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Israel is the name of status of development of man-society

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Holy Scriptures are interpreted by people at their God and enlightenment toward goals that can put people in front of him. In the Bible, the truth of the Creator laid intended hungry people and a lot of true open community of believers in their intended time. The Bible directs man to the desire to develop and improve. Based on this understanding, consider the line carried out in the Holy Scriptures of the canon of the Bible.

James, the youngest son of Isaac, worked with the Creator, as his father. Creator showed Jacob ladder leading to heaven, on which the angels ascend and descend.

Genesis chapter 12, verse 28:

"And he dreamed, and behold ladder

on the earth, and its top

to heaven: and behold the angels

God ascending and descending on

It "

It was a vision of Jacob in a dream, then the Lord has blessed him, developing the blessing of his father. After James got married and he begat twelve sons, who represented the twelve steps of a ladder to heaven, the twelve fruits of the tree of life, the twelve gates of the heavenly Jerusalem, the twelve styles, ways and sources of life.

Jacob was twenty-one years old, was returning home to his brother, in the way God blessed him something. Jacob received from God a new name-status - Israel.

Genesis chapter 28 verse 32:

"And he said, Thy name shall

will be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for

you have struggled with God and man

hast prevailed "

Of this event for four hundred and fifty years the twelve sons of Israel multiplied to six hundred thousand men, besides women, and all the congregation of Israel had about two million people.

Exploring the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, we will explore various supernatural manifestations of God in a relationship with a man and a native of Israel. For many centuries the race of Israel to multiply their number of branches occupying the promised land. This continued until the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born in one of the twelve branches of the Israel. Branch of the family of Israel called the tribes of Israel. Each tribe has certain rights, obligations and responsibilities in the integrity of Israel. Knee, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, called Judah, of the tribe were the anointed of God to reign in the house of Israel. Tribe of Levi by their right from the time of Moses held the office of the priests.

Jesus Christ on the basis of combined legal rights, obligations and responsibilities of each tribe of Israel in the two tribes with an opportunity for representatives of each tribe. Based on this point, he turned to his followers: "You are a royal priesthood!"

Birth, life and teachings of Jesus Christ the laws of the twelve tribes of Israel for a man born of Jacob, and to the person trusting the true status of Israel.

Jesus Christ referred to the purpose of his mission: "I came to the lost sheep of Israel."

Israel was and is a legal society in which the primary right in the genus of Jacob, after - in people taking the culture and laws of the house of Jacob. In the New Testament says that Jesus turned to the Gentiles, and he worked with them on the strength of their faith.

Belief in Israel's status assigned by God to Jacob and his seed, opens the opportunity for other people to be Christians. Jesus Christ has united the twelve positions zhiznedeystvy society in one position, realizing their personal practice.

Twelve disciples of Jesus, it seems, were of different zodiac signs. Each student in his own perceived relationship with Jesus Christ, they have a different understanding of Folding in the same events associated with Jesus Christ.

Evidence of disciples and followers of Jesus Christ formed the New Testament (Gospel). Gospel - is the history book of the Creator only Son coming to Earth to save humanity from destruction.

Originally gospel books were about thirty of them Roman censors were missed four that have survived, the others identified in the status of "apocryphal", which means inaccurate, unfounded, false or fraudulent.

In the New Testament, twenty-seven books, fifteen of them (mostly) written by Paul! Paul (Saul) from the first Christians had the highest education in theology and politics. He is, by the standards of that time, he held a high position in the Sanhedrin, was the head of a special unit of the theological. He was zealous position, and Paul (Saul) does not stand on ceremony with dissident members of Israel. It is no secret that at the hands of Paul's involvement and killed many of the early Christians, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands. Paul (Saul) was a Christian and the enemy chastiser Christian ideology. During the service the Sanhedrin he collected documents census Christians together. In those letters, attended the Spirit of Christ, but after the correction letter acquired directional sense and new destinations.

Correction Paul strategically different from instructions of Jesus Christ! For example, Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I arrive with them forever." Paul recommends the opposite: "I speak as a man, it's better to be alone."

Solomon said that two are better than one:

Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9

"Two are better than one;

Because they have a good

reward for their labor. "

Exploring the Holy Scriptures, many believers come to enlightenment and understanding that every person has the right to choose to be with God or be with other forces.

In the New Testament there is not a single case involving violent man to serve God, not including the case of Paul. It turns out that the power of God sent Paul to serve Him, but such relationships the Old Testament! Judiciously comparing the laws of the Old Testament with the Laws of the New Testament, Paul noticed absorptive nature of the Christian world. John, the apostle of Jesus Christ, predicted the introduction of the wolf in the flock of the Lord and the fact that the wolf will not spare the flock. The believer is always striving to do everything as best as possible! Christians should be firmly based on the will of the Creator and His Messenger.

In one of the high priests of provocations addressed to Christ had sent the issue of tithing: who should give money - in the temple of God and Caesar.

Gospel of Luke chapter 25 verse 20:

"He said to them: Render therefore to

Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God

To God. "

The tithe in Israel was a tax of compulsory participation in social life. At that time, Israel was conquered by Rome, with whom there was an agreement that will give tithes Romans. At the time, the tithe was a 23%. Mission said that the money in the form of a tax should be given to the authorities, but to God - through faith sincere attention. Sincere faith is manifested in the affairs of man, when he performs the recommendations of God. Modern Hristinin makes tithes to his church, as a Jew belonging to the community of Israel. Donations of God can not be standardized percent, property, or money, but only for the joy of the heart and personal desires are trusting God. People can make donations in various forms, in the form of good works acceptable to God.

