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Psychology of the Astrological sign is Virgo and levels of his world view

Zodiac Virgo - August 23 to September 22.

Sign forms in man and his behavior a methodical. Zodiac Virgo develops in human behavior the second level of tactical action.

Characterize psychological characteristics a person born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo, with two sections: "The elementary science Psihonomii table", which at this relatively detailed level, are disclosed in the "Crown of education."

§ 45 Methods of behavior.

There are twelve main methods of behavior. Each method has an important role and importance in people's behavior.

Zodiac Virgo

"Prytkost, nerves."

For high prytkosti given individual often "gets" itself, exacerbating the nervous system self-criticism of its merits, as also trying to collect from you various actions. To this it may send pride. With it, he pays attention to all the tasks that he has to perform. With the help of self-criticism, he does not oppress themselves, and directs the implementation of missed action. Then automatically the dignity of the individual strain the dignity of others, jointly participating with him in activities.

§ 47 Where people begin to show themselves.

Every person with a certain mood and attitude of trying to teach myself to society and at the same time benefit from its policy of behavior. Each policy has a beginning.

Zodiac Virgo

With a demonstration of righteousness.

This individual is dependent on how it affects the mood of the public and in what role he is. He demonstrates his image in the style: "I'm the coolest," while not taking any criticism, even if it is based on well-meaning comes from those closest to you. Perceives relations in the style of "spring" when feasible opportunities will change. "Spring" can be contained only by logic, and logic has very little. This man with the righteousness of friends as a mask, which is achieved through trust relationships with other people. Uses these people as a ladder that rises close to upravlenchestvu or superiors.

You can get data on how the behavior of a person born during the impact zodiac sign Virgo, in the remaining 55 sections of the "Crown of education."

Psychology of the Virgin, born in horses from 11:00 to 13:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in Goat bar from 13:00 to 15:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in the Bull from 1:00 to 3:00

Psychology of Capricorn, born in dogs from 19:00 to 21:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born at Cat and Rabbit from 5:00 to 7:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in Snake from 9:00 to 11:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in Rat-Mouse from 23:00 to 1:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in the Pig-Pig from 21:00 to 23:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in Tiger from 3:00 to 5:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born in Hen-cock from 17:00 to 19:00

Psychology of the Virgin, born at Monkey from 15:00 to 17:00

Psychology Virgin Dragon rozhdennoyvo time from 7:00 to 9:00 


