CONCEPT OF MOOU a "fourth Hvilya"
Creation of an international public organization of Ukrainians "FOURTH Hvilya" initiated and conducted its founding congress Alexander shock - known public figure, the chairman of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" with the support of Ukrainian communities abroad for an organized, systematic cooperation between representatives of the newest waves of Ukrainian labor migration and emigration public organizations and state bodies of Ukraine and countries of their residence.
MOOU cofounders of the "Fourth Hvilya" became the SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" (founded in Kiev November 17, 2003), which has local offices in 24 regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukrainian and 48 international non-governmental organizations from 23 countries (the founding congress was held in Kiev on August 19 2006).
The main purpose MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" - Ukrainian association of a new, fourth, migration and emigration waves for the exercise and protection of their civil, professional, social and economic rights, support the professional interests and civil self-help and assist in their return to Ukraine.
The primary objective MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" - wide involvement to solve problems of the Ukrainian labor migration patterns of public and private sectors of Ukraine and the countries of residence of the Ukrainian citizens, and most important task - to return to their homeland and Ukrainians play structure of Ukrainian society.
Ideologem MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" - "The Ukrainians - for Ukraine" - the essence of the state ideology envisages the creation and conservation of independent power of each person and the Ukrainian national team identity of the people and their right and duty to create a national culture and the independent national state. With the affirmation of the human personality and the self-organization of the team begins individual people and the nation. On the universal principle of self-produced all the living structure of the world and the unity of the human world. The process of self-organization of the human world - it kulturosozidanie or second, the spiritual birth of the people. National culture - a system of self-organization, self-development of the nation. Only a single system of Ukrainian national culture, we will restore the structure of Ukrainian ethnic society on mainland Ukrainian world and create self-organized, self-managing, self-protection a national resource system with its spiritual and intellectual and natural and economic factors - the independent nation-state as a system of social order.
Through its public bodies in Ukraine and abroad MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" establish direct communication with migrant workers who are legally or illegally to work abroad, so that they were in sight of the Ukrainian community, and encourages the Ukrainian state to protect its Citizens around the world and to the elimination of the country's socio-economic causes of mass migration of Ukrainians. MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" and SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" initiated the introduction of coherent strategy of Ukraine's development strategy of Ukraine's cooperation with Ukrainians abroad, comprehensive socio-economic state of the "Return of the Native Ukrainian labor migrants", which will ensure the restoration and development of genetic, spiritual intellectual, physical, reproductive, creative, scientific and economic potential of the Ukrainian society.
MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" is designed to be directly involved in solving large complex problems faced by overseas Ukrainians newest wave of labor migration and immigration and their families, especially children, who remained in Ukraine. MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" promotes among migrants and new immigrants a network of professional, trade, support, information and cultural, charitable and other organizations. One of the activities of the organization - promoting registration of Ukrainian migrants in the consular offices of Ukraine abroad and governments legalize their stay, which creates conditions for the conclusion of bilateral agreements on temporary labor migration of our citizens. This will guarantee real social protection of Ukrainian citizens, provide them with the realization of civil rights, including voting rights and pensions, as well as contribute to the conclusion of illegal labor migration from the shadows.
MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" operates through a structure specialized divisions:
1. Ukrainian World Information Network (UMIS).
2. International Center of the Ukrainian media.
3. International publishing center.
4. Ukrainian world economic network (UMES).
5. International center of business and scientific-technical cooperation.
6. Clearing house for small and medium businesses.
7. Research institution "Ukrainians of the world."
8. Commission for the Conservation of ethnic and cultural identity of the Ukrainian people.
9. Commission on Children and Youth Movement and education.
10. The Commission on the legal protection of migrant workers.
11. Commission on social issues and work.
12. Committee on Health Care, health care and sports.
Principles of activity MOOU a "fourth Hvilya": mutual assistance of all components of the global Ukrainian community on traditional moral principles of mutual aid and self-organization in order to preserve a coherent framework of Ukrainian ethnic society in Ukraine and prevention of demographic and economic crisis, the interaction of the old and new emigration to approve Ukrainians as an independent force - cultural , social, economic - around the world and the public in creating mutual independent Ukrainian state.
The Council of Representatives MOOU a "fourth Hvilya"