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Video interview of the finalist of the project "Top 100. Pride of Ukraine. Men" by Vasily Samolyuk

Views: 13336
Category: News

The finalist of the project "Top 100. Pride of Ukraine. Men" is the author of the monumental works "Scientific approach of psychonomy", "Fundamentals of natural psychology", "Anatomy of human psychology" Vasily Samolyuk. Watch video ....

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Books on psychonomy - coffee 06/19/2018 at 16.00 pm Ukraine, Odessa,

Views: 7615
Category: News

In the city of Odessa on June 19, 2018 at 16.00 in the "House of Scientists" of the Odessa public will be presented the book "The Scientific Approach to Psychonomy Fundamentals of Natural Psychology" and "Anatomy of Human Psychology". Interested in learning more about the capabilities and abilities of a person, as well as those wishing to purchase a book with effective tools of natural psychology technologies, welcome to our event! Video announcement of TC Odessa "Morning on Channel 7". Watch the video.

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Presentation of the books 6.06.2018 "The scientific approach of psychonomy Fundamentals of natural psychology" and "Anatomy of human psychology"

Views: 7819
Category: News

On June 6, two books were presented: "The Scientific Approach to Psychonomy of the Basics of Natural Psychology" and "The Anatomy of Human Psychology" in the Odessa Regional Organization of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine and the TC of Odessa GLAS.

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December 18 - International Migrants Day

Views: 7836
Category: News

The aggravation of the migration crisis in Europe, the change in the migration policy of the European states. Ukrainian labor migrants, who and how to protect their rights? The channel Kiev 

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Russia's aggression forces immediately write and adopt a new Constitution of Ukraine - expert

Views: 7852
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Spiritually-intellectual center

Views: 6792
Category: News

Spiritual and intellectual property rights and the ability to characterize the development of the human personality. As commonly understood by society, spirituality is related to God and the supernatural manifestations of force in people's lives, and intelligence - with exact pragmatic and humanities. We are now able to know or hear about the existence of certain spiritual centers and individual intellectual centers. To merge two different areas related to the development of man and society, the knowledge that must be practical in everyday life and manageable for learning. Science Psihonomiya, Ukrainian version has the necessary materials to create such a center. While the world is not such a union to be able to characterize it "Spiritual and intellectual center"! Therefore, in the interest of the Ukrainian public and authorities have the opportunity to become the first country, which could become the founder of such a grand unification. "The spiritual and intellectual center" can be created on the correct area and have special structures and facilities that their shapes and other properties would be accompanied by increased diversifying man. Ukraine its diversity of cultures for centuries intertwined with other nations and has matured to the point and the right to form the basis of integrity of cultures and religions. Psihonomiya science was presented at an international business forum in Ukraine in 2007 in Kiev, in the "Ukrainian House". At the presentation was shown map of human abilities and capabilities - "Elementary Science Psihonomii table." During a brief presentation, it was noted that these techniques are highly effective in the business, with their increased income of enterprises from 35% and above. It was also noted that the technology-based science Psihonomii be established in Ukraine, "the spiritual and intellectual center" of international scale. Announced plans to present delegates and guests responded with thunderous applause. In Ukraine, the geographical center of Europe, which is not particularly think Ukrainians, possibly due to the fact that from this center does not have a direct benefit or harm. From "Spiritual intellectual center 'benefits can be many Ukrainians and visitors to our country, as the center will be used towards education, towards the rehabilitation of citizens and towards the rest from the daily hustle and bustle. The idea of ??creating a "spiritual and intellectual center" is an unfilled niche in the international space and Ukraine could become the first state for which can be followed in this regard other countries. Until this point in center exists on the internet, it was created by citizens of Ukraine and continues to develop to its geographical expression. You also have the opportunity to participate in matters of organization, or financial support. More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 

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Informative products of Ukrainians

Views: 5922
Category: News

Everyone tends to engage in a feasible task, creating benefits of different types and manifestations. Psihonomiya project until only the Internet is a "spiritual and intellectual center," which is designed to develop the human person, regardless of nationality or country of residence. Strategic projects Psihonomiya called: "Information Products Ukrainian peoples of the world!". On the part of project information that is published on this site and other sites, you can appreciate the scope and objectives of the project Psihonomiya. In many materials Psihonomii You can see the position of unrivaled accuracy truths of our life, the human abilities. Many Ukrainians and citizens of Ukraine to establish and produce fruits that are honored by the world community. You have the possibility to be involved to support the project to society of the world learned of the knowledge and data as needed to use them. Financial help is needed for an advertising project work, for translation into foreign languages, as well as to pay participating professionals (programmers). Ukrainians and citizens of other countries, you can make donations to the account Ukrainian Privat 6762462039866998 or purses WebMoney R313933682739, E354287014474, U203070771160, Z250379466193. Your help in any amount is a value, which is necessary for the project. Therefore, you have the possibility to take part in helping develop "Information Products Ukrainians peoples of the world!" Different ways right now, today or tomorrow. We, the organizers of the project, thank you in advance for your understanding of the location of the heart and feelings to their active part in the great project of Ukrainian citizens. 

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Israel is the name of status of development of man-society

