Current possibilities
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Home :: Current possibilities
Current possibilities
Current features - those features that are available to participate browser. Current capabilities strengthened variety of practices and have a history of events. In this section you can see the many ongoing projects and enterprises in which the invited experts. Businesses and organizations represented in the department website, accredited specialists and representatives of science Psihonomii. More ...
Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich
Map of the department:
Department № 5.Tekuschie opportunities.
Section number 1. Projects available for review and participation.
Section number 2. Production technology.
Section number 3. Scope of technology services.
Section number 4. Scope of learning technologies.
Section number 5. Scope Technologies signs.
Section number 6. Scope Technologies S.M.I.
Section number 7. Statistical sources.
Section number 8. The public sphere.
Section number 9. The scope of the national and cultural activities.
Section number 10. The scope of social projects.