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Legitimacy is social basis of society

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The level and quality of legitimacy in the community demonstrates its development. Agreement between people create and produce the legality of the contract. The legitimacy of the company or the country reflects the priorities that people use in the formation of contracts and agreements between them. People making treaties is likely to take into account the legal provisions and commercial laws and the laws of physics, but many human factors into account and displayed in their agreements can be difficult. To improve the quality of human relations in the society on the basis of science Psihonomii formulated the concept of legitimacy and a sample contract. Through this agreement the user has a lot to clarify for themselves and their social relationships. Materials are formulated according to the rules and laws set forth in the "elementary science Psihonomii table" and "elementary science Psihonomii table number 2."

Almost everyone has some understanding of their legal options, allowing him to make versatile relations in societies. "Right" means a resolution, and "measure" defines the standards by which permits are implemented. Measures permits regulated by the Constitution and laws of countries, cultures of the rules and etiquette of society.

Legitimacy unites individuals into society, creating a social systems, structures, rules and regulations, standardize the behavior and attitudes in society.

Legitimacy is composed of the three qualities that are manifested in human psychology - is "Commitment", "right" and "responsibility." Legitimacy - a product of the human mind, which structured the social relations of the tribal level to the level of countries and alliances between them.

The legitimacy of structures relations in society.

Man has everything you need for your self in society. For use of the properties, capabilities, and resources of the person initially be the main goal of my life! Following its determination to distribute other targets based on the priority of primary importance.

Natural dignity.

A person must go into their natural instincts and dignity that each of us individually! By defining them to put in their order of merits, namely, knowledge, relationships with people, material wealth. It is important for man to be faithful and confident in what he has, and this attitude will allow it to increase more in their welfare and dignity.

Outward things

Each person has individual terms of the relationship with the world! The surrounding world guided by human goals, ideas, plans, and methods of behavior. Reflects the world around us coming from all sorts of human expression. Integrity with the world is continuous in every individual.

Commitment to one's character consistently link it with the world, forming the legal mechanisms of its morality.

Law allow a person to use certain features in respect of itself, the surrounding community and the world, creating legal mechanisms to etiquette.

Human responsibility is implemented on the basis of his inner mental consent to the obligations of past relationships and events, creating legal mechanisms of its morals.

The man, realizing primary responsibilities and achieving ongoing, expanding their rights and opportunities in the practice is aware of the responsibility for their actions and attitudes in the society!

A valid contract.

How many people agrees qualitatively with the people, as far as it implements its commitments in the agreements and requires interacting the agreed participation by so much he is doing well in his classes and relationships. This agreement is an example of the construction of legitimate relationships.

1.Pervichnye human responsibilities:

1.1 To produce, maintain, and improve the life;

1.2 breathe, eat, enabling food to keep themselves clean and tidy;

1.3 To seek self-sufficiency experience harmony in the relationships with other people and the environment;

1.4. Pay attention to the real laws of life and society;

1.4.1 his health and the health of people nearby.

1.4.2 The laws of the state of our citizenship and the country in which we are temporarily staying.

1.4.3 Rules of etiquette culture societies, among which we find ourselves.

2.Tekuschie duties, rights and responsibilities:

2.1.1 Targeted communication between representatives of the agreement or on behalf of the organization in a dialogue with other members of the organizations and individuals.

2.1.2 Targeted communication is implemented by three laws: a diplomatic communication, diplomatic expectation diplomatic demands.

2.2 Diplomatic communication.

2.2.1 Diplomacy begins with a dialogue that takes into consideration the importance of the parties to the extent of their participation in the topic of relations.

2.2.2 Folding diplomatic communication between people thematic arrangement of alternative solutions, which has a time-bound implementation.

2.3 Diplomatic expectation.

2.3.1 Expectation-approved or implementation problems begin after the contract or with attention to the causes in the agreement, and continues to be fully realized.

2.3.2. If you violate the terms of implementation, which were adopted as an alternative agreement of the parties, the relationship changes as the conditions of the third law.

2.4 Diplomatic demanding.

2.4.1. During or after the violation, also in contradiction exhibited by party to agreements reached earlier diplomatic communication, has the right and duty to overestimate the level of responsibility of the parties to the topic of relationships!

2.4.2. After evaluation renegotiate or terminate the thematic relationship with the violator of the laws of harmony of relationships!

2.4.3 Conditions under which renegotiated relationship: Revaluation responsibility and rights of the parties. Research the causes of disharmony and eliminating them. The mutual desire to increase the level of obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties.

2.4.4 The conditions under which it makes sense to terminate the thematic relationship. Safety attention.

People are able to instinctively or planned to direct attention to the interaction of man in regard to the subject on which there is no fruit in the form of information or material goods.

Side, involving the interaction of man in extraneous, distracting threads can pull themselves benefit from this action. This benefit is hidden or visible.

To manipulate people use can provyalyatsya when people interact degrade thinking and scattered attention.

Human beskonstruktivnoe vague and related to his thoughts manifested in the properties of his attention. A man breaks away from reality, lagging response to the accuracy of current events, that is, in relationships and agreements. Safety of time.

Each individual on the basis of their reasoned appreciate your time and the time of others because of their merits, registered in the diplomatic agreement. Useless pandemonium parties organized due obligations is wrecking as burning time! Security of energy.

Energy can be captured in case agreements are defined as simple, medium and complex. The simplest energy manifests itself in material forms, which can be evaluated alternatively also promising. The average energy is the documents, securities, money Ukrainian currency. The hardest energy manifests itself in the field of knowledge and science, exploitation. Relevance Theory in practice increases its value, which is registered in a party theme agreement. Safety responsibility.

Interacting people can use our liability by manipulating it. Through board with us, acting on its own, but is not attached to the recommended torque in the end with no results, they sued the adviser. Advisor after the presentation of its board of registers itself to the other that it solves and answers on their own, or vice versa adviser registers from himself, he is responsible, together with the other party to the trust, a certain topic. Safety of innovation implementation.

In the present mechanism, system or organization restructured some function or the entire mechanism of the organization. Positive proposal appears to complement the main objectives of the agreement and the development of current manifestations of the organization. Management Team in the theme agreement represents supervisors order.

Level of commitments, rights and responsibilities in the management of higher against the executive. If necessary or trust powers of the members of the group formed by the agreement, which may be engaged in functional protection of life, health, property, duties, rights and responsibilities of the members of the agreement. Also protected the integrity of the organization, its assets, the target implementation of Finance, owned by the organization, increasing the power of interacting in the agreement. Negative expression of ideas and technologies that contradict the main objectives of the existing agreements and harmony existing features of a public association, the proposed party to the agreement or from strangers is Innovative sabotage. innovative wrecking it: Private handling operation needs credibility. Particular requirements for the extraction of unaccounted wealth of the organization. extraction of wealth on account of collaboration in favor of competing organizations. Personal ideology or systems group, contrary to the order of diplomatic agreements, uniting the parties involved in the organization. complex assertion, lust for power, delusions of grandeur.

3. Systematically realizable rules for organizers, heads, artists and distributors organizations.

3.1 of the organizers, heads, managers.

3.1.1 Do not break the rules and regulations of the organization.

3.1.2 Create and generate targets for subordinates.

3.1.3 To distribute the load between executing or implementing a measure of their strength.

3.1.4 Bring to the full implementation, its commitments to the team or individual to subordinate.

3.1.5 respect the subordinates, and be independent of their mood.

3.1.6 Balancing the conflict relations that can be triggered in the team and avoid conflict of subordinate relationship to him.

3.1.7 To be constantly aware of the mood of the team and each individual direct reports.

3.1.8 In order to encourage a fruitful endeavor things subordinates of earmarked funds.

3.2 of artists and distributors.

3.2.1 Working relationships begin and end in the manner of the contract.

3.2.2 conscientiously implement the commitments undertaken by the organization.

3.2.3 With equal respect for colleagues and other citizens of Ukraine or other countries.

3.2.4 Timely induct direct management control of the order of business processes and conflict in the team.

3.2.5 Qualitative robot with a high rate of force production, and experience necessary for professional development.

3.2.6 Productive effort promoted by the contract from the trust fund.

4.Pravilo constructive argument.

In the process of communication between the parties in situations where you are against the proposal, which is submitted for review, or vote, you have the right to argue constructively disagree. In case of disagreement, without giving your position is to abstain.

Constructive argument at disagreement encourages participants to real participation to the transparency of the themes agreements. If one of the parties argues disagreement toward agreement amendments, others involved in the agreement, the parties can resolve the illuminated cause dissent or opposition parties to be an important and useful position for all parties to the agreement.


In society, the validity is supported by the agreements reached between the people on the adoption of common measures of standardization, necessary for their relationship. Common measures are defined and implemented voters, elected and government systems. Arrangements at forming favorable conditions for the development of the country or to foreign investors and creditors. Legitimacy is shown geographically in terms of the circumstances in the relations between people. Legitimacy defines what is allowed and what is prohibited in the current capabilities of the person. Various public areas continuously improves the quality of legitimacy by improving the legal framework and the executive service of their countries. Development of society and the ordinary citizen generates quality and legality of its value. More ...

Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 


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