Views: 6925
Category: News

Holy Scriptures are interpreted by people at their God and enlightenment toward goals that can put people in front of him. In the Bible, the truth of the Creator laid intended hungry people and a lot of true open community of believers in their intended time. The Bible directs man to the desire to develop and improve. Based on this understanding, consider the line carried out in the Holy Scriptures of the canon of the Bible. James, the youngest son of Isaac, worked with the Creator, as his father. Creator showed Jacob ladder leading to heaven, on which the angels ascend and descend. Genesis chapter 12, verse 28: "And he dreamed, and behold ladder on the earth, and its top to heaven: and behold the angels God ascending and descending on It " It was a vision of Jacob in a dream, then the Lord has blessed him, developing the blessing of his father. After James got married and he begat twelve sons, who represented the twelve steps of a ladder to heaven, the twelve fruits of the tree of life, the twelve gates of the heavenly Jerusalem, the twelve styles, ways and sources of life. Jacob was twenty-one years old, was returning home to his brother, in the way God blessed him something. Jacob received from God a new name-status - Israel. Genesis chapter 28 verse 32: "And he said, Thy name shall will be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for you have struggled with God and man hast prevailed " Of this event for four hundred and fifty years the twelve sons of Israel multiplied to six hundred thousand men, besides women, and all the congregation of Israel had about two million people. Exploring the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, we will explore various supernatural manifestations of God in a relationship with a man and a native of Israel. For many centuries the race of Israel to multiply their number of branches occupying the promised land. This continued until the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born in one of the twelve branches of the Israel. Branch of the family of Israel called the tribes of Israel. Each tribe has certain rights, obligations and responsibilities in the integrity of Israel. Knee, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, called Judah, of the tribe were the anointed of God to reign in the house of Israel. Tribe of Levi by their right from the time of Moses held the office of the priests. Jesus Christ on the basis of combined legal rights, obligations and responsibilities of each tribe of Israel in the two tribes with an opportunity for representatives of each tribe. Based on this point, he turned to his followers: "You are a royal priesthood!" Birth, life and teachings of Jesus Christ the laws of the twelve tribes of Israel for a man born of Jacob, and to the person trusting the true status of Israel. Jesus Christ referred to the purpose of his mission: "I came to the lost sheep of Israel." Israel was and is a legal society in which the primary right in the genus of Jacob, after - in people taking the culture and laws of the house of Jacob. In the New Testament says that Jesus turned to the Gentiles, and he worked with them on the strength of their faith. Belief in Israel's status assigned by God to Jacob and his seed, opens the opportunity for other people to be Christians. Jesus Christ has united the twelve positions zhiznedeystvy society in one position, realizing their personal practice. Twelve disciples of Jesus, it seems, were of different zodiac signs. Each student in his own perceived relationship with Jesus Christ, they have a different understanding of Folding in the same events associated with Jesus Christ. Evidence of disciples and followers of Jesus Christ formed the New Testament (Gospel). Gospel - is the history book of the Creator only Son coming to Earth to save humanity from destruction. Originally gospel books were about thirty of them Roman censors were missed four that have survived, the others identified in the status of "apocryphal", which means inaccurate, unfounded, false or fraudulent. In the New Testament, twenty-seven books, fifteen of them (mostly) written by Paul! Paul (Saul) from the first Christians had the highest education in theology and politics. He is, by the standards of that time, he held a high position in the Sanhedrin, was the head of a special unit of the theological. He was zealous position, and Paul (Saul) does not stand on ceremony with dissident members of Israel. It is no secret that at the hands of Paul's involvement and killed many of the early Christians, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands. Paul (Saul) was a Christian and the enemy chastiser Christian ideology. During the service the Sanhedrin he collected documents census Christians together. In those letters, attended the Spirit of Christ, but after the correction letter acquired directional sense and new destinations. Correction Paul strategically different from instructions of Jesus Christ! For example, Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I arrive with them forever." Paul recommends the opposite: "I speak as a man, it's better to be alone." Solomon said that two are better than one: Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 "Two are better than one; Because they have a good reward for their labor. " Exploring the Holy Scriptures, many believers come to enlightenment and understanding that every person has the right to choose to be with God or be with other forces. In the New Testament there is not a single case involving violent man to serve God, not including the case of Paul. It turns out that the power of God sent Paul to serve Him, but such relationships the Old Testament! Judiciously comparing the laws of the Old Testament with the Laws of the New Testament, Paul noticed absorptive nature of the Christian world. John, the apostle of Jesus Christ, predicted the introduction of the wolf in the flock of the Lord and the fact that the wolf will not spare the flock. The believer is always striving to do everything as best as possible! Christians should be firmly based on the will of the Creator and His Messenger. In one of the high priests of provocations addressed to Christ had sent the issue of tithing: who should give money - in the temple of God and Caesar. Gospel of Luke chapter 25 verse 20: "He said to them: Render therefore to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God To God. " The tithe in Israel was a tax of compulsory participation in social life. At that time, Israel was conquered by Rome, with whom there was an agreement that will give tithes Romans. At the time, the tithe was a 23%. Mission said that the money in the form of a tax should be given to the authorities, but to God - through faith sincere attention. Sincere faith is manifested in the affairs of man, when he performs the recommendations of God. Modern Hristinin makes tithes to his church, as a Jew belonging to the community of Israel. Donations of God can not be standardized percent, property, or money, but only for the joy of the heart and personal desires are trusting God. People can make donations in various forms, in the form of good works acceptable to God. Israel - is the status of the development of human society chosen by the Creator-kind, in which Jesus Christ was born. Jesus Christ has opened the way for mankind to improve relations with the Creator. He encouraged students to be like children that are constantly evolving, being improved. His last words to his followers as follows: Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 verse 19: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. " Thus was fulfilled the prophecy of Jacob-Israel Genesis chapter 49 verse 10: "Scepter shall not depart from Judah, and legislator from his loins, until Shiloh come, and the obedience of the peoples. " The Pharisees and Sadducees tempting Jesus asked Him to show them a sign from heaven, personally. He told them that they know the signs of weather, and in the signs of the times not. Matthew chapter 16 verse 4: "An evil and adulterous generation looking for signs, and a sign will not get to it except the sign The prophet Jonah. " The same goes for Paul sign as a sign of the prophet Jonah. In both cases, God instructed them in their power, that they performed their role in the plans of the Lord. When Christ said that defined the "signs of the times" that such signs do not understand and do not distinguish between the Pharisees, Sadducees, and those ministers who gets the signs in the form of events of the prophet Jonas. On the "signs of the times," said that they were the basis of the creation of the universe and in Christ based on them: Genesis chapter 1 verse 14: "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to Divide the day from the night, and Signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years "; Christian is desirable to understand that Jesus Christ - the central figure of Christianity! He is the foundation of the Truth and Power of the Creator, and his followers, the disciples, the apostles are some points of view, understanding, evidence of the coming of Christ. The mission entrusted to the Apostle Peter rule the Church of Christ: "Feed my sheep." Jesus Christ spoke of some of his followers to be in his name, and to teach people about the fact that many would be contrary to their understandings and actions. Messiah directed attention to the signs of the times of interacting that the continuity of current facts. In society, the signs of the times, there are sources such as Zodiac and other systems that characterize the properties of the effect of time on the man and his world. In some New Testament churches and synagogues in many ancient symbol of the circle can be seen the Zodiac! The terms of the Zodiac is an integral part of the laws of creation and the laws current relationship between people and their God. Delving into the Old and New Testaments, Folding realization that the theme of the zodiacal circle and its sign was present among the Apostles. For example, in the New Testament lists the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, and called Thomas "Thomas, nicknamed the Twin." Perhaps Thomas was the constellation Gemini, its behavior is similar to the character of the people of this sign of the zodiac. Since the people of the constellation Gemini pragmatic and without checking, will not believe a word! Signs of the zodiac in a person can evaluate its personal God. The interaction between the different signs of the zodiac are forming complete integrity of the human family. Everyone is able to include in itself other signs of the zodiac, with the help of a harmonious relationship with people of other zodiac signs. The words of Christ: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I arrive with them forever." The coming of Jesus Christ was definitely a race of Israel and to those who trust the chosen type of Israel and accept it by faith. He said to his disciples, that they did not go the way of the Gentiles, and in their city. He said that the perfection of "saving" is reached and other genera, and the people of "stages." Therefore recommended not to rush to judge incomprehensible, and always try to understand the truth of the events. In dealing with people with sincere attention is to love the Creator, an example - the parable of the Samaritan! Gospel of Luke chapter 10 verses 30-37. Man, being born, automatically falls under the influence of certain zodiac signs. Zodiac Signs in man form the first animal instincts, his age, he reacted in a society with people of other zodiac signs, and developing these relationships will improve as an individual personality. Every person primarily developed their zodiac signs, which are grafted his birth and relatively developed graft properties of other signs of the Zodiac, through its Community Relations. Consistency and sign laws are inseparable with the cultures and religions including Christianity. Jesus Christ has united himself in the twelve signs of the Zodiac, he said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." Christ's parable of the talents of gold directs a person to the need to increase that God gave to man! Man is given life and personal life through awareness of its signs of the Zodiac, which is important to increase the development of the properties and capabilities of the other zodiac signs. In "Elementary Science Psihonomii table" can consider the differences of properties zodiac signs and assess how many may develop the people. The table reveals the natural unit of the soul of man and his capacity for relationships in society. The table is explained in detail on most of the paragraphs in the "Crown of education." In order to rapidly penetrate understanding the talents inherent in the nature of a man of his birth, is to use the "Scanner individual." Jesus Christ told his disciples: "There is no greater love, how to put down his life for his friends!". The soul of man consists of information experience of his life, from the physical body and the resources that belong to it in the environment. I also share with you what the Lord gave me the gift of God and the fact that I got hard and ceaseless vigil. Jesus encouraged his disciples to stay awake: Gospel of Matthew chapter 42 verse 24: "Watch therefore: you do not know on what day Your Lord will come. " Jesus Christ said that people will be able through him to have a relationship with God and only through Christ and no other middlemen! It does not matter where the person will be, at any moment, he can turn to God and God will hear. The strength of our human and Heaven manifested in our words, conversations, agreements and contracts, implemented the current practice (Matthew chapter 20 verses 1-16). Be like children, constantly evolving and improving genuinely infinite trust the achievements of his life, without having to stop myself any indicators. Know that all demonstrations achievements, boasting, pride - are actions that stop your desire, development, improvement and life. The human soul is the vehicle that we are in the process of life dressed with imperishable riches. Imperishable riches we acquire will improve effectively. A person who trusts Christ, becomes a member of the Catholic Church, it has an invisible connection with other believers through the Holy Spirit. The works of man are always associated with his faith, as a man is only concerned what he believes. His faith does not make sense to someone to prove, it must implement good works pleasing to God the Holy. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 

