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Astrological sign Sagittarius and his properties in a man

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23.11-21.12 intellectual level number 8. People who are born in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius influence, possess eighth intellectual level. A person under the sign of Sagittarius from an early age from the beginning of his awareness of life refers to all special initiative. He strongly developed will potential. He especially does not overload yourself thinking. Sagittarius starts instantly to any case, trying to solve its abundant resources of will and attention. This attitude of man under the sign of Sagittarius it involves excessive exercise the body. He is inclined to direct the attention of people interacting in the favorable direction for himself, asserting itself in this way.

Criminal forces: Sagittarius inclines man to overstep by rules, regulations and agreements. He often defends his morals and desires, blinding them your attention and mind.

Elephants on white squares: system of human behavior can be compared with the figures of chess. Sagittarius can be equated to the white elephant cage. In human behavior data properties are the active forms of behavior, from the extreme right or left position. A person born under the sign of Sagittarius, is not inclined to rectilinear forms of behavior. These properties are pushing people to the sudden change in his plans for the superiority of his position in dealing with people. Sagittarius tends to turn the relationship with people "around the bush", but not in straight lines.

Principled generalized: The man zodiac sign Sagittarius tends to be a principal at an aggregate level. He often sharpens its focus on the common sense of their disagreements or reluctance. Sagittarius side can look edgy and sharp in their decisions.

Atmospheric radiance: Man zodiac sign of Sagittarius is able to activate and invigorate the mood of people in society. He shrewdly aware of other people and for profit trying to direct attention to the interaction of people on topics of their morals. It "lights" can be manifested in the emotions that he is able to put pressure on the attention of others and strangers.

Consent: Sagittarius Attention is directed to determining whether they agree with what the circumstances. This man uses for his self that he proposed for the people, or available in the environment, of which he chooses.

Responsibility: People Sagittarius assess their ability and that of other people of their responsibility. Sagittarians are trying in every determine who has what responsibility in terms of relationships and through her own or someone else's estimate stronger.

Feasible: Sagittarius man has hope in his self-realization feasible opportunities and not be distracted by non-existent. Sagittarius passion theory exhausts its practicality and independence.

Time: A person born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, is inclined to involve interacting people, exploiting their time in this way samoutverzhdayas. Sagittarius often inclined to organize the crowd for personal entertainment without betraying the values ??of the benefits of the event.

Obsession action: Man Sagittarius is prone to fanatical behavior. He often finds in every goal and after blindly strive for it, as the tunnel. In this process, Sagittarius can not ignore the current reality in the environment and the fact that he can deflect away from the initially chosen goal.

Stop biting common: man zodiac sign of Sagittarius in possession in the actions necessary to make a sharp stop at the aggregate level. Sagittarius obsession manifested clearly when he deviates from the chosen goal. If he does not stop to correct its direction, it will never reach the desired goal. Sagittarius obsession action related to his laziness and unwillingness to be constantly attentive to changes in the current circumstances and behavior. Read more ...

Capricorn 1-2-3-Virgo Taurus Cancer 4-5-6-Pisces-Aries Scorpio 7 8 9 Sagittarius Leo Libra 10-11-12-Gemini Aquarius

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Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.

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