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Главная :: Блог :: Science Psychonomy :: Aquarius is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychology

Aquarius is a horoscope of the Astrological sign, his natural psychology

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Aquarius in public relations naturally inclined to take the position of leader. Many people of this zodiac sign all his forces are fighting for control of the company of their relationship. These people are able to effectively samoobladat, after the development of self-control, they tend to develop their control over the people in their environment. Aquarius is the high man in communion, he instantly compresses hundreds of words in a few words or phrases. Man of the zodiac sign is capable of, like a mirror, reflecting the mood and understanding people. Through these actions, he creates instant rapport, even with strangers. Aquarius is able to work effectively facial expression, it is easy to form an expression understanding, knowledgeable and knowledgeable. This attitude provokes interacting show Gambling bragging on topics of their merits. Of these, Aquarius chooses what he needs, and staking a claim to what they saw and what they want. People of this sign of the zodiac in a relationship with people and the initiative tend to be infinite persistence. The persistence of this man - the main lever of its success. Logically, it is able to quickly calculate and plan, then in dealing with people pumps superhuman speed and load. For many Aquarians from the standpoint of intellectual logic is simple, but in practice they can not afford their plans and understand even by 30%. Aquarius at its own pace, demanding, and the scope of cases can develop relationships in the community.

Aquarius repeatedly scrolls through the thoughts of past events, impress them or involving impressions attention interlocutors. He did not forget his losses, that pushes him to hold my attention past events. This person burns too much attention to the history of the past, so devastated his psyche and the psyche of the people around them. Devastated psyche society automatically appears irritable and aggressive. Aquarius quotes stories from his own experience, in which he was the best and unbeatable, these actions impressing his interlocutor ruthless positions.

In Aquarius in dealing with people seen so much logic that he can do is mechanical, it is estimated only one logic. Based on the logic of excessive it can not be used in time of dialogue and a lot of other people's sayings quotes, forcing them to the speaker. These actions can frazzle psihikicheskoe attention interacting people. First he formed the logic of words, after forming thoughts and feelings on last basic volitional action.

In psychological vampirism people zodiac sign Aquarius are permanent vampires. These people have a continuously manage other people. This man is impressed past events of his life and so refreshing and reminds former failures, missteps and losses relatives, friends and people around them. Aquarians need only be present in the community, to remind us of the failure of interactions between humans. Man of the sign directs his attention and the attention of others to the depths of past events. He takes over from past events the attention, repeatedly scrolling through the same old records of his memory. At the same time, without making any use of the present or future events. Aquarius by scrolling the old records in the society absorbs the life-giving attention to the audience and from these actions feel fitter, stronger and healthier, and the interaction weak in all areas of their fulfillment.

Aquarius doubts in many ways, but it is much harder questions the position of interacting people. Its flimsy doubt he is capable of producing a reality of life negatives. It turns out that this behavior it generates unbearable atmosphere of mutual understanding. Aquarius trust his opinion, which forms on the facts of their experience and expertise on the facts of authoritative sources. Man of the signs of the zodiac in dealing with people pressing on them with his authority or other authority known to him and clear of people, sometimes familiar. Aquarius is prone to cold pragmatic logic calculations. One logic inclines given people to passive behavior. They find it hard to create something from scratch, but many others are able to develop the rudiments of the plane. So it is easy to take advantage of others, and if possible, will take cunning or force desired. Aquarius because of their pride affected tend to show aggression and violence against human interaction. He is inclined to instantly annoyed if need something from him or show him. People of this sign reversal takes people to it in the proposed form, not allowing himself to the obsessive relationship. Aquarius high opinion of himself, he sees no equal.

Height Ranges people of this zodiac sign are brilliant, they are generalized logic allows them to absorb huge amounts of information that they can immediately apply in these events. Aquarius by nature inclined to strategically expand its activities. He quickly thought and its relationship adjusts to the same rate of thinking and human interaction. This man is difficult to confuse the conversation, he trusts the facts and credible sources, and personal views questioned. Aquarius, having little hope, with demonstrably able to act completely confident in their positions. He is much easier in public relations. These people are not attracted to the enforcement process, they care about how to quickly achieve the end result of his actions. Aquarius cares about the practicality of their studies, so can not be distracted by interpersonal game, he tries to identify all the practicality and realism.

People of this sign of the zodiac in relationships with family and other people openly generous, but only small things. They believe everything that someone inferior, give or give. Aquarius sharpens its focus on and achieve great results, then it tends to take away everything yourself. In dealings he is interested in the lion's share of the potential of others, or their joint results. He easily inclined to claim great results that can occur in human interaction. Aquarius claim jackpots those people who make gifts on trifles. This attitude often makes them avaricious people.

Man zodiac sign Aquarius different manifestations of life was assessed by external their manifestations. It's hard to penetrate the hidden, undeveloped structures and facts topics that occupy his attention and understanding. He clearly sees the outer limits of the field of activity and the impact of human interaction. Aquarius is particularly attentive to the outer limits of which are clearly manifested in society. For all sorts of topics it looks with the external position. Therefore, it is perfectly capable of leading external, formal relations on behalf of the group.

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Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 


14.05.2013 12:11

Сколько лет читая гороскопы нахожу(частично) отражение себя. И тут такое попадание в точку. Это же Я. Ну и как любой Водолей Я обязательно с большой буквы.
05.08.2013 13:41

Полное попадание,всё так и есть!
26.11.2013 09:55

Ого! Слово в слово!
13.11.2013 13:15

верняк и.
16.12.2013 18:25
Марина К.

100 пудово-это я!
03.01.2014 11:37

Я горжусь собой!
02.01.2014 13:26

16.07.2014 00:21

Прямо в яблочко, хоть один правдивый гороскоп попался, а то в других гороскопах сами себе противоречат, то водолей такой, а в другом совсем другой, а этот точно описал. Спасибо
21.10.2014 11:50

Водолей великии люди.это все про меня.
24.12.2014 11:40

Со многим согласна, но словосочетание "быстро думает" - это явно не обо мне. В моей голове всё и всегда поддаётся тщательному анализу так, что иногда даже не могу оперативно среагировать на явную несправедливость. Всё размышляю: как, зачем да почему?
08.02.2015 09:55

Про меня

14.02.2015 13:27

Да, попадание 91%. Не согласна с тем, что на практике меньше 30%. Вот хотя бы 50% это точно. Но описано всё ОЧЕНЬ точно. Давно такое искала.
07.06.2015 10:51

Мне стало страшно, но это реально про МЕНЯ!
19.06.2015 18:55

Браво!!! 100% попадание в моего хорошего друга!!! Буду знать!!! Благодарю !!!
30.06.2015 08:13

Вы все правельно описали.

А теперь задам вопрос-

Как именно водолею осуществлять свои идеи. Какой знак зодиака может мне в этом помочь?
Если Я генератор идей, то должен быть знак который идей не имеет, но делать умеет.

Помогите пожалуйста, Это может изменить жизни многих водолеев! Надоел пасивный вид жизни.

Парой идея настолько логически продуманна, на много лет вперед, что боюсь чего либо делать.

29.08.2016 13:09

09.01.2019 18:21

Во первых вы не угадал с тем , что я не высокомерна а так все ОК 90 % угадал из моей личности . Браво !!!!

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