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Work and selection of employees

Views: 6559
Category: News

The team starts with the society in which we find ourselves. In a society, each individual makes requests, creating demand, or engaged in the production, covering the demand of individuals of society. In any of these areas is much more effective teamwork independent. Groups of society is almost always associated the idea, and after a team made targeted actions and relationships. The work begins with an idea to make money and have a stable income opportunity. This basic idea of ??the paper, which combines the collective. There are also several minor ideas that unite in collective organization. In every job is important to develop the main idea of ??the relations in the team. The main idea of ??the work is always put into the contract, which is formed prior to the consistency of a working relationship. The Treaty creates the conditions and opportunities in the workflow. The Treaty creates a structure of processes that occur in the obligations of employees, their rights and responsibilities. The contract shows the reasons, objectives and goals in a specific organization. In any contract work is the basis and beginning needed for working relationships and processes. An oral or written contract is a plan that reflects the scope and criteria of relations between the individuals is based on the thematic reasons workflows. In any work community there are a number of ideas motivating employees to work in their contracts. The idea of ??employees earning the first place, then - the idea of ??the organization as a whole, and the idea of ??individual workflows. The most valuable ideas in the paper is the professionalism, quality and a high rate of implementation of the tasks. Employers and rabotoorganizatory often faced with the necessity of high paying professional. Professionals in the organization can quickly perform a task with high quality. Professional before this time to invest in your level, improving education and honing his practice. It supports its quality processes of the skill. Professional, do not support your level of skill, gradually loses its ability to qualification. The idea of ??professionalism in working relationships and processes of the most important and fruitful. Much in the working relationship depends on the nature of the warehouse staff and organizers of the enterprise. We often deal with job candidates who have a number of official entities, which can be divided into a group of people, but in practice people - theorist and no more. Is the opposite - people do not have formal education is required for a particular job, but in practice it is possible to estimate the real professional. Almost always a challenge from the organizers, which complement the collective organizations. Most people, forming the collective, considering the candidates education and working experience. In its own right and just in the process, identifying those who are suited to the existing vacancies and those that do not fit. Thus, the number of selected desired quality professionalism. There are more sophisticated approaches configuration of teams. For example, we in the modern world are often faced with the testing of individuals on many topics and reasons. Testing reveals the criteria of positive and negative symptoms in humans or summarize points ratings and other indicators in the warehouse character. Today there are many systems that can be tested by people while taking them to work. The more complex the job, the more likely the organization of test systems. Also frequently used test systems for large organizations. Testing and diagnosis of candidates for jobs is a strategic approach of the organizers of labor. For the diagnosis of future or current employees of the program established precision "Scanner individual." This program reveals the identity of persons in three-dimensional spectrum. Human resources specialists using "Scanner individual" feel the test systems thinking person will know exactly orderliness of his conduct and principles of society in the diagnosed. The "Scanner individual" developed on the basis of science Psihonomii. To preview the practicality of the program recommend that the "elementary science Psihonomii table." The table is a common card in man and society. After consideration of the table you can see an example of diagnostic software user "Scanner individual." This example is in the section of the site "plan options." Familiarized with the result that the program produces, as an example of an answer, you can proceed to the development of the operating instructions of "Scanner individual" to make your requests of interest to you people. Based on science Psihonomii specialists are trained to work with the staff. Education course called "Principles of natural psychology." Professionals, who have mastered the course "Fundamentals of Natural psychology" become professionals to work with the staff. Psihonomiyu science can be described as megapsihologiyu. Discipline Psihonomii allow a person to feel the understanding of the exact knowledge of the nature of people, society and the laws of combining his ideas. Internship is required by 95% in each paper and in every organization. Internships can be short or long, depending on the complexity of the workplace and the demands on the abilities of a specialist. Internship is a practical demonstration of the principles and modes of action of the working frame of the organization. Therefore, we call training specific course entry employee in a stable working relationship organization. After training a person can become a member of the organization in areas of preliminary agreements. Can also be redirected to areas of specialization or its nominee will be rejected, and the relationship dissolved. In forming the team we complete the job search organization needs more often than usual and face the fact that people are able to work in words, but in practice there are far removed from the reality of the working process. The "crown of education" is designed to diagnose the nature of people in diverse orientation. This program improves the psychological development of the user, directing his attention to the mechanisms of thinking and the natural psychological laws device and its principles of human relations in society. "Crown of education 'diagnoses of personality of people in the three content. Specialist of the HR program "Crown of education" becomes effective help - automatic psychologist diagnosing employees! Professionals continues to consult the candidate and diagnostic programs "Crown of education" to compare and contrast data from the profession of the workplace. More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 

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Voice of country-2 is ether080412

Views: 6742
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Tragedy of Oksana Makar

Views: 6657
Category: News

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Barack Obama- character diagnostics

