Capricorn. From the man who was born in the year of Horse, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the sign Capricorn. Year of the Horse is a strategic field of the sign Capricorn. To a man, born in the year of Horse, attract people zodiac sign Capricorn. Year of the Goat, Sheep equated Zodiac sign Virgo. From the man who was born in year of the Goat, Sheep, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Virgo. Year of the Goat, Sheep is a strategic field zodiac sign Virgo. To a man, born in year of the Goat, Sheep, attract people zodiac sign Virgo. Year of the Ox is equal sign of the zodiac Taurus. With a man born in the Year of the Ox surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of zodiac sign Taurus. Year of the Ox is a strategic field of zodiac sign Taurus. To a person born in the Year of the Ox people are attracted to the zodiac sign of Taurus. Dog year equals Zodiac sign Cancer. From the man who was born in a dog year, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Cancer. Year of the Dog is a strategic field zodiac sign Cancer. To a man, born in a dog year, attracted people zodiac sign Cancer. Cat and Rabbit year equates Zodiac sign Pisces. With the person born in the year Cat and Rabbit, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of Pisces. Cat and Rabbit year is a strategic field zodiac sign Pisces. To a man, born in the year Cat and Rabbit, attracted people zodiac sign Pisces. Year of the Snake equated Zodiac sign Scorpio. From the man who was born in the year of Snake, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Year of the Snake is a strategic field zodiac sign Scorpio. To a man, born in the year of Snake, people are attracted to the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Year of the Rat, Mouse equated Zodiac sign Aries. From the man who was born in Year of Rat-Mouse, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Aries. Year of the Rat, Mouse is a strategic field zodiac sign Aries. To a man, born in Year of the Rat, Mouse, attract people zodiac sign Aries. Year of the Pig-Pig equated Zodiac sign Sagittarius. From the man who was born in Year of the Pig-Pig, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Year of the Pig-Pig is a strategic field zodiac sign Sagittarius. To a man, born in Year of the Pig-Pig, attract people zodiac sign Sagittarius. Tiger equals Leo. From the man who was born in Year of the Tiger, the surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of Leo. Year of the Tiger is a strategic field of Leo. To a man, born in Year of the Tiger, attracted people is Leo. Year of the Rooster, Hens equated Zodiac sign Libra. With the person born in the year of Rooster, Hens, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Libra. Year of the Rooster, Hen is a strategic field zodiac sign Libra. To a man, born in the year of Rooster, Hen, attract people zodiac sign Libra. Year of the Monkey equal sign of the zodiac Gemini. From the man who was born in Year of the Monkey, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Gemini. Year of the Monkey is a strategic field zodiac sign Gemini. To a man, born in Year of the Monkey, attract people zodiac sign Gemini. Year of the Dragon equated Zodiac sign Aquarius. From the man who was born in the year of Dragon, surrounding people interact according to the rules and methods of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Year of the Dragon is a strategic field zodiac sign Aquarius. To a man, born in the year of Dragon attracted people zodiac sign Aquarius. East mark its field attracts people around a certain man zodiac sign assimilated its eastern character. In the natural environment the unit of time there are twelve signs of the zodiac, which are transferred to the eastern signs. Based on this, one is able to assess and identify the information that is shown of him in his entourage on the effect of the zodiac and the one that appears on the people around him on the effect of the eastern character. Eastern Signs affect the principles and laws of the relationship to the person around them. Year of birth of a person creates his natural level playing field in which people interact instinctively manifest themselves according to the laws of his year of birth. Each of the twelve-year cycle provides a natural level of individual human relationships in society. The higher the level of the annual mark, the more complicated behavior of interacting people, and the lower the level of the annual mark, the easier interaction of the surrounding people. Complex or simple competition in a society can continue to occur spontaneously in a person's life, or vice versa people look set to useful information and benefit from self-knowledge. A person must cultivate now, not then and tomorrow. In "Elementary Science Psihonomii table" for you created tools available clarification device of man and society. At the bottom of the table you can find oriental signs and the sign up the column you are familiar with the characteristics and behaviors of interacting relationships of people to a certain person was born. To consider more laws and properties, the effect of a person's birth, we offer the program "an individual scanner." You are also available for use by the program "The crown of education", she details the system-level reveals patterns of influence on a person's birth, the society's attitude towards him. More ... . ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Aquarius is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyAquarius in public relations naturally inclined to take the position of leader. Many people of this zodiac sign all his forces are fighting for control of the company of their relationship. These people are able to effectively samoobladat, after the development of self-control, they tend to develop their control over the people in their environment. Aquarius is the high man in communion, he instantly compresses hundreds of words in a few words or phrases. Man of the zodiac sign is capable of, like a mirror, reflecting the mood and understanding people. Through these actions, he creates instant rapport, even with strangers. Aquarius is able to work effectively facial expression, it is easy to form an expression understanding, knowledgeable and knowledgeable. This attitude provokes interacting show Gambling bragging on topics of their merits. Of these, Aquarius chooses what he needs, and staking a claim to what they saw and what they want. People of this sign of the zodiac in a relationship with people and the initiative tend to be infinite persistence. The persistence of this man - the main lever of its success. Logically, it is able to quickly calculate and plan, then in dealing with people pumps superhuman speed and load. For many Aquarians from the standpoint of intellectual logic is simple, but in practice they can not afford their plans and understand even by 30%. Aquarius at its own pace, demanding, and the scope of cases can develop relationships in the community. Aquarius repeatedly scrolls through the thoughts of past events, impress them or involving impressions attention interlocutors. He did not forget his losses, that pushes him to hold my attention past events. This person burns too much attention to the history of the past, so devastated his psyche and the psyche of the people around them. Devastated psyche society automatically appears irritable and aggressive. Aquarius quotes stories from his own experience, in which he was the best and unbeatable, these actions impressing his interlocutor ruthless positions. In Aquarius in dealing with people seen so much logic that he can do is mechanical, it is estimated only one logic. Based on the logic of excessive it can not be used in time of dialogue and a lot of other people's sayings quotes, forcing them to the speaker. These actions can frazzle psihikicheskoe attention interacting people. First he formed the logic of words, after forming thoughts and feelings on last basic volitional action. In psychological vampirism people zodiac sign Aquarius are permanent vampires. These people have a continuously manage other people. This man is impressed past events of his life and so refreshing and reminds former failures, missteps and losses relatives, friends and people around them. Aquarians need only be present in the community, to remind us of the failure of interactions between humans. Man of the sign directs his attention and the attention of others to the depths of past events. He takes over from past events the attention, repeatedly scrolling through the same old records of his memory. At the same time, without making any use of the present or future events. Aquarius by scrolling the old records in the society absorbs the life-giving attention to the audience and from these actions feel fitter, stronger and healthier, and the interaction weak in all areas of their fulfillment. Aquarius doubts in many ways, but it is much harder questions the position of interacting people. Its flimsy doubt he is capable of producing a reality of life negatives. It turns out that this behavior it generates unbearable atmosphere of mutual understanding. Aquarius trust his opinion, which forms on the facts of their experience and expertise on the facts of authoritative sources. Man of the signs of the zodiac in dealing with people pressing on them with his authority or other authority known to him and clear of people, sometimes familiar. Aquarius is prone to cold pragmatic logic calculations. One logic inclines given people to passive behavior. They find it hard to create something from scratch, but many others are able to develop the rudiments of the plane. So it is easy to take advantage of others, and if possible, will take cunning or force desired. Aquarius because of their pride affected tend to show aggression and violence against human interaction. He is inclined to instantly annoyed if need something from him or show him. People of this sign reversal takes people to it in the proposed form, not allowing himself to the obsessive relationship. Aquarius high opinion of himself, he sees no equal. Height Ranges people of this zodiac sign are brilliant, they are generalized logic allows them to absorb huge amounts of information that they can immediately apply in these events. Aquarius by nature inclined to strategically expand its activities. He quickly thought and its relationship adjusts to the same rate of thinking and human interaction. This man is difficult to confuse the conversation, he trusts the facts and credible sources, and personal views questioned. Aquarius, having little hope, with demonstrably able to act completely confident in their positions. He is much easier in public relations. These people are not attracted to the enforcement process, they care about how to quickly achieve the end result of his actions. Aquarius cares about the practicality of their studies, so can not be distracted by interpersonal game, he tries to identify all the practicality and realism. People of this sign of the zodiac in relationships with family and other people openly generous, but only small things. They believe everything that someone inferior, give or give. Aquarius sharpens its focus on and achieve great results, then it tends to take away everything yourself. In dealings he is interested in the lion's share of the potential of others, or their joint results. He easily inclined to claim great results that can occur in human interaction. Aquarius claim jackpots those people who make gifts on trifles. This attitude often makes them avaricious people. Man zodiac sign Aquarius different manifestations of life was assessed by external their manifestations. It's hard to penetrate the hidden, undeveloped structures and facts topics that occupy his attention and understanding. He clearly sees the outer limits of the field of activity and the impact of human interaction. Aquarius is particularly attentive to the outer limits of which are clearly manifested in society. For all sorts of topics it looks with the external position. Therefore, it is perfectly capable of leading external, formal relations on behalf of the group. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Petroleum pumpTechnology industry, manufacturing, energy production develop and improve continuously. Oil, gas and water are essential raw materials and mass demand. On our planet, depending on the area of ??market relations, constitutes demand and the price of raw materials. Most markets in the world of its oil and gas, but there are other markets that pay more for water cost price of gasoline. The price of raw material is formed primarily from the costs in production and consumer demand. Importance in the formation of prices in oil, gas or water is the amount of energy expenditure. These costs increase the price. For example, in some Arab countries, a liter of water costs thirty cents, a liter of gasoline - a dime. It turns out that they cost in the production process more water than in the process of oil production. -Designed installation "GTNK" (Deep Rope Pump-rocker). This development significantly reduces the cost of electricity for lifting liquids from great depths. Dimensions of the plant is ten times smaller and lighter than the classic. The productivity "GTNK" is identical to the classic rocking pump. Installing "GTNK" is designed for a depth of 2 km, its weight about 800 pounds, consumes 5 kilowatts of electricity per hour, lifts 10 tons a day of oil, gas condensate and water. Classic pump-chair for the depth of 2 km weighs over 20 tons, consumed 70 to 100 kilowatts of electricity per hour, lifts 10 tons a day of oil, gas condensate and water. "GTNK" unit is designed to lift fluids from great depths - up to 10 kilometers. Pyatikilovatny electric motor to install "GTNK" allows wind generators up to 10 kilowatts. This possibility also significantly reduces the energy consumption during mining. In "GTNK" installation using standard pipe "tubing". Installing "GTNK" effective in the narrow horizons of occurrence of carbohydrates from 1m as the height of 1m and pump it allows for installation in depleted wells. "GTNK" installation of small size and low weight, these figures make it easier to transport and service. For the production of plants "GTNK" sufficiently equipped workshop, with some equipment. To date, the invention obtained copyright registration of Ukrainian "GTNK" generated drawings and made them design the pump by 30%. For completion and commissioning of industrial design pump-rocking "GTNK" should be 3 to 6 months. Contributors will sell the invention to the party concerned on mutually beneficial terms. Contact for interested parties: psychonomycom@gmail.com Co-author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Libra is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychology.Scales in the public relations naturally inclined to take the position of a diplomat. These people are very pragmatic, they trust the logical benefits, with the ability to explain the words understandable for the interlocutors. Libra tend to live according to the plan, trying to inspire them to friends and people around them. Sometimes their plans are too logical and few viable. These people are able to be accurate in this ongoing dialogue, with a sense contradict previous messages. The balance may be as logical in their behavior and in dealing with people to the level of passivity. Their cold crazy cool or freeze the initiative of other people. Duplicitous behavior in humans this zodiac sign is shown revealing the positions of their sensitivity in the relationship, and hidden personal views are often dry logic. Scales are shown in man certain behavior: one cup represents the position of tricks, and another dictatorship. These people logically calculate the probability of future developments and make their bets in the present time, this appears to trick. Based upon this logic in dealing with people balance the obligations require agreement. People of this zodiac sign can hide their results and achievements of the Company's interaction. Libra people's attention focused on the events of this time. For him, it is particularly important is what happens at the moment. Scales upon the current time are able to make decisions or to change his mind and focus of its position in dealing with people. Their attention is continually at the forefront of current events, they are given to operational decisions and actions in real time. In Libra relationships with people seen so much logic that they can do is mechanical calculations on logic alone. On the basis of over-logic may not apply in time of dialogue and a lot of other people's sayings quotes, forcing them to the interlocutor, they are able to exhaust the attention of the mind interacting people. First, they have formed the logic of words, after forming thoughts, feelings, and then at the last place fundamentally volitional action. In psychological vampirism people Libra logic and donor commitment to the abundance of power. When psychological competitive people can be trying to crush a competitor for its abundance of logic and the ability to synthesize information. For many people, too exhausting communication Libra, which has no feelings. So people in the face of competition with Libra tend rigid logic cold and unemotional behavior to avoid or use many times superior measures of confrontation. A person of this sign quite present in the society, in order to increase its logical dialogue. People of this zodiac sign or not believe in, any ideals he questioned. He is an absolute pragmatist and materialist. Libra absorb other people's feelings and are not able to be on my own. Many people of this zodiac sign are able to easily take the life of other people, without imaginaries and suffering conscience. Their cold cruelty may horrify sensitive people, not expecting such a manifestation in the relationship. Libra so try to hide from people interacting true nature of his character. Often in their plans some money and power over the people. People of this sign of the zodiac to monitor and control the people through physical resources that are clearly partitioned between subordinates. Libra - dedicated people, they are directed to increase continuously in the hierarchies of their society fulfillment. They are able to comprehend the different professions, with may well find a common language with the higher human society. Their iron items have powerful people make of their henchmen Libra or trustees. People of this sign of the zodiac various events pass through the logic, this attitude allows them to quickly learn new things, and they are not repeated in comprehend. Libra vulnerable to detail and detail, people lose their data speed of thinking and communication, and their superiority is primarily manifested in the speed of response in communication. Man of the zodiac sign of surface flies on the topics of their studies and all the details can bring down their pace, activity, and the desire to make the selected event. In Libra weak psychological abilities, they can not understand the motivation of the mind interacting people, they judge people by their words and facts manifest in the environment. The low sensitivity in the relationship - the main vulnerability of the people of this sign of the zodiac. Man of the mark in relation to society is in the position controller as the core of the atom, which circulate around the event and interacting people. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Gemini is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyTwins in public relations are naturally prone to take a position forward-looking people. They include indicators logically present and future development by their classes. Their focus is on the benefits and the benefits of their relationships and activities. Gemini concerned about the security of their health and their resources. Therefore around trying to form the society of the weaker individuals, compared with their abilities. People of this sign of the Zodiac tend to stay close to the leaders of the society or among the leaders. They are effective policies that try to interact with the leaders and the leaders of other societies. Twins are able to instantly take the initiative in the relationship, claiming themselves benefit from the event. Without the benefit of this hard for people to move and pull away. People of this zodiac sign perceives events logikicheskom generalized level, it superficially looks at themes and stuff. This attitude allows him to develop high speed behavior and communication with interacting people. Gemini can harmoniously interact with people as long as the relatives do not make mistakes, for which they are strictly and severely punished. These people can be very cruel and would fear if not for yourself, then mocked by all upon whom it is possible to elevate. Their mockery seen smehotvorstvom. Twins tend to make fun of other people, in a manner exalted over them and feed their pride. People's attention zodiac sign Gemini directed to the achievements in the future tense. Important to them is what they achieved in the future through ongoing relationships. They are able to dramatically change their behavior in a relationship, if the lost prospect of future results or achievements. Their attention is continually at the forefront of current predictions of where the development would face ongoing relationship. The twins in dealing with people seen so much logic that they can do is mechanical calculations on logic alone. In their imagination, first a logic of words, after forming thoughts, feelings, and more on the last basic volitional action. In psychological vampirism people under the sign of Gemini impulsive consumers logical understanding. They tend to spoil the mood of interacting impulsively and friends. These actions of the people of this zodiac sign asserting itself. They instinctively inclined to check because of its impact and influence on the society where it operates. Twins are to conduct a tactical relationship with the people, acting in advance. Results of their actions sometimes create irritation mind competing with people. With this move, they demonstrate its superiority in dealing with people. Gemini enriched on the surrounding people, both in detail and in a large way, in their consumption of pulses, they all squeezed to the max, trying with every action to get maximum results. Propensity for profit is excessive in behavior of Gemini, they are able to take from life everything that can be taken or taken away from the people around them. These people perceive events on generalized logical level, because of this fact hardly distinguish the details of his study. Sudden competition people with this zodiac sign can surprise them. Gemini for its effective unsurpassed invigorate your mind up to high speed. In appearance of this condition may occur in the lungs of emotional gestures and emotional phrases. With similar data, people tend to be rude, overbearing insolence, and to achieve a desired mood or state relations in society. Too bellicose mood and behavior Gemini create conflict and intrigue in the company of his presence or relationships. People of this zodiac sign is an effective leader in the team, he knows how to negotiate with people and is able to claim the contract. Interested twins are with maximum efficiency given his or general business. When they are interested, create realizable rate, followed by very few people can keep up. These people are able to create harmony in the community or collective. They tend to punish people interacting on the fact of their violation. Twins in every are able to increase efficiency by applying innovation, developing the theme of their work. Their cheerfulness and positive mood without resistance perceived by all sections of society. People of this sign of the zodiac particularly the development of wisdom, which allows them to perfectly see the logic of future events. This ability is used for the Twins ahead of the competition. People of this sign of the Zodiac tend to make minimal investments and get the most out of multiplying. The greed of man is his vulnerability. He enthusiastically given their many activities. Gemini power tend to be binge eating, over-saturated foods especially before bedtime. Food they muffle their activity. In affairs and relationships also tend to be gluttony. They do not limit yourself and do not stop in the process of benefit and profit in its class. Gemini is too stick with their attention to the resource for which they clung, the danger is that they may well behave and cheese in a mousetrap. People of this zodiac sign superficially logical and pragmatic look at many events and tend to ignore and skip tricks on a detailed level of detail. For him, details sometimes invisible or incomprehensible that he could appreciate them. Twins in the collective is fruitful position, they effectively interact with the core team and its external representatives. They find it difficult to conduct foreign relations or official on behalf of the group. Also can not be stable in the center of a nucleus around which the team interacts. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Cancer is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyCancer is naturally inclined to take positions that influence the attention of other people. His emotionality indicates large amounts of uncontrolled information thinking. Highly developed imagination of the sign of the zodiac allows him to use intuition. He is able to take the initiative suddenly or dramatically change the orientation of its aspirations. Cancer Man-weak-willed, so the team is being heralded willed people who give little thought and a lot of doing. Heightened imagination of man is manifested increased sexual activity. People of this sign of the zodiac are often puppets or trustees of the more influential figures. Cancer is particularly fond of the money, he, touching them, gets pleasure and therefore tries to occupy a position in a society where money is flowing through at least their hands to other people. His attention is focused on the events of the moment. For him, it is particularly important is what happens in the present. Cancer upon the current time to make decisions or to change his mind and focus their position in dealing with people. People can be attentive to the voice and tone of the interlocutors. After they are thoroughly imbued with the intonation in the opinions of people, untold information. Cancer imagination based on his vision of thinking. People of this sign is dependent on his imagination. Its abundance of thoughts can greatly deplete it will potential. These people can be slow because of the missing subject of relations through its detailed logic of thinking and these actions can be time consuming. At first they thought manifest, followed by voluntary actions, then the logic of words and feelings in last place. In psychological vampirism people under the sign of Cancer donors thought and imagination. They are able to have people around them will increase the contrast thoughts. Also able to impart his thoughts interacting people. People of this zodiac sign is capable of interacting instinctively hypnotize people, particularly its authoritarian and allegedly true understanding of life. In conversation, he tries to convince his interlocutor view, making such actions impose its views by introducing a contact to mikrogipnoz. Cancer champion of the Zodiac according to his ability to deceive others and interacting with people. He mostly shows his righteousness, as a diversionary tactic. At the same time trying to be proactive in the areas of gain and consolidate his power over the interacting people. In a competition of cancer does not hesitate, he can smile in the face and defiantly show goodwill and common friend impose negative thoughts about the other. People of this sign of the Zodiac easily assign someone else's achievement, using plagiarism. Their crimes are a way of life, but in a society capable of revealing look righteous legalists. These people often devote themselves to the underworld, where their cruelty and violence is encouraged. Due to excessive pride people Raki can be aggressive and violent. While carefully concealing the negative character traits. Their positive intuitive ability to delve into the multifaceted areas of life forms in their delusions of grandeur. Cancer currently high opinion he ironically refers to the positions of others. His irony pushes smehotvorcheski apply to many public values. It is easily manipulated by negative aspects of the characters and the people do not take seriously their righteousness. Cancer is proud to be able to wind up confusing many interacting. These people are in a relationship easily commit themselves to achieve anything at the moment. And having reached the desired, try to ignore their pre-commitments as long as one is not passing them off as from a tube. The sequence of behavior of these people is particularly useful for relations in society. People Zodiac sign Cancer, in any case try to find out for himself the central, key points, which are connected in series in a single practical canvas. Its ability to conduct long conversations can be particularly effective for his company. Thanks to his ability to chew threads interact are able to see and understand the whole picture to take their attention. Cancer shaped claws slowly squeezes competitors from each of their negligence. Vulnerability of people of this sign is their weak-willed character and passion for relationships with reputable people. Willed people like: Aries, Sagittarius, and, sometimes, Leo can hypnotize people sign Cancer. Cancer gets into the system dependent on the attention of the people element of Fire. Rumors of his stay in the community can be very annoying and exhausting his internal will potential. Man of the signs of the zodiac in relation to society is in the position controller as the core of the atom, which circulate around the event and interacting people. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Pisces is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyFish in public relations naturally tend to occupy the position of informed members of society. Megaskorost their work with information enabling them to quickly explore large amounts of information. Fish are not able to experience this or that information, they fly on the surface of their research topics. These people, in any case or subject yourself to find out the criteria for the extremes of positive and negative, and in clarifying the exact difference is too much sensory powers. For these reasons, Fish do not hesitate to take advantage of other people's calculations plagiatski or labor. Great importance in the life of these people engaged in education, it can inhibit their instinctive infinity. This man is trying to be on the pulse of innovation in the themes of his work and hobbies. He is able to instantly take something new and cut off from their old goals and positions. Fish do not understand themselves, can be cruel in dealing with people, as prone to extremes, acting on positive symptoms of negative manifestations and vice versa. Pisces people's attention is directed to the achievements of the future tense. Important to them is what they achieved in the future through ongoing relationships. They can dramatically change the behavior in a relationship is lost if the prospect of future results or achievements. Their attention is continually at the forefront of current predictions of where the development would face ongoing relationship. Pisces imagination based on his vision of thinking. People of this sign is dependent on his imagination. Its abundance of thoughts can greatly deplete it will potential. These people can be slow because of the missing subject of relations through its detailed logic of thinking and these actions can be time consuming. At first they thought manifest, followed by voluntary actions, then the logic of words and feelings in last place. In psychological vampirism under the sign of Pisces people are impulsive forces consumers imagination. They tend to spoil the mood of interacting impulsively and friends. These actions of the people of this zodiac sign asserting itself. They instinctively inclined to check because of its impact and influence on the society where it operates. Fish tend to act tactically relationships with people, acting in advance. Results of their actions sometimes create irritation psyche of people competing with them. Sign This demonstrates its superiority in dealing with people. Fish was elected to the company of his relations people that are trying to be in the theme Union impulsively criticize them, attracting the attention of willful ally. This behavior they exhibit for personal stimulation and motivation to be better and not to relax in a relationship with people. Pisces are prone to violence because of low sensitivity to interacting people. For many people, this sign in their awareness of the people represented by an object, which consists of a leather bag containing meat and bone. Therefore, some of these signs of the Zodiac can take the life of other people, and after nothing to regret. Their passivity entices them dependent on human interaction. Fish, many things start with someone and often push partner of overall achievements, assigning the results themselves. They are slippery chat with buddies, to twist the meaning of his quotes or giving up their words. Fish tend to participate in spreading rumors, they can pass on unverified information society. These people often speak about justice in a person's life, while able to steal or take away someone else's. Laziness Pisces appears from spraying their thinking. These people are passionate about continuous statistics on useful and useless directions in their life and in public relations. They are able to get involved in the future of the undeveloped intelligence so that there is no force attention to current activity. The people of this zodiac sign are often pushed and forced to act close and the people around them. Fish are able to think much and little to do, but they like to think about the future. This man has the analytical mind, it is statistically processing large amounts of information in a short period of time. People of this sign of the zodiac besfanatichny given the mood of the society are able to protect their relationship. Among the fish often individuals aspiring to excellence and trust in God. This person is in continuous search of the truth of life. He is able to share with neighbors such as blood, and useful information. He is able to be a professional in many systems of society or culture areas. Vulnerability of man lies in his statistical strategy, he is inclined to accept other people's positions and viewpoints that are in communication can not be defended. Fish surface absorb information and to communicate with people who cross the detailed level of information affected, vulnerable. These people tend to continuously develop, they are able to take from the first innovation, abandoning their previous positions. Thus, constantly changing as a person with ideals. Because of this interaction, people can not be confident in the stability of the positions of the people of this sign of the zodiac. Just Fish tend to easily seduced by foreign resources when they are trusted by their interaction. Fish hold fruitful position within the team, they effectively interact with the core team and its external representatives. They find it difficult to conduct foreign relations or official on behalf of the group. Also, they may not be stable in the center of a nucleus around which the team interacts. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Scorpio is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyScorpio naturally inclined to take positions that affect attention and understanding of other people. His acting life develops his memory and ability to remember long stories from once. Highly developed imagination of the sign of the zodiac allows him to use intuition in ways human experience. Scorpio can not conduct diplomatic relations with other people. He is prone to very positive or very negative methods of behavior. People of this zodiac sign weak-willed, so the team is being heralded willed people who give little thought and a lot of doing. Can also surround oneself creative individuals plagiatski using potential human interaction. Heightened imagination of man is manifested increased sexual activity. Scorpios are often puppets or trustees of the more influential figures. These people are addicted to the attention of the surrounding society to such an extent that if they ignore the professional, they can lose consciousness. Often their aggressive positions are protective reflex of their weakness and vulnerability of light. Scorpio repeatedly scrolls the thoughts of past events, impressing them yourself or engaging impressions attention interlocutors. Rancor given people encouraging them to take their attention from past events. This man too much attention to the burning of the last stories, so empties his mind and psyche of conventional viewers. Devastated psyche society automatically appears irritable and aggressive. Scorpions in dealing with people seen so much logic that he is able to do mechanical, without going into the fact that the logical action may already be irrelevant at the moment. Based on the logic of excessive, it may not apply in time of dialogue and a lot of other people's sayings quotes, forcing them to the speaker. Perhaps this sign of the zodiac, the longest chain of logic that he is able to focus the mind to exhaust interacting people. At first they thought manifest, followed by voluntary actions, then the logic of words and feelings in last place. In psychological vampirism people under the sign of Scorpio are permanent vampires. These people are constantly tuned to absorb the attention of other people. This man is always impressive past events of his life. Relatives, friends and the people around him, he recalled and refreshes their former failure, negligence and losses. Scorpio must often be present in the community, to remind of the failure of the interaction of man. Man of the sign directs his attention and the attention of others to the depths of past events. Past events, he takes over his attention, repeatedly scrolling the same old records of his memory. While not producing any good for these events or the future. Scorpio by scrolling the old records in the society absorbs the life-giving attention to the audience and from these actions feel fitter, stronger and healthier, and the interaction weak in all areas of self-realization. Excessive in behavior and in relationships is the most negative qualities in the person. Scorpio criticize everyone and everything that ideal, he sharpens his attention to any errors and oversights in the surrounding people. He remembers shown to him of the offenders, often refreshing thoughts such events. This attitude manifests itself in his appearance aggressive grimace. Often people zodiac sign Scorpio are promiscuous, for them, sex and love - separate actions in dealing with people. They are able to love one person, and to engage in sex with many. They focus attention on the past sometimes adjusts the picture thoughts on the reality of the present. Therefore, some Scorpios this action might appear easy, but in rare cases of severe schizophrenia. Scorpio looks warlike and aggressive because of their inner softness. He often enjoys his defense, which shows attacks on the people around them. Strong memory of the people of this zodiac sign is especially useful in the society. Scorpio critic unsurpassed in many areas of society. He is able to show absolute sincerity in relations and especially appreciates her in humans. He knows how to attract the attention of other people and do not allow others to ignore their presence. Scorpio can be devoted to their work or relationships with people, this attitude strengthens its credibility in the team is. His artistry allows him to play the part of any required personal or professional. People Zodiac sign Scorpio is especially dependent on the attention of other people, like any artist from the audience. Scorpio is interested in playing the roles of images of other people, because of the age can lose their individual positions of the individual. These people are mentally spineless. They often lack the forces out to finish the job. Their sex burns a lot of concern volitional strength and location of luck. They can be distracted by all attractive in their environment, so easily lured by beautiful or resource. Enthusiasm aggressive can put out their hand in the visual manifestation. Zodiac sign Scorpio people are different manifestations of life was assessed by external their manifestations. It's hard to penetrate the hidden, undeveloped structures and facts topics occupying his attention and understanding. He clearly sees the outer limits of the field of activity and the impact of human interaction. Scorpio is particularly attentive to the outer limits of which are clearly manifested in society. For all sorts of topics it looks with the external position. Therefore, it is perfectly capable of leading external, formal relations on behalf of the group. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk vsilu Leonidovich. Aries is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyAries in public relations naturally inclined to take a leadership position with the ambitions Olympian. He megavolevoy potential dynamically use it for high speed action on current events. This property allows it to nature as closely as possible to see the current opportunities and constraints of the action in the themes of his occupation. Aries is not always able to put into words his understanding, he is inclined at odds begin to address looming over the rest of his obligations. Talking, he does not go into the ins and outs, he wondered what to do in order to achieve a certain result. Aries most trusted my principles, morals and the ability to act quickly and dynamically. Yielding to these qualities, Aries tend to ignore their logical contradictions and logical inconsistencies of interacting people. Man zodiac sign Aries is able to explode like a fire, carrying around a relationship with people, and even the relationships that affect its development in society. Sometimes vice versa - Aries as the fire died away, swallowed up all the resources of his will power and wealth of other people, it becomes inactive. People of this sign of the Zodiac trying to quickly carry out their tasks, so that there is more time for rest and recreation. Aries people's attention, focused on the events of this time. For them, it is particularly important is what happens at the moment. Man of the signs of the zodiac on the fact the current time is able to make objective decisions, change their minds and focus their positions. His attention is continually at the forefront of current events, operations he gives real time. Aries is formed from the imagination will principled actions after he transforms them in thought, and then the logic of words and personal feelings. Therefore has a high speed of action in dealing with people and interacting may be ahead of its certainty. In psychological vampirism people Aries donors will power and permeation. When psychological competitive people can be trying to crush a competitor abundance will and fanatical mood. To the psyche of many people sometimes too heavy willpower Aries and that the suddenness with which he did show. Therefore, when faced with Aries, the person tries to avoid it, even visually or use many times superior measures of confrontation. A person of this sign is enough to attend the society to increase the volitional activity of the society. This person by virtue of his volitional activity can be extremely wasteful. He is easily able to let the wind resources for the activity of the society in which there is. Aries demonstrates its leadership or champion. These people blend with their surroundings in a whole through its forceful impact on human interaction. Aries demonstrates its superiority with irony, which takes away from a lot of desire to compete with him. People zodiac sign Aries tend to envy the brilliant individuals positions in society. He is easily influenced by the advertised activities and events in their environment. These people are using the object of his envy, tend to quickly realize that they are distracted from more important needs. Desires and their solutions are shown upon the current relations and events. Because of this, Aries can break their plans and disrupt an agreement with the people. Aries much envy other people and it pushes him to act for personal development and thematic concentration. In some people, this zodiac sign of envy too swayed by their pride, which ultimately expresses aggression, brutality and sadism. These people are able to maximize their attention to penetrate the circumstances and conditions to determine their options for their actions. Particularly strong Aries can by all means be given to his or general business. They are able to direct the society to volitional mood and behavior. Aries is strong in good terms, as the friends he chooses on general moral themes. It does not have affairs with people of other manners, but if such people something useful to him, and in that case he suffers their presence near me. People of this sign of the zodiac often warlike in their behavior and are able to impart information they communicate to people. Aries people tend to select the force or by cold-blooded calculation of foreign achievements. Thus, the back of his experiences in the past are robbed, insulted people who tend to be punished with affordability Aries. Therefore, at the start of Aries is continuously receiving calls from early losers in the competition or move people in a society "goat paths" to avoid dangerous relationships and conflicts in the circumstances. For their activity, they are often used analgesic and psychoactive drugs and medications. Aries instinctively inclined to involve themselves in the intrigues, sadistic fluttering his nervous system and interacting with people. It is to look at his head, "adrenaline" events and relationships with other people. Man of the mark in relation to society is in the position controller as the core of the atom, which circulate around the event and interacting people. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Sagittarius is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologySagittarius in public relations naturally inclined to take the position of bright people to express themselves. The meaning of his life relationships based on the game with people and NCCA plays people. It all, without exception, is a game, this is manifested in a colorful appearance, in a buzzword in the emotional gestures. Sagittarius fundamentally fanaticism given to drunken games of his life. He can emit will potential in dealing with people, hypnotizing them interacting people. Sagittarius fanatically inclined to get involved in anything that he likes. And he likes to arrange the game to love. Sagittarians can fall in love with people, and then tend to lose interest in the property to the loser. The most effective game of the zodiac sign of people in friendship, because friendship he gives friends a good mood and attention, and in return extract wealth. Sagittarius can be particularly attentive to the relationship, could focus on a particular topic and to identify lessons in her all the best. People of this sign are capable of in a rush of emotions verbally obgadit without exception, even things as previously responded positively, as the most beautiful. Sagittarius is a big problem in his fanaticism, no faces and no brakes in his behavior and effort. He was often stopped shaped obstacles in the form of reinforced concrete walls or complete bezresursnoe state. Attention of the people under the sign of Sagittarius is directed to the achievements of the future tense. Important to them is what they achieved in the future through ongoing relationships. They are able to dramatically change their behavior in a relationship, if the lost prospect of future results or achievements. Their attention is continually at the forefront of current predictions of where the development would face ongoing relationship. Sagittarius formed from the imagination will principled actions after he transforms them in thought, and then the logic of words and personal feelings. Therefore has a high velocity of action in dealing with people and interacting may be ahead of its certainty. In psychological vampirism people Sagittarius impulsive consumers will power. They tend to spoil the mood of interacting impulsively and friends. These actions of the people of this zodiac sign asserting itself. They instinctively inclined to check because of its impact and influence on the society where it operates. Sagittarius tends to maintain relationships with people tactically, acting in advance. The results of his actions sometimes create irritation of the psyche of the people competing. With this move, it shows its superiority in dealing with people. Sagittarius on the little things are not enriched in the surrounding people, he pulls out his momentum to the maximum consumption, trying to get a once great results. This person tends to spray his keen attention to topics that are for it can be useless. Because of this, he appears tired, develops into laziness. Sagittarius too exhausting their attention, fanatically surrendering their occupation and losing a lot of vision no less important, and sometimes more important. This person simplicity, rigor and certainty in public relations is unbearable. He is inclined to reach its belligerent or crime. People of this sign of the zodiac often try to use the magic of technology to produce the desired result and impact on society. Sagittarius can effectively keep the attention of interacting people, doubling its presence forces focus group. This person is able to give your attention to people interacting, which is manifested in the people a good mood. It directs attention to the interaction with respect to the prospects of development of relations topics. He turns to watch alternative innovations, from which it selects the best and encourages teamwork to apply their relationship. Sagittarius effective team work, it is as easy to critic rejects uncompetitive ideas and inventions. All that he can not criticize, pass without criticism or agree with such themes. Sagittarius tends to steal someone else's in the people around them, and it often becomes its vulnerability. He's in a hurry and does not want to stay there and just a chance to get rich watches and studies, and sometimes just enough and runs away. People of this sign tend to get carried away fanatically topics of their studies, they are sometimes the children keen chosen business. Alcohol or other means activates easily become their addiction, they obessilevayut their will and destroy health. People of this sign of the zodiac is often diminished vision due to overload their fanatical eyes. Their propensity to snatch a large sum of circumstances, different can be realized. Sometimes the initiative and be consistent with the interacting people, and sometimes frivolous, being short in power over resources lured the lion's share of them. Competing with people, man zodiac sign Sagittarius sees no boundaries in the balance of diplomacy, it tends to show itself from excessive calls opponents. Are rarely able to master the answers to the challenges. His play behavior is readily converted into the real world of conscious relationship, in which not all amenable fanatical methods, and people stick to their own and the public rules and regulations. Archers in the collective is fruitful position, they effectively interact with the core team and its external representatives. They find it difficult to conduct foreign relations or official on behalf of the group. Also can not be stable in the center of a nucleus around which the team interacts. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Leo is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyLion in public relations tend to take the position of an influential person. He significant leader in their field, or the field, he conquers ignorance of many competitors. Man of the signs of the zodiac in his field of influence as a traffic cop, who is at a crossroads, which directs the attention of the masses of people. Lions behave defiantly, every work involved is significant, dragging the attention of a group of people. Leo needs attention of people who disagree with his positions. He may be modest disagreement, to voice their opinions, to question people's opinions or positions. People of this zodiac sign is prone to start relationships with people on an equal level, showing initiative to achieve the desired results. After achieving the desired results instantly switches to its channel independence. Leo tends to be used against rival Creek, which puts pressure on people, attracting a lot of attention to it hearing people. This person needs attention interacting people, so he makes an effective demonstration in relationships with other people. Such demonstrations are imprinted in the memory of the people involved, and almost always nice when they remember after a while. Leo repeatedly scrolls your thoughts about past events, impress them or involving impressions attention interlocutors. He did not forget his losses, that pushes him to hold my attention past events. This man too much attention to the burning of the last stories, so empties his mind and psyche of the people around them. Devastated psyche society automatically appears irritable and aggressive. Leo cites stories from his own experience, in which he was the best and unbeatable, these actions impressing his interlocutor proud positions. The man in a relationship with people seen so many logical principles that he is able to do mechanical, without going into the fact that these logical principles can already be outdated at the moment. This man sticks to its principles, it fundamentally ignores unprofitable for themselves attitude. The new relationship is passed through these people formed the principles of his experience of relations in society. At first they appear volitional action principle, then a vision of thoughts on the logic of words, and the last place feeling. In psychological vampirism-men Lions are permanent vampires. These people are always tuned to control the actions of other people. Leo often is impressed past events of his life. Relatives, friends and the people around him, he recalled and refreshes their former failure, negligence and losses. Leo is often enough to be present in the community, interacting to remind him of his failure. Man of the zodiac sign directs his attention and the attention of others to the depths of past events. Past events, he takes over his attention, repeatedly scrolling through the same old records of his memory. At the same time, without making any use of the present or future events. The Lion, the scrolling old records in the society absorbs the life-giving attention to the audience and from these actions feel fitter, stronger and healthier, and the interaction weak in all areas of self-realization. Leo aggressiveness can break its relations with the people forever. He is a pioneer in the relations and affairs are not inclined to return to the subject or passed him strike out with people. These people are trying to manipulate people who have positions in society below. They create social relationships, which clearly stands out their superiority. So close to the Lion are people who try anything to please him, at least praise the dignity and superiority. Without such an environment people he feels weak and vulnerable. These people are too dependent on the public's attention, because of this over-consume resources sometimes superfluous and unnecessary demonstration and performance. His pride kept on those that it puts pressure on competing and people around them. Leo natural leader in a society in which many dub and trust him. Often he justifies such a position in the society positively. People of this sign of the zodiac are naturally charismatic, they detonator society give birth to certain desires, habits and actions. Their initiative is effective voluntary actions, which are taken up by the interaction of the people around them. Lions are perfectly able to take people's attention and, when in a relationship, he takes them on an equal footing, it is many impressive. People of this sign of the zodiac in humans reinforce the belief in themselves and in their abilities. His anger often burns a lot of will power and this leads to spend much time on the self-healing. Their excessive self-interest allows interaction wealthy people to manipulate them using the resources. Lions, proving the tend to use force to rival people. They tend to be cruel when touching their pride. These people rarely believe in something or someone, they generally believe only in themselves and their capabilities. The man is Leo assesses different aspects of life on the outside of their manifestations. It's hard to penetrate the hidden, undeveloped structures and facts topics that occupy his attention and understanding. He clearly sees the outer limits of the field of activity and the impact of human interaction. Leo particularly attentive to the outer limits of which are clearly manifested in society. For all sorts of topics it looks with the external position. Therefore perfectly able to conduct external relations official from the team. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Virgo is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyVirgin in public relations naturally tend to occupy the position of the activists of the foundations of society. Their sense of self-esteem is often strained self-criticism. Criticism from others imaginary and painfully moved by them. So people are trying to Virgo in a relationship to be proactive. They have to go into the details of their forebodings, to anticipate the direction of the current relationships with people. These people are capable of exhausting interlocutors detailed probabilities by affecting their attention. Virgin most trust their hunches, thus tend to ignore their logical contradictions or inconsistencies of interacting people. People of this sign of the Zodiac tend to create a tense atmosphere in the society, tend to affect the dignity of human interaction, pushing criticized vanity of others. This man, as a continuous energy, able to provide a lot of power initiative. Virgo people's attention is directed to the achievements of the future tense. Important to them is what they achieved in the future through ongoing relationships. They are able to dramatically change their behavior in a relationship, if the prospect of lost results or achievements. Their attention is continually at the forefront of current hunches on where development would face ongoing relationship. Imagination Lady formed from the senses, after a person transforms them in thought, action and will in principle the logic of words. Therefore, at high speeds, in dealing with people can not keep up with interacting. In psychological vampirism people Virgo impulsive consumers powers of consciousness. They tend to spoil the mood of interacting impulsively and close people. These actions of the people of this zodiac sign asserting itself. They instinctively inclined to check because of its impact and influence on the society where it operates. Virgin likely to engage in relationships with people tactically, acting in advance. Results of their actions often create irritation mind competing with people. These people are almost always dealing with people overly demonstrate its superiority. Virgin in the company of his relationship elect people that are trying to compete, impulsively criticizing the selected side. This behavior they exhibit for personal stimulation and motivation to be better and not to relax in a relationship with people. Man of the sign of the zodiac is so narcissistic that happens indiscriminately in what does not deny. Virgin can order what they like to step over the interests of family and human interaction. This person is concerned about self-affirmation in public relations, because of this, he often creates unbearably tense atmosphere of interacting people. Their bets on future developments are not always justified by the results, so they often fall into dependence on resources and solutions interacting. Man zodiac sign Virgo is excessive in their actions and attitudes in society. He is inclined to indulge a long time in many ways, too, after catching up for lost time earlier. In many ways, tend to be binge eating, especially the achievements and results. They tend to usurp the general results. The result - a corrupt relationship with interacting people. Because of gluttony in the business relationship they have a lot of conflicts and negative stories in the experience of self-realization. These people are able to diligently apply to business. Virgin in all respects by the power and is clearly visible, where the fundamentals of force in a particular subject lessons. People of this sign is trying to please the higher members of the public of their relationship. Their special qualities useful for the society manifested in self-love. People of this sign of the zodiac seriously tolerate any criticism directed at them. Criticism directed at them, puts them in power of pride, because of this they are always protected without getting attacked, there is any benefit from the criticism or not. Comments or criticism of the Virgin can instantly generate conflict and competition, even among close and supportive people. They like to be praised and set an example for their environment. These actions of the interacting individuals can manipulate the mark. Virgin occupy productive position within the team, they effectively interact with the core team and its external representatives. They find it difficult to conduct foreign relations or official on behalf of the group. Also can not be stable in the center of a nucleus around which the team interacts. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Taurus is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyTaurus is naturally inclined to create a crowd, which is trying to hide his vulnerability. His fear often leads him into constrained state. People of this sign of the zodiac is almost his entire life trying to overcome his fear. Their arrogant behavior manifests itself in the power of resistance and stiffness of the inner experience. Pettiness of Taurus can manifest in everything it touches it with their participation and attention. From others Folding appearance that it all needs. He raised concerns about the instinct of reserve resources, which applies in all and with all. Taurus great detail perceives world. In conversation, he presses in the details and so little impression that as a result of rapidly exhausting the attention of his companions. People of this sign of the zodiac is often leveled at the authority, especially criminal. They are trying to become an authority. They often manifest rudeness against human interaction. So do the calculation in case of a sudden pass. If anyone interferes, then abruptly changed its policy and behavior can sometimes get scared. Taurus my feelings repeatedly scrolls past events, impressing themselves or their impressions of attention involving interlocutors. Frequently interrupted by his sides, not impressions doslushivaya stories quoted the people of this sign of the zodiac. He is often tired of his interlocutors detailed stories of past events. A Taurus in a relationship with people seen so much logic that he is able to do mechanical, without going into the fact that the logical action may already be irrelevant. Based on the logic of excessive, it may not apply in time of dialogue and a lot of other people's sayings quotes, forcing them to the speaker. In psychological vampirism sign Taurus people are regular vampires. These people are constantly tuned to absorb the attention of other people. This person often is impressed past events of his life. Relatives, friends and the people around him, he recalled and refreshes their former failure, negligence and losses. Taurus is sometimes enough to be present in the community, to remind us of the failure of interactions between humans. Man of the zodiac sign directs his attention and the attention of others to the depths of past events. He too takes his account of past events, scroll repeatedly the same old records of his memory. While not producing any good for these events or the future. Taurus, scroll old records, to absorb the life-giving society the attention of listeners and from these actions feel fitter, stronger and healthier, and the interaction weak in all areas of self-realization. Man of the zodiac sign too greedy, it is enriched in every chance, often even immoral. With rudeness and arrogance Taurus enjoys, even proud of their behavior and the progress of their behavior. These people do not consider the wishes and understanding of society, they are inferior to others only as excellent strength or for speculation. Cells to reach its logical goal, not disdain any means possible. The whole policy of the person based on continuous self-serving. Good deeds done for them to then attract people's attention with the first chance to get rich on them. Taurus sensuality, he can not indulge in a pleasant and welcome. He easily falls under the influence of alcohol, drugs, and sexual obsession can control his mind. Men of this sign often in pursuit of a herd of women, the number is important for them, well after and quality. Voluptuous people of this zodiac sign are often off their minds. Such actions are obessilevayut myself because of this becoming uncompetitive in public relations. When Taureans are infirm state, they can easily control the people around them. Resources for Taurus easily bends under the authority of the sources of resources. Persistence is often justified in people of this zodiac sign. They are especially effective when they create a good-natured atmosphere of relations in the team. Capable of the crowd, which often becomes an implementation team. Taurus consistently directed to the final, this quality does not allow him to get lost in the ideas of society. The fear of the people concerned for myself as a living organism, is huge, it often feels constrained and even paralyzed with fear. A detailed view of life through the senses impressions manages them. He wants to repeat in the present and in the future, their impressions of past events. Taurus is trying to challenge the position of parallel spontaneously leaders in society of their relationship with their proposals that could give way in quality. It could easily fall under the influence of the crowd needs. These people tend to be the potentates of the lower classes, often at their expense. Man zodiac sign Taurus different life events judged on their outward appearance. It's hard to penetrate the hidden, undeveloped structures and facts topics occupying his attention and understanding. He clearly sees the outer limits of the field of activity and the impact of human interaction. Taurus is particularly attentive to the outer limits of which are clearly manifested in society. For all sorts of topics it looks with the external position. Therefore perfectly able to tackle external, official relations on behalf of the group. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Capricorn is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychologyCapricorn in public relations naturally inclined to take the position of the basement foundation. His megachuvstvitelnost current events allows him to see as precisely the current strengths and weaknesses of the themes of his occupation. Capricorn is not always able to put into words their understanding. He is talking, go into detail parts, it quickly exhausts the attention of the interlocutor, even fleeting topics. Capricorn maximum trust your feelings, giving them tend to ignore their logical contradictions or logical inconsistencies of interacting people. Man zodiac sign Capricorn is able to explode like a volcano sweeping around relationships with people, and even the relationships that affect its development in society. Happens on the contrary, Capricorn as a rock solidified volcanic sensuality ignores the people around them. People of this sign of the zodiac are given for the maximum and relations who had occupied their attention. Capricorn people's attention focused on the events of this time. For them, it is particularly important is what happens at the moment. People of this sign on this time able to make objective decisions, to change his mind and focus their positions. His focus is on continuously wisecracking current events, he gives a feeling of real time. Capricorn imagination formed of the senses, after he transforms them into thoughts, will, in principle the logic of action and words. Therefore, at high speeds, in dealing with people can not keep up with interacting. In psychological vampirism people Capricorn donors feeling the force of consciousness. When psychological competitive people can be trying to crush a competitor for its abundance of feelings and sober mind. To the psyche of many people sometimes too heavy force sobriety consciousness Capricorn. Therefore, when faced with Capricorn man tries to avoid it or ignore it. A person of this sign is enough to attend a society, to increase awareness of the society. These people, by their consciousness can be too strict with yourself and the people around them. He is easily able to fall under the influence of the society in which there is. Yielding to his feelings in the community events of its location, this person tends not to distinguish between the information environment of their location information from various positions. These people blend with their environment into one, by their sensitivity. So getting in a negative society, unacceptable to quickly take their positions and views on life. People sign of Capricorn are very sparingly to their needs and requirements. In many ways they are denying themselves and are able to save in the little things that may not be visible to others. Thus, the strong prejudice themselves and interacting people. At the same time find it difficult to compete with people who display large or mass requests in dealing with them. Capricorn often gives people interacting or competing with their large queries. His mind and keen attention to detail and the little things and the big queries can inebriate his sober mind. These people are able to experience the best themes of his study, revealing to them the strengths and weaknesses of and direction. Especially responsible attitude to the case, as in front of you and in front of interacting people. They are able to direct the company to sobriety, awareness and responsible behavior. People of this zodiac sign is sensitive perceives relationships with people and many events tend to imagine and experience. He is prone to get involved in fanatical little things in life, because of this lose control over something big and global. This person is able to make commitments that are not always able to master, because it is not in their calculations, a backup supplies. Because of this, it sometimes stop samorealizatsionnye processes. People of this sign to the Company in the position occupied by the regulators, as the nucleus of atoms, which circulate around the event and interacting people. More specific and detailed level you have the opportunity to learn in the paid programs: "Scanner individual" - an example of a response to the request of the program "Crown of education" - an example of a response to the request of the program Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Israel is the name of status of development of man-societyHoly Scriptures are interpreted by people at their God and enlightenment toward goals that can put people in front of him. In the Bible, the truth of the Creator laid intended hungry people and a lot of true open community of believers in their intended time. The Bible directs man to the desire to develop and improve. Based on this understanding, consider the line carried out in the Holy Scriptures of the canon of the Bible. James, the youngest son of Isaac, worked with the Creator, as his father. Creator showed Jacob ladder leading to heaven, on which the angels ascend and descend. Genesis chapter 12, verse 28: "And he dreamed, and behold ladder on the earth, and its top to heaven: and behold the angels God ascending and descending on It " It was a vision of Jacob in a dream, then the Lord has blessed him, developing the blessing of his father. After James got married and he begat twelve sons, who represented the twelve steps of a ladder to heaven, the twelve fruits of the tree of life, the twelve gates of the heavenly Jerusalem, the twelve styles, ways and sources of life. Jacob was twenty-one years old, was returning home to his brother, in the way God blessed him something. Jacob received from God a new name-status - Israel. Genesis chapter 28 verse 32: "And he said, Thy name shall will be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for you have struggled with God and man hast prevailed " Of this event for four hundred and fifty years the twelve sons of Israel multiplied to six hundred thousand men, besides women, and all the congregation of Israel had about two million people. Exploring the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, we will explore various supernatural manifestations of God in a relationship with a man and a native of Israel. For many centuries the race of Israel to multiply their number of branches occupying the promised land. This continued until the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born in one of the twelve branches of the Israel. Branch of the family of Israel called the tribes of Israel. Each tribe has certain rights, obligations and responsibilities in the integrity of Israel. Knee, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, called Judah, of the tribe were the anointed of God to reign in the house of Israel. Tribe of Levi by their right from the time of Moses held the office of the priests. Jesus Christ on the basis of combined legal rights, obligations and responsibilities of each tribe of Israel in the two tribes with an opportunity for representatives of each tribe. Based on this point, he turned to his followers: "You are a royal priesthood!" Birth, life and teachings of Jesus Christ the laws of the twelve tribes of Israel for a man born of Jacob, and to the person trusting the true status of Israel. Jesus Christ referred to the purpose of his mission: "I came to the lost sheep of Israel." Israel was and is a legal society in which the primary right in the genus of Jacob, after - in people taking the culture and laws of the house of Jacob. In the New Testament says that Jesus turned to the Gentiles, and he worked with them on the strength of their faith. Belief in Israel's status assigned by God to Jacob and his seed, opens the opportunity for other people to be Christians. Jesus Christ has united the twelve positions zhiznedeystvy society in one position, realizing their personal practice. Twelve disciples of Jesus, it seems, were of different zodiac signs. Each student in his own perceived relationship with Jesus Christ, they have a different understanding of Folding in the same events associated with Jesus Christ. Evidence of disciples and followers of Jesus Christ formed the New Testament (Gospel). Gospel - is the history book of the Creator only Son coming to Earth to save humanity from destruction. Originally gospel books were about thirty of them Roman censors were missed four that have survived, the others identified in the status of "apocryphal", which means inaccurate, unfounded, false or fraudulent. In the New Testament, twenty-seven books, fifteen of them (mostly) written by Paul! Paul (Saul) from the first Christians had the highest education in theology and politics. He is, by the standards of that time, he held a high position in the Sanhedrin, was the head of a special unit of the theological. He was zealous position, and Paul (Saul) does not stand on ceremony with dissident members of Israel. It is no secret that at the hands of Paul's involvement and killed many of the early Christians, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands. Paul (Saul) was a Christian and the enemy chastiser Christian ideology. During the service the Sanhedrin he collected documents census Christians together. In those letters, attended the Spirit of Christ, but after the correction letter acquired directional sense and new destinations. Correction Paul strategically different from instructions of Jesus Christ! For example, Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I arrive with them forever." Paul recommends the opposite: "I speak as a man, it's better to be alone." Solomon said that two are better than one: Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 "Two are better than one; Because they have a good reward for their labor. " Exploring the Holy Scriptures, many believers come to enlightenment and understanding that every person has the right to choose to be with God or be with other forces. In the New Testament there is not a single case involving violent man to serve God, not including the case of Paul. It turns out that the power of God sent Paul to serve Him, but such relationships the Old Testament! Judiciously comparing the laws of the Old Testament with the Laws of the New Testament, Paul noticed absorptive nature of the Christian world. John, the apostle of Jesus Christ, predicted the introduction of the wolf in the flock of the Lord and the fact that the wolf will not spare the flock. The believer is always striving to do everything as best as possible! Christians should be firmly based on the will of the Creator and His Messenger. In one of the high priests of provocations addressed to Christ had sent the issue of tithing: who should give money - in the temple of God and Caesar. Gospel of Luke chapter 25 verse 20: "He said to them: Render therefore to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God To God. " The tithe in Israel was a tax of compulsory participation in social life. At that time, Israel was conquered by Rome, with whom there was an agreement that will give tithes Romans. At the time, the tithe was a 23%. Mission said that the money in the form of a tax should be given to the authorities, but to God - through faith sincere attention. Sincere faith is manifested in the affairs of man, when he performs the recommendations of God. Modern Hristinin makes tithes to his church, as a Jew belonging to the community of Israel. Donations of God can not be standardized percent, property, or money, but only for the joy of the heart and personal desires are trusting God. People can make donations in various forms, in the form of good works acceptable to God. Israel - is the status of the development of human society chosen by the Creator-kind, in which Jesus Christ was born. Jesus Christ has opened the way for mankind to improve relations with the Creator. He encouraged students to be like children that are constantly evolving, being improved. His last words to his followers as follows: Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 verse 19: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. " Thus was fulfilled the prophecy of Jacob-Israel Genesis chapter 49 verse 10: "Scepter shall not depart from Judah, and legislator from his loins, until Shiloh come, and the obedience of the peoples. " The Pharisees and Sadducees tempting Jesus asked Him to show them a sign from heaven, personally. He told them that they know the signs of weather, and in the signs of the times not. Matthew chapter 16 verse 4: "An evil and adulterous generation looking for signs, and a sign will not get to it except the sign The prophet Jonah. " The same goes for Paul sign as a sign of the prophet Jonah. In both cases, God instructed them in their power, that they performed their role in the plans of the Lord. When Christ said that defined the "signs of the times" that such signs do not understand and do not distinguish between the Pharisees, Sadducees, and those ministers who gets the signs in the form of events of the prophet Jonas. On the "signs of the times," said that they were the basis of the creation of the universe and in Christ based on them: Genesis chapter 1 verse 14: "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to Divide the day from the night, and Signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years "; Christian is desirable to understand that Jesus Christ - the central figure of Christianity! He is the foundation of the Truth and Power of the Creator, and his followers, the disciples, the apostles are some points of view, understanding, evidence of the coming of Christ. The mission entrusted to the Apostle Peter rule the Church of Christ: "Feed my sheep." Jesus Christ spoke of some of his followers to be in his name, and to teach people about the fact that many would be contrary to their understandings and actions. Messiah directed attention to the signs of the times of interacting that the continuity of current facts. In society, the signs of the times, there are sources such as Zodiac and other systems that characterize the properties of the effect of time on the man and his world. In some New Testament churches and synagogues in many ancient symbol of the circle can be seen the Zodiac! The terms of the Zodiac is an integral part of the laws of creation and the laws current relationship between people and their God. Delving into the Old and New Testaments, Folding realization that the theme of the zodiacal circle and its sign was present among the Apostles. For example, in the New Testament lists the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, and called Thomas "Thomas, nicknamed the Twin." Perhaps Thomas was the constellation Gemini, its behavior is similar to the character of the people of this sign of the zodiac. Since the people of the constellation Gemini pragmatic and without checking, will not believe a word! Signs of the zodiac in a person can evaluate its personal God. The interaction between the different signs of the zodiac are forming complete integrity of the human family. Everyone is able to include in itself other signs of the zodiac, with the help of a harmonious relationship with people of other zodiac signs. The words of Christ: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I arrive with them forever." The coming of Jesus Christ was definitely a race of Israel and to those who trust the chosen type of Israel and accept it by faith. He said to his disciples, that they did not go the way of the Gentiles, and in their city. He said that the perfection of "saving" is reached and other genera, and the people of "stages." Therefore recommended not to rush to judge incomprehensible, and always try to understand the truth of the events. In dealing with people with sincere attention is to love the Creator, an example - the parable of the Samaritan! Gospel of Luke chapter 10 verses 30-37. Man, being born, automatically falls under the influence of certain zodiac signs. Zodiac Signs in man form the first animal instincts, his age, he reacted in a society with people of other zodiac signs, and developing these relationships will improve as an individual personality. Every person primarily developed their zodiac signs, which are grafted his birth and relatively developed graft properties of other signs of the Zodiac, through its Community Relations. Consistency and sign laws are inseparable with the cultures and religions including Christianity. Jesus Christ has united himself in the twelve signs of the Zodiac, he said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." Christ's parable of the talents of gold directs a person to the need to increase that God gave to man! Man is given life and personal life through awareness of its signs of the Zodiac, which is important to increase the development of the properties and capabilities of the other zodiac signs. In "Elementary Science Psihonomii table" can consider the differences of properties zodiac signs and assess how many may develop the people. The table reveals the natural unit of the soul of man and his capacity for relationships in society. The table is explained in detail on most of the paragraphs in the "Crown of education." In order to rapidly penetrate understanding the talents inherent in the nature of a man of his birth, is to use the "Scanner individual." Jesus Christ told his disciples: "There is no greater love, how to put down his life for his friends!". The soul of man consists of information experience of his life, from the physical body and the resources that belong to it in the environment. I also share with you what the Lord gave me the gift of God and the fact that I got hard and ceaseless vigil. Jesus encouraged his disciples to stay awake: Gospel of Matthew chapter 42 verse 24: "Watch therefore: you do not know on what day Your Lord will come. " Jesus Christ said that people will be able through him to have a relationship with God and only through Christ and no other middlemen! It does not matter where the person will be, at any moment, he can turn to God and God will hear. The strength of our human and Heaven manifested in our words, conversations, agreements and contracts, implemented the current practice (Matthew chapter 20 verses 1-16). Be like children, constantly evolving and improving genuinely infinite trust the achievements of his life, without having to stop myself any indicators. Know that all demonstrations achievements, boasting, pride - are actions that stop your desire, development, improvement and life. The human soul is the vehicle that we are in the process of life dressed with imperishable riches. Imperishable riches we acquire will improve effectively. A person who trusts Christ, becomes a member of the Catholic Church, it has an invisible connection with other believers through the Holy Spirit. The works of man are always associated with his faith, as a man is only concerned what he believes. His faith does not make sense to someone to prove, it must implement good works pleasing to God the Holy. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. An ecological hectare is a house of the futureModern technologies allow to create effective enterprise that are necessary for the production of many products of daily human diet. To date, the problem appeared to society as an alternative to provide themselves with quality food products, natural gas, housing and jobs. To solve these problems generated sketch of the project, which is able to solve many of the interests of society in Ukraine and other countries. "Environmental ha" - is a complex set of production of crops, animals, biogas, electricity and housing. "Environmental hectare" is a unique form of structure, which allows the construction absorb light from the east, south and west sides. The complex is equipped with a transparent roof made of special glass, absorbing solar energy as heat and light. Each glass unit is integrated belt filter, with which you can change the automated cross sunlight into the interior of the building. Using filters is preserved artificial light inside the building after sunset. "Environmental hectare" is designed for all weather conditions on our planet. It can be installed at the north pole in the desert, in the countryside or in the city. The roof of the building has a slope of 30 to 45 degrees. The lower edge of the roof is on the southwest side of the building and the roof rises diagonally up to the top of the north-eastern edge of the building. This form of the building as the ship cuts through the northeast wind flow, forming a thermal pad on the building needed a cool time of day and in the cold season. The perimeter of the roof is equipped with sailing wind generators that produce electrical energy required to service the internal functions of the complex. Currently in Singapore using the roofs of skyscrapers in agricultural purposes, this approach gives them big profits. On "Environmental hectare 'apply sailing generators can use the minimum wind speed, producing greater pulling power, transformed into electric current, while not having a large size. Wind generators fastened to the upper perimeter of the roof. Number of generators on each side up to 50 pieces, they are able to produce a total of 200 to 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity pulsed DC voltage from 12 to 19 volts. Impulsive current can be transformed into other required voltage and delivery of electricity. The shape of the structure allows wind and sun all year round. In the construction can contain about 2,000 head of cattle and other animals. Under the glass roof of the building is equipped with 2.5 to 6 hectares greenhouse tiered area for vegetable production. In "Environmental hectare" separate residential housing, apartments which are designed for the working personnel and for those wishing to live in a clean environment. Apartment building structure has a usable area of ??8,000 square meters and with a target design can significantly increase. "Environmental hectare" isolated as a thermos from the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore, it can be used as a man-made shelter. Carbon dioxide gas with moisture and heat generated by the animals, the plants absorbed the greenhouse. This is a mixture of air with extra food for the plants, similar technology called aeroponics. With this plant greenhouses get additional power through the air, increasing its capacity from 30 to 70%. After the plant oxygen-enriched air, forced ventilation is directed to the animals and to other parts of "Environmental hectare." Two thousand heads of cattle manure excreted daily from 40 to 80 tons, which generates biogas with methane content 60% -75%. 40 tons of cattle manure releases biogas capacity from 2000 - to 4000 cubic meters. For the treatment of manure used basement "Environmental hectare," in which every day are made sourdough manure. Fermented manure enriched bacteria drug "Baikal", which transforms waste into high quality manure humus. By this method the "Environmental hectare" makes a day from 20 to 30 tons of topsoil. Contain beneficial in this complex from 1000 cows and 1000 calves bulls. Thousand cows daily produces 15 to 30 tons of milk per year from 5475 to 10 950 tonnes of milk. Thousand bulls calves gain weight per day from 1.5 to 2.5 tonnes, and in a year from 540 to 912 tons of beef. In "Environmental hectare" can grow and other species of animals, birds, goats, sheep, nutria, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ostriches, etc. Greenhouse area 2.5 hectares under drip irrigation can grow vegetable production for the year: - Cucumbers and tomatoes (over 800 tons); - Peppers and eggplants (about 10 tons); - Onions, celery, dill and parsley (over 20 tons); And other plant products, including fruit trees. Greenhouse area 2.5 hectares allow the use of hydroponics to grow vegetable production for the year: Cucumbers and tomatoes to 1250 tons. The minimum capacity of the complex for a year: meat - from 540 to 1,000 tons of milk - 10950 tons of biogas - 730 000 cubic meters, vegetables and salads - about 1000 tons. In the total amount of gross income set a year from 6 million to 30 million U.S. dollars. To build the "Environmental hectare - the house of the future" to invest in building and equipping it with up to 30 million U.S. dollars. This object can serve 130 people or more. Complex products environmentally friendly, this can involve advanced markets of the world with their pricing. Complex is able to transform cereals, silage, grass, hay and straw to meat and dairy products. The complex can process the mass of leaves autumn leaf fall in the cities in biogas. The complex also can produce biogas with unicellular algae by filtering the water of the rivers and lakes. Algae are able to produce one ton of up to 500 cubic meters of biogas. "Environmental hectares - House of the Future" is able to most of the investors to recoup the investments envisaged selling apartments in the residential complex structures. "Environmental hectare - the house of the future" targeted construction business and social purposes. Willing to invest the project, please contact: psychonomycom@gmail.com Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Work and selection of employeesThe team starts with the society in which we find ourselves. In a society, each individual makes requests, creating demand, or engaged in the production, covering the demand of individuals of society. In any of these areas is much more effective teamwork independent. Groups of society is almost always associated the idea, and after a team made targeted actions and relationships. The work begins with an idea to make money and have a stable income opportunity. This basic idea of ??the paper, which combines the collective. There are also several minor ideas that unite in collective organization. In every job is important to develop the main idea of ??the relations in the team. The main idea of ??the work is always put into the contract, which is formed prior to the consistency of a working relationship. The Treaty creates the conditions and opportunities in the workflow. The Treaty creates a structure of processes that occur in the obligations of employees, their rights and responsibilities. The contract shows the reasons, objectives and goals in a specific organization. In any contract work is the basis and beginning needed for working relationships and processes. An oral or written contract is a plan that reflects the scope and criteria of relations between the individuals is based on the thematic reasons workflows. In any work community there are a number of ideas motivating employees to work in their contracts. The idea of ??employees earning the first place, then - the idea of ??the organization as a whole, and the idea of ??individual workflows. The most valuable ideas in the paper is the professionalism, quality and a high rate of implementation of the tasks. Employers and rabotoorganizatory often faced with the necessity of high paying professional. Professionals in the organization can quickly perform a task with high quality. Professional before this time to invest in your level, improving education and honing his practice. It supports its quality processes of the skill. Professional, do not support your level of skill, gradually loses its ability to qualification. The idea of ??professionalism in working relationships and processes of the most important and fruitful. Much in the working relationship depends on the nature of the warehouse staff and organizers of the enterprise. We often deal with job candidates who have a number of official entities, which can be divided into a group of people, but in practice people - theorist and no more. Is the opposite - people do not have formal education is required for a particular job, but in practice it is possible to estimate the real professional. Almost always a challenge from the organizers, which complement the collective organizations. Most people, forming the collective, considering the candidates education and working experience. In its own right and just in the process, identifying those who are suited to the existing vacancies and those that do not fit. Thus, the number of selected desired quality professionalism. There are more sophisticated approaches configuration of teams. For example, we in the modern world are often faced with the testing of individuals on many topics and reasons. Testing reveals the criteria of positive and negative symptoms in humans or summarize points ratings and other indicators in the warehouse character. Today there are many systems that can be tested by people while taking them to work. The more complex the job, the more likely the organization of test systems. Also frequently used test systems for large organizations. Testing and diagnosis of candidates for jobs is a strategic approach of the organizers of labor. For the diagnosis of future or current employees of the program established precision "Scanner individual." This program reveals the identity of persons in three-dimensional spectrum. Human resources specialists using "Scanner individual" feel the test systems thinking person will know exactly orderliness of his conduct and principles of society in the diagnosed. The "Scanner individual" developed on the basis of science Psihonomii. To preview the practicality of the program recommend that the "elementary science Psihonomii table." The table is a common card in man and society. After consideration of the table you can see an example of diagnostic software user "Scanner individual." This example is in the section of the site "plan options." Familiarized with the result that the program produces, as an example of an answer, you can proceed to the development of the operating instructions of "Scanner individual" to make your requests of interest to you people. Based on science Psihonomii specialists are trained to work with the staff. Education course called "Principles of natural psychology." Professionals, who have mastered the course "Fundamentals of Natural psychology" become professionals to work with the staff. Psihonomiyu science can be described as megapsihologiyu. Discipline Psihonomii allow a person to feel the understanding of the exact knowledge of the nature of people, society and the laws of combining his ideas. Internship is required by 95% in each paper and in every organization. Internships can be short or long, depending on the complexity of the workplace and the demands on the abilities of a specialist. Internship is a practical demonstration of the principles and modes of action of the working frame of the organization. Therefore, we call training specific course entry employee in a stable working relationship organization. After training a person can become a member of the organization in areas of preliminary agreements. Can also be redirected to areas of specialization or its nominee will be rejected, and the relationship dissolved. In forming the team we complete the job search organization needs more often than usual and face the fact that people are able to work in words, but in practice there are far removed from the reality of the working process. The "crown of education" is designed to diagnose the nature of people in diverse orientation. This program improves the psychological development of the user, directing his attention to the mechanisms of thinking and the natural psychological laws device and its principles of human relations in society. "Crown of education 'diagnoses of personality of people in the three content. Specialist of the HR program "Crown of education" becomes effective help - automatic psychologist diagnosing employees! Professionals continues to consult the candidate and diagnostic programs "Crown of education" to compare and contrast data from the profession of the workplace. More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. HoroscopeHoroscope - is an ancient technique of psychological analysis of personality and temperament characteristics exposure to the environment. Horoscope standardizes property exposure time laps on the device of man and standardizes certain periods of time in them. Horoscope also characterizes the properties of relations of time intervals between them. In order to make horoscope for people to know the exact time of his birth, the day, month and year. At birth, a man enters the life of the world by the individual and in that moment, it scans the current mood of the environment and society. Society and the nature of the Earth's seasons to manage time. Each person feels the change of seasons, with trying to adapt to them. Man spends his life adapts to seasonal time changes and drawing up a horoscope is one of the measures to adapt. Man on your horoscope can influence, that is, change the properties and performance chart, but for this he must be very good to work on themselves and society in their environment. Horoscope allows a person to penetrate the device itself as a person and understand the laws and mechanisms of their relationship with humans. For features such person needs to understand the formulas and the laws by which information materials generated horoscopes. Digit date of birth, and current time are the basis for the horoscope. Each figure in the drafting of the horoscope is responsible for specific functions in human psychology. Day consists of 24 hours and is divided into twelve segments for two hours. Every two hours, have their limits and properties. Some adults know that the time of day depends on human metabolism. Imagine that at the birth time of day affects the formation of a person's world. The daily time of birth of a person depends his level of vision, mind and metabolism. Of the month of birth affects the dynamics of the daily fulfillment. Month Zodiac affects methodical behavior. Year of birth affects the environmental conditions and the relationship to the people around the individual. Many of us have heard or used the relatively versed in numerology. In numerology, numbers are used, and the date of birth of man in order to make it a horoscope. Some great mathematicians created by such a system and some of these societies have today. Numerology is tied to the dates of birth of the person and the number for the current date. The figures show the time of the properties and laws of the seasons. So we can allocate for seasons one day, one month, one year, for twelve years. With these seasonal component horoscopes. The programs "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education" by time of day, date, month and year of birth horoscope dimensional forms. In three dimensions, using the horoscope of the time of day is determined by the level and characteristics of human vision. With the help of the month is determined by the tactical level of human behavior and with the year of his birth is determined by the level of conditions in the circumstances, that is, the ratio of the world to the person and those around them. Man has the ability to instantly get over to your horoscope sign of the zodiac, as well in their year of birth, and, without waiting for yourself, get your daily horoscope for the time of birth. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Development and adaptation of man from birth to 144.At this age, one develops the ability to concentrate their forces quickly psyche or physiology in the current environment of self-realization. Develop the ability to dynamically apply their strength in a short time. From 7 to 8 years - the development of attention. In this age of man is able to focus on objects fascinated him, topics and people. Attractive objects of his special interest begins to the opposite sex, as well as all sorts of bright, eye-catching items, theme games, ideas and feelings. From 8 to 9 years - the development of volitional influence. In this age, people clear or conscious awareness tries to quickly apply. He made every initiative to implement the pulse of their desires. To others is the relationship of man is seen as a volitional pressure from which parents can quickly exhausting attention. From 9 to 10 years - developing an understanding of the vital differences. At this age, a person begins to distinguish the difference of life - this is good and bad, strong and weak, wise and foolish, and other opposites. This manifests its profusion of communication and enhance the consistency of words. From 10 to 11 years - the development of foresight. During this period of time a person develops a patience, a lot of people watching from the side, trying to foresee in advance the reaction of interacting people. A child at this age develops properties of wisdom or cunning. From 11 to 12 years - the development of self-control. This age is summarize. In this age, people trying to take stock of its development and relations with the outside world. He has a feeling that he got all the knowledge he needs to live. In relations with others is manifested uncontrollability or maximalism. At this age, a person begins to present their demands close and interact, to repeat them, trying to impose their understanding, equal to the various authorities of its field activities and relationships. Second twelve years of life. In the period from 12 years to 24 years of man is formed logic. During this amount of time a child develops methods of behavior and their self-defined tactics. At this age, formed human world is a spring of his mind, which is a stimulant initiatives in its methods of behavior. Man after twelve years begins to assert itself in the environment methods of behavior. Man thinks he understands many things in life, but very few who can do it. From 12 to 13 years - the basis of self-affirmation. At this age, a person begins to be approved in all that he is available and possible behavior. In this segment of society is characterized by a turning age or adolescence. A real man begins to be based on the opinion and understanding. Accordingly, it is not really with the opinion of others. Therefore, it is desirable to provide controlled conditions for self-realization. And it will bring it to the highest level of mutual understanding with the teacher educability. Emphasis on its high autonomy allows the child to develop and be with him at the right level of understanding. From 13 to 14 years - the development and approval of sense of morals. In this segment aged man strengthened the fundamentals of self-assertion and can not afford to promote different areas of morals, desires. A person gets a sense of pleasure at the fact that he had already provided, and affects the circumstances that led him themselves to the desired features and conditions. Basically - it's great food, beautiful things, interesting people. Through any of these areas can distract children strangers. Therefore, at this age, parents need to take an interest in the wishes and customs of their child. From 14 to 15 years - the development and adoption of self-confidence. In this age segment Folding conditions in which most people cling to their positions and methods of behavior, which he chose for the current behavior. He is inclined to remain in their positions, even if they are ineffective, useless and can bring harm to others. At this age, the child takes care of most of their resources, the safety of their lives and their health. He looks at everything through itself and its needs. To move it to the one-sided positions, you need to compare it with many other children. This will reactivate his "mono" view of the world. From 15 to 16 years - the development of imagination and self-confidence in him. At this age, young people especially hard develops imagination. Man, not having hearing him instantly in his imagination sees a topic that touched him. Accordingly, begins to show particularly strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex, fueled by contrast imagination. Educators preferably fill the imagination of children tasks aimed to comprehensive development, both in education and in other areas of its fulfillment. In this segment of the child is very curious and considers himself as an adult, without parental control leads to undisciplined young man. Dear parents, carefully bother year, sending the child the right conditions in the circumstances. You save a huge potential of the child for many years. Fill out the thoughts and they will analyze them for many years. From 16 to 17 years - the development of capacities for statistical analysis. In this age, people began to compare their thoughts - with one another, developing the ability to high speed of thought. Often change their decisions, goals, aspirations, or any understanding of values. He hurries. Skimming the surface of many important and unimportant information values. In the segment of this age a person knows that he entered into the first phase of independent conditions for growing up. From 17 to 18 years - the development of abilities operating memory. The second stage of maturation predispose a person to emulate many of the events happening around him. Man absorbs visible behavior patterns of other people. Soaked scenarios increases a person's memory into long parallel lines informations, producing a load on his mind these actions often knocks him out of power. He recovers his strength, attracting the attention of others, demonstrating soaked scenarios and these actions asserting itself. From 18 to 19 years - the development of volitional capacity and commitment to them. In this period of time a person develops the ability to concentrate willpower and mental strength for the implementation of the current problems. This manifests itself in efficiency, mobility, speed of action and interactions with people. Teachers or parents is desirable to send the young man to the planning of self-realization. For adults, if necessary, to supplement their knowledge of the developing human subject studies. In this age, people in the dynamic processes of implementation of their tasks, but not very attentive in their planning. From 19 to 20 years - the use of the attention and approval of ourselves in it. In this age segment in humans produces the special potential of attention, which he uses whenever possible. The young man due to increased attention to the potential are partially self-confidence, a sense that he is able to notice everything, no skipping past his attention. Such abilities predispose him to play his attention to relationships with others. Its ability to attract the game to the public the various clusters of young people, where you can maintain different games with their attention, as well as secure their words and gestures. This year, people often flies to the wind because of meaningless games, so specification in all respects with that person will turn everything meaningless game in the dust. Do not play with people in this section of their age. To inculcate in them the severity and certainty, positive results do not have to wait long. If properly send a man in this age period, it will develop very quickly and purposefully. From 20 to 21 years - the development of a focused initiative and confidence in her. In this segment one tries to apply all sorts of instant knowledge, and influence, and control other people. Very often, the obstacles tend to be angry, because of which burn through the resources of the nervous system and heart sufficiency. At this age, sensitive human biofield, which he is able to put pressure on the people around them, leaving behind the injured and insulted people peers. Recommendation: The teachers are very important to develop in a person during this year the ability to coordinate skills with people of different attitudes and actions. Must teach a person to maintain a good relationship, regardless of the results to those that have led to the crossing of their attention. Thus, a person will not be formed anchor his negative attitude to people, or social behavior. From 21 to 22 years - the development of ways of combining the different values ??of life and in this statement. In the segment of this age a person tries to combine in ways incompatible with the people of his presence. Also tries to combine information of different values ??and activities of society. People self-fulfilling various short planning and calculations by which asserts itself through the fruit. Without fruit - rebuild abilities with different values. Recommendations: In this section of people severely burn through its focus on the logical calculations. This leads him to frequent doubts selecting a solution. Accordingly, it is desirable to support carers of young people with their attention in the proposed form. This attitude of adults will be a huge help, fostering independence in educability. From 22 to 23 years - the use of foresight and statements in it. In this segment of age a person develops a foresight and prudence in all matters and activities of their participation. In this age, people cultivate different values ??regarding safety of life, health, material resources and relationships with useful people. He is trying to pre-empt all the essentials that can relate to it at a later stage various businesses and occupations. Consequently, people in this age permeates his attention current actions and their development in the future. Recommendation: You can support their children in their businesses, cleaning up after them clutter that comes because they are passionate about their attention more creative and interesting for the realization of these cases. They are very exhausting, and they did not have enough attention to cleanliness and cleaning in areas where hard. From 23 to 24 years - the use of self-control and confidence in him. In this age, people feel being an adult and independent. He established himself in relation to their abilities and capabilities, trying to cough up and interaction of various fruits. In this segment of its increasing people tend to build their excessive workload, forgetting about rest and exhausting human interaction. He can come to life already in a deep depression and exhaustion. He has a sense of clarity in many ways, but the lack of resources to apply their understanding. Therefore, people in this age group is trying to apply to the cause of all that. Recommendation: Create opportunities to help your child or educability can move to another place regionally for two months. It is necessary that a person engaged in any other business, except those dealing with up to this decision. This will allow it geographically, from the outside, cut off from the inertia of youth attitudes and automatically rebuild plans clear, self-fruitful. After 60 days, with the change of society and every man sprays interacting self-hypnosis and hypnosis and family. After that time it will be seen by tens of times more power-confidence and self-responsibility, which will show independence. The independence of their children, all parents dream of, but not everyone knows how. Third twelve years of life. From 24 years to 36 years, formed human psychology. For this amount of time a person develops his mental abilities. He is learning to plan and expect, given their inner desires and wishes of others, combining them with opportunities in the environment. At 24, a person has reached the age of majority worldview. He also reached the age of 24 tactical methods of age, people in this age can realize in practice much their actions towards development of strategic capabilities of their psychological development. From 24 to 25 years - the basis of combining knowledge with the possibilities in the circumstances. From 25 years to 26 years - the combination of manners to opportunities in the circumstances. From 26 to 27 years - the combination of experience with the current opportunities in the circumstances. From 27 to 28 years - the combination of imagination with the understanding of other people. From 28 to 29 years - the combination of the knowledge with the knowledge of the environment. From 29 to 30 years - a combination of foresight with foresight surrounding people. From 30 to 31 years - the combination of its response to the reaction of other people. From 31 to 32 years - the combination of his attention to the care of other people. From 32 to 33 years - the combination of its influence with the influence of other people. From 33 to 34 years - a combination of their plans with the plans of other people. From 34 to 35 years - a combination of his foresight interacting with forethought. From 35 to 36 years - a combination of self-control with self around them. Horoscope and his nature of influence on life of manMany of us from a young age there is a word horoscope and try some for yourself useful knowledge of the topic. Where are the knowledge of the drafters of horoscopes, definitely not one of technology in this field is not able to explain, as he uses the formulas that have come to us from the ancient civilizations of the world. Technologists horoscopes tried and tried to provide scientific bases his work, but for all of their efforts pragmatic results so far no one has achieved. Friends are the people on the basis of a person's birth and their current age, also take into account the current influence of time on people and society. Horoscopes, mainly related to the effect of time on the science of living organisms and humans. But it is difficult to understand due to what the laws and forces of nature there is an influence on the physical level. The scientific world has reached an understanding that time affects both people with the outside world and the inside of man. External effects of time, we can observe with the naked eye because of what is happening around us changes. While showing the effects of changes in such properties as day and night, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Internal effect of the time people feel a sense of his body, the flow of thought of the imagination. Friends can be compared with the specifications and the internal state of a person's mood, his methodical use of his mood in the environment and interaction with other people. The result is that drawn up by the person horoscope is the technical parameters of its psychological tendencies, but rather a device of his instincts. A person who knowingly studying their instincts, able to influence them and, therefore, to change the specifications of his horoscope. The effect of time on living organisms and the human gene is called adaptation. Effects of genetic adaptation reveals the laws of internal power relations of life of living beings in their relations with their environment. Based on the research of Russian scientists had the knowledge to get the results that if you change the conditions of the surrounding environment (magnetic field, atmospheric pressure) of fertilized eggs of frogs, and then there is a mutation of the calves grow shestilapnye frogs that die quickly. It turns out that living organisms do not contain all the required amount of information for life! It turns out that the information of life common to all living beings, and living organisms are mostly antennas and transmitters. Horoscopes with different quality software settings reveal the person and not the quality of each horoscope techniques may be useful or effective for humans. So if there is a program, then it is possible to reconfigure it to the appropriate features and skills of self-realization of man. Horoscopes do not develop the existing rights, and clamped it in its instincts inherent birth. Perhaps this is one of the reasons due to which many people ignore this topic and do not want to break their life cycle. Based on science Psihonomii established automatic programs that in some way can be compared with a horoscope, which is directed with their data on human development. Person to develop, for that he needs his wish, after - the exact knowledge of the current psychological state, namely, personal excellence, weak instincts and psychological nature. "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education" are effective for human development, and accurate in the diagnosis of the current psychological state of the person. Technologist of these programs to approximate the information to a pragmatic presentation, so people can very effectively use queries in your life. More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Astrological sign Aquarius and his properties in a man21.01-19.02 intellectual level number 12. People who were born during the impact Zodiac sign Aquarius, have twelfth intellectual level. A person under the sign of Aquarius from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life applies to all weakly sensitive and highly logical. He does not pass through all the events that happen to him and around him. Aquarius superficial look at relationships and people. Due to underdeveloped feelings often questioned in situations where you need to choose. Governing bodies: Aquarius inclines a person to be a leader in the communities. To his task he attaches associates and loved ones. Queen: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Aquarius can be compared to chess pieces - queen. In human behavior properties queen manifest diverse positions in dealing with people. People tend to use different methods for the intended relationships with people. Logical generalization: People under the sign of Aquarius tend to be superficially logical, it often exacerbates their attention to the general meanings that can be something useful for him in the relationship. But at the same time pass by his attention, something smaller and low-value for him. For Aquarius with its logical position is not clear about the nature of the principles of people, many Aquarians believe that it is not normal people. This person is trying to simplify their living conditions pragmatic positions. Atmospheric eclipse: A person born under the sign of Aquarius, is inclined to behave in society as a cloud or tornado. Aquarius planned draws attention to itself as to the identity of vysokoinitsiativnoy and highly intelligent, a person of great, sometimes mean and ruthless. His presence in society Aquarius can escalate the negative or the positive atmosphere of the opposite sentiment surrounding people. Arte: Attention is directed to the Aquarius people and causes that force him to act on the orders of commitments. Liabilities: People under the sign of Aquarius value their liabilities and other people as laws. Aquarius tries in all that define who and what is committed. For Aquarius obligations are stick-vynuzhdalochkoy. Law: Aquarius man has to count in his self-realization on the existing rules and laws, which are based on existing commitments. Energy: A person under the sign of Aquarius is inclined to take the initiative in dealing with interacting people to master all kinds of available and potential resources. Aquarius is often able to participate in relations manager, giving the executive function of interacting people. Aquarius assesses people by their energy in the form of material resources. Contrary to the Word: A person born under the sign of Aquarius, very often contrary to their words and senses in the preliminary communication. In this dialogue he watches his advantage and does not recognize any contradiction, but rather twists in what he had been misunderstood. Stop smooth general: If the current word in contradiction to prior to smoothly stop the process of communication. Interlocutor of Aquarius, noting at least one contradiction in communication, inclined to treat the whole conversation as to the continuous contradiction. Aquarius makes sense gently correct the contradiction of his words in the current conversation or terminate meaningless dialogue. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Gemini and his properties in a man21.05-20.06 intellectual level number 11. People who are born in the sign of Gemini influence, have eleventh intellectual level. A person under the sign of Gemini from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life refers to the whole slightly sensitive and highly logical. He does not pass through all the events that happen to him and around him. Gemini surfactant look at relationships and people. Due to underdeveloped feelings often questioned in situations where you need to choose. Responsible authorities to sign Gemini inclines a person to be a leader in the communities. To his task he attaches associates and loved ones. Tours on black squares: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. The sign of Gemini can be equated to tours on black squares. In human behavior, property tours appear positions straightness and excessive force in dealing with people. A person born under the sign of Gemini, in dealing with people tend to be logical display wall his principles. He considers the benefits and advance their superiority in all matters and relationships with people. Logical generalization: A person under the sign of Gemini tend to be superficially logical, it often exacerbates their attention to the general meanings that can be something useful for him in the relationship. But at the same time, skipping past his attention, something smaller and low-value for him. For the Twins to their logical position is not clear about the nature of the principles of people, many people believe that it is twins abnormal. This person is trying to simplify their living conditions pragmatic positions. Atmospheric limitation: Man under the sign of Gemini tends continuously to build long-term plans for its realization and participation in human interaction. He uses in his plans of other people, often without their will or understanding. Gemini's desire to benefits of behavior manifested by sudden excessive initiative in dealing with interacting people. Consent: Attention is directed to the Twin determining whether they agree with what the circumstances. This man uses for his self that he proposed for the people, or available in the environment, of which he chooses. Responsibility: People Twin assess their ability and that of other people of their responsibility. Twins are trying in every determine who has what responsibility in terms of relationships and through her own or someone else's estimate stronger. Feasible: The sign of Gemini man has hope in his self-realization feasible opportunities and not be distracted by non-existent. Gemini hobby theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Energy: A person born under the sign of Gemini, is inclined to take the initiative in dealing with interacting people to master the available and potential resources. Twins are often able to participate in the relationship managers, giving the executive functions interacting people. Gemini evaluate people by their energy in the form of material resources. Contrary to the Word: A person under the sign of Gemini is often at odds in their words and meanings in relation preliminary communication. Gemini monitor their benefit in this ongoing dialogue and do not recognize any contradiction, but rather a twist that their misunderstanding. Stop smooth general: If the current conflict against previous words, you need to gradually stop the process of communication. Interlocutor Twins, seeing at least one contradiction in communication, tend to treat the whole conversation as to the continuous contradiction. Gemini makes sense gently correct the contradiction of his words in the current conversation or terminate meaningless dialogue. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Zodiac Libra and its properties in man23.09-23.10 intellectual level number 10. People who are born in the zodiac sign of the influence of Libra, has ten intellectual level. A person under the sign of Libra from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life applies to all weakly sensitive and highly logical. He does not pass through all the events that happen to him and around him. Libra superficial look at relationships and people. Due to underdeveloped feelings very often questioned in situations where it is necessary to determine the choice. Governing bodies: Libra predispose a person to be a leader in the societies. To his task he attaches associates and loved ones. Black King: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Libra can be equated to the black king. In human behavior properties of black king manifested in the ability to create and manipulate a crowd. A person under the sign of Libra hypocritical and prudently open in dealing with people. These qualities allow Libra be low vulnerability in dealing with people. Man shapes around a crowd of people useful for him. Good - in entertainment, knowledge, income, and power. Logical generalization: A person under the sign of Libra tend to be surface-logical, it often exacerbates their attention to common sense, that may be something useful for him in the relationship. But at the same time, skipping past his attention something smaller and low-value for him. For instruments with their logical position is not clear about the nature of the principles of people, many people believe that it scales abnormal. This person is trying to simplify their living conditions pragmatic positions. Air cooling: A person born under the sign of Libra, tends continually to build long-term plans for its realization and participation in human interaction. He uses in his plans of other people and often without their will or understanding. Libra's desire to benefit evident in the behavior over logic, which cools and repulsive interaction of people. Opportunity: Attention is directed to the definition of Libra existing capacity in the circumstances. This man uses for his self-displaying capabilities in dealing with people and the environment. Law: People under the sign of Libra assess their ability and that of other people in the current rules. Scales are trying in every determine who has what rights, and by evaluating their rights and other people's opportunities. Current conditions: Libra man has hope in his self to the current conditions and not be distracted by non-existent. Libra passion theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Energy: A person under the sign of Libra is inclined to take the initiative in dealing with interacting people in order to learn all sorts of available and potential resources. Scales are often able to participate in relations manager, giving the executive function of interacting people. Scales to judge people by their energy in the form of material resources. Contrary to the Word: A person under the sign of Libra is often at odds in their words and meanings in relation preliminary communication. In the balance of current dealings, for their own benefit in the dialogue and do not recognize any contradiction, but rather twist in that he had been misunderstood. Stop smooth general: If the current word in contradiction to prior to smoothly stop the process of communication. Interlocutor Libra, noting at least one contradiction in communication tends to treat the whole conversation as to the continuous contradiction. Weights in such a conversation, it makes sense to fix smoothly contradiction of his words or terminate meaningless dialogue. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Sagittarius and his properties in a man23.11-21.12 intellectual level number 8. People who are born in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius influence, possess eighth intellectual level. A person under the sign of Sagittarius from an early age from the beginning of his awareness of life refers to all special initiative. He strongly developed will potential. He especially does not overload yourself thinking. Sagittarius starts instantly to any case, trying to solve its abundant resources of will and attention. This attitude of man under the sign of Sagittarius it involves excessive exercise the body. He is inclined to direct the attention of people interacting in the favorable direction for himself, asserting itself in this way. Criminal forces: Sagittarius inclines man to overstep by rules, regulations and agreements. He often defends his morals and desires, blinding them your attention and mind. Elephants on white squares: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Sagittarius can be equated to the white elephant cage. In human behavior data properties are the active forms of behavior, from the extreme right or left position. A person born under the sign of Sagittarius, is not inclined to rectilinear forms of behavior. These properties are pushing people to the sudden change in his plans for the superiority of his position in dealing with people. Sagittarius tends to turn the relationship with people "around the bush", but not in straight lines. Principled generalized: The man zodiac sign Sagittarius tends to be a principal at an aggregate level. He often sharpens its focus on the common sense of their disagreements or reluctance. Sagittarius side can look edgy and sharp in their decisions. Atmospheric radiance: Man zodiac sign of Sagittarius is able to activate and invigorate the mood of people in society. He shrewdly aware of other people and for profit trying to direct attention to the interaction of people on topics of their morals. It "lights" can be manifested in the emotions that he is able to put pressure on the attention of others and strangers. Consent: Sagittarius Attention is directed to determining whether they agree with what the circumstances. This man uses for his self that he proposed for the people, or available in the environment, of which he chooses. Responsibility: People Sagittarius assess their ability and that of other people of their responsibility. Sagittarians are trying in every determine who has what responsibility in terms of relationships and through her own or someone else's estimate stronger. Feasible: Sagittarius man has hope in his self-realization feasible opportunities and not be distracted by non-existent. Sagittarius passion theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Time: A person born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, is inclined to involve interacting people, exploiting their time in this way samoutverzhdayas. Sagittarius often inclined to organize the crowd for personal entertainment without betraying the values ??of the benefits of the event. Obsession action: Man Sagittarius is prone to fanatical behavior. He often finds in every goal and after blindly strive for it, as the tunnel. In this process, Sagittarius can not ignore the current reality in the environment and the fact that he can deflect away from the initially chosen goal. Stop biting common: man zodiac sign of Sagittarius in possession in the actions necessary to make a sharp stop at the aggregate level. Sagittarius obsession manifested clearly when he deviates from the chosen goal. If he does not stop to correct its direction, it will never reach the desired goal. Sagittarius obsession action related to his laziness and unwillingness to be constantly attentive to changes in the current circumstances and behavior. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Lion and his properties in a man23.07-22.08 intellectual level number 9. People who are born in the zodiac sign of the influence of Leo, has nine intellectual level. A person under the Lion from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life refers to all special initiative. He strongly developed will potential. He does not overload yourself thinking. Leo starts instantly to any case, trying to solve its abundant resources for his strength of will or will interact. This attitude involves a person under the sign of Leo in excessive exercise his body, especially the heart. He is inclined to direct the attention of people interacting in the favorable direction for himself, asserting itself in this way. Criminal forces: The sign Leo entices man to overstep by rules, regulations and agreements. He often defends his morals and desires, blinding them your attention and mind. White cells and figures: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Leo can be compared to white cells, and shapes. In human behavior, these properties are manifested in the fact that the person is a field of activity and controls involved. A person born under the sign of Leo dual standards - is indicative of the society and for himself. These qualities allow it to manipulate interacting people in his field. Principled generalized: A person under the sign of Leo tends to be a principal at an aggregate level. He often sharpens its focus on the common sense of their disagreements or reluctance. By Leo can look edgy and sharp in their decisions. For him, it is important to be unbeatable in the circle of his relations. Atmospheric friction: A person under the sign of Leo is able to activate and invigorate the mood of people in society. He shrewdly aware of other people and for profit trying to send people interact on topics of their morals. Leo provokes contentious dialogue with interacting people, such actions saturate attention and sometimes arguing extracts copyright knowledge and achievements interlocutor. Arte: Attention is directed to the Lion of people and causes that force him to act on the orders of commitments. Liabilities: People-Lions value their liabilities and other people as laws. Leo tries in all that define who and what is committed. For Lev obligations are stick-vynuzhdalochkoy. Law: The sign Leo man has hope in his self-realization on the existing rules and laws, which are based on existing commitments. Time: A person under the sign of Leo tends to involve human interaction, exploiting their time in this way samoutverzhdayas. Leo often inclined to organize the crowd for personal entertainment without betraying the values ??of the benefits of such activities. Obsession action: A person under the sign of Leo is prone to fanatical behavior. In any case, he finds the target and after blindly strive for it, as the tunnel. In this process, Leo can not ignore the current reality in the environment and the fact that he can deflect away from the initially chosen goal. Stop biting common: A person under the sign of Leo in possession in the actions necessary to make a sharp stop at the aggregate level. Leo obsession manifested clearly when he deviates from the chosen goal. If Leo did not stop to correct its direction, it will never reach the desired goal. Leo obsession action related to his laziness and unwillingness to be constantly attentive to changes in the current circumstances and behavior. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Aries and his properties in a man21.03-19.04 intellectual level number 7. People who are born in the sign of Aries influence, have the seventh intellectual level. A person under the sign of Aries from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life refers to the whole initiative. He mainly developed will potential. He especially does not overload yourself thinking. Aries starts instantly to any case, trying to solve its abundant resources of their willpower. This attitude of man under the sign Aries involves excessive exercise of his body. He is inclined to direct the attention of human interaction in its own advantage, in this way samoutverzhdayas. Criminal forces: Aries inclines man to overstep by rules, regulations and agreements. He often defends his morals and desires, blinding their attention and judgment. Horses on white squares: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Aries can be equated to the horse on the white cell. In human behavior data properties are active behaviors and indirect influence on people. A person born under the sign of Aries, is prone to indirect competition with people, it manifests itself suddenly, because of the ambush. These properties are pushing people to the sudden change in his plans for the superiority of his position in the relationship. Aries often affects people indirectly, using the third person, through it introduces an attack or confrontation, as well as the chess knight. Principled generalized: A person born under the sign of Aries, tends to be a principal at an aggregate level. He often sharpens its focus on the common sense of their disagreements or reluctance. Aries of the way to look edgy and sharp in their decisions. Atmospheric warming: Man-Ram is able to activate and invigorate the mood of people in society. He shrewdly aware of other people and to their advantage tries to cheer up and send them to interact on topics of their morals. Opportunity: Attention Aries aims to determine the existing opportunities in the circumstances. This man uses for his self-manifested in the relationships and opportunities in the environment. Law: People born under the sign of Aries, evaluate its capacity, and other people on the current rules. Aries tries in every determine who has what rights, and by the right to evaluate their own or other people's opportunities. Current conditions: Zodiac sign Aries man has to count in its self to the current conditions and not be distracted by non-existent. Aries shrewdly defines for itself in the best possible circumstances. Time: A person born under the sign of Aries, is inclined to involve interacting people, exploiting their time in this way he asserts himself. Aries often inclined to organize the crowd for personal entertainment without betraying the values ??of the benefits of the event. Obsession action: Man Aries is prone to fanatical behavior. He often finds in every goal and after blindly strive for it, as the tunnel. In this process, Aries can not ignore the current reality and the fact that he can deflect away from the initially chosen goal. Stop biting common: A person with obsessive-Aries in the actions necessary to make a sharp stop at the aggregate level. Obsession Aries appears clearly when he deviates from the chosen goal and if you do not stop to correct its direction, it will never reach the desired goal. Obsession Aries action related to his laziness and unwillingness to be constantly attentive to changes in the current circumstances and behavior. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Taurus and his property sign is in a man20.04-20.05 intellectual level number 3: People who are born in the sign of the influence of the zodiac Taurus, has the third intellectual level. This man from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life is particularly sensitive to everything. He passes all events that happen to him and around him. This attitude of man under the sign of Taurus engages him in excessive exercise, it is quickly exhausted in many problems of his wider perception of life. Labor: Taurus inclines a person to be the executor of the problem and the personal involvement of the executive in the working process. White King: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Taurus can be equated to the white king. In human behavior properties of the white king manifested in the ability to create a crowd around and manipulate it, for his invulnerability. A person under the sign of Taurus is sincere and open in a relationship. These qualities tighten it to the best events in the circumstances, and put in a diversified risk. Principles in detail: A person born under the zodiac sign of Taurus tend to be petty, it often exacerbates their attention to detail, which may be unprofitable or nothing insignificant in the relationship, but at the same time, skipping past his attention something more valuable and excellent for him. Air resistance: Taurus is inclined to challenge the position of interacting people, seeing them as versatile competitors. He is too sensitive to the mood of the people around them, because of this can be constrained. Arte: Attention is directed to the people of Taurus and the reasons that force him to act on the orders of commitments. Liabilities: People zodiac sign Taurus value their liabilities and other people as laws. Taurus is trying in every determine who and what is committed. For Taurus obligations are stick-vynuzhdalochkoy. Law: Zodiac Taurus man has hope in his self-realization on the existing rules and laws, which are based on existing commitments. Taurus passion theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Responsibility of others: A person born under the sign of the zodiac Taurus, inclined to concede the initiative interactions, thus automatically throwing responsibility on innovative human. Taurus is often able to participate in the task of realizing the person who performed, yielding organizing functions interacting people. Distrust of reality: Man zodiac sign of Taurus is not always psychologically ready for the events of reality in dealing with people or circumstances of the environment. He is prone to sometimes ignore the real contradictions of people or their damage from the accompanying sobytiy.Podrobney ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Cancer and his properties in a man21.06-22.07 intellectual level number 4. People who are born in the zodiac sign of Cancer influence, have the fourth intellectual level. A person under the sign of Cancer from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life applies to all individuals smarter. He strengthened developed imagination and thinking. It displays in my mind all the events that are happening to him and around him. This attitude of the person engages in excessive exercise his attention to excessive load. He is prone to attract the attention of people interacting, in a manner samoutverzhdayas. Human rights bodies: The sign of Cancer inclines man sharpen focus on the fact that it is permitted to a man diverse reasons. He often defends its rights or human interaction. Black squares and figures: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Zodiac Cancer can prirovnyat the black cells and black pieces. In human behavior, these properties are manifested in the fact that the person is a field of activity and controls involved. A person born under the zodiac sign of Cancer, the double standards - is indicative of the society and for himself. These qualities allow it to manipulate interacting people. Logical in detail: Cancer tends to be logical at a detailed level, it often exacerbates their attention on the logical details that are debilitating for human interaction. For him, it is important to figure out the exact, key meanings and values ??in the subject took his attention. Air connection: A person under the sign of Cancer is able to create social cohesion. He intuitively understands the people around them, and combines them with the benefit of another. Opportunity: Attention is directed to Cancer identifying existing opportunities in the circumstances. This man uses for his self-displaying capabilities in dealing with people and the environment. Rights: People Raki evaluate their ability and that of other people in the current rules. Cancer is trying in every determine who has what rights, and by evaluating their rights and other people's opportunities. Current Conditions: The sign of Cancer man has to count in its self on current conditions and not be distracted by non-existent. Cancer intuitively determine for themselves the best possible in the circumstances. Warning: A person under the sign of Cancer tends to attract attention proactively interacting people, so he is fueled by the will of people with initiative. Cancer often tend to attract a lot of attention to the people around themselves and their indicative actions. Passion for understanding: Human Cancer lot of thinking and, sometimes, more interested in the logic of their thoughts, because it sometimes loses the beginning so their thinking. So the way my thoughts greatly deplete your will potential and initiative. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Fish and his property sign is in a man20.02-20.03 intellectual level number 5. People who are born in the zodiac sign of Pisces influence, have a fifth intellectual level. A person under the sign of Pisces from an early age from the beginning of his awareness of life refers to all especially smart. He strengthened developed imagination and thinking. It displays in my mind all the events that are happening to him and around him. This attitude of man under the sign of Pisces, it involves excessive loads of attention. He is prone to attract the attention of people interacting, in a manner samoutverzhdayas. Human rights bodies: Pisces inclines man sharpen focus on the fact that it is permitted to a man diverse reasons. He often defends its rights or human interaction. Elephants on black squares: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Pisces can be equated to the elephants in the black cells. In human behavior, these properties are passive to the extreme right or left position. A person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, is not prone to linear behaviors. These properties are pushing people to the sudden change in their plans with superiority position in dealing with people. Logical in the details: The man zodiac sign of Pisces tend to be logical at a detailed level, it often exacerbates their attention to details that are debilitating for human interaction. For him, it is important to figure out the exact, key meanings and values ??in the subject took his attention. Atmospheric stratification: A person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, can destroy the integrity of society. He intuitively understands the people around them and with the benefit of society share together. Fish shared between people in rich and poor, wise and foolish, strong and weak. Their participation in the main lever for spreading rumors that separates community cohesion. Consent: Attention is directed to Pisces determining with which they agree in the circumstances. This man uses for his self that he proposed for the people, or available in the environment, of which he chooses. Responsibility: People Pisces assess their ability and that of other people of their responsibility. Fish are trying in every determine who has what responsibility in terms of relationships and through her own or someone else's estimate stronger. Feasible: Pisces man has to rely on his self-feasible opportunities and not be distracted by non-existent. Fish entrainment theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Please note: The man of Pisces tends to attract attention proactively interacting people, so he is fueled by the will of the people with initiative. Fish are often inclined to attract a lot of attention to the people around themselves and their indicative actions. Passion for understanding: Pisces man thought much and often more interested in the logic of their thoughts, so that the top of losing their thinking. Thus it is able to greatly deplete their thoughts his will potential and initiative. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Scorpio and his properties in a man24.10-22.11 intellectual level number 6. People who are born in the sign of Scorpio influence, have a sixth intellectual level. A person under the sign of Scorpio from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life applies to all individuals smarter. He strengthened developed imagination and thinking. It displays in my mind all the events that are happening to him and around him. This attitude of man under the sign of Scorpio engages him in excessive loads of attention. He is prone to attract the attention of people interacting, in a manner samoutverzhdayas. Human rights bodies: Scorpio inclines man sharpen focus on the fact that it is permitted to a man diverse reasons. He often defends its rights or human interaction. Horses on black squares: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Scorpio can be equated to the horses on the black squares. In human behavior, these properties are passive. Man of the mark is not prone to the straight behavior and competition with humans. These properties are pushing people to the sudden change in their plans with superiority position in dealing with people. Scorpio affects people indirectly, it uses a third party, through it introduces an attack or confrontation, as well as the chess knight. Logical in detail: A person born under the sign of Scorpio, tends to be logical at a detailed level. He often sharpens its focus on the details, which are debilitating for human interaction. For him, it is important to figure out the exact, key meanings and values ??in the subject took his attention. Scorpions memory of lengthy detail the logical content. Atmospheric presence: Man Scorpio able to benefit from the society by their presence in it. He intuitively understands the people around them and with the benefit of absorbing public attention. Scorpio attracts the attention of others, absorbing it, he reflects on his own. And in this society, on the mood of the Scorpion can be formed irritable, aggressive atmosphere. Scorpio can burn your resources and resources of society, these actions create a void that becomes the basis of aggression in society. Arte: Attention is directed to the Scorpio people and causes that force him to act on the orders of commitments. Liabilities: People under the sign of Scorpio value their liabilities and other people as laws. Scorpio tries in all that define who and what is committed. For Scorpio obligations are stick-vynuzhdalochkoy. Law: The Scorpio man has hope in his self-realization on the existing rules and laws, which are based on existing commitments. Warning: Man sign of Scorpio tends to attract attention proactively interacting people, so he is fueled by the will of the people with initiative. Scorpios are often inclined to attract a lot of attention to the people around themselves and their indicative actions. Passion for understanding: People sign of Scorpio is often a lot of thinking and keen in their thoughts more logic, because it tends to lose its top so their thinking. Scorpio so my thoughts can greatly deplete your will potential and initiative. Stop flowing in the details: The man with the sign of Scorpio passion in their thinking is necessary to make a smooth stop in their thoughts and at a detailed level. Thinking does not stop abruptly, but you stop smoothly and switches in the selected direction reflection. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Capricorn and his properties in a man22.12-20.01 intellectual level number 1. People who are born in the sign of the influence of the zodiac Capricorn with first intellectual level. This man from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life is particularly sensitive to everything. He passes all events that happen to him and around him. This attitude of man under the sign of Capricorn engages him in excessive exercise, it is quickly exhausted in many applications from detailed perception of life. Labor: Capricorn inclines a person to be the executor of the problem and the personal involvement of the executive in the working process. Pawn: Systematic human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Capricorn can be equated to pawn. In human behavior, as well as a pawn to the experience of relations opens the possibility of reincarnation in any shape, except the king. A person born under the sign of Capricorn, sincere and open in a relationship. These qualities tighten it to the best events in the circumstances, and put in a diversified risk, which can not afford a king. Principles in detail: Capricorn tend to be small-minded, it often exacerbates their attention to detail, which may be unprofitable or nothing insignificant in the relationship, but at the same time, skipping past his attention something bigger and great value to him. Atmospheric dependence: Man under the sign of Capricorn is inclined to easily integrate into the mood of the various societies. He is too sensitive to the mood of the people around them, bowing in wound atmosphere of society. Opportunity: Attention is directed to the Capricorn identify existing opportunities in the circumstances, this person uses for its self however possible in dealing with people and in the environment. Law: People under the sign of Capricorn assess their ability and that of other people in the current rules. Capricorn tries in every determine who has what rights, and by the right to evaluate their own or other people's opportunities. Current conditions: Capricorn man has hope in his self to the current conditions and not be distracted by non-existent. Capricorn passion theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Responsibility: Capricorn is inclined to concede the initiative of interacting, thus automatically throwing responsibility on innovative human. This person is often able to participate in the task of realizing the person who performed, yielding organizing functions interacting people. Distrust of reality: Man under the Capricorn zodiac sign is not always mentally prepared for the reality of events in a relationship with the people or the circumstances of the environment. He is prone to sometimes ignore the real contradictions of people or their damage from the accompanying events. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Astrological sign Virgo and his properties in a man23.08-22.09 intellectual level number 2: People who are born in the zodiac sign of the influence of the Virgin, has the second intellectual level. This man from a young age from the beginning of his awareness of life is particularly sensitive to everything. He passes all events that happen to him and around him. This attitude of man born under the sign of Virgo engages him in excessive exercise, it is quickly exhausted in many applications from detailed perception of life. Labor: Virgo inclines a person to be the executor of the problem and the personal involvement of the executive in the working process. Tour on white cell: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Virgo can be equated to the tour, standing on a white cell. In human behavior, property tours appear positions straightness and excessive force in dealing with people. A person born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, sincere and open in a relationship. These qualities tighten the front man in the circumstances of the event and put in a diversified risk straining dignity. Principles in detail: This person tends to be petty, it often exacerbates their attention to detail, which may be unprofitable or nothing insignificant in the relationship, but at the same time, skipping past his attention, something bigger and great value to him. The atmospheric effect: A person born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo tends different methods to influence society in their environment. He is too sensitive to the mood of the people around them, with the help of this quality is trying to influence, society simultaneously samoutverzhdayas. Consent: a person's attention is directed to the Virgin determining whether he agrees with what the circumstances. This man uses for his self that he proposed for the people, or available in its habitat, of which he chooses. Responsibility: People born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, evaluate their ability and that of other people accountable. Virgin trying in every determine who has what responsibility in terms of relationships and through her own or someone else's estimate stronger. Feasible: Virgo man has to rely on his self-feasible opportunities and not be distracted by non-existent. Fascination Virgin theory exhausts its practicality and independence. Responsibility of others: A person born under the sign of Virgo, is inclined to concede the initiative of interacting, thus automatically throwing responsibility on innovative human. Virgo is often able to participate in implementing the task of implementing the relationship, giving organizational functions interact people. Distrust of reality: Man Virgo is not always ready psychologically to reality events in relationships with people or circumstances of the environment. He is prone to sometimes ignore the real contradictions of people or their damage from the accompanying events. Read more ... Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius More ... Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. The laws of the Zodiac, their natural psychology ... . ... Map of the Zodiac and eastern characters, their levels ... . ... Barack Obama- character diagnosticsBarack Obama has served as the head of one of the greatest countries in the world. To many Americans, he is out of reach for a relationship, not to mention the citizens of other countries. His position responsibilities and complex. For all his position Barack Obama is a man who has a stock character has its own superiority and vulnerability, as any man of our planet. With the help of "Scanner individual" psychological diagnosis made on the parameters of time, the month and year of birth of Barack Obama. This result reveals the mechanisms of its readers thinking, behavior and the mechanisms to do with him interacting people. Also reveals behaviors by relying on the opinion and by relying on the opinion of people interacting. The program displays the System Device identity and mechanisms of instincts, by the nature of birth. To your attention given "total" result diagnostic Obama program "Scanner individual." The result of the query is composed of five parts, in which the structure of the individual to sort through from the standpoint of science Psihonomii. White text highlighted general descriptions and entry into of answers, some highlighted in yellow text at the prompt. The first part of the answer to this query: General introduction and description of the devices of human outlook. Exodus worldview thinking. Alignment is determined by his inner world, thought content and direction information that is especially important to him. Outlook of people have certain mechanisms on which is built the sequence of values ??of human relations in the environment around him. Every person has a relatively similar outlook towards other people, but there are differences devices worldviews. We are a very young age we see that for every person in the same circumstances are important different sides of the same features. From the birth of a person eats different foods, growing their physiology while a person eats and different information, which forms its outlook. Human world is a certain part of its structure, which has its basis of superiority and vulnerabilities. We often notice people in their environment, which we can easily communicate, and those with whom we communicate or hard news, some kind of relationship. It turns out that soaked or human exploration of information has its own specific gravity, and it dominates the views of man to his environment and the opportunities for relationships in society. Outlook of people have a natural hierarchy, as blood or matter in the periodic table. Outlook of people divided into twelve natural levels of intellectual growth. The height of the intellectual growth of a person's world depends on the speed of perception and practice of information processing speed. Almost everyone is smart, wise and clever, but different people speed of perception and information processing. Man is able to develop his world, including in it all the necessary skills and capabilities of complex solutions. Initially, the man is hard to find the necessary knowledge to determine its natural level vision and knowledge with which to optimally develop their thinking. In science Psihonomiya an automated program "Scanner individual", by which a person is able to determine the exact level of the outlook and thinking mechanisms. Also in the program is determined by the method level of human behavior and the level of his field work in the community. Human world is the beginning of his conscious awareness, and it is the very identity of the person. Of his worldview is applied by a variety of information, displaying it in the environment methods of behavior. We are able to influence their thinking processes, filling themselves to be useful or useless knowledge of the environment. Thinking man gradually developed or degraded. Personal experience of the person fills his mind the knowledge that he can handle analytically or pass them into your subconscious, which are going to experience uncontrolled knowledge of human life. Man, processing soaked information is continuously developing their world, and after practices and behavior. Home personality - his attention, thinking, outlook, which is reflected in the methods of behavior. Any impact on the outlook of the person made in the current time! With human attention people filled the information form their ideas, which are the individual experience of knowledge. Assimilate knowledge form his imagination, which consists of thoughts and is a map of the individual outlook. The information in the human world is individual and unique, but the mechanics of working with information and devices of thinking people have regularities mechanisms. Our worldview can be called a map of our life, of which we are composed in the form of personality. With the world we plan to their aspirations and attitudes in society. On the maps of our world views shaped set of integrated solutions to the various problems are divided into three groups: the "black", "white" and "double" values ??of the pre-emptive effect. Both man and the environment have their own devices, which are in the power of space and time. Complete Plants grafted person's world time of his birth. Day divided into twelve time periods of two hours. Each two-hour period of the day in the time of birth forms outlook mechanisms and systems installations for the thinking man. The first group is based on a continuous memory of the experience of individuals and is called "black". "Black Party". People in this group are filled with thoughts of negative values ??of complex solutions. This setting in the outlook of man indicates that the currently negative methods best not to act. People who are born from 1.00 to 3.00 hours, from 3.00 to 5.00 hours, from 7.00 to 9.00 hours from 9.00 to 11.00 hours, refer to the "black" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. "Black Party" has knowledge of various adverse systemic methods, avoiding them using everything available and not prohibited to them, building a tactic best action at the current time. The second group is based on the analytical predictions of future events, and is called "white." "White Party." People in this group are filled with thoughts of positive values ??with complex decisions. This setting is in a person's world signals that are allowed to act as the current time. People who are born from 5.00 to 7.00 hours, from 13:00 to 15:00 hours, from 15.00 to 17.00 hours, refer to the "white" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. "White Party" has knowledge of different positive systemic techniques. Applies only them, because of this disturbing continuity of operations in the current time. Any manifestation of impulsive. They due to acceleration and stops sprayed uncontrolled mass media and attitudes in the form of emotions. The third group is based on the selection of the best features from current conditions is called a "two-way". "Two-way group." People are filled with thoughts of the group with comprehensive solutions with the boundaries between "black" and "white" groups and their settings. This setting in the outlook of human signals about how best to proceed at the current time, taking advantage of the "white" or "black" plants in a person's world. People who are born from 11.00 to 13.00 hours from 17.00 to 19.00 hours from 19.00 to 21.00 hours, refer to the "two-way" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. Bilateral group has knowledge of ways of sharing information on the boundaries of different standards and values. At the current time in human behavior can manifest erratic mood. Since he is able to use different sides of the border, which lies between the positive and negative end solutions. These plants are in the thinking man sharpen his attention to choose a better, more effective approach to solving the current problems of man and the possibility of selecting the optimal ones. Therefore people with this worldview instantly switches from one to another and understanding uses what is currently more useful, more profitable and is timely. New ideas emerge, existing disappear through the current human development or degradation. People constantly interact with diverse information in the circumstances and in their feelings and sentiments of the body. Current changes in the lives of human complement his knowledge and at the same time deny them some of the developed earlier. In the human world there is continuous change, regardless of the other activity. Our world is out of the ocean of thoughts, which is continuously soaked circulation of information. Our world is upon us in the image of the sky, it reflects information Map of fixed values. Human world has a geometric form of an inverted quadrangular pyramid. Lower its angle is in the head, in the pituitary gland. From pituitary pyramid outlook diverges up as the content of human knowledge and the natural order of them. Thoughts in the human world are material, they form a memory neurons, which are storage devices. When active, the thoughts of a man run in it the process of imagination. Attention of the person as the inner light outlook. With the attention of the person covers his thoughts, projecting in this event information from memory. Human world is full of different experiences of impressions and desires to achieve something. From birth through communication and education filled with numerous information, assimilated society that shapes his outlook. Everything in life depends on its outlook. Initially, he learns his understanding of the information in the form of thoughts of the imagination, and then is able to repeat words or actions in the circumstances. Every person working on his world all its manifestations. Evaluates man properties of his world or not, but he does all this relate to his worldview understanding and awareness of learning information in thinking. Human world is manifested in all its forms of influence. Almost everything that makes the person who originally thought he imagines in his understanding, after seeking to apply in practice circumstances. The device properties of human vision expressed in the media, arbitrarily sortable his thoughts, inner feelings, stability in its policy decisions. Outlook is reflected in the environment of dialogue in the form of words and various forms of behavior and relationships. Human world is formed under the laws of the mechanism of time and has design, which may affect to the person or to the community around him. Most people can not distinguish the difference of his thinking on the methods of behavior, but many clearly distinguish the difference of the desires that come from their world of options in relation to the circumstances. Alignment is a person's attention, which is adjusted thoughts. Thoughts are composed of neurons, the neurons are located in the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum are activated, which forms the thought processes and state of mind, the subconscious, and the permeation of touch. The result is that the entire human body works on the function of the brain that controls our body. Information of the human brain generates an individual personality and all its external response actions and aspirations. The human body consists of organs that work for philosophy, thought and attention to the individual. Useful to understand the person in the unit of the outlook, as of this understanding depends on almost everything in his life. For a person to understand the mechanisms of the outlook are automatically created a program in which the user is able to determine the level of his world and the natural tendency of thinking that guide and govern our attention. Therefore we recommend you to send a note to the program "Scanner individual." In it, you can gather some information on a more detailed level to build their world or people that interest you. A definite answer about the level of ideology of Barack Obama and its properties. The fourth level of worldview. 1. Hearing curiosity manifested due to the search of useful information. 2. Consistent imagination helps to delve in detail by setting out all the tone understated personal comparison and filling, instantly see all sides of the situation. 3. Sexual imagination lets you instantly notice and see the same with the opposite sex, in the subsequent conduct various interactions. 4. The power of imagination manifested contrast, detailed, colorful thinking. In it, he may not have time to linger and to react quickly. Therefore, at the current time to ask questions, not listening to the answers, this umarivaya interlocutor. 5. This world of man is changeable mood. The topics that have a vision sequence showing irony, and in which there is no vision, show curiosity. 6. Personal understanding of the operation showing someone to implement the required tasks. 7. He contrasted the current visible alternatives for realization of tasks. 8. Reinforce their understanding of the point clear, necessary, useful, and other values. Particularly well versed in the material values. Laws of thought bearable in order. 9. Analytical philosophy developed by psychological approach to many problems. A man distributes information to a group of internal reasons and the subsequent external manifestation in a visual environment. 10. For their understanding and awareness of other values ??confirm any facts visual medium. 11. Facts current manifestations are a reality filter, on which the decision to agree or disagree with someone for something. 12. Plans for personal growth and self-realization form a general view of the diagonal. Detailed examination of the diagonal of the planning of the fourth level, we will see her step-building: levels of the plane, step vertically. The action on the plane produces headroom, and the action vertically consume resources. Alternating their actions, form a diagonal. 13. Gradually penetrates and goes into the relationship with interacting, trying to share information on their understanding of the value of an open and hidden from the vision of a group interaction. 14. Irresponsibility in the relationship as hidden and isolated from the vision of others. A visual display of the fourth level one and it significant, and hidden behavior of others, it is a complete contradiction of the known. 15. Rules and interactions with other similar intellects mostly fills the memory world of the fourth level. 16. Mainly the information detailed complex sequences of combining incompatible values ??or human characters. 17. This outlook is based on the benefit and the benefit of the progressive development of what already exists in the current reality. Because of this, the current time, people at this level have led the pass has only itself to someone. Passively interact perfectly. 18. Consequently fill the information of different values ??that can instantly use it in the current time in the form of flashes of intuition. 19. A clear vision of things is formed directly from memory, consistently retaining information. Ease of understanding things intoxicating world of the fourth level, which manifests itself in the current behavior is not a serious attitude to many interlocutors. 