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Главная :: Блог :: Science Psychonomy :: Constellations of Zodiac are in Bible

Constellations of Zodiac are in Bible

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Paying attention to the direction of the sources of information about the constellations of the Zodiac, a person is able to see many of the facts of the real impact of the zodiac on a lot in his life. After that, many of us begs the question, where the basis of the topic, when and how did the Zodiac? On this occasion, there are many versions, legends and ideas. In some cultures, faiths Zodiac values ??are considered divine, especially in cultures of the eastern countries. In the east there is a legend that says that the Bodo birthday came animals and distribute them the next coming years, the sequence of the Board.

In the Bible, the total value of the zodiac constellations appear in the first book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 1, verse 14:

"And God said, Let there be
lights in the firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night, and
signs and for seasons and for days and
years; "

In this passage it is said that the light in the sky are the sources and signs "signs, seasons, days and years."
Perhaps the eastern part of the legend of the plot is borrowed from the Bible's first book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 2, verses 18-20:
"18 And the Lord God said, not
good for man to be alone;
make him a helper
suitable for him.
19 And the LORD God had formed out of
Ground all the beasts of the field and
all the birds of the air to
man to see how he
call them that, as Adam called
every living creature, so
was the name thereof.
20 And Adam gave names to all
cattle, birds and all
the beasts of the field, but for man
was not found an help
him. "

Initially, in the first person were developed twelve potential life, which embodies the zodiac constellations.
When the Lord God brought the animals to the man, then at that time, people have learned the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, and each separately, and concluded that the potential of a constellation of the Zodiac can not compare to the integrity of the twelve constellations. The First Book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 2, verses 21-23:
"21 And the Lord God
a deep sleep, and when
He took one of his ribs,
and closed up its place with flesh.
22 And the Lord God
Rib taken from the man's wife
and brought her to the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now
Bone of my bones and flesh of
my flesh: she shall be called
Wife: because she was taken out of Man. "

Once, when one examines each constellation of the Zodiac, the Lord God brought Adam to sleep and removed one potential of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which is symbolized by the "edge." Seized from the person of the zodiac constellations God created woman and brought her to the man who found himself a part of it!
Since that time, the men from birth have eleven constellations of the Zodiac, which are not integrated with each other in a consistent state. When a man marries, then from that moment it turned twelve constellations, which belongs to his wife.

The Bible says that a woman is created from a rib of man. This edge represents a constellation "Cancer", which has the properties to connect all of the constellations in the zodiac between a consistent state. Constellation of the Zodiac "Cancer" in the solar system is symbolized by the moon a celestial body that is in certain phases visible from Earth in the form of a crescent, and from other positions look like Adam's rib.

Holistic properties of the constellation "Cancer" appear in a woman deductive positions, they see all around them just for the benefit of themselves, their needs, the needs and necessities. Women are hard to understand the truth of male friendship and other manifestations of the inductance of them. Woman with its potential to cross-point in relations with a man, which includes both the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

In the current life of the man before marriage is sprayed in their aspirations and in friendly relations are values ??of personal development, but without his wife, its potential can not reach perfection, because there is no twelve constellations that brings the rest. Since marrying men and women acquire certainty, complementing each other as stipulated.
About it in the Bible in the First Book of Moses, Genesis, chapter 2, verse 24 says this:
"24 Therefore shall a man leave his father
and his mother, and shall cleave
to his wife: and they shall be one flesh. "

Since the marriage of a man opening the perfect conditions for life, from that moment he has two positions, one of the energy body.
Many places in the Bible highlight the importance of building and twelve values ??to human life and society. The twelve tribes of Israel, it seems, are the constellation of the Zodiac. Each tribe of Israel had a coat of arms, which shows one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ were different constellations of the Zodiac, and some of them called directly: "Thomas, nicknamed the Twin."
The meaning of the constellations of the Zodiac, is a profound significance in the Bible and even in the future perfection of human life is indicated meaning twelve potentials.
The Bible, the New Testament, the book of Revelation, chapter 22, verse 1-2:
"1 And he showed me a pure river
Water of life, clear as
Crystal, proceeding out of the throne
God and of the Lamb.
2 Among the streets, and on the other, and
On the other side of the river tree
of life, bearing twelve
fruits, and yielded every month
their fruit and leaves of the tree - for
healing of the nations. "

In this part of the Bible highlights general properties of the tree of life and the fact that the tree of life gives her fruit every month of the year. Constellation of the Zodiac in their properties share a year into twelve months of its influence, and in them is hidden the meaning of life and his relationship with God. In the Bible, the value of the zodiac constellations described at the beginning, at the creation of the world, and in the prophecies about the future of life in better conditions.

Currently in Ukraine the science that reveals many secrets and laws impact constellations of the Zodiac in the life of man and society, this science is called Psihonomiya. This study reveals the influence of the properties and laws of the zodiac constellations from the bowels of man, out of his mind. Elementary Science Psihonomii table presents the general characteristics of its content device of man. This table shows the nature of man, which is inherent in him from his birth. In science Psihonomii collected knowledge that allow us to develop in all the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which are the issues of life. Every person from birth enjoys a constellation and potential in life can achieve the other eleven.

The first people innately enjoyed potential twelve constellations of the Zodiac, and if we multiply eighty years of life of today's man at twelve, then we get a sum of 960 years of Adam. The fact that the first man was perfect, the Bible says, and it is said that Adam was created "in our image, after our likeness" (Genesis, chapter 1, verse 26). Plural Lord presents Himself in the Bible, perhaps consisting of twelve components, which are not separately financial status. This is stated in the first day of creation of the world: "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" (Genesis, chapter 1, verse 2). Connection and union among themselves twelve Spirits of God formed the material world in which we live today.

Every man is created in the image and likeness of God! Each person is the possibility to include the unused potentials vital sources! Many of us men feel some grand purpose and meaning in their lives, but definitely not enough to see the potential of clarity.
Some clarity, you can draw in the sources of science Psihonomii.

Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich. 


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