Views: 11605
Category: News

Barack Obama has served as the head of one of the greatest countries in the world. To many Americans, he is out of reach for a relationship, not to mention the citizens of other countries. His position responsibilities and complex. For all his position Barack Obama is a man who has a stock character has its own superiority and vulnerability, as any man of our planet. With the help of "Scanner individual" psychological diagnosis made on the parameters of time, the month and year of birth of Barack Obama. This result reveals the mechanisms of its readers thinking, behavior and the mechanisms to do with him interacting people. Also reveals behaviors by relying on the opinion and by relying on the opinion of people interacting. The program displays the System Device identity and mechanisms of instincts, by the nature of birth. To your attention given "total" result diagnostic Obama program "Scanner individual." The result of the query is composed of five parts, in which the structure of the individual to sort through from the standpoint of science Psihonomii. White text highlighted general descriptions and entry into of answers, some highlighted in yellow text at the prompt. The first part of the answer to this query: General introduction and description of the devices of human outlook. Exodus worldview thinking. Alignment is determined by his inner world, thought content and direction information that is especially important to him. Outlook of people have certain mechanisms on which is built the sequence of values ??of human relations in the environment around him. Every person has a relatively similar outlook towards other people, but there are differences devices worldviews. We are a very young age we see that for every person in the same circumstances are important different sides of the same features. From the birth of a person eats different foods, growing their physiology while a person eats and different information, which forms its outlook. Human world is a certain part of its structure, which has its basis of superiority and vulnerabilities. We often notice people in their environment, which we can easily communicate, and those with whom we communicate or hard news, some kind of relationship. It turns out that soaked or human exploration of information has its own specific gravity, and it dominates the views of man to his environment and the opportunities for relationships in society. Outlook of people have a natural hierarchy, as blood or matter in the periodic table. Outlook of people divided into twelve natural levels of intellectual growth. The height of the intellectual growth of a person's world depends on the speed of perception and practice of information processing speed. Almost everyone is smart, wise and clever, but different people speed of perception and information processing. Man is able to develop his world, including in it all the necessary skills and capabilities of complex solutions. Initially, the man is hard to find the necessary knowledge to determine its natural level vision and knowledge with which to optimally develop their thinking. In science Psihonomiya an automated program "Scanner individual", by which a person is able to determine the exact level of the outlook and thinking mechanisms. Also in the program is determined by the method level of human behavior and the level of his field work in the community. Human world is the beginning of his conscious awareness, and it is the very identity of the person. Of his worldview is applied by a variety of information, displaying it in the environment methods of behavior. We are able to influence their thinking processes, filling themselves to be useful or useless knowledge of the environment. Thinking man gradually developed or degraded. Personal experience of the person fills his mind the knowledge that he can handle analytically or pass them into your subconscious, which are going to experience uncontrolled knowledge of human life. Man, processing soaked information is continuously developing their world, and after practices and behavior. Home personality - his attention, thinking, outlook, which is reflected in the methods of behavior. Any impact on the outlook of the person made in the current time! With human attention people filled the information form their ideas, which are the individual experience of knowledge. Assimilate knowledge form his imagination, which consists of thoughts and is a map of the individual outlook. The information in the human world is individual and unique, but the mechanics of working with information and devices of thinking people have regularities mechanisms. Our worldview can be called a map of our life, of which we are composed in the form of personality. With the world we plan to their aspirations and attitudes in society. On the maps of our world views shaped set of integrated solutions to the various problems are divided into three groups: the "black", "white" and "double" values ??of the pre-emptive effect. Both man and the environment have their own devices, which are in the power of space and time. Complete Plants grafted person's world time of his birth. Day divided into twelve time periods of two hours. Each two-hour period of the day in the time of birth forms outlook mechanisms and systems installations for the thinking man. The first group is based on a continuous memory of the experience of individuals and is called "black". "Black Party". People in this group are filled with thoughts of negative values ??of complex solutions. This setting in the outlook of man indicates that the currently negative methods best not to act. People who are born from 1.00 to 3.00 hours, from 3.00 to 5.00 hours, from 7.00 to 9.00 hours from 9.00 to 11.00 hours, refer to the "black" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. "Black Party" has knowledge of various adverse systemic methods, avoiding them using everything available and not prohibited to them, building a tactic best action at the current time. The second group is based on the analytical predictions of future events, and is called "white." "White Party." People in this group are filled with thoughts of positive values ??with complex decisions. This setting is in a person's world signals that are allowed to act as the current time. People who are born from 5.00 to 7.00 hours, from 13:00 to 15:00 hours, from 15.00 to 17.00 hours, refer to the "white" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. "White Party" has knowledge of different positive systemic techniques. Applies only them, because of this disturbing continuity of operations in the current time. Any manifestation of impulsive. They due to acceleration and stops sprayed uncontrolled mass media and attitudes in the form of emotions. The third group is based on the selection of the best features from current conditions is called a "two-way". "Two-way group." People are filled with thoughts of the group with comprehensive solutions with the boundaries between "black" and "white" groups and their settings. This setting in the outlook of human signals about how best to proceed at the current time, taking advantage of the "white" or "black" plants in a person's world. People who are born from 11.00 to 13.00 hours from 17.00 to 19.00 hours from 19.00 to 21.00 hours, refer to the "two-way" group. Installing outlook investigation appear in the current time forms of human behavior. Bilateral group has knowledge of ways of sharing information on the boundaries of different standards and values. At the current time in human behavior can manifest erratic mood. Since he is able to use different sides of the border, which lies between the positive and negative end solutions. These plants are in the thinking man sharpen his attention to choose a better, more effective approach to solving the current problems of man and the possibility of selecting the optimal ones. Therefore people with this worldview instantly switches from one to another and understanding uses what is currently more useful, more profitable and is timely. New ideas emerge, existing disappear through the current human development or degradation. People constantly interact with diverse information in the circumstances and in their feelings and sentiments of the body. Current changes in the lives of human complement his knowledge and at the same time deny them some of the developed earlier. In the human world there is continuous change, regardless of the other activity. Our world is out of the ocean of thoughts, which is continuously soaked circulation of information. Our world is upon us in the image of the sky, it reflects information Map of fixed values. Human world has a geometric form of an inverted quadrangular pyramid. Lower its angle is in the head, in the pituitary gland. From pituitary pyramid outlook diverges up as the content of human knowledge and the natural order of them. Thoughts in the human world are material, they form a memory neurons, which are storage devices. When active, the thoughts of a man run in it the process of imagination. Attention of the person as the inner light outlook. With the attention of the person covers his thoughts, projecting in this event information from memory. Human world is full of different experiences of impressions and desires to achieve something. From birth through communication and education filled with numerous information, assimilated society that shapes his outlook. Everything in life depends on its outlook. Initially, he learns his understanding of the information in the form of thoughts of the imagination, and then is able to repeat words or actions in the circumstances. Every person working on his world all its manifestations. Evaluates man properties of his world or not, but he does all this relate to his worldview understanding and awareness of learning information in thinking. Human world is manifested in all its forms of influence. Almost everything that makes the person who originally thought he imagines in his understanding, after seeking to apply in practice circumstances. The device properties of human vision expressed in the media, arbitrarily sortable his thoughts, inner feelings, stability in its policy decisions. Outlook is reflected in the environment of dialogue in the form of words and various forms of behavior and relationships. Human world is formed under the laws of the mechanism of time and has design, which may affect to the person or to the community around him. Most people can not distinguish the difference of his thinking on the methods of behavior, but many clearly distinguish the difference of the desires that come from their world of options in relation to the circumstances. Alignment is a person's attention, which is adjusted thoughts. Thoughts are composed of neurons, the neurons are located in the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum are activated, which forms the thought processes and state of mind, the subconscious, and the permeation of touch. The result is that the entire human body works on the function of the brain that controls our body. Information of the human brain generates an individual personality and all its external response actions and aspirations. The human body consists of organs that work for philosophy, thought and attention to the individual. Useful to understand the person in the unit of the outlook, as of this understanding depends on almost everything in his life. For a person to understand the mechanisms of the outlook are automatically created a program in which the user is able to determine the level of his world and the natural tendency of thinking that guide and govern our attention. Therefore we recommend you to send a note to the program "Scanner individual." In it, you can gather some information on a more detailed level to build their world or people that interest you. A definite answer about the level of ideology of Barack Obama and its properties. The fourth level of worldview. 1. Hearing curiosity manifested due to the search of useful information. 2. Consistent imagination helps to delve in detail by setting out all the tone understated personal comparison and filling, instantly see all sides of the situation. 3. Sexual imagination lets you instantly notice and see the same with the opposite sex, in the subsequent conduct various interactions. 4. The power of imagination manifested contrast, detailed, colorful thinking. In it, he may not have time to linger and to react quickly. Therefore, at the current time to ask questions, not listening to the answers, this umarivaya interlocutor. 5. This world of man is changeable mood. The topics that have a vision sequence showing irony, and in which there is no vision, show curiosity. 6. Personal understanding of the operation showing someone to implement the required tasks. 7. He contrasted the current visible alternatives for realization of tasks. 8. Reinforce their understanding of the point clear, necessary, useful, and other values. Particularly well versed in the material values. Laws of thought bearable in order. 9. Analytical philosophy developed by psychological approach to many problems. A man distributes information to a group of internal reasons and the subsequent external manifestation in a visual environment. 10. For their understanding and awareness of other values ??confirm any facts visual medium. 11. Facts current manifestations are a reality filter, on which the decision to agree or disagree with someone for something. 12. Plans for personal growth and self-realization form a general view of the diagonal. Detailed examination of the diagonal of the planning of the fourth level, we will see her step-building: levels of the plane, step vertically. The action on the plane produces headroom, and the action vertically consume resources. Alternating their actions, form a diagonal. 13. Gradually penetrates and goes into the relationship with interacting, trying to share information on their understanding of the value of an open and hidden from the vision of a group interaction. 14. Irresponsibility in the relationship as hidden and isolated from the vision of others. A visual display of the fourth level one and it significant, and hidden behavior of others, it is a complete contradiction of the known. 15. Rules and interactions with other similar intellects mostly fills the memory world of the fourth level. 16. Mainly the information detailed complex sequences of combining incompatible values ??or human characters. 17. This outlook is based on the benefit and the benefit of the progressive development of what already exists in the current reality. Because of this, the current time, people at this level have led the pass has only itself to someone. Passively interact perfectly. 18. Consequently fill the information of different values ??that can instantly use it in the current time in the form of flashes of intuition. 19. A clear vision of things is formed directly from memory, consistently retaining information. Ease of understanding things intoxicating world of the fourth level, which manifests itself in the current behavior is not a serious attitude to many interlocutors. 20. High-speed sorting of information in the intellect of the man allows him to quickly understand the new undeveloped information not experience pressure on current account or other body functions.