Israel - is the status of the development of human society chosen by the Creator-kind, in which Jesus Christ was born. Jesus Christ has opened the way for mankind to improve relations with the Creator. He encouraged students to be like children that are constantly evolving, being improved. His last words to his followers as follows:

Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 verse 19:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all

nations, baptizing in the name of the Father and

Son and Holy Spirit. "

Thus was fulfilled the prophecy of Jacob-Israel

Genesis chapter 49 verse 10:

"Scepter shall not depart from Judah,

and legislator from his loins,

until Shiloh come,

and the obedience of the peoples. "

The Pharisees and Sadducees tempting Jesus asked Him to show them a sign from heaven, personally. He told them that they know the signs of weather, and in the signs of the times not.

Matthew chapter 16 verse 4:

"An evil and adulterous generation

looking for signs, and a sign

will not get to it except the sign

The prophet Jonah. "

The same goes for Paul sign as a sign of the prophet Jonah. In both cases, God instructed them in their power, that they performed their role in the plans of the Lord. When Christ said that defined the "signs of the times" that such signs do not understand and do not distinguish between the Pharisees, Sadducees, and those ministers who gets the signs in the form of events of the prophet Jonas.

On the "signs of the times," said that they were the basis of the creation of the universe and in Christ based on them:

Genesis chapter 1 verse 14:

"And God said, Let there be

lights in the firmament of the heaven to

Divide the day from the night, and

Signs, and for seasons, and for days, and

years ";

Christian is desirable to understand that Jesus Christ - the central figure of Christianity! He is the foundation of the Truth and Power of the Creator, and his followers, the disciples, the apostles are some points of view, understanding, evidence of the coming of Christ. The mission entrusted to the Apostle Peter rule the Church of Christ: "Feed my sheep."

Jesus Christ spoke of some of his followers to be in his name, and to teach people about the fact that many would be contrary to their understandings and actions. Messiah directed attention to the signs of the times of interacting that the continuity of current facts.

In society, the signs of the times, there are sources such as Zodiac and other systems that characterize the properties of the effect of time on the man and his world.

In some New Testament churches and synagogues in many ancient symbol of the circle can be seen the Zodiac! The terms of the Zodiac is an integral part of the laws of creation and the laws current relationship between people and their God.

Delving into the Old and New Testaments, Folding realization that the theme of the zodiacal circle and its sign was present among the Apostles. For example, in the New Testament lists the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, and called Thomas "Thomas, nicknamed the Twin." Perhaps Thomas was the constellation Gemini, its behavior is similar to the character of the people of this sign of the zodiac. Since the people of the constellation Gemini pragmatic and without checking, will not believe a word!

Signs of the zodiac in a person can evaluate its personal God. The interaction between the different signs of the zodiac are forming complete integrity of the human family. Everyone is able to include in itself other signs of the zodiac, with the help of a harmonious relationship with people of other zodiac signs. The words of Christ: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I arrive with them forever."

The coming of Jesus Christ was definitely a race of Israel and to those who trust the chosen type of Israel and accept it by faith. He said to his disciples, that they did not go the way of the Gentiles, and in their city. He said that the perfection of "saving" is reached and other genera, and the people of "stages." Therefore recommended not to rush to judge incomprehensible, and always try to understand the truth of the events. In dealing with people with sincere attention is to love the Creator, an example - the parable of the Samaritan! Gospel of Luke chapter 10 verses 30-37.

Man, being born, automatically falls under the influence of certain zodiac signs. Zodiac Signs in man form the first animal instincts, his age, he reacted in a society with people of other zodiac signs, and developing these relationships will improve as an individual personality. Every person primarily developed their zodiac signs, which are grafted his birth and relatively developed graft properties of other signs of the Zodiac, through its Community Relations. Consistency and sign laws are inseparable with the cultures and religions including Christianity. Jesus Christ has united himself in the twelve signs of the Zodiac, he said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." Christ's parable of the talents of gold directs a person to the need to increase that God gave to man!

Man is given life and personal life through awareness of its signs of the Zodiac, which is important to increase the development of the properties and capabilities of the other zodiac signs.

In "Elementary Science Psihonomii table" can consider the differences of properties zodiac signs and assess how many may develop the people. The table reveals the natural unit of the soul of man and his capacity for relationships in society. The table is explained in detail on most of the paragraphs in the "Crown of education." In order to rapidly penetrate understanding the talents inherent in the nature of a man of his birth, is to use the "Scanner individual."

Jesus Christ told his disciples: "There is no greater love, how to put down his life for his friends!". The soul of man consists of information experience of his life, from the physical body and the resources that belong to it in the environment. I also share with you what the Lord gave me the gift of God and the fact that I got hard and ceaseless vigil. Jesus encouraged his disciples to stay awake:

Gospel of Matthew chapter 42 verse 24:

"Watch therefore:

you do not know on what day

Your Lord will come. "

Jesus Christ said that people will be able through him to have a relationship with God and only through Christ and no other middlemen! It does not matter where the person will be, at any moment, he can turn to God and God will hear.

The strength of our human and Heaven manifested in our words, conversations, agreements and contracts, implemented the current practice (Matthew chapter 20 verses 1-16).

Be like children, constantly evolving and improving genuinely infinite trust the achievements of his life, without having to stop myself any indicators. Know that all demonstrations achievements, boasting, pride - are actions that stop your desire, development, improvement and life. The human soul is the vehicle that we are in the process of life dressed with imperishable riches. Imperishable riches we acquire will improve effectively. A person who trusts Christ, becomes a member of the Catholic Church, it has an invisible connection with other believers through the Holy Spirit. The works of man are always associated with his faith, as a man is only concerned what he believes. His faith does not make sense to someone to prove, it must implement good works pleasing to God the Holy.

Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 


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