Home :: Three-dimensional horoscopes of the Astrological signs
Three-dimensional horoscopes of the Astrological signs
Three-dimensional horoscope Capricorn
Three-dimensional horoscope Virgo
Three-dimensional horoscope zodiac sign Taurus
Three-dimensional horoscope zodiac sign Cancer
Three-dimensional horoscope Pisces
Three-dimensional horoscope Scorpio
Three-dimensional horoscope Aries
Three-dimensional horoscope Sagittarius
Three-dimensional horoscope Leo
Three-dimensional horoscope Libra
Three-dimensional horoscope Gemini
Three-dimensional horoscope Aquarius
Knowledge of the triune constitution of man possessed peoples in ancient times past. For example, such people as Maya , Aztecs , Incas , Druids and other information on the left of the human trinity device. Some of their calendars and horoscopes surprise contemporaries height accuracy of their anticipation of future events that are based on knowledge of the laws of time . Their level of development was high , but not perfect. All existing sources of knowledge about the human device is difficult to comprehend a person during his life, especially at the dispersion of attention, which comes in a state of most people in our time. Therefore, the quality of knowledge sources reduces the familiarization and training . Our source - one of these , he adopted from a modern man.
Most people tend to pay attention to the fact that there is a difference between the three areas of human activity. People perceive their lives and the lives of others in three directions.
The first direction is the beginning of a reasonable person - this attention , thinking, imagination , forming the world of man, his inner spiritual world . Yes , the spiritual world is in the mind of man , as man's understanding of information from the past impressed or inspired by the achievements of the future , and present information , visual time is supporting physical realism . Therefore, past and future - spiritually.
The second trend is a continuation of a person's world - it is the physical body , the shell of which is thought ( the spiritual part ) . The physical body is the executive part of man , it is subject to his way of thinking , acting automatically performing tasks in understanding human development orders trained .
The third direction is the end of human activity in the form of traces of its activities in the environment, on the basis of which other people form their attitude toward him .
These three areas that make up the human personality , to interact consistently steadfast laws of life . Life and its laws are steadfast in the rhythms of time and space within the boundaries of distance .
In order to understand myself as a person , we need to look into your device, in their abilities, and that is imprinted upon our activities in the environment. Time and its laws contain the answers to these questions.
The fact that the human influence on the laws of the time of birth , everyone has heard of us. But how do these impact on first sight difficult to see , understand and be able to influence or change something in this influence.
Man , being born , comes into this life than not having anything and not knowing how . At the same time since his birth he patronized signs of his birth. Nourish birth marks can evaluate the influence of human psychology or controlling the properties of time that a person open primary laws of the time required for the perception of life and relationships in space.
You can clearly see , understand , extract useful information and using it to make changes in the influence of the laws of time , a person need convincing facts presented in maps, charts , theorems and axioms , which are fixed effective experience. Of these requirements will provide you with some materials .
In Christian culture in the Holy Scriptures definitely speaks of the trinity of manifestation of God the Father , Son and Holy Spirit : "Let us make man in our image , after our likeness " ( Ch.1 Bit. Art.26 ) .
God the Father represents the last time and the events that occur in the present in the form of the World created him .
God the Son embodies the moment , current events, which are manifested in the laws of life and changes in the data of the current moment of time.
God the Holy Spirit represents the future , upcoming events that occur in the information from the past and present .
1. In the person of God the Father appears displaying the influence of the east of the sign - the year of his birth.
2 . In man, the Son of God manifested mapping the influence of the zodiac sign - the month of his birth.
3 . In Man displaying God the Holy Spirit manifests the influence of ideology - the daily mark his birthday.
With the birth of the three parameters in man formed his basic psychology of perception of life and its relationship to the environment. All options are subject to a person's birth signs of the Zodiac , including time of day and marks the eastern years.
Parameters of a person's birth is divided into three basic groups, each of which is divided into twelve signs of the zodiac time periods .
The first core group exerts its influence , the eastern signs of birth. East mark a person's birth creates laws regarding the interaction of people to the man on the principles of definite sign of the zodiac.
Listed by any signs of the zodiac show the relationship surrounding people in each year east of birth.
Year of the Rat -Mouse - 1900.1912 , 1924, 1936 , 1948.1960 , 1972, 1984.1996 , 2008, 2020 , 2032 , 2044 , 2056 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Aries . Year of the Rat , Mouse man forms a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Aries .
Year of the Ox - 1901 , 1913 , 1925, 1937 , 1949, 1961 , 1973 , 1985 , 1997, 2009 , 2021 , 2033 , 2045 , 2057 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Taurus . Year of the Ox person generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Taurus .
Year of the Tiger - 1902 , 1914 , 1926, 1938 , 1950 , 1962, 1974, 1986 , 1998, 2010 , 2022 , 2034 , 2046 , 2058 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Leo . Year of the Tiger person generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Leo .
