Home :: Psychology of level of world view and Astrological sign
Psychology of level of world view and Astrological sign
Most people do not appreciate, understand or figure out why some people think the same, and each other, but there are like-minded. The fact that the nature of human psychological devices have levels of worldviews. These levels are assigned to man his daily time of birth.
Human world is formed at the time of his birth. In a two-hour period of time of day starts mental activity of man. With the first breath of man begins his self-perception of the environment. The two-hour segments that define the human world, is divided into twelve parts of the day, which have names assigned signs the annual Eastern influence. The two-hour time period a person's birth is one of the twelve world-level. Level outlook disclosed to the individual perception of the world and becomes a basis of its internal state of mental activity. Each of the twelve levels outlook has individual properties. Feature of their difference lies in the speed of processing of vital information. On the basis of their quality levels are arranged in a vertical world hierarchy.
Human world is the axis of the individual, the core of his individual consciousness, strength and focus of attention of thinking.
Signs two-hour diurnal effects can be compared to a second hand divisions, zodiac signs - with divisions minute hand, Eastern Signs annual impact - with divisions clockwise. In this sequence, and in this submission are showing signs of its influence in the birth of every individual's life. Elementary table number 5 opens hidden structure of human outlook, which can be examined by means of the system of knowledge provided in this table is much more detailed and explained in the automatic program "Crown of education."
Signs of the Zodiac signs are subject outlook. That which is formed in the understanding (worldview) of man, the different images seen in his behavior. For visible, visual behavior meets the zodiac, which forms a specific tactical level. People is one of twelve levels of philosophy and one of twelve levels of tactical behavior. The combination of data is processed in the human individual intellectual properties and after the effective capacity for self-realization.
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