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Psychology masters new level of development!

Views: 5349
Category: News

On the territory of the southern regions of the Ukrainian state made a number of discoveries in the direction of the psychological device of man. Based on the development of knowledge, a new step in the scientific world. The author called the science of "Psihonomiya" from «psyche»-device and soul «nomos» - law. Science-Technology reveal systematic thinking individuals people. As science reveals the laws of human behavior and methodical information systems to social relationships with people. Materials science has a local-global systematic. Achieved knowledge allowed by elementary and the periodic table of science Psihonomii create automatic programs on the internet to diagnose the psychological characteristics of people - "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education." These programs are effective in working with people in diverse areas of human activity. Accurate information of the science derived from the laws of time zones of influence on the psychology of individuals people. Science stated in a joint language of physics, psychology and theology. By early autumn of 2011, prepared by the educational course with 201 hours. This course is aimed at science Psihonomii diversifying human capabilities and opportunities in the private and public activities. New approaches to teaching methods of education rapidly accelerate the process of human learning. Within a few months of the educational process the student is able to learn very practical knowledge, are not yet available audience of world community. A two-month course on innovation system replaces an average of five years of study, students who spend at higher education institutions. The course is called "Principles of natural psychology," learning is conducted in Russian. Man, mastering software training course, increases the speed of his thinking, develops diplomatic methods of behavior and increases the productivity of relationships in society. At the end of the training course a person can deal with organizational goals and be a professional manager at various levels of government and public affairs. These achievements of Ukrainians are far ahead in the direction of the development of the world of psychology! More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. Quotable, it includes a link to this page. 

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Your Spiritual Treasures

Views: 16017
Category: News

Part 1. The value of life. Part 2. The wealth of worlds. Part 3. The wealth of man. In human life there is a wide range of spiritual wealth. Most people do not notice the spiritual wealth and non-judgmental. Because of these events and relationships formed the question, "What is the spiritual richness of human life and society? '. From the standpoint of science Psihonomii is sensual person's knowledge and ability to use them for other purposes. People from birth does not know themselves and their capabilities, and many people still did not know about their special abilities. Spiritual wealth and value for man is about his personal character, as an understanding of the individual and his unit of a living organism in which the spiritual energy center of the universe. Spiritual wealth is spiritual food for the spiritual body. Without the spiritual wealth a person can not exist as a person, but as a living organism with animal instincts. Spiritual wealth is formed in the human mind and consciousness of its properties. Some people find it difficult to understand the first time that the spiritual riches lead one to the absolute sobriety of his consciousness. After a strong quality consciousness is spiritual awakening of man. As a spiritual person to wake up? Spiritual man wakes from the moment when it begins to notice the excess material laws. These laws affect the substantive law as forming Himself matter! Any man with a flashing vision beyond the material law begins to apply them in their lives. Zakonoustroystvo, properties, and the ability of human thoughts and feelings are in excess of material laws. People, to understand yourself, be able to effectively fulfill themselves in clear plans of his life. It does not demonstrate the effectiveness of the people around her, that they are not surprised, because someone else or the surprise is a reluctance to believe in the reality! At the current time a person has to take advantage of valuable knowledge, developing effective lichnosticheloveka integrity. Spiritual knowledge of the Force and Zakonovnahodyatsya in the human psyche! Also the site is a source of knowledge about the structure and the laws of human exposure to the environment. If you are not familiar with the law over the material properties, it is at your desire and initiative can benefit massoybesplatnyh knowledge contained on this site. Many of them can be a grand opening for you and your effective understanding of life. Those who wish to quickly develop can increase the speed of his thinking, understanding, awareness, and subsequently applied to the productive behavior and in dealing with people. For this purpose, a program of "Crown of education." In it one learns thoroughness of human thinking, technology povedeniyai effects recognized for interacting with people. The development is due to both branched Attention to accurate knowledge about yourself or another person being tested. In this case, given the per-minute cost of time and money from the account. With the help of the "Crown of education" people to invest in their identity, raising the productivity of versatile. Lyricist: Samolyuk Basil. Part 4. Wealth in a man. 

Comments: 5

No enemies, there are competitors

Views: 6597
Category: News

All enmity between people, nations and countries linked to some competition. Man is by nature inclined to quarrel with someone, in this case, without hesitation, that this relationship is - an ordinary competition. There are different scales and the consequences of competition between people. In a competition of survival, as the motto of the whole philosophy. Survival conditions may predispose a person to the animal instincts and needs. In the modern world, a different meaning behind the definition of survival. Much depends on the conditions in the country and the individual. Human survival is everywhere, but with a different load for its mental and physical health. So the world, every person individually survived, experiencing their competitive circumstances. Thus, a person imbued with a range of scales of the natural laws of life. Gama natural laws of life permeates canonically century, up to the present moment of life with certain steps in the future. Jesus encouraged the Jewish people to love your enemy! Truth recommends that the love of man is manifested in its current focus, which is sending a warring people can see it for competitive reasons. Harmonious and sincere attention in regards to the competitor enters unworthy people paralyzed, and worthy - appeasing. For structural understanding of themselves and of other human individuals stacked twenty Psihonomii laws of science. To determine which laws are manifested in your character, and what are other people, you have to find it in the table of elementary science Psihonomii. Author photo and text Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 

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Seven stages of human development

Views: 10109
Category: News

Practical instruction psihonomii science. Each person is in their work environment. However, many people do not consider their activities and relationships in the form of steps of their own development. For your total and thorough understanding of the system are descriptions of each of the seven levels of society and individuals. The first stage, the area of ??personal development. Theme number 1. Causes of personal development (8 parts) Theme number 2. Opportunities for personal development (10 units) Theme number 3. Opportunities for personal development (9 parts) Theme number 4. Advances in personal development (9 parts) Theme number 5. Personal development goals (7 parts) The second stage - Scope friendships. Theme number 1. Causes of friendship (9 parts) Theme number 2. Possibility of friendly relations (8 parts) Theme number 3. Opportunities for friendship (9 parts) Theme number 4. Achieve friendly relations (7 parts) Theme number 5. Objectives of friendly relations (8 parts) The third step - family relations. Theme number 1. The causes of relationship (9 parts) Theme number 2. Possibility of relationship (9 parts) Theme number 3. Opportunities for family relations (7 parts) Theme number 4. Achieving family (9 parts) Theme number 5. Purpose of relationship (8 parts) Fourth step - Scope of business relations. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Fifth stage - Scientific relations. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Sixth grade - Scope of political relations. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Seventh grade - Scope theologically. Theme number 1. Theme number 2. Theme number 3. Theme number 4. Theme number 5. Dear reader, absorbing useful knowledge, inspiration for the mood of thought and desire, it makes sense that you leave your comment. In the great work of the Truth and valuable way her every crumb and dust to many people's lives! Your additions or reasoning ability to be the Light of the Canons of Clarity Real Life. Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 

