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Home :: Current possibilities :: Sphere of mass media technologies

Sphere of mass media technologies

Enterprise media to a greater extent by political necessity than commercial. These businesses have to absorb their services are great tools that are not justified by the earnings. Professionals and employees in such enterprises need the best, but the pay is limited to the organization's budget. Chief editors responsible for its broadcast censors. They can be compared with that of the military, namely the Chief of Staff of information weapons. The media are strategic assets of information weapons. At home, on the representations of the media can be estimated, whose information weapons are in the country. Media influence on the mood of society with benefit and harm. The benefit of information - to develop an understanding of individuals, but damage is done to the effects of panic among the public from sensation.

In this section are materials about the technology media. More ...

Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich

Map of the department:

Department № 5.Tekuschie opportunities.
Section number 1. Projects available for review and participation.
Section number 2. Production technology.
Section number 3. Scope of technology services.
Section number 4. Scope of learning technologies.
Section number 5. Scope Technologies signs.
Section number 6. Scope Technologies S.M.I.
Section number 7. Statistical sources.
Section number 8. The public sphere.
Section number 9. The scope of the national and cultural activities.
Section number 10. The scope of social projects. 


