CONCEPT OF SBI "Ukrainian vzaєmodopomoga."
Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" was established at the founding conference in Kyiv on 17 November 2003, has local offices in 24 regions and Crimea.
The main goal of the organization is to protect the interests of Ukrainian citizens living abroad, public help to tackle the causes of mass migration of Ukrainians abroad and creating the preconditions and mechanisms of their return to their homeland. Organization dedicated to the protection of civil, professional, social, and economic rights and ensuring national, cultural, informational, and other common interests of Ukrainian citizens who are temporarily abroad to work, and their families in Ukraine.
During the period of operation, the SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" holds an important social work to social-legal protection, the awakening of civic activity and consolidation of Ukrainian citizens abroad to establish and develop effective relationships with Ukrainians fourth wave of migration and immigration, he studies the social aspirations of the citizens Ukraine, who are abroad on earnings or try to go back, he studies the challenges that Ukraine faces the fourth wave of emigration, and looking for solutions, and supports community initiatives of Ukrainian citizens abroad, promotes the formation of a new environment in the Ukrainian emigration network of professional, trade union, cultural, informational, educational, children's and youth, sports, charities and other organizations distribute to Ukrainian migrant workers information about Ukraine, in particular the regions of their origin, and in Ukraine - about their situation in the host countries, promotes human rights, consolidation and preserving the integrity of the Ukrainian society.
SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" organized the World I. (constituent) congress of the latest wave of migration and emigration from Ukraine (18-19 August 2006) and was the creation of the basic structure of the International NGO Ukrainians "Four Hvilya", designed to integrate and coordinate the activities of many Ukrainian companies and public organizations of modern migration and emigration wave.
SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" systematically holds round tables, seminars and conferences on the Ukrainian education and culture abroad, management and reduction of the latest migration and emigration flows from Ukraine.
In 2008, SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" together with MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" a large-scale international cultural community project - Relay cultures of European nations "Serce Єvropi." The "Serce Єvropi" is aimed at consolidating the Ukrainian creative forces abroad, mainly in European countries for a common goal - the spiritual, cultural, social and economic development of Ukraine. However, the call for cooperation on an equal footing with public and state organizations of Ukrainians stay with societies of national minorities in Ukraine. This initiative promotes public policy of the Ukrainian state on the active involvement of Ukrainian foreign societies in the process of formation of the nation state and the consolidation of Ukrainian society. In 2008, in a broad cultural and social project, an International Plein Air Ukrainian artists and photographers from abroad "Serce Єvropi", dedicated to the International Children's Day. Plein Air was held from 1 to 10 June, p. Tower and the surrounding villages Velikobereznyanskogo district, Transcarpathian region, where the borders of Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland.
On the basis of cultural events SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" and MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" initiated the establishment of the Ukrainian capital, the Gallery of Modern Ukrainian Art in the world (Gallery SUIVM). Need for such a gallery just in time - it must be collected scattered around the world the works of Ukrainian artists, mostly young and promising talent who ends up in private collections abroad and forever lost to Ukraine.
SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" also deals with the return of the Ukrainian cultural environment names of prominent people of Ukraine. These initiatives aim to raise the prestige of the Ukrainian culture and science, and the restoration of spiritual and intellectual potential of the Ukrainian society.
SBI "Ukrainian Vzaєmodopomoga" and MOOU a "fourth Hvilya" initiated the introduction of coherent strategy of Ukraine's development strategy of Ukraine's cooperation with Ukrainians abroad, on social and economic state of the "return to the homeland of Ukrainian labor migrants," that will renew and develop genetic, spiritual intellectual, physical, reproductive, creative, scientific and economic potential of the Ukrainian society and will encourage the Ukrainian state to protect its citizens around the world and to the elimination of the country's socio-economic reasons for the mass migration of Ukrainians.
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