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Where to begin and end game

Views: 7395
Category: News

Where to begin and end the game. I greet you, dear browser, the pages of this publication. I suggest you check out the many rules of the game in the circumstances of human creativity, information, interpersonal and business relationships. The general definition of the game. Game related processes taking place between the different potentials. The actual process of implementation, with unpredictable results, called the game. Each game is based on a person's attention, response of his attention to other people, as the various objects of matter and the information from the different sources of the environment. Gaming properties and qualities are laid in it from the moment of conception. Genes game often combines the chromosomes to form human physiology. Since the birth of playability and properties are imparted to man strategy circumstances with the sun and moon, day and night, morning and night, winter and summer, spring and autumn. Many other differences stamp its influence in the character of the people. Morals in man are playing potential for game action, relationships and interactions. Impulsive ways people realize their customs in various conditions. Our morals and desires are selected values ??from the total experience of our lives that we want to meet again and use them. Accordingly, in the game as directed attention to the upcoming events and conditions, that is for the future! Therefore every game develops in a person focus and mobility skills foresight that future conditions circumstances and actions of individuals. Moral gaming properties in nature are laid at a young age (2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32 years), in the subsequent reforming the whole life. Properties of the game. Due to the use of attention in the areas of customs and game action in man is weakened principle, that is dwindling attention, and in other areas to disrupt the stability of self-realization. But the game is often encouraged win, a bonus prize. These benefits are sometimes compensate spent force, and sometimes in the form of maximum multiplied jackpot. In the course of any game events man sharpens its focus, long holding it in tension. In this case, because of the uncertainty of the final result is prone to experience, highlighting the mass of adrenaline. At the time of loss, the man burns in the first place, the power of self-confidence in himself and in relation to win feels humiliated or slighted. At the time of the gain in weight of the person is released endorphins, adrenaline, and other body functions is positive, but doing their hard work. Every time a player loses, weakening their attention! No player who is not playing, and planning. For the life of play are the people who do not know how to plan and very lazy, they invigorate yourself at risk to lose. Games in the works. People mostly melancholic temperament possess creativity. These abilities they have developed a highly sensitive because of the relationship to everything around him, which relate. They can not fly on topics superficially, clinging all thoroughly delve in detail. This self-realization is very strong-willed saps their resources. Since then begin to play with sanguine. Mutually agree with melancholic sanguine common activities in which the melancholic master implementation tasks, and sanguine - leader, initiator and the judge. Sanguine prudent manner repeatedly reiterated his initiative. Melancholic playing sanguine, soaking his initiative will, applying it in their parallel efforts on commonly agreed theme. Games in interpersonal relations. Interpersonal game thrives best in all walks of life, of all ages and continents. This game, which played, lost and fell madly (fanaticism). Game of love and real love is a different properties and values. The game of love is based on passion, the passion to own a toy objectively beautiful, interesting or influential. It is always a short-term play in the life of selfish approach. Love Actually sober vzaimouvazhayuschaya, mutually, unhesitating, the order of the interactions. In true love trust vzaimoobayaniya facts of the present, appreciate experienced developing this condition. It does not require anything to each other, but only on their own initiative and desire to complement each other. The game of friendship. When someone is playing with us in friendship, in which case they are trying to have hung on the mountain with the obligations, mutual and other obsessions that are not interested in your agreement and desire! These obligations argue psevdotraditsiyami friendship! Over time psevdodruzhba becomes kumobratstvo. The end result is someone someone is cheating or uses, but in general is playing! Real friendship is not based on the commitment, and the mutual desire of the friends to be useful to each other in their respective fields of self-realization. In every proper friendship of himself takes the initiative to the theme that unites friends. Otherwise - a game of friendship. Useful game. Artistry! Many different artists etched in our memory, that his playing in a theater or film quoted the truth of human life, guided and directed our attention today to the new information that enhances our world in all sectors and regions of the mankind. Terrible game. Scary games take place in politics and called military (war). Ukrainian land is the geographic center of Europe, it is the face of the earth, and the people of this territory wise, manifested maximum peace-loving! Do it yourself conclusions dear readers, what are the game of politics. Trust in reality, fixed current facts, all of which touch, and will thrive in all reasonable ways, your elected. To share with you my vision of the topic Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich 

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If you're right

Views: 15406
Category: News

Dear people, if you're right, do not rush to use their right, you're interacting, and not a reaction. There is no point do you call someone or take them from interacting, even if you're right! There is always a sense, to the extent possible, to continue its development and vain not to rush yourself. The truth needs no proof, however needs to be developed to perfection! Every truth is always the one side of the threads of life for man. Comparing the data side, people will be able to see the truth that unites them, this relationship bringing himself to perfection. Chastely apply the truth, it is not creating any damage to yourself and the people interacting. The truth in the wrong doses showing damage and can be poison! The truth should be food for themselves and others, and not weapons of destruction. Harmonious use of human truth reveals to him all the sources of life opportunities. It is true, as they develop, to create a true life laws, and the truth is always a leading man to personal perfection. Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 

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Views: 8320
Category: News

From the beginning of the human life, there family ties! Quality of family relationships for all of its existence and do change today. The basis of family relations is mainly aim of survival, that is, development and reproduction. About family relationships with the depth of the history of the past, we know a lot of information about the superiority of women in some periods of positions, and at other times of the male position. Today the family relationship leveled off in equal field in which both positions make decisions necessary for the development of future relations. So now for the family and its development is important to the field of its location, the territory of the country. This is due to the fact that the country's policy may be accompanied by the development of a family relationship, or exacerbate them. In countries, the policy of national independence accompanies the development of family relations. This is manifest in the laws of the country and the necessary social and material means. In international countries, the policy is not accompanied by the development of a family relationship, because of the difference of cultures and values ??in the characters of the citizens of that country. As the processes of fertility in international countries are not a major source of population growth. Demographic crises bypassed countries such controlled dosing tide of immigrants. Of particular importance in family relationships is personal development of each half of the family, and it is - an understanding of the rules, principles and laws of the family. Understanding the value of family relationships is laid by parents or society, which brings in a man of standards and quality of family relationships. Formed person has individual goals regarding family ties. Goal, which put itself half the family are many and varied. But the quality of the current relationship always depends on both sides. Today, people more often, get married and get married in order to bring "under him" the second half and to achieve this it turns out is very rare. Since on the other hand there is the same purpose. Particularly important in the formation of the family is the order of the mutual complement each other, and in the future - in the process of self-education for the alliance. Each half of the family without the other half of the imperfect. Is a union of two introductory step to the path of the allies. Diplomacy family relations rests on the desire to be with both parties and with no desire of any party, family relationships will be. So the family is based on the alliance of bilateral complement, not compete with each other. The family people weaved mutual attention, it manifests itself in different participation in each other's lives and depends on the strength of family union! Communication enriches understanding of each other couple. In marriage you can not prove anything, in a family can only have something to share, presenting only a proposal. From the beginning of the concept of family relationships disappear separate, independent position, it switches to the status of the Federal definition of "We!". Excellence halves family diplomatically merge into one union two. Responsible husband naturally focused on the external relations of the family, the wife and the responsibility - to family relations. Husband - a politician and businessman, his wife's guardian combined benefits. Family ties can be based on inspiration from the perspective of collaborative relationships, enjoyment of physical sensations and communicating halves on impressions of past events, which combine two search in the present or past similar experiences. May also be based on the continuation of life, that is, having children and caring for them. Many couples stay together just because of the existence of a joint child, this show its responsibility to the new-born person. Children - are new people, which forces the two intersect, forming a third force of individual positions. Man spends his life preparing for family relations. The ability to take care of yourself begins at birth, and the ability to take care of loved ones or desired people come with growing up! Years behind seemingly adults may hide their current youth, which takes care only about themselves. People are able to grow up early, are also able to grow up too late, and may never grow up! An adult can take care of the other person or people, and it does, without breaking their current level of development. Willingness to family relations converge on both sides and at different ages, with different goals in half term on a family. A lot can change in family members during their relationship. In any period of relationships and events in the family must be all in order to rebuild the definition of "We," and from the standpoint of either half. Family comes from the commitment of mutual belonging halves together. More ... Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 

