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Development and adaptation of man from birth to 144.

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At this age, one develops the ability to concentrate their forces quickly psyche or physiology in the current environment of self-realization. Develop the ability to dynamically apply their strength in a short time.

From 7 to 8 years - the development of attention.

In this age of man is able to focus on objects fascinated him, topics and people. Attractive objects of his special interest begins to the opposite sex, as well as all sorts of bright, eye-catching items, theme games, ideas and feelings.

From 8 to 9 years - the development of volitional influence.

In this age, people clear or conscious awareness tries to quickly apply. He made every initiative to implement the pulse of their desires. To others is the relationship of man is seen as a volitional pressure from which parents can quickly exhausting attention.

From 9 to 10 years - developing an understanding of the vital differences.

At this age, a person begins to distinguish the difference of life - this is good and bad, strong and weak, wise and foolish, and other opposites. This manifests its profusion of communication and enhance the consistency of words.

From 10 to 11 years - the development of foresight.

During this period of time a person develops a patience, a lot of people watching from the side, trying to foresee in advance the reaction of interacting people. A child at this age develops properties of wisdom or cunning.

From 11 to 12 years - the development of self-control.

This age is summarize. In this age, people trying to take stock of its development and relations with the outside world. He has a feeling that he got all the knowledge he needs to live. In relations with others is manifested uncontrollability or maximalism.

At this age, a person begins to present their demands close and interact, to repeat them, trying to impose their understanding, equal to the various authorities of its field activities and relationships.

Second twelve years of life.

In the period from 12 years to 24 years of man is formed logic.

During this amount of time a child develops methods of behavior and their self-defined tactics. At this age, formed human world is a spring of his mind, which is a stimulant initiatives in its methods of behavior. Man after twelve years begins to assert itself in the environment methods of behavior. Man thinks he understands many things in life, but very few who can do it.

From 12 to 13 years - the basis of self-affirmation.

At this age, a person begins to be approved in all that he is available and possible behavior. In this segment of society is characterized by a turning age or adolescence. A real man begins to be based on the opinion and understanding. Accordingly, it is not really with the opinion of others. Therefore, it is desirable to provide controlled conditions for self-realization. And it will bring it to the highest level of mutual understanding with the teacher educability. Emphasis on its high autonomy allows the child to develop and be with him at the right level of understanding.

From 13 to 14 years - the development and approval of sense of morals.

In this segment aged man strengthened the fundamentals of self-assertion and can not afford to promote different areas of morals, desires. A person gets a sense of pleasure at the fact that he had already provided, and affects the circumstances that led him themselves to the desired features and conditions. Basically - it's great food, beautiful things, interesting people. Through any of these areas can distract children strangers. Therefore, at this age, parents need to take an interest in the wishes and customs of their child.

From 14 to 15 years - the development and adoption of self-confidence.

In this age segment Folding conditions in which most people cling to their positions and methods of behavior, which he chose for the current behavior. He is inclined to remain in their positions, even if they are ineffective, useless and can bring harm to others. At this age, the child takes care of most of their resources, the safety of their lives and their health. He looks at everything through itself and its needs. To move it to the one-sided positions, you need to compare it with many other children. This will reactivate his "mono" view of the world.

From 15 to 16 years - the development of imagination and self-confidence in him.

At this age, young people especially hard develops imagination. Man, not having hearing him instantly in his imagination sees a topic that touched him. Accordingly, begins to show particularly strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex, fueled by contrast imagination.

Educators preferably fill the imagination of children tasks aimed to comprehensive development, both in education and in other areas of its fulfillment. In this segment of the child is very curious and considers himself as an adult, without parental control leads to undisciplined young man.

Dear parents, carefully bother year, sending the child the right conditions in the circumstances. You save a huge potential of the child for many years. Fill out the thoughts and they will analyze them for many years.

From 16 to 17 years - the development of capacities for statistical analysis.

