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Home :: Current possibilities :: Sphere of educational technologies

Sphere of educational technologies

A person can receive an education forced, necessary and desired by vocation.

Stimulated the formation of a person develops through education in the family and passing the general educational period. Man masters the necessary education in choosing a profession. He has to be defined in their individual self-fulfillment.

Desired education a person can develop a demonstration to interact with it society.

Education, mastered by a man in his vocation, is one area of ??his life - the thoughts, actions and the circumstances connected with the themes of his education. People have different attitudes towards their education, so experience various difficulties in its further realization.

If a person is infinitely learn, can learn to live indefinitely.

What has got to learn - it makes no sense.

All learning is self-discipline person. In all, there are always its foundations, especially in education. Of the grounds of his studies and now one has the results of education and, if necessary, it makes sense to grow further, without stopping in their education.

In this section are the materials of existing technologies for education. More ...

Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich

Map of the department:

Department № 5.Tekuschie opportunities.
Section number 1. Projects available for review and participation.
Section number 2. Production technology.
Section number 3. Scope of technology services.
Section number 4. Scope of learning technologies.
Section number 5. Scope Technologies signs.
Section number 6. Scope Technologies S.M.I.
Section number 7. Statistical sources.
Section number 8. The public sphere.
Section number 9. The scope of the national and cultural activities.
Section number 10. The scope of social projects. 


