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Home :: Current possibilities :: Sphere of service technologies

Sphere of service technologies

With the development of peoples and countries is the development of service industries, their nature and quality. Services are divided into social and commercial. Social services are represented civil society structure of the country, and the services of a commercial nature are the individual choice of the citizen. Today, services are monitored and controlled by the law on the rights of service users. Society aware of the quality implementation of the law in Ukraine. Every day people are faced with this, and it does not affect them enough power.

In this section are materials about the different services with high quality and responsibility. More ...

Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich

Map of the department:

Department № 5.Tekuschie opportunities.
Section number 1. Projects available for review and participation.
Section number 2. Production technology.
Section number 3. Scope of technology services.
Section number 4. Scope of learning technologies.
Section number 5. Scope Technologies signs.
Section number 6. Scope Technologies S.M.I.
Section number 7. Statistical sources.
Section number 8. The public sphere.
Section number 9. The scope of the national and cultural activities.
Section number 10. The scope of social projects. 