In this age, people began to compare their thoughts - with one another, developing the ability to high speed of thought. Often change their decisions, goals, aspirations, or any understanding of values. He hurries. Skimming the surface of many important and unimportant information values. In the segment of this age a person knows that he entered into the first phase of independent conditions for growing up.

From 17 to 18 years - the development of abilities operating memory.

The second stage of maturation predispose a person to emulate many of the events happening around him. Man absorbs visible behavior patterns of other people. Soaked scenarios increases a person's memory into long parallel lines informations, producing a load on his mind these actions often knocks him out of power. He recovers his strength, attracting the attention of others, demonstrating soaked scenarios and these actions asserting itself.

From 18 to 19 years - the development of volitional capacity and commitment to them.

In this period of time a person develops the ability to concentrate willpower and mental strength for the implementation of the current problems. This manifests itself in efficiency, mobility, speed of action and interactions with people. Teachers or parents is desirable to send the young man to the planning of self-realization. For adults, if necessary, to supplement their knowledge of the developing human subject studies. In this age, people in the dynamic processes of implementation of their tasks, but not very attentive in their planning.

From 19 to 20 years - the use of the attention and approval of ourselves in it.

In this age segment in humans produces the special potential of attention, which he uses whenever possible. The young man due to increased attention to the potential are partially self-confidence, a sense that he is able to notice everything, no skipping past his attention. Such abilities predispose him to play his attention to relationships with others. Its ability to attract the game to the public the various clusters of young people, where you can maintain different games with their attention, as well as secure their words and gestures. This year, people often flies to the wind because of meaningless games, so specification in all respects with that person will turn everything meaningless game in the dust. Do not play with people in this section of their age. To inculcate in them the severity and certainty, positive results do not have to wait long. If properly send a man in this age period, it will develop very quickly and purposefully.

From 20 to 21 years - the development of a focused initiative and confidence in her.

In this segment one tries to apply all sorts of instant knowledge, and influence, and control other people. Very often, the obstacles tend to be angry, because of which burn through the resources of the nervous system and heart sufficiency. At this age, sensitive human biofield, which he is able to put pressure on the people around them, leaving behind the injured and insulted people peers.

Recommendation: The teachers are very important to develop in a person during this year the ability to coordinate skills with people of different attitudes and actions. Must teach a person to maintain a good relationship, regardless of the results to those that have led to the crossing of their attention. Thus, a person will not be formed anchor his negative attitude to people, or social behavior.

From 21 to 22 years - the development of ways of combining the different values ??of life and in this statement.

In the segment of this age a person tries to combine in ways incompatible with the people of his presence. Also tries to combine information of different values ??and activities of society. People self-fulfilling various short planning and calculations by which asserts itself through the fruit. Without fruit - rebuild abilities with different values.

Recommendations: In this section of people severely burn through its focus on the logical calculations. This leads him to frequent doubts selecting a solution. Accordingly, it is desirable to support carers of young people with their attention in the proposed form. This attitude of adults will be a huge help, fostering independence in educability.

From 22 to 23 years - the use of foresight and statements in it.

In this segment of age a person develops a foresight and prudence in all matters and activities of their participation. In this age, people cultivate different values ??regarding safety of life, health, material resources and relationships with useful people. He is trying to pre-empt all the essentials that can relate to it at a later stage various businesses and occupations. Consequently, people in this age permeates his attention current actions and their development in the future.

Recommendation: You can support their children in their businesses, cleaning up after them clutter that comes because they are passionate about their attention more creative and interesting for the realization of these cases. They are very exhausting, and they did not have enough attention to cleanliness and cleaning in areas where hard.

From 23 to 24 years - the use of self-control and confidence in him.

In this age, people feel being an adult and independent. He established himself in relation to their abilities and capabilities, trying to cough up and interaction of various fruits. In this segment of its increasing people tend to build their excessive workload, forgetting about rest and exhausting human interaction. He can come to life already in a deep depression and exhaustion. He has a sense of clarity in many ways, but the lack of resources to apply their understanding. Therefore, people in this age group is trying to apply to the cause of all that.