Cat and Rabbit Year - 1903 , 1915 , 1927.1939 , 1951 , 1963, 1975.1987 , 1999 , 2011, 2023 , 2035 , 2047 , 2059 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Pisces . Year of the Rabbit Cat and forms man field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Pisces .
Year of the Dragon - 1904 , 1916 , 1928, 1940 , 1952, 1964 , 1976, 1988 , 2000, 2012, 2024 , 2036 , 2048 , 2060 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Aquarius . Year of the Dragon person generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined under the laws of Aquarius .
Year of the Snake -1905 , 1917 , 1929 , 1941,1953,1965 , 1977 , 1989 , 2001, 2013 , 2025 , 2037 , 2049 , 2061 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Scorpio . Year of the Snake person generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Scorpio .
Year of the Horse - 1906 , 1918 , 1930 , 1942 , 1954.1966 , 1978, 1990 , 2002 , 2014, 2026 , 2038 , 2050 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Capricorn . Year of the Horse man generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Capricorn .
Year of the Goat - Baran - 1907 , 1919 , 1931, 1943 , 1955 , 1967 , 1979 , 1991, 2003 , 2015, 2027 , 2039 , 2051 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Virgo . Year of the Goat - man field Baran forms of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign of Virgo.
Year of the Monkey - 1908 , 1920 , 1932, 1944 , 1956, 1968 , 1980, 1992 , 2004, 2016 , 2028 , 2040 , 2052 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Gemini . Year of the Monkey man creates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Gemini .
Year of the Rooster Chicken - 1909 , 1921 , 1933 , 1945 , 1969, 1981 , 1993, 2005 , 2017 , 2029 , 2041 , 2053 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Libra . Year of the Rooster , Hen forms man field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Libra .
Year of the Dog - 1910 , 1922 , 1934,1946,1958 , 1970 , 1982 , 1994, 2006 , 2018 , 2030 , 2042 , 2054 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior zodiac sign Cancer . Year of the Dog person generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of the zodiac sign Cancer .
Year of the Pig - Boar - 1911 , 1923 , 1935, 1947 , 1959 , 1971, 1983.1995 , 2007, 2019 , 2031 , 2043 , 2055 .
To a man born in this year, the surrounding people show relationships on the basis of methods of behavior Sagittarius . Year of the Pig - Boar person generates a field of activity in which all relationships are inclined to the rules of Sagittarius .
The second core group exerts its influence of the zodiac signs of the month of birth. Zodiacal sign of a person's birth creates the laws and principles of its methods and their behavior should be considered a tactical manifestation as the impact and the manifestation of the zodiac sign is clearly seen in the visual and human behavior in its physical properties .
We list the sequence of signs of the zodiac by months of their influence :
Aries - from 21.03 ( March ) to 19.04 ( April)
Taurus - from 20.04 ( April ) at 20.05 ( May)
Gemini - from 21.05 ( May) to 20.06 ( June)
Cancer - from 21.06 ( June ) at 22.07 ( July)
Leo - from 23.07 ( July ) at 22.8 ( August )
Deva - with 23.08 ( August ) to 22.09 ( September)
Scales - from 23.09 ( September ) at 23.10 ( October)
Scorpio - with 24.10 ( October ) to 22.11 ( November)
Sagittarius - 23.11 ( November) at 21.12 ( December )
Capricorn - with 22.12 ( December ) to 20.01 ( January)
Aquarius - from 21.01 ( January ) to 19.02 ( February )
Fish - from 20.02 ( February ) at 20.03 ( March ) .
Third base group exerts its influence oriental signs that divide into 12 levels day for two hours each. East daily sign forms influence the level of a person's world , the laws of thought and purpose sought by the people they meet certain zodiac sign .
We list the sequence of characters in the daily eastern influence and their belonging to the signs of the Zodiac :
Time influence Rat -Mouse (two hours) from 23.00 to 1.00 . This length of time creates mental Aries , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence of the Ox (two hours) from 1.00 to 3.00 . This length of time creates mental Taurus , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Tiger (two hours) from 3.00 to 5.00 . This length of time creates mental Leo , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Cats - time impact of the Rabbit (two hours) from 5.00 to 7.00 . This length of time creates mental Pisces , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence of the Dragon (two hours) from 7.00 to 9.00 . This length of time creates mental Aries , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Snakes (two hours) from 9.00 to 11.00 . This length of time creates mental Scorpio , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Horses (two hours) from 11.00 to 13.00 . This length of time creates mental Capricorn , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Goats bar (two hours) from 13.00 to 15.00 . This length of time creates mental Virgo , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Monkeys (two hours) from 15.00 to 17.00 . This length of time creates mental Gemini , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Rooster Chicken (two hours) from 17.00 to 19.00 . This length of time creates mental Libra , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence Dogs (two hours) from 19.00 to 21.00 . This length of time creates mental Sign Cancer , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Time influence pig - Cabana (two hours) from 21.00 to 23.00 . This length of time creates mental Sagittarius , goals aspirations of man, his inner hidden world .
Three signs of the zodiac shape laws and principles of human psychology and devices are divided into twelve levels outlook assigned to two hours' time of birth; twelve levels tactics behavior assigned to the Zodiac sign of his influence month , twelve levels of strategic fields of activity assigned to the eastern sign of birth.
Enumerate twelve intellectual levels and belonging to them three parameters time of day, month and year of birth of the person :
12. Twelfth intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - Time Dragon from 7.00 to 9.00; tactics - Zodiac Aquarius ; strategy - Year of the Dragon .
11. Eleventh intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - while monkeys from 15.00 to 17.00 ; tactics - Gemini ; strategy - Year of the Monkey .
10 . Tenth intellectual level : World time with Rooster Chicken 17.00 19.00 outcome tactics - Libra , year strategy Rooster Hen .
9. Ninth intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - while Tiger from 3.00 to 5.00; tactics - Leo ; strategy - Year of the Tiger .
8. Eighth intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - Time - Pigs with Cabana 21.00 23.00 ; tactics - Sagittarius ; strategy - Year of the Pig - Boar.
7. Seventh intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - time - Rats Mice from 23.00 to 1.00; tactics - Aries ; strategy - Year of the Rat , Mouse.
6. Sixth intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - while Snake from 9.00 to 11.00 ; tactics - Scorpio strategy - Year of the Snake .
5 . Fifth intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - Time Cat and Rabbit from 5.00 to 7.00; tactics - Pisces ; strategy - Cat and Rabbit year .
4 . Fourth intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - Dogs with time 19.00 21.00 ; tactics - Sign Cancer ; strategy - Year of the Dog .
3 . Third intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - the time of the Ox from 1.00 to 3.00; tactics - Taurus ; strategy - Year of the Ox .
2 . Second intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - time Goats bar from 13.00 to 15.00 outcome; Virgo ; strategy - Year of the Goat bar.
1. First intellectual level : Worldview , the outcome - while Horses 11.00 13.00 ; tactics - Capricorn ; strategy - Year of the Horse .
Triune dominant value in every intellectual level is a sign of the zodiac ! And so worldview ( outcome) forms in people life goals , desires that people would like to achieve or thinks , dreaming about them. Tactics generates visual technique of human action , by which he tries to achieve the desired , that is born in his mind . Strategy forms of human activity and attitudes of other people , which eventually manifest his previous relationship experience to interacting people.
Trinity of man we figuratively comparable with millstones that people melyat wheat.
Millstones consist mainly of two flat stones between which the wheat and melitsya . Upper stone comparable outlook assigned to man two hours' time of his birth. Lower stone is comparable with the strategy assigned to the eastern sign of birth. Wheat at the mill is comparable with zodiac signs assigned to the month of birth .
Tactical characteristics of the person assigned to the sign of the zodiac between internal motivations are coming from external thoughts and motivations exhibited by the environment . Every time a person chooses , in deciding to self-realization, to use his inner understanding or knowledge of the surrounding circumstances to take .
Trinity comparable device with a shared computer.
Computer processor is comparable with the worldview of human memory with the sign of the Zodiac , a hard disk with oriental sign of a birth, a graphics card is comparable to a person's attention . Thus , you will notice that your computer is in some way created in the image of man and of human activity. Man lives and acts on more complex programs that automatically self-improving or degrading. Computer programs consist of " yes / no " , and human programs consist of " yes / no / abstain" . Man is able to make changes in their programs perception of life in the way of behavior and attitudes in society , but for this it is necessary to develop the desire and necessary piece on effective efforts . Easily degraded people and work with common effort effective and fruitful.
Initial need !
To the person to develop , it needs the tools of accurate information on the constitution of man , of his current and potential abilities ! Basic knowledge you can draw from " elementary science Psihonomii table " and other tables on this web site www.psychonomy.com.ua department " Psihonomiya ." You have the possibility to obtain information about their individual triune device now in automated programs " Scanner individual " and " Crown of education."
Science Psihonomiya , Ukrainian version , gives a person the tools for personal self-development . Also there is the possibility of self-development and the development of their skills through interaction with the creators and organizers of the project.
Author: Vasily Samolyuk Leonidovich .
Three-dimensional horoscope Capricorn
Three-dimensional horoscope Virgo
Three-dimensional horoscope zodiac sign Taurus
Three-dimensional horoscope zodiac sign Cancer
Three-dimensional horoscope Pisces
Three-dimensional horoscope Scorpio
Three-dimensional horoscope Aries
Three-dimensional horoscope Sagittarius
Three-dimensional horoscope Leo
Three-dimensional horoscope Libra
Three-dimensional horoscope Gemini
Three-dimensional horoscope Aquarius