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Psychology of Money

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The real money is flowing today, here and now to the full! But what right do you have to see them, to touch, to direct, to withdraw? They are here before you show the birth and the value of life. Money there continuously, and we are born and die from exhaustion of the body or of the Spirit! They are a human invention and is now taking advantage of the virtual form in the form of a conditional document. Money is the cornerstone of the social wellbeing of the citizens of any state and is always in need of protection laws, officials, and citizens, who are the direct owners of the country!

With the money we value things - matter and the attention of individuals. Accordingly, all that may be characterized by means of money, called the capital! Money have the ability to manage human, transforming into various forms of capital to absorb the attention of the person. Capital of fate, has under her impassive man, respectively rude people can not hold capital, it dissolves, spilling through his fingers boorish, among his passions!

All around us, nature has properties that make its mark in our character as a property of passion or detachment, and the environment are not even our parents are the first to leave their footprints in our nature through education! We all have our own personal character, which is not something nastroenychto change! Accordingly, each of our characters is encouraged to benefit from internal or external. All sorts of benefits, not operated by us, can lose their effectiveness and value, man, do not apply themselves or their possible time, is said to be realized person! Character traits form the direction of values ??to which we aspire. Many of our internal efficiency properties of nature can not be seen from the outside, they appear indirectly and diverse environment.

Human attention is the key to the value of values, so there is a clear and visible values ??of life events to our attention, and we see them. There are unknown, invisible values ??of life events to our attention and we do not notice them. From his youth, we are developing, each individual differently. Some people create value, and assigns the other. At that age, a person's attention and set its capacity for self-realization in the medium values ??and money. Real properties of the monetary unit equivalent to certain fixed values ??(bread, butter, milk, alcohol), and other essential commodities of daily demand in the country. Multiplying, are transformed into other forms of value in the form of capital.

Of human understanding to others things a person has standardized its way conditional documents that only an instrument of the mind. With them, people can influence things or be weaker than his mind, against conventional instrument in the form of time value of money. Accordingly, a weak mind is money, capital, and has the right to choose, because in this world the strongest wins. And we see a lot of people win money with quantity.

Distinguished, lean around the quality and with such an attitude is not afraid of. Be faithful in small and increase his estate at more. All that you have - it's your choice yesterday, which appears in the current opportunities. Choosing today, think about what you'll come tomorrow. Money or capital always seeks to assign someone not merit! Strive to create order within themselves, to the information in which you are working, it is hidden from the people around them. This wealth is one you will never steal and order created in the understanding, never drunk, but only sober.

Poverty comes with pride, which is evident in the results of looping achievements. In such states, the stop of production processes and development! The sense of pride - in the possession indicators and demonstrate to others their supremacy! Wealth appears initially in man, in his character, and then - to implement effective actions in the environment.

Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 


08.12.2011 13:51
Александр Пинхасик

По решениям проблем, по целостности страны.
1. По решению проблем наряду со всеми, я бы выделил поиск парадоксов.
2. По целостности - проблема рукотворная. Есть внешняя причина и есть внутренняя. Внутренняя - порочность ошибочной бюджетной системы, которую лет 200 назад навязали финансовые магнаты - политически самые грамотные на планете. Порочность ее генерирует самостийность, внутренний терроризм, развал страны как только ослабеет
08.12.2011 13:42
Александр Пинхасик

Приятно удивлен.
Есть вопросы: считал, что психология - дело живых существ, но не стула, и не денег. Предполагаю "Влияние денег на психологию людей".
Определение капитала: накопленные деньги в банке, документы по кредитам - тоже капитал.
Нищета приходит не только с гордыней.
Рад, что познакомился с этим сайтом! Александр
08.12.2011 23:11
Александр Пинхасик

Я этапы эволюции общества рассматривал с точки зрения эволюции способа хозяйствования. И то только от капитализма и до конца - до социализма.
Коммунизм - не способ хозяйствования. У вас весьма интересно! Спасибо!

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