Recommendation: Create opportunities to help your child or educability can move to another place regionally for two months. It is necessary that a person engaged in any other business, except those dealing with up to this decision. This will allow it geographically, from the outside, cut off from the inertia of youth attitudes and automatically rebuild plans clear, self-fruitful. After 60 days, with the change of society and every man sprays interacting self-hypnosis and hypnosis and family. After that time it will be seen by tens of times more power-confidence and self-responsibility, which will show independence. The independence of their children, all parents dream of, but not everyone knows how.

Third twelve years of life.

From 24 years to 36 years, formed human psychology.

For this amount of time a person develops his mental abilities. He is learning to plan and expect, given their inner desires and wishes of others, combining them with opportunities in the environment. At 24, a person has reached the age of majority worldview. He also reached the age of 24 tactical methods of age, people in this age can realize in practice much their actions towards development of strategic capabilities of their psychological development.

From 24 to 25 years - the basis of combining knowledge with the possibilities in the circumstances.

From 25 years to 26 years - the combination of manners to opportunities in the circumstances.

From 26 to 27 years - the combination of experience with the current opportunities in the circumstances.

From 27 to 28 years - the combination of imagination with the understanding of other people.

From 28 to 29 years - the combination of the knowledge with the knowledge of the environment.

From 29 to 30 years - a combination of foresight with foresight surrounding people.

From 30 to 31 years - the combination of its response to the reaction of other people.

From 31 to 32 years - the combination of his attention to the care of other people.

From 32 to 33 years - the combination of its influence with the influence of other people.

From 33 to 34 years - a combination of their plans with the plans of other people.

From 34 to 35 years - a combination of his foresight interacting with forethought.

From 35 to 36 years - a combination of self-control with self around them.

Quarter to twelve years of human life.

The time during which the reform is the psyche - a person's world.

For this amount of time a person is reconfigured, producing the first reform in their worldview. He reassesses the value of his life and goals that sought. In this segment of people in its ideology, many goals are released or rethinking, trying to rely on a more realistic and practical goals and values.

From 36 to 37 years old - the optimal reassessment of relations with people and circumstances.

37 to 38 years - the optimal revaluation of Moral Sentiments.

From 38 to 39 years - the optimal reassessment of feelings and impressions.

From 39 to 40 years - optimal revaluation imagination.

From 40 to 41 years - the optimal revaluation of thinking.

41 to 42 years - the optimal revaluation of knowledge contained in the memory.

From 42 to 43 years - a re-evaluation of the optimal response of the reaction.

From 43 to 44 years - the optimal properties revaluation of its attention.

From 44 to 45 years - the optimal capacity reassessment of its initiative.

From 45 to 46 years old - the optimal boundaries revaluation differences in their calculations.

From 46 to 47 years old - the optimal revaluation of forethought.

From 47 to 48 years - a re-evaluation of the optimal self-control.

Fifth twelve years of life.

The time during which a person is made reform of logic.

During these twelve people reconfigure their behavior methods, producing a practical abilities. In this segment of people overestimate their physical abilities, many things become unbearable to him. Therefore, the practical self-realization is produced mainly as necessary conditions and internally displaced in the circumstances.

From 48 to 49 years - the best perenastraivanie their behavior.

49 to 50 years - the best perenastraivanie their sense of morals.

With 50 to 51 years - the best perenastraivanie confidence.

From 51 to 52 years - the best of his understanding perenastraivanie.

From 52 to 53 years - the best perenastraivanie ability to analyze.

From 53 to 54 years - the best perenastraivanie use their memory.

From 54 to 55 years - the best perenastraivanie willed commitment.

From 55 to 56 years - the best perenastraivanie exploitation of their attention.

From 56 to 57 years - the best perenastraivanie his initiative.

From 57 to 58 years - the best combination of abilities perenastraivanie differences vital.

From 58 to 59 years - the best perenastraivanie his foresight.

From 59 to 60 years - the best perenastraivanie composure and control of others.

Sixth twelve years of life.

