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Главная :: Блог :: News :: Your Spiritual Treasures

Your Spiritual Treasures

Views: 16028
Category: News

Part 1. The value of life.

Part 2. The wealth of worlds.

Part 3. The wealth of man.

In human life there is a wide range of spiritual wealth. Most people do not notice the spiritual wealth and non-judgmental. Because of these events and relationships formed the question, "What is the spiritual richness of human life and society? '. From the standpoint of science Psihonomii is sensual person's knowledge and ability to use them for other purposes.

People from birth does not know themselves and their capabilities, and many people still did not know about their special abilities.
Spiritual wealth and value for man is about his personal character, as an understanding of the individual and his unit of a living organism in which the spiritual energy center of the universe.

Spiritual wealth is spiritual food for the spiritual body. Without the spiritual wealth a person can not exist as a person, but as a living organism with animal instincts. Spiritual wealth is formed in the human mind and consciousness of its properties. Some people find it difficult to understand the first time that the spiritual riches lead one to the absolute sobriety of his consciousness. After a strong quality consciousness is spiritual awakening of man.
As a spiritual person to wake up? Spiritual man wakes from the moment when it begins to notice the excess material laws. These laws affect the substantive law as forming Himself matter! Any man with a flashing vision beyond the material law begins to apply them in their lives. Zakonoustroystvo, properties, and the ability of human thoughts and feelings are in excess of material laws. People, to understand yourself, be able to effectively fulfill themselves in clear plans of his life. It does not demonstrate the effectiveness of the people around her, that they are not surprised, because someone else or the surprise is a reluctance to believe in the reality!

At the current time a person has to take advantage of valuable knowledge, developing effective lichnosticheloveka integrity. Spiritual knowledge of the Force and Zakonovnahodyatsya in the human psyche! Also the site is a source of knowledge about the structure and the laws of human exposure to the environment. If you are not familiar with the law over the material properties, it is at your desire and initiative can benefit massoybesplatnyh knowledge contained on this site. Many of them can be a grand opening for you and your effective understanding of life.

Those who wish to quickly develop can increase the speed of his thinking, understanding, awareness, and subsequently applied to the productive behavior and in dealing with people. For this purpose, a program of "Crown of education." In it one learns thoroughness of human thinking, technology povedeniyai effects recognized for interacting with people. The development is due to both branched Attention to accurate knowledge about yourself or another person being tested. In this case, given the per-minute cost of time and money from the account. With the help of the "Crown of education" people to invest in their identity, raising the productivity of versatile.
Lyricist: Samolyuk Basil.

Part 4. Wealth in a man. 


30.03.2013 14:16

Очень интересно.
31.01.2013 20:21

класс,спасибо очень помогли
10.09.2015 13:37

10.09.2015 13:38

15.02.2016 16:23

Вроде норм , только про ,,силы" немного наркоманы.

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