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Views: 7714
Category: News

The word freedom is multifaceted in its meaning, it directs people's attention to the set of meanings and definitions! But the unifying significance in every sense of the word is based on the removal of some or all of the liabilities of man, society, nation, people, or country! Therefore, the meaning of freedom opens a brief definition of "bezobyazannost." A society in which a person has a certain unity, manifested through a variety of one-way and mutual obligations between people. Thus, the obligations between people are the central cause of the relationship uniting human society together. Obligations of man, society and the country to whom, or are their morals. Any obligation to fulfill the force responsible person, company or country toward tentative agreements that were formed through communication. In conversation people reach certain agreements that allocate among the participating persons, companies or countries in their ability to further the relationship. Subsequently, the possibility of the parties involved is a thematic resolution on the basis of the corporate orders, directions, recommendations and requirements. The adoption of the parties involved in the relationship between an opportunity and becomes the law permits, which matched the right side! Rights are based on the laws of preliminary agreements between the parties as to the diplomatic solutions on certain topics of their relationship. Responsible course is based on the parties to fulfill feasibly made commitments under the current arrangements. Largely feasibly meet current obligations party involved depends on the willingness or desire. Selecting Data desire to control the causes of forced certain requirements of himself and to himself. When a person, society, or country forces the other party to liability in respect of preliminary commitments, from now lost the status of autonomy of action in the relationship! Accordingly, prudent person, representatives of companies or the country in all sorts of agreements is one of the most important abilities against further reciprocal actions from the point of self-sufficiency in the relationship. Any agreement through communication forms an arrangement in which proposals are made, claims and counterclaims are considered. During dialogue the parties reach mutual or unilateral decisions permits. Therefore, the ability of the individual to create qualitative agreement with other individuals affected his independence or autonomy of society, the country, which it is in the current dialog. In the processes of communication, each individual based on their contrasting standards of building agreements. In nature, there are twelve orders of society, on the ground or through which people together form the agreement. Natural persons in communication uses one of the twelve orders of magnitude and by training, is able to use them all. This allows him to leave on a high level of communication skills and self-action Folding his respects. The first order of construction of the agreement is based on the selection of targets in communication and consideration of reasons, which is directed to these goals. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from December 22 to January 20. The second order of construction is based on an understanding of the agreement to the proposed ability of the parties, their rights, responsibilities and whom in the end result which secured obligations. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from August 23 to September 22. The third order of construction agreements based on an understanding of the topic of relations, its mechanisms, standardization and terminology. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from April 20 to May 20. Fourth poryadokpostroeniya agreement is based on an understanding of the key facts in structuring the introduction, development and completion of communication. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from June 21 to July 22. The fifth order of construction is based on the understanding of the agreement in the comparative statistical coverage mechanisms on communication. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from February 20 to March 20. Sixth order of construction is based on an agreement on the best Stress values ??in terms of the relationship and the worst, in the environment. These abilities are developed especially for people who were born from October 24 to November 22. The seventh order of construction is based on the understanding of the agreement in the importance of cost-effective, alternative and future perspectives. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from March 21 to April 19. Eighth order of construction is based on the understanding of the agreement in the fact that there is no better, still does not exist, everything on offer - the most selective. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from November 23 to December 21. Ninth order of construction is based on an agreement not perceptions of someone does not agree to something, and the perception of their concerts just as real facts. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from July 23 to August 23. The tenth order of construction of the agreement is based on the argument about the importance of the parties involved. These abilities are developed especially for people who were born from October 23 to November 23. Eleventh order of construction of the agreement is based on the understanding in authorship, progressive innovation and legislation. These abilities are developed especially for people who are born from May 21 to June 20. Twelfth order of construction agreements based on the recommendations in the current image of the party involved and the history of her experience. These abilities are developed especially for people who were born from January 21 to February 19. For his freedom, society looks to many reasons and the parties, with every person is individually responsible for their freedom. Than the development of a person and that applies to their relationship development, the higher the level of freedom! The freer the people from the society, the more free the society from the individual. Independence is an excellent value relative illusion of freedom! Independence - it's self-understanding, decisions, actions, and the responsibility of man, society and the country. Therefore, a person naturally can not be free from the society of the country, the Earth or the universe, but in every way to be independent and this opens a real sense of freedom! People to make their own decisions on their own responsibility, or vice versa with someone making decisions and, together with participating is responsible! Accordingly, the absolute sense of freedom, in that when there is no one and nothing, as a result there are no obligations, rights and responsibilities in a continuous vacuum complete freedom and do not have no one, with nothing to be considered. Only one thing, "I" of man and nothing more! In history there are many examples of image-based Freedom! Alexander the Great to sell their interest to the enslavement of the freedom he states, from that, he became one of the first world war for a united empire. The Roman Empire also enslaved countries, expanding their freedom. Napoleon was also charged with the freedom he sought to subjugate the world. Dear people, freedom must be assessed comprehensively, in its pure sense of self-reliance and individual responsibility. The word freedom is attached to many events that are related to robbery and mass deception populous countries. Therefore, where there is a society of people that word, there is shown a foreign introduction of extraneous items. Interveners in the global policy making havoc in the society and economy of the absorbed the country itself. You hear the word freedom means danger at border themes of freedom, independence hear, then topic hearings strengthened in its borders. Libertarianism can be destroyed societies and countries, so it has the meanings of fanaticism, chaos, disorder and looting produced under the guise of the word! Reformers develop, complement the existing reality, and revolutionaries destroy it and rob the guise of the word freedom. Perhaps the word freedom is the bloody word in human society, which is like the name, but not the meaning of the word autonomy of the individual, individuals, society and the country. Independence reveals parasites in society and mass hides parasites manipulate the labor of society. Independence - this wish and desire of our ancestors, it is expected of us is our God! We want to achieve this - the children of our ancestors and the inheritance of our Lord God! More ... Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 

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World of Work

Views: 13422
Category: News

Causes, scope, organization and control of labor. To a man to get food, money or other benefits for that he needs to do useful things! Actions are different, ranging from mental thinking, continued communication and ending physical labor. We work and always feel. But society is evaluation of our actions, that is, from the standpoint of labor is not our feelings. The society is working on the evaluation of our popularity, demand and accessibility to our ability to act, to work! Popularity popularity, and our needs are inclining us to work and to create conditions for a working relationship. The causes of labor. There are natural reasons why we take the initiative to work. These reasons start to our personal desires and continue through to pressure in the circumstances. The first cause of our work - the acquisition of the estate! That is, work begins with the acquisition of the necessary resources for our existence and the opportunities available in the circumstances. Read more ... The second reason for our work - maintenance of the estate! We work to keep afloat purchased goods within the powers of the opportunities in the circumstances. Read more ... The third reason for our work - the enrichment of names! We are working to increase the amount of our wealth of manageable features. Read more ... The fourth reason for our work - giving a name! We work, assigning resources, poorly controlled and lost masters of their attention. Read more ... The fifth cause of our labor - the mastery of names! We work, mastering the resources entrusted to us by the terms of the circumstances. Read more ... The sixth cause of our labor - retrieve the name! We work by extracting resources from all of our mature relationship in the circumstances. Read more ... The seventh reason our labor - the use of the estate! We work, using in turn we all available resources in order to use them to extract more. Read more ... The eighth cause of our work - the development of the estate! We are working, learning resources through research and study them. Read more ... The ninth cause of our work - the direction of the estate! We work, directing the resources available in all sorts of ways to their advantage. Read more ... The tenth cause of our work - the distribution of the estate! We work, allocating resources to their own and others plan agreements and personal decisions. Read more ... The eleventh cause of our labor - multiplying the estate! We work favorably multiplying their resources in different ways. Read more ... The twelfth cause of our labor - management of the estate! We are working, trying to manage all the resources available in all respects. Read more ... Of work. We have listed the main cause of our work, but without the self-fields of our reasons may be without power features! Accordingly we see around us a lot of types of work around us, which are paid in different ways. Reasons pricing of labor depends on the continent, country, people and societies in which we find ourselves! 1. Continent where we are, the denominator is the primary guide us in certain areas of work. This is manifested in the natural resources and weather conditions. 2. Stranapredstavlyaet a legal agreement to protect the rights of labor among members of the public a certain area? 3. People and their kulturyformiruyut consumer demand for specific areas of work! The basis of the demand for specific areas of work, independent of morality and history of the people or citizens. This is evident in the current against citizens identified some priority areas of work and ignoring some other areas. 4. Society is formed among the people - the citizens of the country and among nations, based on a unifying idea, which may be based on specific areas of work. 5. Alliances are based on mutually beneficial reasons among individuals, specialists from different fields of work, companies, organizations, countries and continents. Given these values ??people will be able to identify priority areas of work in the field of their relationship. The organization of labor! Organization's ability to work in humans occupy a profound meaning in all kinds of society, organizations, countries, unions and in all areas of work. Organizer of the purpose and plan of action definition to be a dictator. In respect of treaties, agreements and management of the project is to be a diplomat. Principles of the organization of work: 1. Planning and calculations. Organizer important to reach a common vision of the project, namely to assess the costs, resources and time to be spent on the implementation of the project. 2. Contracts and agreements. Organizer uses oral agreements and statutes, which balances the needs of the parties to their capabilities. 3. Team building or use existing relationships. In the team is important to understand each employee in respect of its objectives and their ability to handle. The powers of the organization share responsibility for the project, and not by natural or initiatives due to the prevailing opportunities to direct the part of the project. 4. Unforeseen costs, resources and time. Planning should take into account minimum and maximum costs of time and resources. Therefore it is always necessary to form a reserve fund for contingencies in the form of 30% of funds and enter into additional agreements with parallel groups and professionals who will be able, if necessary, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. 5. Implementation. Introduction, development, conclusion - the main factors in the process of implementing the planned tasks. The entry begins with the willingness of all scheduled payments and signing the necessary agreements with participating in the project. Development continues, while maintaining the pace of the planned tasks. The conclusion comes when the planned project objectives. Controlling. Control - a particularly important task in any organization! This problem is always present in all the parallel processes of the organization. 1. The terms and timing of their plans. Controlling the timing of the tasks should always be in the attention of project managers. 2. Consumption of resources and their target applications. Any resources in the project is necessary to control the organizer or the authority to allocate specific control among key responsible personnel. 3. The hierarchy of the executive team and its self-realization. It is important to allocate the authority in the organization consistently prioritized the importance of specialists and primary process. Not distract professionals not their specialization profiles. 4. Wrecking information, financial or material from employees. Sabotage in organizations is mainly from the staff involved in the project! Information sabotage the organization begins with explosion sound atmosphere of cooperation of employees in work processes. Also with the dissemination of information that is a trade secret of the enterprise. These actions of the employees can be derived from their stupidity or benefit which is sometimes possible to find out. Financial sabotage occurs frequently when the funds entrusted to the person in charge and is not checked in the future the quality of their applications. Income sabotage happens when irresponsible employees operating production equipment and raw materials. Also stealing the production takes place at the wrong controlling and weak accountability of staff. 5. Results. Distribution of results during and at the end of the planned enterprises. The project managers need to organize labor in time and steps agreed upon in the contract. The end results are always the planned developments in the use of small and large projects. Therefore we can not deviate without good reason from the plans, which were put into operation. Private plans violation organizer without good reason, and allows other project participants to make their violations, which can destroy the integrity of the company! Dear readers, in these materials as described generalized principles of working relationships that have been developed based on the technology of science "Psihonomii" together with the Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian mutual" and "fourth wave." More ... Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 

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Psychology of Money

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Category: News

The real money is flowing today, here and now to the full! But what right do you have to see them, to touch, to direct, to withdraw? They are here before you show the birth and the value of life. Money there continuously, and we are born and die from exhaustion of the body or of the Spirit! They are a human invention and is now taking advantage of the virtual form in the form of a conditional document. Money is the cornerstone of the social wellbeing of the citizens of any state and is always in need of protection laws, officials, and citizens, who are the direct owners of the country! With the money we value things - matter and the attention of individuals. Accordingly, all that may be characterized by means of money, called the capital! Money have the ability to manage human, transforming into various forms of capital to absorb the attention of the person. Capital of fate, has under her impassive man, respectively rude people can not hold capital, it dissolves, spilling through his fingers boorish, among his passions! All around us, nature has properties that make its mark in our character as a property of passion or detachment, and the environment are not even our parents are the first to leave their footprints in our nature through education! We all have our own personal character, which is not something nastroenychto change! Accordingly, each of our characters is encouraged to benefit from internal or external. All sorts of benefits, not operated by us, can lose their effectiveness and value, man, do not apply themselves or their possible time, is said to be realized person! Character traits form the direction of values ??to which we aspire. Many of our internal efficiency properties of nature can not be seen from the outside, they appear indirectly and diverse environment. Human attention is the key to the value of values, so there is a clear and visible values ??of life events to our attention, and we see them. There are unknown, invisible values ??of life events to our attention and we do not notice them. From his youth, we are developing, each individual differently. Some people create value, and assigns the other. At that age, a person's attention and set its capacity for self-realization in the medium values ??and money. Real properties of the monetary unit equivalent to certain fixed values ??(bread, butter, milk, alcohol), and other essential commodities of daily demand in the country. Multiplying, are transformed into other forms of value in the form of capital. Of human understanding to others things a person has standardized its way conditional documents that only an instrument of the mind. With them, people can influence things or be weaker than his mind, against conventional instrument in the form of time value of money. Accordingly, a weak mind is money, capital, and has the right to choose, because in this world the strongest wins. And we see a lot of people win money with quantity. Distinguished, lean around the quality and with such an attitude is not afraid of. Be faithful in small and increase his estate at more. All that you have - it's your choice yesterday, which appears in the current opportunities. Choosing today, think about what you'll come tomorrow. Money or capital always seeks to assign someone not merit! Strive to create order within themselves, to the information in which you are working, it is hidden from the people around them. This wealth is one you will never steal and order created in the understanding, never drunk, but only sober. Poverty comes with pride, which is evident in the results of looping achievements. In such states, the stop of production processes and development! The sense of pride - in the possession indicators and demonstrate to others their supremacy! Wealth appears initially in man, in his character, and then - to implement effective actions in the environment. Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 

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