The time during which the reform is psychology.

For this amount of time a person readjusts his psychology of relationships with other people and the conditions in the environment. In this period of time a person performs an audit in his plans and calculations, it reconstructs its rules align an internal desires with external opportunities. In these ages people rebuild their strategy fulfillment and to engage with communities in their environment. Everything he touches, trying to optimize, to reduce energy consumption in the actions and time to implement.

From 60 to 61 years - the best combination of abilities perenastraivanie internal knowledge with external opportunities.

61 to 62 years - the best perenastraivanie in reconciling their feelings and the feelings of morals and manners of interacting people.

From 62 to 63 years - the best perenastraivanie in combining its expertise with the experience of interacting people.

From 63 to 64 years - the best perenastraivanie their understanding regarding the understanding of other people.

From 64 to 65 years - the best perenastraivanie in combining their knowledge with the knowledge of other people.

From 65 to 66 years - the best perenastraivanie in combination with the retention of the memory of other people.

From 66 to 67 years - the best perenastraivanie in reconciling its response with the response of other people.

From 67 to 68 years - the best combination perenastraivanie his attention with the attention of other people.

From 68 to 69 years - the best perenastraivanie in combining their influence with the influence of other people.

From 69 to 70 years - the best perenastraivanie in reconciling its plans with the plans of interacting people.

From 70 to 71 years - the best perenastraivanie in reconciling his foresight foresight interacting with people.

71 to 72 years - the best perenastraivanie in reconciling his temper with self interacting people.

Seventh twelve years of life.

The time during which the second is the reform of the psyche.

For this amount of time a person gives up many of the goals and desires, making them easier to instinctively. In this period of time the human world is reconfigured. Many inspiring his understanding of topics it cools. Experience of lived time interrupts the importance of the current reality, in this period of time a person a second time resets your outlook. After 72 years of a person changes dramatically in their behavior and understanding with loved ones is often violated. The human body is not particularly hardy and may be accompanied by increased capriciousness in the mood.

From 72 to 73 years - the reduction and simplification of relationships with other people and societies.

From 73 to 74 years - the reduction and limitation of manners feelings and desires.

From 74 to 75 years - the reduction and simplification of feelings and impressions.

From 75 to 76 years - the reduction and simplification of the properties of the imagination.

From 76 to 77 years - the reduction and simplification of the criteria and the statistical analysts.

From 77 to 78 years - the reduction and simplification of information storage.

From 78 to 79 years - the reduction and limitation of volitional dynamics.

From 79 to 80 years - the reduction and limitation of attention to current events.

From 80 to 81 years - reduction and simplification initiative.

From 81 to 82 years - the reduction and simplification of logic calculations.

From 82 to 83 years - the reduction and simplification of forethought.

From 83 to 84 years - to reduce and simplify the self-control and control of other people.

 Eighth twelve years of life.

The time during which the second is reform of logic.

During this time of life to a man much becomes unbearable physically. Few people store and provide your body in the right conditions, most people start to get sick or quickly enter a state of fatigue. In this segment of a person's age is beginning to notice the benefit of people's attention.

Man tries to attract the attention of friends and the people around them as a child. Once the child is attracting attention for its development, and mature person for their physical and mental health. Most do ages resource physical body is in critical condition, health and replenish its depleted nowhere.

From 84 to 85 years - the limited relationship with other people.

From 85 to 86 years - limited in moral desired actions.

From 86 to 87 years - limited experiences and enrichment activities.

From 87 to 88 years - the current limitations of the imagination.

From 88 to 89 years - limited statistical capabilities.

From 89 to 90 years old - a limited ability to remember new information.

From 90 to 91 years - limited abilities willed speakers.

From 91 to 92 years old - a limited ability of mindfulness.

From 92 to 93 years - limited initiative in behavior.

From 93 to 94 years - limited planning and calculations.

From 94 to 95 - limited foresight.

From 95 to 96 years - self-limited and the impact on others.

Ninth twelve years of life.

The time during which the second is reform of psychology.