20. High-speed sorting of information in the intellect of the man allows him to quickly understand the new undeveloped information not experience pressure on current account or other body functions. Bases of natural psychology.Educational courseThe course "Fundamentals of Natural psychology" (the "Exchange") attempt to provide a basis of theoretical and practical training for high school students and students from non-core universities. The course is designed for students interested in the natural psychology. The development of this course will provide the basic knowledge to professionally diagnose psychological characteristics, status of individuals and societies. And develops the knowledge and skills of professional dialogue with the target audience or unpredictable and societies. The course allows you to master a specialist professional organizing business and commercial activities, create concepts, business plans, sketches and diagrams of projects. Create integrity teams in organizations diplomatic means. Effectively resolve conflict in organizations, businesses and society. The course uses a new technique in the classroom. It is a dialog-associative method based on new information technologies developed on the basis of science Psihonomii. Listening to the theoretical course, students outlines the information at its discretion and decision. The new technology allows students to see once the structural information, to understand its way of thinking and be able to apply in the future development of knowledge in the course of practice. Dialog-associative method of the educational process, effectively increases the intellectual resources of students and their speed of thought many times. The course consists of a theoretical part and a practical implementation of thematic tasks. In the learning process, students are trained at the same time. The first section deals with the basics of natural psychology. In this section, students familiarize with the materials of the course and master the rules of strategic communication skills. The second section is intended for general understanding of the natural laws of psychology and the ability to apply them in constructive relationships and work practices. The third section is the development of the knowledge of elementary science Psihonomii table. According to the table, students will become familiar with the basic innate properties, abilities and pathologies of individuals and human society. The fourth section of the elementary science Psihonomii table number 2. Section is the development of knowledge of the current behavior of individuals, methods perenastraivaniya behavior of individuals. Reveals the motivations and reasons for communicating individuals. Familiarize students with twelve professionally taken into account for the construction of the conversation, or contract negotiations. The fifth section is devoted to work. Students learn the tactical and strategic principles in the organization of commercial projects. The sixth section focuses on seven stages of human development. Students learn the main areas of self-realization of individuals in society. The seventh section is devoted to planning negotiations, treaties and agreements. Students learn to prepare professional conversations, reports and thematic concepts. The "natural psychology" provides practical and professional training to students who want to get high-quality psychological education. This program allows you to gain practical knowledge of the subject, as regards some aspects are not included in the course of higher education. Practical skills are in the process of stu-associative learning dialog. In the exercise, students use the experience and practice of their personal lives, they make up with each class to grow in personal practical knowledge of psychology, family, communities, and organizations that interest them. Performing independent tasks, students have the opportunity of creative collaboration with working media, community organizations and government agencies. The program is given an approximate distribution of teaching hours. The teacher can adjust the allocation of hours, without changing the total amount, with the rapid assimilation of the course material watch the educational process can be reduced. Additional hours may be modified only in the direction of increasing practical training and independent work. Astrological signs and their influence on a manAlmost every nation of the Zodiac, there are many sources, reflecting its importance and impact on people. Delving into many of them, we are often confronted with a relative inaccuracies and contradictions. So hard for people to understand and follow the signs of the zodiac real impact on human activities. In many peoples zodiac signs are called gods, and are beyond the reach of the man and his influence. For example, the sign of Aquarius Greeks called Zeus, and in Ukraine, Perun. In some nations there is a science of the Zodiac which explain innate psychological qualities. In today's world influence the Zodiac clear a few people, because people rarely are relatively accurate information about the effects of the influence of the Zodiac. Many people have little understanding of the meaning and significance of the zodiac in their lives and society. The society accepted that the signs of the Zodiac exert their influence on the whole of human life - from his birth until the end of days. Yes, that's right, most people in the society. Sign given to man as a psychological language that allows him to interact with people in the community. Sign person is automatically assigned at the time of birth and after can strengthen its influence in the psychology of the person, or people will be able to use the remaining characters, developing them in yourself. The device allows him to develop human continuously. The natural development of man is based on including in it the twelve signs of the zodiac. It turns out that the starting human development begins with the same sign, and in his life can be increased to thirteen. Zodiac exerts its influence on a person with different settings of its time of birth. For example, the day consists of twenty-four hours that are allocated two hours to the influence of each of the twelve signs, and they show their influence on the human psyche, his attention, thinking and inner feelings. The year consists of 365.6 days, which are distributed approximately thirty days of influence of each of the twelve signs, and they show their influence on the methods of human behavior. Twelve-year sequence of effects on human psychology is assigned the "Eastern Signs." The twelve signs of the Zodiac exert their influence on a person in a year of his birth, forming a certain attitude of the environment and people to it. Signs of the zodiac are calculated in three geometric directions: horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Horizontal calculated annual cycle of the Zodiac, vertically-day circle and diagonal - twelve-year cycle. Three-fold effect of zodiac signs 1728 combinations that form the individual nature of human psychological warehouse. Zodiac Signs allow a person to determine the underlying psychological structure of individuals people, namely, thinking mechanisms, mechanisms of behavior and mechanisms of action of other people to a specific person. In a society largely explains the signs of the zodiac monthly influence, two-hour and annual impact of people not well known. On human psychology often influence all aspects of the parameters of its birth, but there are explanations, mainly from two perspectives - is the number of the month and year of birth. The program "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education" is the expansion of human psychological construction of three parameters of his birth, and prepared more options for further explanation. Zodiac is the information about the psychological device of man, and their influence can be seen or noticed by the society and the individual. Man is able to take advantage of information about the signs of the zodiac, for this it is necessary for accurate knowledge of the systemic signs of the zodiac and the knowledge of the effect on the properties of signs. Based on science Psihonomii formed to develop a number of methods by which people can reclaim their property signs of the Zodiac, to interact with people with other characters and develop the missing signs of the zodiac. Sources of knowledge about the signs of the Zodiac are among the oldest systemic characterizing human psychology. The quality of knowledge in each source of different zodiac. Language presentation is of particular importance to understanding its clarity depends delve person. In science Psihonomii zodiac signs are explained in the modern language of psychology, physics and theology, and the general plan of the materials displayed in the elementary science Psihonomii table. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Legitimacy is social basis of societyThe level and quality of legitimacy in the community demonstrates its development. Agreement between people create and produce the legality of the contract. The legitimacy of the company or the country reflects the priorities that people use in the formation of contracts and agreements between them. People making treaties is likely to take into account the legal provisions and commercial laws and the laws of physics, but many human factors into account and displayed in their agreements can be difficult. To improve the quality of human relations in the society on the basis of science Psihonomii formulated the concept of legitimacy and a sample contract. Through this agreement the user has a lot to clarify for themselves and their social relationships. Materials are formulated according to the rules and laws set forth in the "elementary science Psihonomii table" and "elementary science Psihonomii table number 2." Almost everyone has some understanding of their legal options, allowing him to make versatile relations in societies. "Right" means a resolution, and "measure" defines the standards by which permits are implemented. Measures permits regulated by the Constitution and laws of countries, cultures of the rules and etiquette of society. Legitimacy unites individuals into society, creating a social systems, structures, rules and regulations, standardize the behavior and attitudes in society. Legitimacy is composed of the three qualities that are manifested in human psychology - is "Commitment", "right" and "responsibility." Legitimacy - a product of the human mind, which structured the social relations of the tribal level to the level of countries and alliances between them. The legitimacy of structures relations in society. Man has everything you need for your self in society. For use of the properties, capabilities, and resources of the person initially be the main goal of my life! Following its determination to distribute other targets based on the priority of primary importance. Natural dignity. A person must go into their natural instincts and dignity that each of us individually! By defining them to put in their order of merits, namely, knowledge, relationships with people, material wealth. It is important for man to be faithful and confident in what he has, and this attitude will allow it to increase more in their welfare and dignity. Outward things Each person has individual terms of the relationship with the world! The surrounding world guided by human goals, ideas, plans, and methods of behavior. Reflects the world around us coming from all sorts of human expression. Integrity with the world is continuous in every individual. Commitment to one's character consistently link it with the world, forming the legal mechanisms of its morality. Law allow a person to use certain features in respect of itself, the surrounding community and the world, creating legal mechanisms to etiquette. Human responsibility is implemented on the basis of his inner mental consent to the obligations of past relationships and events, creating legal mechanisms of its morals. The man, realizing primary responsibilities and achieving ongoing, expanding their rights and opportunities in the practice is aware of the responsibility for their actions and attitudes in the society! A valid contract. How many people agrees qualitatively with the people, as far as it implements its commitments in the agreements and requires interacting the agreed participation by so much he is doing well in his classes and relationships. This agreement is an example of the construction of legitimate relationships. 1.Pervichnye human responsibilities: 1.1 To produce, maintain, and improve the life; 1.2 breathe, eat, enabling food to keep themselves clean and tidy; 1.3 To seek self-sufficiency experience harmony in the relationships with other people and the environment; 1.4. Pay attention to the real laws of life and society; 1.4.1 his health and the health of people nearby. 1.4.2 The laws of the state of our citizenship and the country in which we are temporarily staying. 1.4.3 Rules of etiquette culture societies, among which we find ourselves. 2.Tekuschie duties, rights and responsibilities: 2.1.1 Targeted communication between representatives of the agreement or on behalf of the organization in a dialogue with other members of the organizations and individuals. 2.1.2 Targeted communication is implemented by three laws: a diplomatic communication, diplomatic expectation diplomatic demands. 2.2 Diplomatic communication. 2.2.1 Diplomacy begins with a dialogue that takes into consideration the importance of the parties to the extent of their participation in the topic of relations. 2.2.2 Folding diplomatic communication between people thematic arrangement of alternative solutions, which has a time-bound implementation. 2.3 Diplomatic expectation. 2.3.1 Expectation-approved or implementation problems begin after the contract or with attention to the causes in the agreement, and continues to be fully realized. 2.3.2. If you violate the terms of implementation, which were adopted as an alternative agreement of the parties, the relationship changes as the conditions of the third law. 2.4 Diplomatic demanding. 2.4.1. During or after the violation, also in contradiction exhibited by party to agreements reached earlier diplomatic communication, has the right and duty to overestimate the level of responsibility of the parties to the topic of relationships! 2.4.2. After evaluation renegotiate or terminate the thematic relationship with the violator of the laws of harmony of relationships! 2.4.3 Conditions under which renegotiated relationship: Revaluation responsibility and rights of the parties. Research the causes of disharmony and eliminating them. The mutual desire to increase the level of obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties. 2.4.4 The conditions under which it makes sense to terminate the thematic relationship. Safety attention. People are able to instinctively or planned to direct attention to the interaction of man in regard to the subject on which there is no fruit in the form of information or material goods. Side, involving the interaction of man in extraneous, distracting threads can pull themselves benefit from this action. This benefit is hidden or visible. To manipulate people use can provyalyatsya when people interact degrade thinking and scattered attention. Human beskonstruktivnoe vague and related to his thoughts manifested in the properties of his attention. A man breaks away from reality, lagging response to the accuracy of current events, that is, in relationships and agreements. Safety of time. Each individual on the basis of their reasoned appreciate your time and the time of others because of their merits, registered in the diplomatic agreement. Useless pandemonium parties organized due obligations is wrecking as burning time! Security of energy. Energy can be captured in case agreements are defined as simple, medium and complex. The simplest energy manifests itself in material forms, which can be evaluated alternatively also promising. The average energy is the documents, securities, money Ukrainian currency. The hardest energy manifests itself in the field of knowledge and science, exploitation. Relevance Theory in practice increases its value, which is registered in a party theme agreement. Safety responsibility. Interacting people can use our liability by manipulating it. Through board with us, acting on its own, but is not attached to the recommended torque in the end with no results, they sued the adviser. Advisor after the presentation of its board of registers itself to the other that it solves and answers on their own, or vice versa adviser registers from himself, he is responsible, together with the other party to the trust, a certain topic. Safety of innovation implementation. In the present mechanism, system or organization restructured some function or the entire mechanism of the organization. Positive proposal appears to complement the main objectives of the agreement and the development of current manifestations of the organization. Management Team in the theme agreement represents supervisors order. Level of commitments, rights and responsibilities in the management of higher against the executive. If necessary or trust powers of the members of the group formed by the agreement, which may be engaged in functional protection of life, health, property, duties, rights and responsibilities of the members of the agreement. Also protected the integrity of the organization, its assets, the target implementation of Finance, owned by the organization, increasing the power of interacting in the agreement. Negative expression of ideas and technologies that contradict the main objectives of the existing agreements and harmony existing features of a public association, the proposed party to the agreement or from strangers is Innovative sabotage. innovative wrecking it: Private handling operation needs credibility. Particular requirements for the extraction of unaccounted wealth of the organization. extraction of wealth on account of collaboration in favor of competing organizations. Personal ideology or systems group, contrary to the order of diplomatic agreements, uniting the parties involved in the organization. complex assertion, lust for power, delusions of grandeur. 3. Systematically realizable rules for organizers, heads, artists and distributors organizations. 3.1 of the organizers, heads, managers. 3.1.1 Do not break the rules and regulations of the organization. 3.1.2 Create and generate targets for subordinates. 3.1.3 To distribute the load between executing or implementing a measure of their strength. 3.1.4 Bring to the full implementation, its commitments to the team or individual to subordinate. 3.1.5 respect the subordinates, and be independent of their mood. 3.1.6 Balancing the conflict relations that can be triggered in the team and avoid conflict of subordinate relationship to him. 3.1.7 To be constantly aware of the mood of the team and each individual direct reports. 3.1.8 In order to encourage a fruitful endeavor things subordinates of earmarked funds. 3.2 of artists and distributors. 3.2.1 Working relationships begin and end in the manner of the contract. 3.2.2 conscientiously implement the commitments undertaken by the organization. 3.2.3 With equal respect for colleagues and other citizens of Ukraine or other countries. 3.2.4 Timely induct direct management control of the order of business processes and conflict in the team. 3.2.5 Qualitative robot with a high rate of force production, and experience necessary for professional development. 3.2.6 Productive effort promoted by the contract from the trust fund. 4.Pravilo constructive argument. In the process of communication between the parties in situations where you are against the proposal, which is submitted for review, or vote, you have the right to argue constructively disagree. In case of disagreement, without giving your position is to abstain. Constructive argument at disagreement encourages participants to real participation to the transparency of the themes agreements. If one of the parties argues disagreement toward agreement amendments, others involved in the agreement, the parties can resolve the illuminated cause dissent or opposition parties to be an important and useful position for all parties to the agreement. Conclusion. In society, the validity is supported by the agreements reached between the people on the adoption of common measures of standardization, necessary for their relationship. Common measures are defined and implemented voters, elected and government systems. Arrangements at forming favorable conditions for the development of the country or to foreign investors and creditors. Legitimacy is shown geographically in terms of the circumstances in the relations between people. Legitimacy defines what is allowed and what is prohibited in the current capabilities of the person. Various public areas continuously improves the quality of legitimacy by improving the legal framework and the executive service of their countries. Development of society and the ordinary citizen generates quality and legality of its value. More ... Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk Psychology of the thirteen Astrological signsThe nature of human psychology is based on twelve potentials assigned to the Zodiac constellations. People naturally born during the influence of one of the twelve signs of the zodiac and has a natural temperament, he grafted his time of birth. This character has a psychological structure, corresponding to a certain sign of the zodiac. Most people in the self-realization of psychological properties of their zodiac sign, but some people develop particular characteristics and abilities only a sign of the zodiac, with respect to the properties in oppressing other people and their zodiac signs. In this case, a person develops a one-sided and with the policy of self-realization in the society he called the "serpent." In the process of growing up and relationships in the community is able to reach people in their additional properties and the ability of other signs and their potentials. When a person has engaged respect of the ability and properties of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, from that time, he clearly sees the harmony of the importance of each building of twelve. One Sign of man is manifested in the form of the ego, and on this occasion we are from some people can hear the phrase: "I am." When a man is not one sign of the Zodiac, it mainly acts on the basis of animal instinct. In the Bible, the event is called the property of "the beast." Therefore, the Bible instructs strive for personal excellence as the Father in heaven is perfect and complete, without blemish. On the basis of Jesus Christ was recommended to us to be like children who are continuously developed and perfected in all their classes. When a person is his development in itself includes the twelve signs of the zodiac, then from that moment he turned thirteenth sign - the sign of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is a general sense of the twelve signs of the zodiac, their integrity in human psychology. A property of the sign manifested in human behavior is highly diplomatic relations in society. Thirteenth Sign may occur in every person who develops to the desired level of activity and relations in society. Ophiuchus is symbolized by a man who holds the serpent. A person who has reached the level of Ophiuchus, manifests itself in the twelve signs of the Zodiac, which allows him to understand about any individual, and, if necessary, to amend the terms with them. Lopsided evolving man in the image of "snake" is often limited, balance and level the people who have reached in their development level Ophiuchus. Each person is given the sign of the zodiac, as the starting potential to Jesus Christ in one of the parables called "talents of gold," which is necessary in the process of living to increase. Multiply - this means the twelve signs of the zodiac to develop in their behavioral psychology. How is it possible to use in a stock character other properties zodiac signs? To this effect should be familiar with the knowledge of the properties of each sign of the zodiac, then - divided mastered knowledge of the properties of the positive and negative impacts on human psychology. With this knowledge people will automatically begin to apply them in practice, relationships with people and grow in their diversifying. Sign Ophiuchus may occur in every person who wants to develop and improve themselves and their relationships in society. Number thirteen symbolizes perfection, and a sign of Ophiuchus shows realizable perfect properties and ability in man. Therefore, under the sign of Ophiuchus people are not born, but only developing, can reach the level of abilities Ophiuchus! In human psychology is important and each zodiac sign Ophiuchus properties it shows their level of understanding of human rights and the ability to apply their understanding of the practice. Man is able to be developed at the level of Ophiuchus, with using the data capabilities, can not imagine that it displays its activity sign Ophiuchus. Science-Technology Psihonomii allow people through the knowledge and training to develop a twelve signs of the zodiac. Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk Wealth in a manPart 1. The value of life. Part 2. The wealth of worlds. Part 3. The wealth of man. Part 4. Wealth in a man. Many theological sources of direct text holy writings illuminate the fact that the kingdom of God is in human life. Accordingly, the riches of God may be manifested in a person and of his environment! Wealth presence of God in man manifests his inspired nastroeniyai in dealing with people. The lack of wealth of God in man manifests his impressions of the past relationship with wealth and people. Person is important to trust the current reality of the facts time and evaluate their resources in multilateral relations. To correct for the natural features of human nature, a program "Crown of education." With this program also mozhnorazobratsya in other people with whom you do not even know visually. At the current level of scientific knowledge rather we know the properties and the effect of the DNA of living beings. But the current effect on the DNA is not very clear to the scientific community. "Crown of education" allows a person to positively influence their DNA with a clear mood of your thoughts and attention. In the first part of the explanation of individual human thinking mechanisms tested in the second part of the explanation of his conduct individual mechanisms, and in the third part - individual mechanisms relations surrounding people to the tested individual. On the left is an example of the parameters vplane data on one person, who was born at 8:20 am 12.28 in 1986. The same amount of knowledge you can buy for yourself, for yourself or someone else. But you must work hard. You may know that life ends without difficulty and is not invested by other people or forces. Work begins with the desire and decision to acquire the ability to read data from the desired query of the "Crown of education." To do this, put the money in your account is automatically assigned to your registration online www.psychonomy.com.ua. To the account can be received using WebMoney in Ukrainian hryvnias, also through a system LiqPay, serving active online Visa and MasterCard. For some Internet users such operations are simple, but for others not so. Therefore, to speed up the ability to use the program you can use impulsively professionals online payments. Such specialists can be found in Internet clubs, branches of "Privat" Ukraine and other official missions Internet payment system WebMoney. For a complete misunderstanding of the procedure deposit seek informational support to us by e-mail: psychonomycom@gmail.com. In the booklet you will find the hourly billing, as specified in your account billing for one minute. Develop because of its attention, imagination and thinking to a higher level, then you can apply all of this in the behavior and in dealing with people. In a short time the people around them will reflect the same positive spirit with which you began to treat them. Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich Scanner human psychologyParticularly effective system diagnostics and testing of man! "Scanner individual" - a program that determines the direction of the instincts of human nature! Hello, dear browser. Your attention is a high-quality system, with which you will be able to penetrate the structure of the human character. This program is a project, which is used mainly in four areas of human activity. The first task - business, business. Head through this test is able to instantly find out and understand fiber incomprehensible to specialists. With this result, are only required to test the parameters of time, date, month and year of birth. Also the employee is under the test has the ability of their leaders, for the desired clarity of understanding of their characters. The second area - a friendship, companionship. Friendship mainly weaves through profitable relationships for friends or one of them. The friendship of people often manifest manipulation and self-interest, which is sometimes difficult to see the sincere friend. With the "Scanner individual" shows you the quality of friendship linking, in which the complementary friends or someone, someone uses their natural superiority. The third area - family relationships. Union family relationships combined innumerable reasons! But the main priority property that connects people - is to know each other. In many families, people have lived together for many years and still do not know each other, because one of the parties playing to the image, which is taken as the reality of the second half, or as spouses hide their nature from one another. With the test program "Scanner individual" you can strengthen your knowledge and understanding of each other in a family, not a factory himself in error and evaluating natural complementarity. The fourth direction - self-development. Self-development where it begins and where to send a man? Human development is continuous, as well as degradation. This is due to the fact that people can not comprehend all available immediately, and can only rotate themes of his study. In this topic passed without exploitation losing their effectiveness with the period of time! The program "Scanner individual" provides information about the input parameters of the natural development of man and goal orientation for further development. Therefore, for personal development is important to clarify the nature of the initial parameters that are inherent nature, and to develop the after-party, which is a must! "Scanner individual" description of the information one request. When prompted for the program gives eight to twelve pages of text information A-4. The text consists of three main parts, in relationship to each other that form four blocks, they are called the difference. At present, the program of the four units are two and only in Russian. The first part of the text consists of information about the test and thinking abilities to his subconscious. This part is called "outcome, worldview thinking." Initially, the blue text, select the entry, a general description of this part, after which black type presented some information on the person being tested, consisting of twenty points. The second part of the text consists of information about the behavior of the tested abilities. This part is called the "tactics, techniques of behavior." Initially, the blue text, select the entry - a general description of this part, after which black type presented some information on the person being tested, consisting of thirty points. The third part of the text consists of information about the attitude of the people around them to the test person. This part is called "the strategy of environmental conditions." Initially blue text entry highlighted a general description of this part, after which black text set out some information about the person being tested, consisting of fifteen points. The first block of the difference consists of information about the capabilities of the test person, when he trusts his understanding and skill. This unit consists of four sections. The second block of the difference consists of information about the capabilities of the test person, when he trusts the other's understanding and skill. This unit consists of four sections. "Scanner individual" fee program. To use this program, you must register on the site and fill up your personal account where your funds are calculated in the "whole". Whole are electronic money site, the cost of the whole is twenty-four Hryvni. Request a test for one person is on the Russian and Ukrainian hryvnias 13, 50 rubles, or 1.625 dollars, the demand for English is $ 9. People in most appreciate what you pay for with money or labor! Also, this study and the program is not an analog project, and a project with the help of which one can save time, labor and money. Economy starts with the fact that you do not waste resources on unnecessary relationship with uncertain sources or people. Information product "Scanner individual" is an individual book of psychological parameters for any man! Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk Combination of world views with tactical methodsPaying attention to the difference between the psychological structure of the people, we understand that each person has an individual development, which can be manifested in its properties in the properties of a worldview or tactical behavior. It may also manifest itself in terms of the properties of the circumstances surrounding the development of the person. Ideology, tactics and behavior conditions circumstances people are divided into twelve natural levels of development, which are interacting with each other, form the properties of the characteristics of the individual personality. A person can naturally be one of twelve levels of worldview, one level of behavior and tactics one level conditions for the relationship in the circumstances. In human behavior, all three levels interact with each other, showing some forms of its activity, which is the difference outlook with tactics or conduct tactical difference with the terms of circumstances. Man is able to have a high level and low-vision tactics behavior and vice versa. In one or another case of higher level takes less and is a residue that is the difference. May be the same, some of the three levels, or even all, and in this case the difference is equal to zero. The program "Scanner individual" difference outlook with the methods of behavior is explained by the four positions that characterize the activity of the individual, as it is based on the opinion and on the ability of its methods of behavior. People are not always able to express their opinions or to apply, although it is present in every person. In society, people are using other people's opinions or share their own, a lot depends on the quality and timeliness of opinions in different situations and circumstances. Individual person's opinion is based on the difference to the level of world-level methods of behavior. This level difference reveals patterns, which forms an individual person's opinion and its trend in behavior. In our lives, we sometimes face the fact that, in his desire to understand mental one, and in practice means we are able to do something else. Human activities in the community shows its individual identity, which consists of a process of directed thinking and ability to apply their understanding of the practice of tactical methods. This means that a person personally knew and understood itself can be implemented in practice. Independence of man formed by his level of ideology and methods of the tactical level, the interaction of these levels is called the difference. This difference is an independent understanding of man and his independent actions. Not always, but often the person receives based on their opinion, which is formed under the laws of the time of his birth. We can learn through automatic database "Scanner individual" laws by which a person is formed and implemented the properties of independence. For example, consider the properties of the autonomy of the person who was born with twelve levels, and the first world-level methods of the tactics. The difference with the methods of philosophy. 1. The level of attention outlook siege, with a generalized logical memory. Inclined to manage the interaction through prudent advice of clarity. 2. Understanding is based on self-control and complete fulfillment. And as detailed in the methods, the principal considered. Able to penetrate the current feelings in the subject relationships, common values ??and detailed solutions to find harmony. 3. Lightning implement in practice the task mentally solved beforehand, thus saving a lot of time and effort. 4. Dictatorial thinking with open relationship leads to severe sensory interactions in the case and the merits. With the four positions, the ratios person's world with its tactical methods of behavior, in which the data to explain the difference of potentials. In these forms of activity to show independence of the individual based on his birth parameters. You have the possibility to make a request for yourself or for someone who you are interested in the "Scanner individual." The program will diagnose personality in five parts: the first part describes the level of ideology and its properties, the second part indicates the level of behavior and tactics of its properties, and the third part describes the level of conditions and circumstances of its properties, the fourth part of the world characterized by the ratio of short-range behavior of the methods and the difference between them, the fifth part describes the relationship of tactical methods of the strategy in terms of the circumstances and the difference between them. To use the program, you must register on the site, increase your balance and to start using the program "an individual scanner." Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich Combination of tactical methods of behavior with terms in circumstancesThere are many methods of behavior by which man realizes the desirable and the possible problems in their lives. Much to the realization of a person depends on the quality of the tactical methods of behavior and its environment. As tactical methods of human behavior, and its terms of circumstances naturally divided into twelve levels. Each person on the nature of his psychological structure specially developed one level tactics of behavior, and one level of conditions for the relationship in the circumstances. In human behavior, the interaction between them, showing some forms of its activity, which is the difference of behavior of tactics with the terms of circumstances. Man is able to have a high level of manners and methods of behavior and low capacity in terms of its circumstances or vice versa can have a low level of manners and methods of behavior and a high level of capacity in terms of its circumstances. In one or another case of higher level takes less and is a residue that is the difference. This difference is a certain psychological characteristics of people who will exhibit it at his command interacting individuals. Levels of strategy and tactics may be the same. In this case the person is the difference will be zero, and will have the structure of psychological properties that manifest certain behavior and attitudes in society. The program "Scanner individual" difference methods of the circumstances due to the terms of the four positions that characterize human activity. Such properties of human nature occur when an individual trusts the opinion of interacting people, while using their standard method of behavior and their level of capability in the circumstances. People are not always able to show independence for many decisions in public relations. Often in life, much depends on the opinions of other people, and people tend to take them, interact with, or to give them to obey. In society, people tend to use other people's opinions, realizing their own tactical methods of behavior in terms of their circumstances. Sometimes in life we ??are faced with the fact that in practice, we are able to make a tactical one, and opportunity in the face of circumstances - other. Man is able to do, based on the opinion of people interacting or obey them. These abilities and inclinations of man, we can learn through automatic database "Scanner individual." In this program, the properties of human nature when submission to others is the difference method with the terms of circumstances. For a visual example, consider the difference between the first tactical level of behavior with the ninth level conditions circumstances. Difference methods to the terms of circumstances. 1. Methods of the level is an ordinary person who is inclined mood interactions. And the circumstances furnished proactive, influential, persuasive people. 2. Practicality of self-realization is based on a highly detailed methods with the current perception of the facts. Act, playing up in the themes around and interacting with the rapidly command the possibilities. 3. Able to suffer oppression in loads interacting. Sometimes tend to explode like a volcano under the horizon comparing relationships with targeted. This individual has the opportunity to engage in a relationship with a deputy director, senior specialists. 4. Tactical methods of the individual are the actions of ordinary skill that self-realization in the field of directors. Methods of the relation of man with his abilities in the circumstances described by four points, they explained the difference these potentials. In these forms manifests activities of the individual based on his birth parameters. Required for the block parameters, month and year of birth of the individual to whom a request is made. Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich Tactical methods of behavior of manThose years of life shape his experience with different people for different reasons and from different angles. However, we often notice similar, the same behavior in different people! Each of us is able to see the natural characteristics of the characters and interacting with the surrounding people. Most we do not attach importance seems people's behavior, as this opportunity to see the natural behavior of tactics available to a person in order. When we are confronted with competing or people interested in us, but not available in the relationship, we look closely to the characteristics of orderliness in their tactics of behavior. Sometimes we are able to understand the behavior of people of interest to us, and sometimes can drown attention to the complexities of the behavior of some people. Such events happen to us from an early age. We interact with people in the community, learning the rules and forms of behavior tact, producing its orderliness necessary for the relationship. Folding each person to develop their own individual behavioral mechanisms, creating their tactics, which is visible from the outside and interacting people. Where the beginning of a tact of human behavior, society is not clear. The fact is that there are natural properties of characteristics of a person who show some tact behavior. Natural properties of the human character are formed from the first moment of its self breath of air. This moment is an individual start independent person. Subsequently, from the first moment of birth and continuing with the starting mood, people grow, delivering forms and techniques for their behavior. Human behavior in the form of a certain tactic is implemented automatically. The tactics of human behavior related to the automatism of gestures, actions, pronunciation of words, the relationship with the people and the environment. Adult while walking automatically sorts out one foot after another, and never thought about it, but simply assigned the task to come to some kind of object or to come to a place. In humans, there is an automatism behavior for which he meets the subconscious, and we can sometimes hear about this definition as a "muscle memory." Muscle memory is visible in the human gait, his posture, gestures, emotions and facial expressions and other body parts. Automatism methods of human behavior can also be seen in relation to other people. We interact with people of different temperament, with up relationships with them previously able to set yourself some objectives, and in the process of relationship do automatically, giving your instincts. A person engaged in targeted training to develop a technical, cultivated automatism behavior. We can adjust to other methods because of the behavior of selected targets. Our goals allow us to achieve much in the way of behavior, and we are able to change their behavior to other methods, unnatural to us to achieve the intended result. Other methods are not natural behavior for our perception of the world of nature. Basically we imitate another person during an excess of resources, and we do become temporarily stronger. In the future we are able to quickly dwindle, as a certain method of behavior attached to their experience of life. Man coming on the principles of behavior not its methods, is capable of implementation through some steps to come to a standstill due to the start up with lots of other people's methods of conduct. Therefore, we are returning to their natural form of tactical behavior. Every second we affect ourselves and the environment at least breathing, and more - understanding and much more - the knowledge of the laws of life devices. We realize the influence of tactical methods on the level of personal clarity and importance of our perceptions of the laws of your device and environment. We can not speculate about the existence of the natural laws of human behavior, while at the mercy of these laws. Natural tactics of human behavior and a certain amount of consistency, they are building their twelve-society building society. Each level tactics behavior is different and unique, though the levels of each are natural connections, build them into a vertical hierarchy. Twelve natural health behaviors are distributed on par with the perception of information that appear in the way of human behavior. Methods of certain tactics behavior distributed in vertical sequence. Bottom-up distributed levels. The first level is at the bottom of the vertical, it takes effect on the behavior of people and expressed in the most detailed information perception and detailed communication. At the top is the vertical is its twelfth level, it shows the influence of human behavior and is expressed in a generalized form of perception and generalized communication. Speed ??of human perception of information depends on its generalized content and quality of behavior and usability depends on its detailed content. So every tactical level methods of the man of the twelve in something superior in relation to others, and in some ways inferior. Study of natural human behavior allowed to form a table of elementary science Psihonomii. In this table, we can consider the capital of certain psychological properties of human characteristics that are inherent at birth. From the first time and without giving the reader is able to figure not all terms! Therefore, the user database is created automatically, in which a person can read a detailed explanation, formulated on the basis of elementary science Psihonomii table. Automatic database "Scanner individual" - in it for thirty paragraphs explained mechanicalness tactics methods of human behavior and the level of quality and efficiency. With this statement one can see the natural qualities and character traits that are inherent in him from his birth. Sometimes we are able to think about why we act in a case on their own and other people's different. "Scanner individual" reveals a number of secrets about human behavior that are inherent in the nature of his birth. With this program we are able to consider the mechanics of our tactical behavior at the level of automaticity. When we become acquainted with their tactical behaviors that occur on a subconscious level, we can from now consciously make your corrections. Much of our behavior is invisible to us because of the we do not tend to evaluate themselves, but when faced with some obstacles we sometimes think about what we are doing wrong or not wrong for us there in the circumstances. Therefore, the program "Scanner individual" allows a person to penetrate into the mechanisms of their thinking, in their automaticity of tactical behavior and response of the surrounding society to it. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Mutual relations of individual with circumstances and peopleEach person is in individual environments in which he Folding interact with people and respond to their attitude. The fact that there are laws in the environment known to man, and that in the same circumstances, one person Folding one relationship and the other person as we know more. The fact is that every person has its own individual law relationship with the environment, they can be called strategic. The laws of man's relations with the circumstances of his individual strategy called self-realization. For every person in the same circumstances surrounding people react individually, revealing to him the peculiar features that depend on the strategic level. The strategic level is assigned to that person's year of birth. Many of us know that the nature of the solar system, there are twelve-year cycle of increasing and decreasing solar activity. Solar activity at the time of birth of a person with a certain amount of influence on the chemical and physical reactions of his body, with the coming of age that appear in the psychological behavior and relationships with the environment and society. The strategic level of human relations in the circumstances surrounding the relationship explains the principles of human-to-human. Based on the individual strategies of man, we can observe that if a person changes his or her residence and community relations, and it even in the new circumstances and conditions surrounding people tend to treat it with a certain mood, corresponding to a strategic level. Strategic laws have their own implementation mechanisms, which we can consider using general explanations automatic database "Scanner individual." Man perceives his world view of another person as an object of circumstances! We in the outlook to remember people by tying them to the fixed objects from the circumstances of the environment in times of relations with them. Any particular individual, which we recall is related to the information of pictures laid in our thoughts, which are tied to a fixed object circumstances of where Folding relationship with him. People perceive their world view of others as an external object, which can be compared with the image of a growing tree. In the culture of Christianity Jesus Christ metaphorically compared the person with the tree yielding fruit, or not bringing. He predicted that the day of judgment will be cut trees, not fruit. Metaphorically comparing man with a growing tree, we assign it to the root of the story of his experience of relations in the circumstances. Shaped root of the human experience of the story contains information tactical characteristics that can work in favor of its current activity or damage. We are working in circumstances that are able to create different relationships, which are then able to benefit us is without our past relationships or vice versa can produce damage to us without our presence. Such events in the life of a person we can refer to the properties of the root of the tree shaped his life. The trunk of the tree of life shaped human actions characterizes the properties of the current relationship with him, which occur at a given moment of time. The branches of the tree of life shaped plans describe the future direction of self-actualization. Many people understand, theoretically allowing for the imagination of negative interactions in the current circumstances. He also understands, theoretically allowing for the imagination positive interactions in the development of the current circumstances. These people understand we can refer to the branches of his tree shaped. Theories of human faithful ones that are confirmed current facts, manifest in the circumstances. Properties relationship. The people with whom we are in relationship for various reasons, are in certain regional conditions, which may be compared with the planes and levels of social activity. The circumstances of interacting people fill our memory information of their activities to the extent of our relationship with them. We fill your mind with information of many objects related to people and causes of our relationship with them. The people with whom we interact, we also stored in his mind the image of the tree, objectively binding with different information our circumstances. The strategic relationship of the human experience of social relations with the present. The fact that an individual of us remember from the last relationship, it is the understanding and knowledge to our next meeting. Intervals in relationships Folding everyone. The people with whom we interact, get a different experience in a relationship with us, as we do. Later, interacting with people intervals reflect our previous mood, which we have shown previously in a relationship. Every Wednesday is a strategic self-man field, which mainly affected by certain laws of relationships. There are twelve strategic fields of natural human self-realization, in which each individual resides. Strategic field and its laws reveal to us the mechanisms surrounding the relationship of people to a specific person. We can imagine a different relationship of man in society around him, people who are saturated with simple or complex relationships. In this case, we can consider the different conditions of human relations in the circumstances as a hierarchy of its capacity for self-realization. Folding so that our conditions are self-defined strategic level, which is one of the twelve. Sequence of strategic levels distributed vertically. Underneath is the first level of the strategic field of self-realization of people, and at the very top - the twelfth level. Each level is formed on the basis of laws, which interact with the people around them with a certain person. Each of us has a certain ambiance to certain people and their attitude towards us. People around us and their attitude to us depends on our strategic level, which forms the field of our fulfillment and response patterns of other people on our behavior. Year of birth of a person assigns a strategic level of its natural relations in society. Man is able to develop their relations in terms of circumstances, consciously acquainted with the natural attitude of the people around him. In order that a person could consider the laws of its strategic relationship level in society, creates an automatic database "Scanner individual." In it, the topic is explained by the third part, which is called "Levels conditions circumstances." Read the laws, principles and mechanisms relevant to you and interacting with people around! Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. World view of man and his propertiesAlignment is determined by his inner world, thought content and direction information that is especially important to him. Outlook of people have certain mechanisms on which is built the sequence of values ??of human relations in the environment around him. Every person has a relatively similar outlook towards other people, but there are differences devices worldviews. We are a very young age we see that for every person in the same circumstances are important different sides of the same features. From the birth of a person eats different foods, growing their physiology while a person eats and different information, which forms its outlook. Human world is a certain part of its structure, which has its basis of superiority and vulnerabilities. We often notice people in their environment, which we can easily communicate, and those with whom we communicate or hard news, some kind of relationship. It turns out that soaked or human exploration of information has its own specific gravity, and it dominates the views of man to his environment and the opportunities for relationships in society. Outlook of people have a natural hierarchy, as blood or matter in the periodic table. Outlook of people divided into twelve natural levels of intellectual growth. The height of the intellectual growth of a person's world depends on the speed of perception and practice of information processing speed. Almost everyone is smart, wise and clever, but different people speed of perception and information processing. Man is able to develop his world, including in it all the necessary skills and capabilities of complex solutions. Initially, the man is hard to find the necessary knowledge to determine its natural level vision and knowledge with which to optimally develop their thinking. In science Psihonomiya an automated program "Scanner individual", by which a person is able to determine the exact level of the outlook and thinking mechanisms. Also in the program is determined by the method level of human behavior and the level of his field work in the community. Human world is the beginning of his conscious awareness, and it is the very identity of the person. Of his worldview is applied by a variety of information, displaying it in the environment methods of behavior. We are able to influence their thinking processes, filling themselves to be useful or useless knowledge of the environment. Thinking man gradually developed or degraded. Personal experience of the person fills his mind the knowledge that he can handle analytically or pass them into your subconscious, which are going to experience uncontrolled knowledge of human life. Man, processing soaked information is continuously developing their world, and after practices and behavior. Home personality - his attention, thinking, outlook, which is reflected in the methods of behavior. Any impact on the outlook of the person made in the current time! With human attention people filled the information forming ihmysli that represent individual experience knowledge. Assimilate knowledge form his imagination, which consists of thoughts and is a map of the individual outlook. The information in the human world is individual and unique, but the mechanics of working with information and devices of thinking people have regularities mechanisms. Our worldview can be called a map of our life, of which we are composed in the form of personality. With the world we plan to their aspirations and attitudes in society. On the maps of our world views shaped set of integrated solutions to the various problems are divided into three groups: the "black", "white" and "double" values ??of the pre-emptive effect. Both man and the environment have their own devices, which are in the power of space and time. Complete Plants grafted person's world time of his birth. Day divided into twelve time periods of two hours. Each two-hour period of the day in the time of birth forms outlook mechanisms and systems installations for the thinking man. The first group is based on a continuous memory of the experience of individuals and is called "black". "Black Party". People in this group are filled with thoughts of negative values ??of complex solutions. This setting in the outlook of man indicates that the currently negative methods best not to act. People who are born from 1.00 to 3.00 hours, from 3.00 to 5.00 hours, from 7.00 to 9.00 hours from 9.00 to 11.00 hours, refer to the "black" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. "Black Party" has knowledge of various adverse systemic methods, avoiding them using everything available and not prohibited to them, building a tactic best action at the current time. The second group is based on the analytical predictions of future events, and is called "white." "White Party." People in this group are filled with thoughts of positive values ??with complex decisions. This setting is in a person's world signals that are allowed to act as the current time. People who are born from 5.00 to 7.00 hours, from 13:00 to 15:00 hours, from 15.00 to 17.00 hours, refer to the "white" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. "White Party" has knowledge of different positive systemic techniques. Applies only them, because of this disturbing continuity of operations in the current time. Any manifestation of impulsive. They due to acceleration and stops sprayed uncontrolled mass media and attitudes in the form of emotions. The third group is based on the selection of the best features from current conditions is called a "two-way". "Two-way group." People are filled with thoughts of the group with comprehensive solutions with the boundaries between "black" and "white" groups and their settings. This setting in the outlook of human signals about how best to proceed at the current time, taking advantage of the "white" or "black" plants in a person's world. People who are born from 11.00 to 13.00 hours from 17.00 to 19.00 hours from 19.00 to 21.00 hours, refer to the "two-way" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. Bilateral group has knowledge of ways of sharing information on the boundaries of different standards and values. At the current time in human behavior can manifest erratic mood. Since he is able to use different sides of the border, which lies between the positive and negative end solutions. These plants are in the thinking man sharpen his attention to choose a better, more effective approach to solving the current problems of man and the possibility of selecting the optimal ones. Therefore people with this worldview instantly switches from one to another and understanding uses what is currently more useful, more profitable and is timely. New ideas emerge, existing disappear through the current human development or degradation. People constantly interact with diverse information in the circumstances and in their feelings and sentiments of the body. Current changes in the lives of human complement his knowledge and at the same time deny them some of the developed earlier. In the human world there is continuous change, regardless of the other activity. Our world is out of the ocean of thoughts, which is continuously soaked circulation of information. Our world is upon us in the image of the sky, it reflects information Map of fixed values. Human world has a geometric form of an inverted quadrangular pyramid. Lower its angle is in the head, in the pituitary gland. From pituitary pyramid outlook diverges up as the content of human knowledge and the natural order of them. Thoughts in the human world are material, they form a memory neurons, which are storage devices. When active, the thoughts of a man run in it the process of imagination. Attention of the person as the inner light outlook. With the attention of the person covers his thoughts, projecting in this event information from memory. Human world is full of different experiences of impressions and desires to achieve something. From birth through communication and education filled with numerous information, assimilated society that shapes his outlook. Everything in life depends on its outlook. Initially, he learns his understanding of the information in the form of thoughts of the imagination, and then is able to repeat words or actions in the circumstances. Every person working on his world all its manifestations. Evaluates man properties of his world or not, but he does all this relate to his worldview understanding and awareness of learning information in thinking. Human world is manifested in all its forms of influence. Almost everything that makes the person who originally thought he imagines in his understanding, after seeking to apply in practice circumstances. The device properties of human vision expressed in the media, arbitrarily sortable his thoughts, inner feelings, stability in its policy decisions. Outlook is reflected in the environment of dialogue in the form of words and various forms of behavior and relationships. Human world is formed under the laws of the mechanism of time and has design, which may affect to the person or to the community around him. Most people can not distinguish the difference of his thinking on the methods of behavior, but many clearly distinguish the difference of the desires that come from their world of options in relation to the circumstances. Alignment is a person's attention, which is adjusted thoughts. Thoughts are composed of neurons, the neurons are located in the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum are activated, which forms the thought processes and state of mind, the subconscious, and the permeation of touch. The result is that the entire human body works on the function of the brain that controls our body. Information of the human brain generates an individual personality and all its external response actions and aspirations. The human body consists of organs that work for philosophy, thought and attention to the individual. Useful to understand the person in the unit of the outlook, as of this understanding depends on almost everything in his life. For a person to understand the mechanisms of the outlook are automatically created a program in which the user is able to determine the level of his world and the natural tendency of thinking that guide and govern our attention. Therefore we recommend you to send a note to the program "Scanner individual." In it, you can gather some information on a more detailed level to build their world or people that interest you. More ... . ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Elements of Zodiac and temperaments of psychologyIn cultures of religion is the beginning of the modern science of psychology. Three hundred years ago in the existing countries, religion is the educational process, and psychology was then, but it had a different name, its terminology, and other purposes. Scientific world reconstructed in its orientation and today hierarchy of priests and priests changed their name to the professors and academics. Today, modern scientists are fundamentally based on the priority of the mother, and after - in their interaction with each other. As matter exists, and psychology have direct laws that overlap in the elements of nature of the environment that mankind reclaim thousands of years. Astrology is one of the oldest sciences, which has been preserved until today. In this science much of the knowledge has been lost, but the incomplete content astrology is a significant source of information about natural psychological device of man and society. Weighty possibility that astrology is the basis of the existing science of psychology. As astrology and psychology has structural information from the standards systematizing psychological characteristics and capabilities of human behavior. Astrological language exposition little clear and understandable to modern man, as the society develops in his terminology and standardization. Today, astrology has replaced science of psychology, which are retained or replaced some of the principles and laws of astrology. Temperaments psychology considered innate properties in the characters of people. In psychology, temperament test is determined by calculation and astrology - in denominations of his time of birth. The temperament of the person assigned to the element of psychological constellation of the Zodiac. As the element of the zodiac, and temperaments psychology complement each other and explain the same innate psychological characteristics of human activity. Based on this definition, we draw a parallel between the elements and temperaments zodiac psychology. Four Elements of the Zodiac and the four temperaments psychology line up a natural hierarchy in the vertical direction. The nature of our Earth is a structure of associations of the four elements of the Zodiac, which we compare with the two-story building. The foundation of the Zodiac is the element of Earth, which is composed of three constellations of the Zodiac: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. People these constellations innate melancholy temperament, which is manifested in their methods of behavior and relationships in the community. Melancholic. This thin-skinned individual, indecisive, often exhibits increased demands on themselves and others. With the support of society, the melancholic can achieve high performance in the creative work. He is passionate about his emotional mood or its hollowness. For reasons of failures had reduced response to the complete inhibition and unusable. Melancholy does not demonstrate the will or the personal initiative of command. He has to fulfill the commandment of volitional instructions, light, or pressure from other individuals. People melancholic temperament form relationships with the people that drive them to interact perform agreed-upon objectives. In this way, they take up the initiative of interacting willed people, and the ability to look at a lot of the strong-willed than the people around them. Melancholy of principle in detail. The first floor of the Zodiac is the element of water, which consists of three constellations of the Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. People these constellations congenital phlegmatic temperament, which is manifested in their methods of behavior and relationships in the community. Phlegmatic. This individual is gradually switched to volitional interactions. He has a small potential strength of will, so when faced with a strong-willed individuals, over time yields. Phlegmatic can be compared to a reservoir of water that does not boil quickly or not quickly freezes. People phlegmatic temperament, various events are passed through a detailed logic of their thinking and imagination. Because of this may seem on the part of people interacting personalities slowly delve into current events, circumstances. This happens when they are faced with new information or events. In the development of information phlegmatic able to respond instantly to events and circumstances in dealing with people. Phlegmatic logical in detail. Second floor of the Zodiac is the element of Fire, which consists of three constellations of the Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. People these constellations congenital choleric temperament, which is manifested in their methods of behavior and relationships in the community. Choleric. Seeks in everything and everywhere to command, to do what they like or want. Accordingly, choleric predisposed emotionally explode in a society that will oppress others. People are trying to choleric temperament quickly accomplish their tasks, desires and opportunities, while entering a fanatic state. They have a special ability to excite a will potential with which they self-realization. Choleric slopes achieve much in life with the help of his will power and pressure her to competing and interacting people. Choleric temperament in the nature of man is violent and instantaneous reaction of anger or initiative. The man with a choleric temperament inclined to use almost all abundant willpower. Choleric, catching the goal at every opportunity trying to achieve it, moving through society like a tunnel leading to his goal. Choleric principled generalized. Roof of the Zodiac is the element of Air, which consists of three constellations of the Zodiac: Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. People these constellations congenital sanguine temperament, which is manifested in their methods of behavior and relationships in the community. Sanguine. He has all the time to calculate their will potential to not lose a single gram of their strength of will. He calculates everything globally and interconnects, so any resources he road, no matter big or small. Sanguine prudently willed, he is able, if necessary, the benefit to behave as choleric or melancholic, like Phlegmatic. Sanguine is able to adjust to the atmosphere of self-protection orders. Without the benefit of this hard for people to move, they are all his effort slopes multiplied. Sanguine about speed for their understanding, by which they try not to be distracted details feelings. Therefore, man is able to ignore the sanguine temperament of their and others' feelings, rebuilding relationships in the plane of the pragmatic logic of communication. Sanguine logical generalized. Temperaments psychology is information inherent qualities of character of individuals people who are assigned to test, and in the zodiac - the element of the constellation. In modern psychology, the elements shown in the four temperaments that reveal information about the psychological device of man, his overall psychological mood. Spontaneity flashes in man as an animal instinct, exercising a certain temperament in psychology. A person needs to cultivate its spontaneous potential, and then you can open up new sources. Author: Basil Samolyuk Leonidoovich. Elements of Zodiac are in psychology of manIn any direction you want the person is able to direct his attention, he is able to meet the elemental forces of nature of the environment or natural force of character. Many of the events around the man spontaneously move and change in its manifestation and properties. Part of the change in the circumstances of our modern life, humanity standardized units of time and there is a science. Parallel to the events of change in the development of society resisted the oldest science and discipline of self-man, which is today called astrology. Science of astrology is the foundation of modern science of psychology. In the depths of the ancient astrologers laws revealed the effect of time on the matter and on the psychology of human behavior. Their research allowed them to form horoscopes, which today we can compare with the psychological analysis of human behavior. Both then and now to make the analysis of general temperament of people and detailed content. Elements of the Zodiac disclose the nature of the human total. Each of the elements has a specific color scheme of the two colors that characterizes the psychological characteristics of people of general importance. Elements differ from each other with their density of matter, information, and specific gravity, and this is manifested in the psychological qualities. In the zodiac of the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Each of the elements is defined by a group of mothers who are just in a mobile state, and in cooperation with each other are called elements. The influence of the elements in nature, we see constantly in the form of earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Manifestation of spontaneity in the psychology of human behavior also has the visibility of certain properties that can identify and influence them. Elemental Zodiac series divides society into the vertical hierarchy of four parts. From the simplest to the most complex elements of the structure of the appearance! According to this principle, and under such laws the way the world zodiac. The element of Earth. This element is associated with the color black, which silhouetted image of red. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus constellations form their element of Earth. In the psychological device of man the earth element is manifested in its heightened consciousness, the current perception of the environment. People of this element increased sensitivity to events that occur in the environment. People Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are especially sensitive in dealing with people and information, it is evident in their increased vulnerability. Black element to the atmosphere of austerity and responsibility in the external behavior of the people of this nature, and the red image on black background showing their positive intentions to the outside of rigor and severity. Each of the four elements has a pole on the earth, and the elements of the Earth belongs to the North Pole! Man of the Earth element is capable of its rigor and responsibility of pumping cold air in public relations. People who were born during the impact Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus particularly conscious and sensitive to people and information. Element of water. This element is associated with the color green, which loom images blue flowers. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio form their constellations element of water. In the psychological unit of human element of water is manifested in its enhanced subconscious, in a strong imagination. People of the elements have contrasting thoughts and many associations related to their way of thinking. The people of this disaster immediately able to understand other people and to understand the new information environment. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio especially intuitive in dealing with people. This is evident in their rapid susceptibility of people, events and information. Green elements creates an atmosphere of consistency and certainty in the external behavior of people in this disaster, and blue images on this background show their internal instability and volatility of external consistency of behavior and attitudes in society. Each of the four elements has a pole on the Earth, the Water element belongs to the pole of the West! Water element people can escalate their increased sociability abundant information environment in public relations. People who were born during the influence of the constellations of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio especially subconscious and contrast savvy in dealing with people with information and circumstances. The element of Fire. This element is associated with the color red, which silhouetted image with black. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius form the constellations of their element fire. In humans, the psychological elements of fire apparatus is shown in the strong penetration of attention, that is, in penetrating understanding of the internal structure of the environment and people's mood. People of this element increased susceptibility to relationships in the community and their customs. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius is especially insightful in the relationship. This is manifested in them in multiple relationships with people and information. The red color elements to the atmosphere of fanaticism and love in the external behavior of people in this disaster, and black images on this background exert their negative impulses reinforced selfishness. Each of the four elements has a pole on the earth, and the elements of Fire belongs to the South Pole! People element of Fire is capable of his loving and fanaticism embolden and intensify the mood of people in societies. People who were born during the influence of the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius very keen and attentive to people and information of circumstances. The element of Air. This element is associated with the color blue, the image that emerges green. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius form their constellations air element. In the human psychological device elements of air shows in the strong sense of touch, that is, self-control and monitoring of the environment. People of this element increased susceptibility to consistency in the events that occur in the environment. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are particularly pragmatic in dealing with people and this is reflected in their high demands to the cooperating persons and the minimum of responsibility. The blue color elements to the atmosphere of globality and variability of information that appears in the external behavior of people in this disaster, and green on a blue background image showing them logically planned relationships with people, society and circumstances. Each of the four elements has a pole on the earth, the air element belongs to the pole of the East! Man is capable of air element of its thrift and maximalism exploit responsibility in dealing with people. People who were born during the influence of the constellations Libra, Gemini and Aquarius is very tactile, trying to rule over all. Use every resource at his logic and calculations are often inclined to do insensitive in dealing with people with information and circumstances. Our nature is a natural element of the potential, which is manifested by the energy without human intervention, in the zodiac in parallel presents a manifestation of spontaneous potential in the psychology of human behavior. People, learning information of its natural properties of nature, has the ability to reclaim them. To influence the development of character, you must use the device information rights. In science Psihonomii person can consider the natural laws of human behavior and the ability to develop cultivation of his natural capacities and human interaction. More ... Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk Happiness and him twelve kinds in ZodiacPeople use the word happiness in the society and often with a different meaning, in most of its measures the amount of money, health, power and longevity of life. Happiness is associated with the condition and mood in his joyful manifestation. In general, the public feels that the happiness of man - in achieving the desired it. Perhaps the happiest human condition can manifest as to achieve the desired and the current developments in different date. Sometimes in a society can be heard a quote "the audacity - the second happiness," and that there first, no one is interested and does not reflect. According to some estimates, and research from the standpoint of science Psihonomii got to figure out where it made sense to the word happiness and where the basis for calculating it. Happiness in life, its meaning from the standpoint of psychology and philosophy is building human capabilities and the conditions for self-realization in order to prioritize primary importance. Folding so that at the time of birth constellation of the Zodiac vaccinated person in the character of the individual properties, which will eventually become important as the personal aspirations, feelings, states, and relationships at the level of happiness. Annual circle of the zodiac constellations precedence builds coherence of existing types of happiness. Aries in the zodiac is in the first place, and the constellation of Pisces zodiac circle closes and the kinds of happiness. Happiness has the properties and forms that manifest in the behavior and human relations in society. Twelve kinds of manifestation of happiness human nature given constellations of the Zodiac: Humility is the first among the twelve species of happiness, and the person assigned to the constellation Aries. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Aries, can look the part of people interacting modest because restrain themselves from manifesting your desires and abilities. According to them, interacting people, the less they know their plans and capabilities, the less likely impact on surrounding that person. Modesty Aries in a relationship based on his reserve to favorable moments. They instantly and unexpectedly interacting people show their maximum strength and ability, when for them Folding win situation. This is mainly done in order to influence the benefit of themselves. Happiness Aries appears consistently in three words: "Humility, humility, maximum." Read more ... Chutzpah is the second of the twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Taurus. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Taurus, can look the part interacting arrogant. They are not inferior to anyone and anything, where the feasible of their influence. These people are constantly around the need and all are tempted, it is possible to learn or assign. Taurus fortune to be consistent in three words: "Chutzpah, intransigence, the compliance." Read more ... Expectant ranked third among twelve types of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Gemini. People who were born during the influence of the constellation Gemini, can look the part interacting expectantly. These people expect the best possible relations with the people or the circumstances, aggravating his sober mind. Happiness Twins consistently manifested in the words "wait and see in the mind." Read more ... The accuracy is the fourth of the twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Cancer. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Cancer, can look the part interacting exact, since relationships are consistent. As a result, to achieve practical results of their activities. Happiness Cancer appears consistently in three words: "Accuracy, consistency, practicality." Read more ... Obsession is the fifth of twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to the constellation Leo. People who were born during the influence of the constellation Leo, can look the part interacting intrusive, since it is often ignored by the reluctance and limitations of other people, squeezing out the desirable. After achievement of the desirable, tend to switch to other relationships, demonstrating its independence from the people, in their needs. Happiness Leo appears consistently in three words: "The Persistence of non-perception, independence." Read more ... Endurance is the sixth of twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Virgo. People who were born during the influence of the constellation Virgo, can look the part interacting endurance, as the load passed through the ego. This allows them to draw a necessary force to solve pressing problems. Happiness Virgin appears consistently in three words: "Courage, strength pride." Read more ... Prudence is ranked seventh among the twelve species of happiness, and the person assigned to the constellation Libra. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Libra, able to look the part interacting shrewd as instantly find out the difference in the relationship alternatives and choose the superior side of the relationship. Happiness Libra appears consistently in three words: "prudently difference to the benefit." Read more ... Expressiveness is the eighth of twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Scorpius. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Scorpio, can look the part interacting expressive. They are strong criticism in many respects, so look out for everything that is beyond criticism of society and then express it in itself, attracting the attention of society. Scorpio fortune to be consistent in three words: "Expressive, prudence and attractiveness." Read more ... Reciprocity is ranked ninth among the twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Sagittarius. People who were born during the influence of the constellation Sagittarius, can look the part interacting mutual, since all the attention from the people around them are responding, but most tend to help interact only with their attention and nothing more. Happiness Sagittarius be consistent in three words: "Reciprocity, helping attention." Read more ... Confidence is the tenth of the twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Capricorn. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Capricorn, can look the part interacting people sure as most are based on what they know and what understand. While others are attracted to the areas reclaimed them information and offer it for use. Happiness Capricorn appears consistently in three words: "Confidence, knowledge, offer." Read more ... Perseverance ranks eleventh among the twelve kinds of happiness and assigned to man the constellation Aquarius. People who were born during the influence of the constellation of Aquarius, can look the part interacting persistent. They have the tools and capabilities accelerate the process of the relations, as they are mainly interested in the outcome relationships. Therefore, the data people all striving to achieve completion. Happiness Aquarius appears consistently in three words: "Perseverance, acceleration, termination." Read more ... Variability is the twelfth place among the twelve species of happiness, and the person assigned to the constellation of Pisces. People who were born during the influence of the constellation Pisces, are able to look the part of the interacting variable, as constantly changing their opinions, goals and values. Because of this, the people around them are unsure of these people, they do not know and can not predict their future attitude. Happiness Fish consistently manifested in three words: "Variability, uncertainty and lack of knowledge." Read more ... These kinds of happiness can manifest in each person, but one of the twelve shows excellent in every individual, as imparted by nature of birth. A person who develops and seeks to improve himself, gradually includes all the twelve kinds of happiness, because every happiness is a certain armor life. Plans and programs in science Psihonomii aimed at improving human capabilities and abilities needed for self-realization in the society and environment. More ... . ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Astrological signs and their symbolsConstellation of the Zodiac have both their characters and their characters. Since the zodiac symbols, we often come from many sources science of astrology. In astrology, the zodiac symbols are the icons that symbolize certain properties of matter in space and time with respect to our planet. Symbols assigned to specific constellations of the zodiac, located in deep space and our forefathers gave us some knowledge about the influence of the stars on our psychology. On the signs of the zodiac society knows less because confuses them with characters that belong to the constellations in heaven. In this case, the symbols and signs of the zodiac exist in parallel and complement a truth inherent in the zodiac. Each of us can agree that the sky is dominated by one law of life, and on the other the Earth. Thus, the signs of the zodiac are the earth's consistency, which is symmetric celestial symbols. The difference with his zodiac symbols signs lies in their sequence! In a circle symbol constellations of the Zodiac "Aries" is the first, and the symbol of the constellation "Fish" zaklyuchayuschiy.U zodiac signs straight line vertically, in which the sign of the constellation "Capricorn" is the first, and the sign of the constellation "Aquarius" concludes. This difference exists because the point at which to begin the countdown of the constellations. Zodiac symbols begin with the constellations in the sky and there is a close the circle, and the signs of the zodiac are calculated from the center of the Earth's core and closing of clouds in the sky, and the ozone layer. Signs of the zodiac are responsible for the vertical nature of the Earth and the laws of society. Each sign of the zodiac is peculiar Arabic numeral from one to twelve, and these figures are true signs and significance of the zodiac. Folding we sometimes meet with a scientific approach in the form of science "Numerology" and data sources often notice truthful information about the values ??of digits in a person's life. But comprehensive knowledge we do not get and can not with the knowledge of what is the numerology to change or influence their psychology life. The reason for the weak capacity of numerology is that in all the gaps not achieve perfect professionalism. In numerology use ten digits (numbers) are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. Perhaps the first people who saw the twelve signs in the form of figures and found that after the start of the ninth sign of the replay. The meaning of numbers divided and unique in the twelve signs, which represent twelve differences that make up the time and space. Zodiac is the science of the time and its effect on space and human psychology. In elementary science Psihonomii created a table in which the value of numbers arranged into twelve shelves, the constellations of the Zodiac, the symbols of the annual Eastern influences and differences of properties hours in the day. In elementary science Psihonomii table: The first sign belongs to the constellation of Capricorn - is the number "1." In the nature of the world number one is the "center of the Earth's core, volcanic rods, mountain." In a person who is born under the sign of Capricorn, appears certain character trait, which is: "firm conviction". These people are very firm in their convictions. Read more ... The second belongs to the Virgo sign - is the number "2." In the nature of the world number two is the "bosom of the earth," which pristine underground. In a person who is born under the sign of Virgo, show some character trait, which is: "prytkost - intensity of nerves." Do these people very tense nerves and their self-esteem. Read more ... The third sign belongs to the constellation Taurus - is the number "3". In the nature of the world number three is the "agricultural soil, bacteria and plants." In a person who is born under the sign of Taurus, show some character trait, which is: "obstinacy complexes." Do these people very constrained mood that appears complex fears for himself. Read more ... The fourth sign belongs to the constellation of Cancer - a figure "4." In the nature of the world number four is the "bottom of reservoirs, water connection with the earth, insects." In a person who is born under the sign of the constellation Cancer, show some character trait, which is: "the curiosity of hearing." In particular development of human imagination, responds to sound and intonation. This man through understanding in tone gets a lot of additional information unsaid interlocutors. Read more ... Fifth character belongs to the constellation Pisces - is the number "5". In the nature of the world number five is a "water circulation during the (cold, hot)." In a person who is born under the sign of the constellation Pisces, show some character trait, which is: "slippery word." Do these people special abilities manifest manipulation of words to communicate. They are easy to twist the meaning of words and dialogue, while others cite the opinions of the authors, who, if necessary, is used as a lightning rod. Read more ... Sixth sign belongs constellation Scorpio - a figure "6". In the nature of the world number six is ??a "surface tension of water, waves, mirror." In a person who is born under the sign of the constellation Scorpius, show some character trait, which is: "aggressive tone". Do these people special abilities are manifested in their aggressive tone, attention of other people. Their exquisite expression in the words shake the nervous systems of people, like the strings of musical instruments. Read more ... The seventh sign of Aries belongs - is the number "7". In the nature of the world number seven is a "spectrum of infrared light (heat above 0)." In a person who is born under the sign of Aries, show some character trait, which reads: "In Cold desire." They are fanatical about their inferior morals and obstruction are more passionate in desired. Read more ... Eighth sign belongs to the constellation of Sagittarius - a figure "8". In the nature of the world number eight is a "spectrum of ultraviolet light, daylight, rainbow." In a person who is born under the sign of Sagittarius, show some character trait, which is: "playfulness - plays up desires". They know how to play along with a professional in another's desires, bringing together these and a host of interacting people to himself. Read more ... The ninth sign of the constellation Leo belongs - is "9". In the nature of the world number nine is a "magnetic field of the Earth and the cosmos." In a person who is born under the sign of Leo, show some character trait, which is: "the pride of impressions." These people tend to remember stories from his own experience, which exalt themselves. Read more ... Tenth sign belongs to the constellation Libra - this is the number "10." In the nature of the world number ten is a "cosmic cold, snow, hail and rain." In a person who is born under the sign of Libra, show some character trait, which is: "the ability to compare." Do these people have shown special ability to compare and weigh the potential difference, meanings, and other values, which is the opposite. Read more ... Eleventh sign belongs to the constellation Gemini - is the number "11." In the nature of the world number eleven is a "wind, cold, warm, wet and dry." In a person who is born under the sign of Gemini, show some character trait, which are as follows: "the trick - avoid the difficulties." Do these people have shown special abilities wisely avoiding many of the difficulties in doing so, they achieve greater results than mnogotrudyaschiesya people. Read more ... Twelfth sign belongs to the constellation Aquarius - is the number "12." In the nature of the world number twelve is a "cloud in the sky, the ozone layer, thunder and lightning." In a person who is born under the sign of Aquarius, show some character trait, which is: "dictatorship - creating difficulties." Do these people special abilities manifest of dictatorship and insensitive treatment of people because of this they create themselves and interacting difficulties. Their consistency of words and thoughts are all very simple, and in theory they are often impossible to master and napolovi-nu. So they have a lot of initiatives that are not finished and absorbed a lot of energy and resources. Read more ... You have read some information carried by a zodiac sign. They form a vertical laws of our planet and allow constructive to consider these properties and in human psychology. Signs are some information and symbols - the flag and image. Society has long been symbols of the zodiac and it is time to start using the signs that reveal much more accurate design of human psychology and the opportunities for personal development and improvement. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Constellations of Zodiac are in BiblePaying attention to the direction of the sources of information about the constellations of the Zodiac, a person is able to see many of the facts of the real impact of the zodiac on a lot in his life. After that, many of us begs the question, where the basis of the topic, when and how did the Zodiac? On this occasion, there are many versions, legends and ideas. In some cultures, faiths Zodiac values ??are considered divine, especially in cultures of the eastern countries. In the east there is a legend that says that the Bodo birthday came animals and distribute them the next coming years, the sequence of the Board. In the Bible, the total value of the zodiac constellations appear in the first book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 1, verse 14: "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and signs and for seasons and for days and years; " In this passage it is said that the light in the sky are the sources and signs "signs, seasons, days and years." Perhaps the eastern part of the legend of the plot is borrowed from the Bible's first book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 2, verses 18-20: "18 And the Lord God said, not good for man to be alone; make him a helper suitable for him. 19 And the LORD God had formed out of Ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air to man to see how he call them that, as Adam called every living creature, so was the name thereof. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, birds and all the beasts of the field, but for man was not found an help him. " Initially, in the first person were developed twelve potential life, which embodies the zodiac constellations. When the Lord God brought the animals to the man, then at that time, people have learned the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, and each separately, and concluded that the potential of a constellation of the Zodiac can not compare to the integrity of the twelve constellations. The First Book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 2, verses 21-23: "21 And the Lord God a deep sleep, and when He took one of his ribs, and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the Lord God Rib taken from the man's wife and brought her to the man. 23 And Adam said, This is now Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Wife: because she was taken out of Man. " Once, when one examines each constellation of the Zodiac, the Lord God brought Adam to sleep and removed one potential of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which is symbolized by the "edge." Seized from the person of the zodiac constellations God created woman and brought her to the man who found himself a part of it! Since that time, the men from birth have eleven constellations of the Zodiac, which are not integrated with each other in a consistent state. When a man marries, then from that moment it turned twelve constellations, which belongs to his wife. The Bible says that a woman is created from a rib of man. This edge represents a constellation "Cancer", which has the properties to connect all of the constellations in the zodiac between a consistent state. Constellation of the Zodiac "Cancer" in the solar system is symbolized by the moon a celestial body that is in certain phases visible from Earth in the form of a crescent, and from other positions look like Adam's rib. Holistic properties of the constellation "Cancer" appear in a woman deductive positions, they see all around them just for the benefit of themselves, their needs, the needs and necessities. Women are hard to understand the truth of male friendship and other manifestations of the inductance of them. Woman with its potential to cross-point in relations with a man, which includes both the twelve constellations of the zodiac. In the current life of the man before marriage is sprayed in their aspirations and in friendly relations are values ??of personal development, but without his wife, its potential can not reach perfection, because there is no twelve constellations that brings the rest. Since marrying men and women acquire certainty, complementing each other as stipulated. About it in the Bible in the First Book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 2, verse 24 says this: "24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh. " Since the marriage of a man opening the perfect conditions for life, from that moment he has two positions, one of the energy body. Many places in the Bible highlight the importance of building and twelve values ??to human life and society. The twelve tribes of Israel, it seems, are the constellation of the Zodiac. Each tribe of Israel had a coat of arms, which shows one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ were different constellations of the Zodiac, and some of them called directly: "Thomas, nicknamed the Twin." The meaning of the constellations of the Zodiac, is a profound significance in the Bible and even in the future perfection of human life is indicated meaning twelve potentials. The Bible, the New Testament, the book of Revelation, chapter 22, verse 1-2: "1 And he showed me a pure river Water of life, clear as Crystal, proceeding out of the throne God and of the Lamb. 2 Among the streets, and on the other, and On the other side of the river tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, and yielded every month their fruit and leaves of the tree - for healing of the nations. " In this part of the Bible highlights general properties of the tree of life and the fact that the tree of life gives her fruit every month of the year. Constellation of the Zodiac in their properties share a year into twelve months of its influence, and in them is hidden the meaning of life and his relationship with God. In the Bible, the value of the zodiac constellations described at the beginning, at the creation of the world, and in the prophecies about the future of life in better conditions. Currently in Ukraine the science that reveals many secrets and laws impact constellations of the Zodiac in the life of man and society, this science is called Psihonomiya. This study reveals the influence of the properties and laws of the zodiac constellations from the bowels of man, out of his mind. Elementary Science Psihonomii table presents the general characteristics of its content device of man. This table shows the nature of man, which is inherent in him from his birth. In science Psihonomii collected knowledge that allow us to develop in all the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which are the issues of life. Every person from birth enjoys a constellation and potential in life can achieve the other eleven. The first people innately enjoyed potential twelve constellations of the Zodiac, and if we multiply eighty years of life of today's man at twelve, then we get a sum of 960 years of Adam. The fact that the first man was perfect, the Bible says, and it is said that Adam was created "in our image, after our likeness" (Genesis, chapter 1, verse 26). Plural Lord presents Himself in the Bible, perhaps consisting of twelve components, which are not separately financial status. This is stated in the first day of creation of the world: "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" (Genesis, chapter 1, verse 2). Connection and union among themselves twelve Spirits of God formed the material world in which we live today. Every man is created in the image and likeness of God! Each person is the possibility to include the unused potentials vital sources! Many of us men feel some grand purpose and meaning in their lives, but definitely not enough to see the potential of clarity. Some clarity, you can draw in the sources of science Psihonomii. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Constellations of ZodiacMany people are not even aware that the constellation of the Zodiac influence in their lives on their mentality and behavior in their social relationships. Each person can innate qualities and character traits that are printed at the time of the matrix of human birth. In the course of life events are just some notice that there is some mechanics and scope of opportunities for them, their lives. Many people tend to develop in some areas, while not thinking about the impact of the laws on any sign of their behavior. Constellation of the Zodiac controlled the laws of human life, both from the outside world and from the mind of man, his inner world. About the external impact constellations of the Zodiac, most people have heard or know, but the influence of the zodiac of the human psyche few people realize. Zodiac divides human activity into three parts, which are assigned at birth by three parameters of time. The first part of the human psyche related to his thinking and outlook. This part is the essence of the human person, his inner world, which is mostly hidden from the surrounding society. This part may call the outcome of a person's identity, since all that it produces itself from the person who originally manifested in his mind, and after being implemented in the environment. The first part, like others, is divided into twelve constellations of the Zodiac, which are distributed in the same two-hour intervals per day. The first part of the zodiacal influence in the person responsible for the level of his world. The second part of human activity relates to its logic, communication and behavior in society. This part is a methodical man, his tactical behaviors and relationships with people. This part we call tactical because the actual human behavior is an implementation process and to society no matter what a person thinks, what is important is what he says and how to lead with respect to themselves and those around them. The second part, like others, is divided into twelve constellations of the Zodiac, which is distributed monthly intervals of one year. The second part of the zodiacal influence in the person responsible for its level of physiology and methods of behavior in the environment and society. The third part of human activity relates to the environment and human society. This part is a condition in which a person, among his activities and relationships in the world. This part we call strategic as well as everything that surrounds us, it is a field of activity in which people self-realization. Surrounding people appreciate an outsider in his studies and relations in society. The third part, like others, is divided into twelve constellations of the Zodiac, which are distributed yearly interval of twelve blocks, calculated sequence of solar activity. The third part of the zodiacal influence in the person responsible for the level of the environment and to human society. The three parts of the human activity of the triune device stipulate rights and with this definition, we can face in many cultures, religions. Culture Society explores faiths and hundreds of thousands of years, trying to penetrate the truth of human life and what is the relevance for humans. However, most follow the pioneers, not research their own! Many people do so because too lazy to work, or do not have the force of inspiration and clarity of what to do and of what to do. It's time some clarity about the human device and its features. Such clarity man can learn by studying the elementary science Psihonomii table. Automated programs "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education" and help the user to feel the device in a triune man. More .. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. A zodiac and his sense are in life of manZodiac from the Greek meaning "circle of life", which divides the year into segments, the impact of the constellations! Constellation of the Zodiac are in outer space around our planet. They can be compared to the numbers on a clock face, and our planet, we can compare with a second hand. Zodiac can be called the science of the unit of time and its effect on mood and behavior. He divides his time by the laws of one year of our planet into twelve segments which have individual properties, the conditions and the effects on human psychology. Statistics in human society can effectively generate new knowledge for the scientific understanding of the subject towards human studies. So it is in this science everyone is able to make new discoveries based on existing knowledge. People trust or distrust knowledge of the Zodiac, regardless of their decisions are influenced by the laws of the time of his birth. Any length of time in the annual cycle has individual characteristics of weather and mood of nature, it is printed in the character of people in the time of their birth. With your first breath of air in the man and the recording of memory that in filling information from the environment shapes the consciousness of individual personality. Beginning in the zodiac is important. Originally beginning of day a person comes from birth and no matter day or night he was born. The time of birth is the beginning of his individual world and it can be in the top two in the morning, at seven in the morning and five in the evening. For a moment in time of birth is the initial start of the individual life of a specific person. Zodiac explains one year of life from the standpoint of the twelve constellations. From the position of the zodiac in a person characterized by properties tact and methodical, graft, the impact of certain constellations. The order of the constellations in the zodiac distributed force of will, mental and speed properties. On the basis of the constellation of Aries in the first place as the most resolute and speedy, and the constellation of Pisces - the last, as the most besfanatichnoe and weak willed. From the position of the zodiac explained psychology of behavior and attitudes of people in the horizontal plane. Constellations of the Zodiac, we can investigate the role of certain laws and properties of the nature of the planet Earth, which vividly manifested in behavioral psychology specific person. Zodiac is the foundation for the science of psychological apparatus of human nature and the impact of the birth of the tactical behavior. Delving into many of worship, we can see that most religions are based on the laws of the zodiac constellations and for some researchers it is not a secret. Especially clearly expressed constellation of the Zodiac in many ancient synagogues, Vedic culture and Eastern culture. As in ancient times and in our times, based on the zodiacal constellations and the birth of a particular person professionals to create and produce horoscopes about individuals people. Friends describe periods of time, past, present or future, for certain conditions that are predominantly of the world to human society or a particular person. Today in society of people formed a number of research approaches, by which man is able to penetrate the psychological device, with high accuracy. Understand the psychological device of man - the first goal and the second goal - the ability to make positive changes in it. For such purposes Psihonomiya established science on the basis of which a person can handle many of the properties of its nature and the nature of other people. Psihonomiya allows a person to penetrate the psychology of a person's instincts. Science-Technology Psihonomii allow a person to master his instincts, which are incorporated time of his birth. Zodiacal constellations share one year into twelve periods of time, also share the day into twelve parts of two hours and twelve one-year effect of the constellation. Folding so that the effect of a two-hour Zodiac constellation is responsible for the internal state of man, his mind a hidden personality. Each of the twelve zodiac periods of time in a year affects the methods of human behavior, this time round shapes tactical characteristics and abilities in people. Twelve constellations of the zodiac sequence forms the specific conditions of environmental influences on human in each year and is called a strategy. Thus, we see that each person initially and simultaneously running three constellations of the Zodiac! First, hourly, in charge of his inner personality, the second, a monthly, is responsible for the behavior of its methods and the third, annual, is responsible for the attitude of people around him. Based on the above explanation, we see the three-dimensional structure of man. In science Psihonomii created two programs "Scanner individual" and "Crown of Education" at the detailed level that provide information on each of the three-man unit. The opening of the axial order of life laws of humanity has created an elementary science Psihonomii table. In this table, we can consider the context of human psychology with the laws of physics, sociology, astronomy, astrology, anatomy, and theology. More ... Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich Psychology masters new level of development!On the territory of the southern regions of the Ukrainian state made a number of discoveries in the direction of the psychological device of man. Based on the development of knowledge, a new step in the scientific world. The author called the science of "Psihonomiya" from «psyche»-device and soul «nomos» - law. Science-Technology reveal systematic thinking individuals people. As science reveals the laws of human behavior and methodical information systems to social relationships with people. Materials science has a local-global systematic. Achieved knowledge allowed by elementary and the periodic table of science Psihonomii create automatic programs on the internet to diagnose the psychological characteristics of people - "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education." These programs are effective in working with people in diverse areas of human activity. Accurate information of the science derived from the laws of time zones of influence on the psychology of individuals people. Science stated in a joint language of physics, psychology and theology. By early autumn of 2011, prepared by the educational course with 201 hours. This course is aimed at science Psihonomii diversifying human capabilities and opportunities in the private and public activities. New approaches to teaching methods of education rapidly accelerate the process of human learning. Within a few months of the educational process the student is able to learn very practical knowledge, are not yet available audience of world community. A two-month course on innovation system replaces an average of five years of study, students who spend at higher education institutions. The course is called "Principles of natural psychology," learning is conducted in Russian. Man, mastering software training course, increases the speed of his thinking, develops diplomatic methods of behavior and increases the productivity of relationships in society. At the end of the training course a person can deal with organizational goals and be a professional manager at various levels of government and public affairs. These achievements of Ukrainians are far ahead in the direction of the development of the world of psychology! More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Quotable, it includes a link to this page. Decision of financial crisis in UkraineArticles of antiquityKnife for cutting paper - 200 years. Work Kubachi masters. Dimensions: 19.3 cm x 2.4 cm, made of silver. Kubachi serviznogo silver knife set, which originally consisted of two hundred and forty subjects utensils, writing accessories and ladies' toilets. In the eighteenth century, a rich merchant, a native of the Iranian Armenian ordered this set for my family. Heirs of a set of transmission from generation to generation until 1975. In 1975 he sold the heiress service Baku residents, who had the store to this day the only thing out of the whole set. On the subject can be seen as a skilled labor Kubachi masters jewelry invested in it. Two hundred years ago, few could afford to be the owners of the service at this level. It was the time of Napoleon and Kutuzov ... If the subject has interested you, write your suggestion in the comments. In this section, comments are visible only to the moderator. U. Timoshenko in the eyes of Ukrainian society!Career of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko began with the educational process. The first step in the post of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko went to Great Britain, to management training Ukrainian nation Margaret Thatcher. It was lit Ukrainian TV. Tymoshenko mastered, feudal practices, opportunities and challenges, returned to Ukraine for their implementation? The first thing Tymoshenko proactively blocking their decisions of the Customs services and organized a tax increase on exported products from Ukraine. These solutions have resulted in serious consequences of mass bankruptcies of Ukrainian enterprises manufacturers. Somehow, the former government was the enemy of exports of goods from Ukraine to the international markets! Example number 1. Kharkov company manufactures and markets in Europe half a million razors. After the tax increase over the last month the company went bankrupt, and a month of European consumers Ukrainian razors began to supply the Corporation "General Motors"! Example number 2. Summer 2008, the season of harvesting in the fields of Ukraine. During the season, harvesting grain farmers heed to the purchase prices for their products. Prices Cutterbar period can vary every day. One summer day in the morning TOV SP "Nіbulon" Mykolaiv region per tone of feed wheat price was 850 hryvnia. Arrival at TOV SP "Nіbulon" in the first half of the day the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko has changed unreasonably purchase price, which went down in the afternoon to the level 650 hryvnia per tone of feed wheat! These were the methods of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine. Farmers Mykolaiv region were shocked events related to unknown causes falling grain prices. The presence of the prime minister has reduced income of farmers by 24% and that they understand that these events are associated with Tymoshenko! Example number 3. Fall 2008, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko created an artificial crisis in Ukraine. Under the direction and control of these officials, the network banks in Ukraine and foreign exchange booths suddenly stopped selling currency while continuing purchase. At the same time, banks in Ukraine severely threatened violence and demanded justice to the citizens of Ukraine extinguish currency loan obligations solely in foreign currency! Deficit grows ever prices, and even more so if he planned the first persons in Ukraine. After cultivation of the purchase price of U.S. dollar in excess of 8 hryvnia for one dollar, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is implementing free market in Ukraine. The government at that time openly purchased in Ukraine $ 200 million at a price higher than 8 hryvnia to the U.S. dollar, forcing society to accept such actions from this fraud and robbery of citizens of Ukraine! Why judges blinded Ukraine today, they do not want to understand the canons of Ukrainian laws, do not want to implement the law and their commitment to the Ukrainian citizens, using their just rights, and the responsibility was left in the past, did not understand their youth? Maybe the judge concerned Ukraine 17 billion hryvnia allowances created their salary Yushchenko. Trick banker "clean hands" Yushchenko that the seventeen billion hryvnia Judge can get from the banks, and possibly from deposit accounts and a new government is not inclined to take on these responsibilities? Therefore, the Ukrainian courts do not spare the population of Ukraine, the financial stability of the country and allowed to violate the border foreign currency, bringing it to an economic default of Ukraine! Judges, if we continue to fight for the illegal 17 billion hryvnia, such greed can lead to consequences of the breach of Ukrainian independence! For such a threat and violations in Ukraine there to answer the judges harsh laws of life, society, the Constitution and Code of Ukraine! Example number 4. Invented by an epidemic of "swine flu" official Tymoshenko was corrupt fraud! There were no epidemics of "swine flu", but was a simple flu season. But as a result of the Prime Minister with the TV channel has been declared an epidemic entirely different disease. In just one day under this pretext, the government decided to spend a few billion hryvnia! Today, you can check the private companies that have been through the "laundered" the big money during the previous government fraud epidemic "swine flu." These events have paralyzed trade pharmacies Ukraine an average of three weeks. As a result of this fraud were bankrupt thousands of pharmacy departments in Ukraine! Today Tymoshenko jurisdiction and in respect of it is trial. Many of her colleagues with whom she is likely to earn big money on the backs of Ukrainians who dare to speak of the sanctity of the destroyer of the Ukrainian Society and the undemocratic nature of our courts, which attracts her to justice! If the legitimate government of Ukraine does not attract the full responsibility of Tymoshenko for her treachery in Ukraine, it is possible to regard the trials with this great theater persona created to divert attention of the Ukrainian people! Then the government of Ukraine - a dragon with one stomach and different heads! That is how you can describe similarity Ukrainian authorities, only with Bible dragon, a creature with many heads! Former head of the country with these perform a single task, which is not in favor of Ukraine and Ukrainians! Dollar liabilities testify to this! No one today does not remove the obligation of the Ukrainian people illegal currency contracts with banks in the country! This is similar to the involvement of businessmen from the current government to the All-Ukrainian currency machinations of bankers of Ukraine! President appointed businessmen, not colleagues, and it is noticeable in many actions and decisions of the current government of Ukraine! While it is clear that the court protects the interests of billionaires disadvantaged former actions of Yulia Tymoshenko and the interests of the country, violated it, and the public interest can not be seen in these proceedings, and that the public wary of Ukraine! That's the result of the feudal education Tymoshenko. Ukraine is not a country, and the feudal relations as legitimate methods based on advice, approvals and votes. In monarchical country other laws that may make it possible violations of Margaret Thatcher in her career, and after the law lords were met. In England, these actions were legal, because all that belongs to Great Britain. is the property of Her Majesty the same family. Tymoshenko can not qualitatively studied with a representative of the feudal lords, as no time to destroy the relative integrity of the Ukrainian countries against by Leonid Danilovich Kuchma! Who today announces the undemocratic nature of the court, in the case of Yulia Tymoshenko from abroad or in Ukraine? It seems that her teacher indirectly try to defend the law, as this involves colleagues and associates. Their slogans contradict legal laws of Ukraine, so just create an authoritarian pressure. Ukrainians, remember these authoritarian figures shamelessly deceiving the world community with a variety of media! Their slogan is just a personal opinion and probably paid funds, withdrawn deceptive ways you - Ukrainians! When all the criteria, the events related to the involvement of Yulia Tymoshenko, the apparent fact that the height of the rights and responsibilities of law in Ukraine! Growth of democratic Ukraine with a logical development of the trial for Tymoshenko raises legal field of Ukrainians to the level of the advanced countries of the world! Unification of the Ukrainian government and the people in the diplomatic integrity, will make us unbeatable legal and developed country in the world! Ukraine abroad are not interested and indirectly try our traitors to create conflicts within the country who share the Ukrainians on the society and the power! Many regional chapters in Ukraine - freelance agents of foreigners, it is evident from their work, which largely contradicts guidelines of the President. Many businessmen in Ukraine are bogus entities whose business is owned by foreigners. Accordingly, these funds are directed to the companies undermine the social order of Ukraine! In such enterprises Ukrainians call the property owner of the organization! That's the whole ideology of businessmen. Therefore an urgent need to save the Ukrainians of Judges of business supplies and bring them to work legally. Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk, a member of the National Union of Journalists. Who for what is responsible in UWCAMyhaylo Ratushny - today deputy Dmytro Pavlychko, chairman UVKR and Pavlychko calls him as his successor. Dmytro Pavlychko many years he worked for the benefit of the Ukrainian society and culture. Worthy of respect for a lot of Ukrainians. During the decades of his works shows a man exhausted and impulsive fatigue, inattention and confusion in the ideals of the age. This is reflected in the choice of his successor! August 2-3, 2011, I was a participant in seminars held UVKR. The event was opened by Pavlychko and gave the floor to the Town Hall. Myhaylo Yaroslavovich set present on notice that he could not solve with the Government of a decent place of opening of the 5th World Forum of Ukrainians! His speech was permeated with despair created incomprehensible officials in Ukraine, and all had only to give up and head to impotence. It was felt that Myhaylo Ratushny is an impossible position for him, thus avoiding public contact with the public, the press. This he personally announced the end of his speech and did not want his remarks were videotaped. Who authorized Myhayla Ratushny uncharacteristic for him the position and who presses on Dmytro Pavlychko represent him as his successor? In a brief dialogue with the Town Hall, I realized that he did not want to create anything and fulfill their obligations to the organization. Based on the evaluation of the behavior Ratushny find it unable to hold a senior position in UVKR. Instead of a solid preparation for the Forum, he is engaged in self-promotion. And where is the fruit of his work, except for PR? The question arises: who is pushing - same party, special services, greedy businessmen or personal delusions of grandeur? The fact that this person is not a public figure - that is a fact. And tactlessness Ratushny behavior in society proves this! Today Ratushny pushes in the delegation of representatives, thus providing the support and limiting participation in the World Forum of Ukrainians real national public figures in Ukraine and Ukrainian foreign countries. That's now in Ukraine appear sabotage: governors prolazyat positions of responsibility, and then inhibit the development of the scope of the public and the state! Author: Vasily Samolyuk, a member of the National Union of Journalists FOR US ALL WILL TURN OUT!We can not say that everything is bad. Do not forget that it should be better. We - Ukraine - the people, the citizens of the state, the heirs of the ancient country in the heart of Europe! We have a natural right to participate in the law of the Ukrainian state and government. We need vzaimoobuchatsya in understanding and awareness of their civil rights. Through our lack of understanding of us shared at parties and social groups that we competed. Many of us are involved in the spread of chaos, some for money, some because of a misunderstanding. The majority of Ukrainian citizens - patriots, with a sincere desire to develop themselves and to live in their country. But each of us, Ukrainians, there is a limit property themselves, after which we bow to another's will and rely on someone else's control. And each, reaching its limit, deviates from the chosen order. To remedy the lack, we need to stick to the original moral laws by which we can develop and make no bones about it, aiming for the target. Correct order should be based on the leading idea that would bring together in itself all other ideas that guide people to the full development. Today in Ukraine there is no dominant ideas around that would unite the people. Therefore, we live each by itself, relying only on their own needs and desires. We must not forget one of the most important tasks of our citizens - the union of the monolith citizenship avoiding strife. Infighting destroy people's strength. We must remember that the Ukrainian people was eight hundred years in slavery because of strife! Eight centuries everyone survives on its own, without reaching the proper autonomy. During the period of captivity was falsified our history of more than 90 percent. Today we do not know who you were before. "Psychological atomic bomb" exploded in the past, but its destructive force acts today. Particularly devastating effect is in violation of the integrity of kin, "I do not know - my home on the edge." Please note that we do not feel the masters at home - in the Ukraine! Two large state ascertain their relations in our state. So long and up to renaming of Ukraine in Polygon. Without us, that is, each of us who believe he is a citizen of Ukraine, in deciding the fate of the nation and its political system, we will not! As practically achieve this? Before each of us needs to start respecting yourself and the environment in which we live - a town, village, hamlet or natural landscape, learn to respect all people! Respect - it does not mean to give in, to respect - is to attack. And where there is respect, there will be understanding, and hence the mutual aid. Understanding of Ukrainian citizens create a powerful force of clarity and awareness of what we really want, what we can do and how we can implement ourselves today in mutual aid. The place where is Ukraine, densely inhabited for thousands of years the indigenous population, and we know that our territory encroached upon all the neighboring country! And for our neighbors land was and is valuable. We must earnestly cherish and protect our Motherland! Because we were born here, grew up and formed their understanding of life. We do not need to look for "Hetman" on themselves, each of us should be "Hetman" in place and the master of his life. Past guides us and gives us the right to repeat past mistakes and do unrighteous actions. Here are a few examples from the history of the world. The domination of the Roman state was founded on the equality of its citizens. After the violation of citizens' equality Rome weakened and lost its dominant position. Israel has many troubles for violating the law. And for violating the civil rights of Jesus Christ has lost its territory and has been in exile for nearly 2000 years. The power of the state begins with the rights and duties of citizens. The rights and responsibilities of the emerging civil freedom and confidence of individuals. Power citizenship forms by the state in its relations with other states. Where was the responsibility of a citizen, regardless of position in society? When the initial break moral laws, the state law is no longer valid, and people turn into rogues. Constitutional review controls power, and this played no part representatives of the people. It involves all of the offense in this country. Representatives of the people should be experts in certain areas, but not a monopoly. Monopolist can not be zealous legalist - he has something to lose, so all solutions of such a representative appear in the light of its business and capital. Judges also balance between capital, taking its decisions. Worthy citizens of Ukraine's think about it! It's in our hands. From our current living conditions depend decisions tomorrow. Nobody from the outside will come to help us, but we will be able to help themselves. During the election, the President, deputies, mayor, we choose people, not the software development community for the realization of which the applicant has to be responsible. This is the core policy. Elect not for words but for righteous action, because it is the foundation of the citizens and the state. Righteousness is not based on a populist critique, and the hands-on activities, which has a legitimate inter-personal and business relationships. Unrighteous and those actions when criticizing someone else's mess, and its silent. This hypocritical rhetoric. Sincere righteousness, because that comes from the heart! Sincerity - the light for Ukraine. Sincerity - is the quality of "Hetman" property leader sincerity feasible for everyone. Sincerity, warmth - the saints for the Ukrainians moral qualities. Therefore replace verbal imitation on righteous activity, take into service sincerity, we will succeed! Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Your Spiritual TreasuresPart 1. The value of life. Part 2. The wealth of worlds. Part 3. The wealth of man. In human life there is a wide range of spiritual wealth. Most people do not notice the spiritual wealth and non-judgmental. Because of these events and relationships formed the question, "What is the spiritual richness of human life and society? '. From the standpoint of science Psihonomii is sensual person's knowledge and ability to use them for other purposes. People from birth does not know themselves and their capabilities, and many people still did not know about their special abilities. Spiritual wealth and value for man is about his personal character, as an understanding of the individual and his unit of a living organism in which the spiritual energy center of the universe. Spiritual wealth is spiritual food for the spiritual body. Without the spiritual wealth a person can not exist as a person, but as a living organism with animal instincts. Spiritual wealth is formed in the human mind and consciousness of its properties. Some people find it difficult to understand the first time that the spiritual riches lead one to the absolute sobriety of his consciousness. After a strong quality consciousness is spiritual awakening of man. As a spiritual person to wake up? Spiritual man wakes from the moment when it begins to notice the excess material laws. These laws affect the substantive law as forming Himself matter! Any man with a flashing vision beyond the material law begins to apply them in their lives. Zakonoustroystvo, properties, and the ability of human thoughts and feelings are in excess of material laws. People, to understand yourself, be able to effectively fulfill themselves in clear plans of his life. It does not demonstrate the effectiveness of the people around her, that they are not surprised, because someone else or the surprise is a reluctance to believe in the reality! At the current time a person has to take advantage of valuable knowledge, developing effective lichnosticheloveka integrity. Spiritual knowledge of the Force and Zakonovnahodyatsya in the human psyche! Also the site www.psychonomy.com.ua is a source of knowledge about the structure and the laws of human exposure to the environment. If you are not familiar with the law over the material properties, it is at your desire and initiative can benefit massoybesplatnyh knowledge contained on this site. Many of them can be a grand opening for you and your effective understanding of life. Those who wish to quickly develop can increase the speed of his thinking, understanding, awareness, and subsequently applied to the productive behavior and in dealing with people. For this purpose, a program of "Crown of education." In it one learns thoroughness of human thinking, technology povedeniyai effects recognized for interacting with people. The development is due to both branched Attention to accurate knowledge about yourself or another person being tested. In this case, given the per-minute cost of time and money from the account. With the help of the "Crown of education" people to invest in their identity, raising the productivity of versatile. Lyricist: Samolyuk Basil. Part 4. Wealth in a man. No enemies, there are competitorsAll enmity between people, nations and countries linked to some competition. Man is by nature inclined to quarrel with someone, in this case, without hesitation, that this relationship is - an ordinary competition. There are different scales and the consequences of competition between people. In a competition of survival, as the motto of the whole philosophy. Survival conditions may predispose a person to the animal instincts and needs. In the modern world, a different meaning behind the definition of survival. Much depends on the conditions in the country and the individual. Human survival is everywhere, but with a different load for its mental and physical health. So the world, every person individually survived, experiencing their competitive circumstances. Thus, a person imbued with a range of scales of the natural laws of life. Gama natural laws of life permeates canonically century, up to the present moment of life with certain steps in the future. Jesus encouraged the Jewish people to love your enemy! Truth recommends that the love of man is manifested in its current focus, which is sending a warring people can see it for competitive reasons. Harmonious and sincere attention in regards to the competitor enters unworthy people paralyzed, and worthy - appeasing. For structural understanding of themselves and of other human individuals stacked twenty Psihonomii laws of science. To determine which laws are manifested in your character, and what are other people, you have to find it in the table of elementary science Psihonomii. Author photo and text Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Seven stages of human developmentPractical instruction psihonomii science. Each person is in their work environment. However, many people do not consider their activities and relationships in the form of steps of their own development. For your total and thorough understanding of the system are descriptions of each of the seven levels of society and individuals. The first stage, the area of ??personal development. Theme number 1. Causes of personal development (8 parts) Theme number 2. Opportunities for personal development (10 units) Theme number 3. Opportunities for personal development (9 parts) Theme number 4. Advances in personal development (9 parts) Theme number 5. Personal development goals (7 parts) The second stage - Scope friendships. Theme number 1. Causes of friendship (9 parts) Theme number 2. Possibility of friendly relations (8 parts) Theme number 3. Opportunities for friendship (9 parts) Theme number 4. Achieve friendly relations (7 parts) Theme number 5. Objectives of friendly relations (8 parts) The third step - family relations. Theme number 1. The causes of relationship (9 parts) Theme number 2. Possibility of relationship (9 parts) Theme number 3. Opportunities for family relations (7 parts) Theme number 4. Achieving family (9 parts) Theme number 5. Purpose of relationship (8 parts) Fourth step - Scope of business relations. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Fifth stage - Scientific relations. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Sixth grade - Scope of political relations. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Seventh grade - Scope theologically. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Dear reader, absorbing useful knowledge, inspiration for the mood of thought and desire, it makes sense that you leave your comment. In the great work of the Truth and valuable way her every crumb and dust to many people's lives! Your additions or reasoning ability to be the Light of the Canons of Clarity Real Life. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Where to begin and end gameWhere to begin and end the game. I greet you, dear browser, the pages of this publication. I suggest you check out the many rules of the game in the circumstances of human creativity, information, interpersonal and business relationships. The general definition of the game. Game related processes taking place between the different potentials. The actual process of implementation, with unpredictable results, called the game. Each game is based on a person's attention, response of his attention to other people, as the various objects of matter and the information from the different sources of the environment. Gaming properties and qualities are laid in it from the moment of conception. Genes game often combines the chromosomes to form human physiology. Since the birth of playability and properties are imparted to man strategy circumstances with the sun and moon, day and night, morning and night, winter and summer, spring and autumn. Many other differences stamp its influence in the character of the people. Morals in man are playing potential for game action, relationships and interactions. Impulsive ways people realize their customs in various conditions. Our morals and desires are selected values ??from the total experience of our lives that we want to meet again and use them. Accordingly, in the game as directed attention to the upcoming events and conditions, that is for the future! Therefore every game develops in a person focus and mobility skills foresight that future conditions circumstances and actions of individuals. Moral gaming properties in nature are laid at a young age (2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32 years), in the subsequent reforming the whole life. Properties of the game. Due to the use of attention in the areas of customs and game action in man is weakened principle, that is dwindling attention, and in other areas to disrupt the stability of self-realization. But the game is often encouraged win, a bonus prize. These benefits are sometimes compensate spent force, and sometimes in the form of maximum multiplied jackpot. In the course of any game events man sharpens its focus, long holding it in tension. In this case, because of the uncertainty of the final result is prone to experience, highlighting the mass of adrenaline. At the time of loss, the man burns in the first place, the power of self-confidence in himself and in relation to win feels humiliated or slighted. At the time of the gain in weight of the person is released endorphins, adrenaline, and other body functions is positive, but doing their hard work. Every time a player loses, weakening their attention! No player who is not playing, and planning. For the life of play are the people who do not know how to plan and very lazy, they invigorate yourself at risk to lose. Games in the works. People mostly melancholic temperament possess creativity. These abilities they have developed a highly sensitive because of the relationship to everything around him, which relate. They can not fly on topics superficially, clinging all thoroughly delve in detail. This self-realization is very strong-willed saps their resources. Since then begin to play with sanguine. Mutually agree with melancholic sanguine common activities in which the melancholic master implementation tasks, and sanguine - leader, initiator and the judge. Sanguine prudent manner repeatedly reiterated his initiative. Melancholic playing sanguine, soaking his initiative will, applying it in their parallel efforts on commonly agreed theme. Games in interpersonal relations. Interpersonal game thrives best in all walks of life, of all ages and continents. This game, which played, lost and fell madly (fanaticism). Game of love and real love is a different properties and values. The game of love is based on passion, the passion to own a toy objectively beautiful, interesting or influential. It is always a short-term play in the life of selfish approach. Love Actually sober vzaimouvazhayuschaya, mutually, unhesitating, the order of the interactions. In true love trust vzaimoobayaniya facts of the present, appreciate experienced developing this condition. It does not require anything to each other, but only on their own initiative and desire to complement each other. The game of friendship. When someone is playing with us in friendship, in which case they are trying to have hung on the mountain with the obligations, mutual and other obsessions that are not interested in your agreement and desire! These obligations argue psevdotraditsiyami friendship! Over time psevdodruzhba becomes kumobratstvo. The end result is someone someone is cheating or uses, but in general is playing! Real friendship is not based on the commitment, and the mutual desire of the friends to be useful to each other in their respective fields of self-realization. In every proper friendship of himself takes the initiative to the theme that unites friends. Otherwise - a game of friendship. Useful game. Artistry! Many different artists etched in our memory, that his playing in a theater or film quoted the truth of human life, guided and directed our attention today to the new information that enhances our world in all sectors and regions of the mankind. Terrible game. Scary games take place in politics and called military (war). Ukrainian land is the geographic center of Europe, it is the face of the earth, and the people of this territory wise, manifested maximum peace-loving! Do it yourself conclusions dear readers, what are the game of politics. Trust in reality, fixed current facts, all of which touch, and will thrive in all reasonable ways, your elected. To share with you my vision of the topic Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich If you're rightDear people, if you're right, do not rush to use their right, you're interacting, and not a reaction. There is no point do you call someone or take them from interacting, even if you're right! There is always a sense, to the extent possible, to continue its development and vain not to rush yourself. The truth needs no proof, however needs to be developed to perfection! Every truth is always the one side of the threads of life for man. Comparing the data side, people will be able to see the truth that unites them, this relationship bringing himself to perfection. Chastely apply the truth, it is not creating any damage to yourself and the people interacting. The truth in the wrong doses showing damage and can be poison! The truth should be food for themselves and others, and not weapons of destruction. Harmonious use of human truth reveals to him all the sources of life opportunities. It is true, as they develop, to create a true life laws, and the truth is always a leading man to personal perfection. Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk FamilyFrom the beginning of the human life, there family ties! Quality of family relationships for all of its existence and do change today. The basis of family relations is mainly aim of survival, that is, development and reproduction. About family relationships with the depth of the history of the past, we know a lot of information about the superiority of women in some periods of positions, and at other times of the male position. Today the family relationship leveled off in equal field in which both positions make decisions necessary for the development of future relations. So now for the family and its development is important to the field of its location, the territory of the country. This is due to the fact that the country's policy may be accompanied by the development of a family relationship, or exacerbate them. In countries, the policy of national independence accompanies the development of family relations. This is manifest in the laws of the country and the necessary social and material means. In international countries, the policy is not accompanied by the development of a family relationship, because of the difference of cultures and values ??in the characters of the citizens of that country. As the processes of fertility in international countries are not a major source of population growth. Demographic crises bypassed countries such controlled dosing tide of immigrants. Of particular importance in family relationships is personal development of each half of the family, and it is - an understanding of the rules, principles and laws of the family. Understanding the value of family relationships is laid by parents or society, which brings in a man of standards and quality of family relationships. Formed person has individual goals regarding family ties. Goal, which put itself half the family are many and varied. But the quality of the current relationship always depends on both sides. Today, people more often, get married and get married in order to bring "under him" the second half and to achieve this it turns out is very rare. Since on the other hand there is the same purpose. Particularly important in the formation of the family is the order of the mutual complement each other, and in the future - in the process of self-education for the alliance. Each half of the family without the other half of the imperfect. Is a union of two introductory step to the path of the allies. Diplomacy family relations rests on the desire to be with both parties and with no desire of any party, family relationships will be. So the family is based on the alliance of bilateral complement, not compete with each other. The family people weaved mutual attention, it manifests itself in different participation in each other's lives and depends on the strength of family union! Communication enriches understanding of each other couple. In marriage you can not prove anything, in a family can only have something to share, presenting only a proposal. From the beginning of the concept of family relationships disappear separate, independent position, it switches to the status of the Federal definition of "We!". Excellence halves family diplomatically merge into one union two. Responsible husband naturally focused on the external relations of the family, the wife and the responsibility - to family relations. Husband - a politician and businessman, his wife's guardian combined benefits. Family ties can be based on inspiration from the perspective of collaborative relationships, enjoyment of physical sensations and communicating halves on impressions of past events, which combine two search in the present or past similar experiences. May also be based on the continuation of life, that is, having children and caring for them. Many couples stay together just because of the existence of a joint child, this show its responsibility to the new-born person. Children - are new people, which forces the two intersect, forming a third force of individual positions. Man spends his life preparing for family relations. The ability to take care of yourself begins at birth, and the ability to take care of loved ones or desired people come with growing up! Years behind seemingly adults may hide their current youth, which takes care only about themselves. People are able to grow up early, are also able to grow up too late, and may never grow up! An adult can take care of the other person or people, and it does, without breaking their current level of development. Willingness to family relations converge on both sides and at different ages, with different goals in half term on a family. A lot can change in family members during their relationship. In any period of relationships and events in the family must be all in order to rebuild the definition of "We," and from the standpoint of either half. Family comes from the commitment of mutual belonging halves together. More ... Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk FreedomThe word freedom is multifaceted in its meaning, it directs people's attention to the set of meanings and definitions! But the unifying significance in every sense of the word is based on the removal of some or all of the liabilities of man, society, nation, people, or country! Therefore, the meaning of freedom opens a brief definition of "bezobyazannost." A society in which a person has a certain unity, manifested through a variety of one-way and mutual obligations between people. Thus, the obligations between people are the central cause of the relationship uniting human society together. Obligations of man, society and the country to whom, or are their morals. Any obligation to fulfill the force responsible person, company or country toward tentative agreements that were formed through communication. In conversation people reach certain agreements that allocate among the participating persons, companies or countries in their ability to further the relationship. Subsequently, the possibility of the parties involved is a thematic resolution on the basis of the corporate orders, directions, recommendations and requirements. The adoption of the parties involved in the relationship between an opportunity and becomes the law permits, which matched the right side! Rights are based on the laws of preliminary agreements between the parties as to the diplomatic solutions on certain topics of their relationship. Responsible course is based on the parties to fulfill feasibly made commitments under the current arrangements. Largely feasibly meet current obligations party involved depends on the willingness or desire. Selecting Data desire to control the causes of forced certain requirements of himself and to himself. When a person, society, or country forces the other party to liability in respect of preliminary commitments, from now lost the status of autonomy of action in the relationship! Accordingly, prudent person, representatives of companies or the country in all sorts of agreements is one of the most important abilities against further reciprocal actions from the point of self-sufficiency in the relationship. Any agreement through communication forms an arrangement in which proposals are made, claims and counterclaims are considered. During dialogue the parties reach mutual or unilateral decisions permits. Therefore, the ability of the individual to create qualitative agreement with other individuals affected his independence or autonomy of society, the country, which it is in the current dialog. In the processes of communication, each individual based on their contrasting standards of building agreements. In nature, there are twelve orders of society, on the ground or through which people together form the agreement. Natural persons in communication uses one of the twelve orders of magnitude and by training, is able to use them all. This allows him to leave on a high level of communication skills and self-action Folding his respects. The first order of construction of the agreement is based on the selection of targets in communication and consideration of reasons, which is directed to these goals. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from December 22 to January 20. The second order of construction is based on an understanding of the agreement to the proposed ability of the parties, their rights, responsibilities and whom in the end result which secured obligations. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from August 23 to September 22. The third order of construction agreements based on an understanding of the topic of relations, its mechanisms, standardization and terminology. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from April 20 to May 20. Fourth poryadokpostroeniya agreement is based on an understanding of the key facts in structuring the introduction, development and completion of communication. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from June 21 to July 22. The fifth order of construction is based on the understanding of the agreement in the comparative statistical coverage mechanisms on communication. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from February 20 to March 20. Sixth order of construction is based on an agreement on the best Stress values ??in terms of the relationship and the worst, in the environment. These abilities are developed especially for people who were born from October 24 to November 22. The seventh order of construction is based on the understanding of the agreement in the importance of cost-effective, alternative and future perspectives. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from March 21 to April 19. Eighth order of construction is based on the understanding of the agreement in the fact that there is no better, still does not exist, everything on offer - the most selective. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from November 23 to December 21. Ninth order of construction is based on an agreement not perceptions of someone does not agree to something, and the perception of their concerts just as real facts. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from July 23 to August 23. The tenth order of construction of the agreement is based on the argument about the importance of the parties involved. These abilities are developed especially for people who were born from October 23 to November 23. Eleventh order of construction of the agreement is based on the understanding in authorship, progressive innovation and legislation. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from May 21 to June 20. Twelfth order of construction agreements based on the recommendations in the current image of the party involved and the history of her experience. These abilities are developed especially for people who were born from January 21 to February 19. For his freedom, society looks to many reasons and the parties, with every person is individually responsible for their freedom. Than the development of a person and that applies to their relationship development, the higher the level of freedom! The freer the people from the society, the more free the society from the individual. Independence is an excellent value relative illusion of freedom! Independence - it's self-understanding, decisions, actions, and the responsibility of man, society and the country. Therefore, a person naturally can not be free from the society of the country, the Earth or the universe, but in every way to be independent and this opens a real sense of freedom! People to make their own decisions on their own responsibility, or vice versa with someone making decisions and, together with participating is responsible! Accordingly, the absolute sense of freedom, in that when there is no one and nothing, as a result there are no obligations, rights and responsibilities in a continuous vacuum complete freedom and do not have no one, with nothing to be considered. Only one thing, "I" of man and nothing more! In history there are many examples of image-based Freedom! Alexander the Great to sell their interest to the enslavement of the freedom he states, from that, he became one of the first world war for a united empire. The Roman Empire also enslaved countries, expanding their freedom. Napoleon was also charged with the freedom he sought to subjugate the world. Dear people, freedom must be assessed comprehensively, in its pure sense of self-reliance and individual responsibility. The word freedom is attached to many events that are related to robbery and mass deception populous countries. Therefore, where there is a society of people that word, there is shown a foreign introduction of extraneous items. Interveners in the global policy making havoc in the society and economy of the absorbed the country itself. You hear the word freedom means danger at border themes of freedom, independence hear, then topic hearings strengthened in its borders. Libertarianism can be destroyed societies and countries, so it has the meanings of fanaticism, chaos, disorder and looting produced under the guise of the word! Reformers develop, complement the existing reality, and revolutionaries destroy it and rob the guise of the word freedom. Perhaps the word freedom is the bloody word in human society, which is like the name, but not the meaning of the word autonomy of the individual, individuals, society and the country. Independence reveals parasites in society and mass hides parasites manipulate the labor of society. Independence - this wish and desire of our ancestors, it is expected of us is our God! We want to achieve this - the children of our ancestors and the inheritance of our Lord God! More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. World of WorkCauses, scope, organization and control of labor. To a man to get food, money or other benefits for that he needs to do useful things! Actions are different, ranging from mental thinking, continued communication and ending physical labor. We work and always feel. But society is evaluation of our actions, that is, from the standpoint of labor is not our feelings. The society is working on the evaluation of our popularity, demand and accessibility to our ability to act, to work! Popularity popularity, and our needs are inclining us to work and to create conditions for a working relationship. The causes of labor. There are natural reasons why we take the initiative to work. These reasons start to our personal desires and continue through to pressure in the circumstances. The first cause of our work - the acquisition of the estate! That is, work begins with the acquisition of the necessary resources for our existence and the opportunities available in the circumstances. Read more ... The second reason for our work - maintenance of the estate! We work to keep afloat purchased goods within the powers of the opportunities in the circumstances. Read more ... The third reason for our work - the enrichment of names! We are working to increase the amount of our wealth of manageable features. Read more ... The fourth reason for our work - giving a name! We work, assigning resources, poorly controlled and lost masters of their attention. Read more ... The fifth cause of our labor - the mastery of names! We work, mastering the resources entrusted to us by the terms of the circumstances. Read more ... The sixth cause of our labor - retrieve the name! We work by extracting resources from all of our mature relationship in the circumstances. Read more ... The seventh reason our labor - the use of the estate! We work, using in turn we all available resources in order to use them to extract more. Read more ... The eighth cause of our work - the development of the estate! We are working, learning resources through research and study them. Read more ... The ninth cause of our work - the direction of the estate! We work, directing the resources available in all sorts of ways to their advantage. Read more ... The tenth cause of our work - the distribution of the estate! We work, allocating resources to their own and others plan agreements and personal decisions. Read more ... The eleventh cause of our labor - multiplying the estate! We work favorably multiplying their resources in different ways. Read more ... The twelfth cause of our labor - management of the estate! We are working, trying to manage all the resources available in all respects. Read more ... Of work. We have listed the main cause of our work, but without the self-fields of our reasons may be without power features! Accordingly we see around us a lot of types of work around us, which are paid in different ways. Reasons pricing of labor depends on the continent, country, people and societies in which we find ourselves! 1. Continent where we are, the denominator is the primary guide us in certain areas of work. This is manifested in the natural resources and weather conditions. 2. Stranapredstavlyaet a legal agreement to protect the rights of labor among members of the public a certain area? 3. People and their kulturyformiruyut consumer demand for specific areas of work! The basis of the demand for specific areas of work, independent of morality and history of the people or citizens. This is evident in the current against citizens identified some priority areas of work and ignoring some other areas. 4. Society is formed among the people - the citizens of the country and among nations, based on a unifying idea, which may be based on specific areas of work. 5. Alliances are based on mutually beneficial reasons among individuals, specialists from different fields of work, companies, organizations, countries and continents. Given these values ??people will be able to identify priority areas of work in the field of their relationship. The organization of labor! Organization's ability to work in humans occupy a profound meaning in all kinds of society, organizations, countries, unions and in all areas of work. Organizer of the purpose and plan of action definition to be a dictator. In respect of treaties, agreements and management of the project is to be a diplomat. Principles of the organization of work: 1. Planning and calculations. Organizer important to reach a common vision of the project, namely to assess the costs, resources and time to be spent on the implementation of the project. 2. Contracts and agreements. Organizer uses oral agreements and statutes, which balances the needs of the parties to their capabilities. 3. Team building or use existing relationships. In the team is important to understand each employee in respect of its objectives and their ability to handle. The powers of the organization share responsibility for the project, and not by natural or initiatives due to the prevailing opportunities to direct the part of the project. 4. Unforeseen costs, resources and time. Planning should take into account minimum and maximum costs of time and resources. Therefore it is always necessary to form a reserve fund for contingencies in the form of 30% of funds and enter into additional agreements with parallel groups and professionals who will be able, if necessary, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. 5. Implementation. Introduction, development, conclusion - the main factors in the process of implementing the planned tasks. The entry begins with the willingness of all scheduled payments and signing the necessary agreements with participating in the project. Development continues, while maintaining the pace of the planned tasks. The conclusion comes when the planned project objectives. Controlling. Control - a particularly important task in any organization! This problem is always present in all the parallel processes of the organization. 1. The terms and timing of their plans. Controlling the timing of the tasks should always be in the attention of project managers. 2. Consumption of resources and their target applications. Any resources in the project is necessary to control the organizer or the authority to allocate specific control among key responsible personnel. 3. The hierarchy of the executive team and its self-realization. It is important to allocate the authority in the organization consistently prioritized the importance of specialists and primary process. Not distract professionals not their specialization profiles. 4. Wrecking information, financial or material from employees. Sabotage in organizations is mainly from the staff involved in the project! Information sabotage the organization begins with explosion sound atmosphere of cooperation of employees in work processes. Also with the dissemination of information that is a trade secret of the enterprise. These actions of the employees can be derived from their stupidity or benefit which is sometimes possible to find out. Financial sabotage occurs frequently when the funds entrusted to the person in charge and is not checked in the future the quality of their applications. Income sabotage happens when irresponsible employees operating production equipment and raw materials. Also stealing the production takes place at the wrong controlling and weak accountability of staff. 5. Results. Distribution of results during and at the end of the planned enterprises. The project managers need to organize labor in time and steps agreed upon in the contract. The end results are always the planned developments in the use of small and large projects. Therefore we can not deviate without good reason from the plans, which were put into operation. Private plans violation organizer without good reason, and allows other project participants to make their violations, which can destroy the integrity of the company! Dear readers, in these materials as described generalized principles of working relationships that have been developed based on the technology of science "Psihonomii" together with the Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian mutual" and "fourth wave." More ... Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk Psychology of MoneyThe real money is flowing today, here and now to the full! But what right do you have to see them, to touch, to direct, to withdraw? They are here before you show the birth and the value of life. Money there continuously, and we are born and die from exhaustion of the body or of the Spirit! They are a human invention and is now taking advantage of the virtual form in the form of a conditional document. Money is the cornerstone of the social wellbeing of the citizens of any state and is always in need of protection laws, officials, and citizens, who are the direct owners of the country! With the money we value things - matter and the attention of individuals. Accordingly, all that may be characterized by means of money, called the capital! Money have the ability to manage human, transforming into various forms of capital to absorb the attention of the person. Capital of fate, has under her impassive man, respectively rude people can not hold capital, it dissolves, spilling through his fingers boorish, among his passions! All around us, nature has properties that make its mark in our character as a property of passion or detachment, and the environment are not even our parents are the first to leave their footprints in our nature through education! We all have our own personal character, which is not something nastroenychto change! Accordingly, each of our characters is encouraged to benefit from internal or external. All sorts of benefits, not operated by us, can lose their effectiveness and value, man, do not apply themselves or their possible time, is said to be realized person! Character traits form the direction of values ??to which we aspire. Many of our internal efficiency properties of nature can not be seen from the outside, they appear indirectly and diverse environment. Human attention is the key to the value of values, so there is a clear and visible values ??of life events to our attention, and we see them. There are unknown, invisible values ??of life events to our attention and we do not notice them. From his youth, we are developing, each individual differently. Some people create value, and assigns the other. At that age, a person's attention and set its capacity for self-realization in the medium values ??and money. Real properties of the monetary unit equivalent to certain fixed values ??(bread, butter, milk, alcohol), and other essential commodities of daily demand in the country. Multiplying, are transformed into other forms of value in the form of capital. Of human understanding to others things a person has standardized its way conditional documents that only an instrument of the mind. With them, people can influence things or be weaker than his mind, against conventional instrument in the form of time value of money. Accordingly, a weak mind is money, capital, and has the right to choose, because in this world the strongest wins. And we see a lot of people win money with quantity. Distinguished, lean around the quality and with such an attitude is not afraid of. Be faithful in small and increase his estate at more. All that you have - it's your choice yesterday, which appears in the current opportunities. Choosing today, think about what you'll come tomorrow. Money or capital always seeks to assign someone not merit! Strive to create order within themselves, to the information in which you are working, it is hidden from the people around them. This wealth is one you will never steal and order created in the understanding, never drunk, but only sober. Poverty comes with pride, which is evident in the results of looping achievements. In such states, the stop of production processes and development! The sense of pride - in the possession indicators and demonstrate to others their supremacy! Wealth appears initially in man, in his character, and then - to implement effective actions in the environment. Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk |