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Astrological signs and their symbols

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Constellation of the Zodiac have both their characters and their characters. Since the zodiac symbols, we often come from many sources science of astrology. In astrology, the zodiac symbols are the icons that symbolize certain properties of matter in space and time with respect to our planet. Symbols assigned to specific constellations of the zodiac, located in deep space and our forefathers gave us some knowledge about the influence of the stars on our psychology.

On the signs of the zodiac society knows less because confuses them with characters that belong to the constellations in heaven. In this case, the symbols and signs of the zodiac exist in parallel and complement a truth inherent in the zodiac.

Each of us can agree that the sky is dominated by one law of life, and on the other the Earth. Thus, the signs of the zodiac are the earth's consistency, which is symmetric celestial symbols. The difference with his zodiac symbols signs lies in their sequence!

In a circle symbol constellations of the Zodiac "Aries" is the first, and the symbol of the constellation "Fish" zaklyuchayuschiy.U zodiac signs straight line vertically, in which the sign of the constellation "Capricorn" is the first, and the sign of the constellation "Aquarius" concludes. This difference exists because the point at which to begin the countdown of the constellations. Zodiac symbols begin with the constellations in the sky and there is a close the circle, and the signs of the zodiac are calculated from the center of the Earth's core and closing of clouds in the sky, and the ozone layer. Signs of the zodiac are responsible for the vertical nature of the Earth and the laws of society. Each sign of the zodiac is peculiar Arabic numeral from one to twelve, and these figures are true signs and significance of the zodiac.

Folding we sometimes meet with a scientific approach in the form of science "Numerology" and data sources often notice truthful information about the values ??of digits in a person's life. But comprehensive knowledge we do not get and can not with the knowledge of what is the numerology to change or influence their psychology life. The reason for the weak capacity of numerology is that in all the gaps not achieve perfect professionalism.

In numerology use ten digits (numbers) are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0.

Perhaps the first people who saw the twelve signs in the form of figures and found that after the start of the ninth sign of the replay. The meaning of numbers divided and unique in the twelve signs, which represent twelve differences that make up the time and space. Zodiac is the science of the time and its effect on space and human psychology.

In elementary science Psihonomii created a table in which the value of numbers arranged into twelve shelves, the constellations of the Zodiac, the symbols of the annual Eastern influences and differences of properties hours in the day.

In elementary science Psihonomii table:

The first sign belongs to the constellation of Capricorn - is the number "1." In the nature of the world number one is the "center of the Earth's core, volcanic rods, mountain." In a person who is born under the sign of Capricorn, appears certain character trait, which is: "firm conviction". These people are very firm in their convictions.

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The second belongs to the Virgo sign - is the number "2." In the nature of the world number two is the "bosom of the earth," which pristine underground. In a person who is born under the sign of Virgo, show some character trait, which is: "prytkost - intensity of nerves." Do these people very tense nerves and their self-esteem.

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The third sign belongs to the constellation Taurus - is the number "3". In the nature of the world number three is the "agricultural soil, bacteria and plants." In a person who is born under the sign of Taurus, show some character trait, which is: "obstinacy complexes." Do these people very constrained mood that appears complex fears for himself.

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The fourth sign belongs to the constellation of Cancer - a figure "4." In the nature of the world number four is the "bottom of reservoirs, water connection with the earth, insects." In a person who is born under the sign of the constellation Cancer, show some character trait, which is: "the curiosity of hearing." In particular development of human imagination, responds to sound and intonation. This man through understanding in tone gets a lot of additional information unsaid interlocutors.

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Fifth character belongs to the constellation Pisces - is the number "5". In the nature of the world number five is a "water circulation during the (cold, hot)." In a person who is born under the sign of the constellation Pisces, show some character trait, which is: "slippery word." Do these people special abilities manifest manipulation of words to communicate. They are easy to twist the meaning of words and dialogue, while others cite the opinions of the authors, who, if necessary, is used as a lightning rod.

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Sixth sign belongs constellation Scorpio - a figure "6". In the nature of the world number six is ??a "surface tension of water, waves, mirror." In a person who is born under the sign of the constellation Scorpius, show some character trait, which is: "aggressive tone". Do these people special abilities are manifested in their aggressive tone, attention of other people. Their exquisite expression in the words shake the nervous systems of people, like the strings of musical instruments.

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The seventh sign of Aries belongs - is the number "7". In the nature of the world number seven is a "spectrum of infrared light (heat above 0)." In a person who is born under the sign of Aries, show some character trait, which reads: "In Cold desire." They are fanatical about their inferior morals and obstruction are more passionate in desired.

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Eighth sign belongs to the constellation of Sagittarius - a figure "8". In the nature of the world number eight is a "spectrum of ultraviolet light, daylight, rainbow." In a person who is born under the sign of Sagittarius, show some character trait, which is: "playfulness - plays up desires". They know how to play along with a professional in another's desires, bringing together these and a host of interacting people to himself.

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The ninth sign of the constellation Leo belongs - is "9". In the nature of the world number nine is a "magnetic field of the Earth and the cosmos." In a person who is born under the sign of Leo, show some character trait, which is: "the pride of impressions." These people tend to remember stories from his own experience, which exalt themselves.

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Tenth sign belongs to the constellation Libra - this is the number "10." In the nature of the world number ten is a "cosmic cold, snow, hail and rain." In a person who is born under the sign of Libra, show some character trait, which is: "the ability to compare." Do these people have shown special ability to compare and weigh the potential difference, meanings, and other values, which is the opposite.

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Eleventh sign belongs to the constellation Gemini - is the number "11." In the nature of the world number eleven is a "wind, cold, warm, wet and dry." In a person who is born under the sign of Gemini, show some character trait, which are as follows: "the trick - avoid the difficulties." Do these people have shown special abilities wisely avoiding many of the difficulties in doing so, they achieve greater results than mnogotrudyaschiesya people.

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Twelfth sign belongs to the constellation Aquarius - is the number "12." In the nature of the world number twelve is a "cloud in the sky, the ozone layer, thunder and lightning." In a person who is born under the sign of Aquarius, show some character trait, which is: "dictatorship - creating difficulties." Do these people special abilities manifest of dictatorship and insensitive treatment of people because of this they create themselves and interacting difficulties. Their consistency of words and thoughts are all very simple, and in theory they are often impossible to master and napolovi-nu. So they have a lot of initiatives that are not finished and absorbed a lot of energy and resources.

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You have read some information carried by a zodiac sign. They form a vertical laws of our planet and allow constructive to consider these properties and in human psychology. Signs are some information and symbols - the flag and image.
Society has long been symbols of the zodiac and it is time to start using the signs that reveal much more accurate design of human psychology and the opportunities for personal development and improvement.

Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 


12.11.2016 00:53

Как это так, если первый знак Зодиака - Овен!!!

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