During this time, the man of your desires and reconfigures the behavior methods, developing a practice behaviors old child. In this segment of people overestimate their physical abilities and begins to understand that much of the desired becomes impossible in practice independent action. Therefore, the practical self-realization is produced mainly as Arte conditions in circumstances. People each year lose their independence, involving the implementation of desired their families and the people around them. Most people in this age segment steadily trying to work physically, seeing action in the data source of health.

From 96 to 97 years - minimum relationships with other people.

From 97 to 98 years - the minimum the desires and habits.

From 98 to 99 years - minimum display impressions of current relations.

From 99 to 100 years - the minimum display of imagination in the current relationship.

From 100 to 101 years - the minimum display of intelligence in the current relationship.

101 to 102 years old - the minimum memory fill the new information.

From 102 to 103 years old - the minimum expression of will.

From 103 to 104 years - the minimum manifestation of attention in the current relationship.

From 104 to 105 - the minimum taking the lead in the current relationship.

From 105 to 106 years old - the minimum display of prudence and simplification in the relationship.

From 106 to 107 years old - the minimum display of foresight in the relationship.

From 107 to 108 years old - the minimum display of self-control and control of others.

Ten minutes to twelve years of human life.

The time during which you are third reform mental outlook.

Some people live to these ages, mostly the people who spared his body and psyche outlook. Human relationships with people, and especially the harmonious relations, increases the years of his life. Many of us have noticed just how older people tend to attract the attention of people, especially the young. Older people instinctively try to attract the attention of passers-by, even at the expense of which improve their health. These intelligent people age feel young, and spirit can not control the quality of their flesh. Because of this condition, they are with their attention in the past, the events of history, where they were cheerful and young. This focus of attention burns Spirit of life, since life man must remember the past, not live in it attention, to interact with people in the present and plan for the future. These settings can be changed in a lot of life and increase the years of his life for decades.

From 108 to 109 years old - a weak understanding of other people.

From 109 to 110 years old - weak manifestation of manners and desires.

From 110 to 111 years old - a weak self-expression, amplification of schizophrenia.

From 111 to 112 years - a poor understanding of current developments in the circumstances.

From 112 to 113 years old - the weak capacity of thinking and reasoning.

From 113 to 114 years - low, maloposlushnaya memory and imagination.

From 114 to 115 years - slaboposlushnoe body, limited physical activities.

From 115 to 116 years - weak, bystroizmatyvaemoe attention.

From 116 to 117 years - poor initiative in behavior and relationships with other people.

From 117 to 118 years old - a rare and weak planning calculations for loved ones.

From 118 to 119 years old - a weak and rare foresight in current events.

From 119 to 120 years old - a weak self-control and negligible impact on the family and the people around them.

Eleventh twelve years of life.

The time during which you are third reform logic behavior.

Little-known society of people on Earth who cross the age of 120 years. Perhaps many centenarians who crossed and crossed this age, can not remember the exact date of his birth. Also, some of them may try not to attract attention to surprise people, because these values ??a person's age to persuade him to stay calm and avoid critical load on the mind and attention. In this age, people feel, see and understand some of the properties and strength of people's attention. They try to avoid people with negative attention, because these intersections dramatically reduce their spirit will to live. Sincerity and positive attention interacting people are the most valuable to them, as these relationships extend their years of life. People of such ages as children who do not develop, and degrade with each passing month and year of life. The cardiovascular system is clearly showing its life when his mind is in the soundness of longevity. Normalized and proper diet with regular exercise extend health longevity.

From 120 to 121 years - a change in the circumstances of the relationship methods.

121 to 122 years - a change of methods of application of the desires and habits.

From 122 to 123 years - a change of concentration methods and properties of impressions of past events.

From 123 to 124 years - a change of methods of understanding.

From 124 to 125 years - a change of methods of thinking.

From 125 to 126 years - a change of methods of application of knowledge from memory.

From 126 to 127 years - a change of methods of application of willpower.

From 127 to 128 years - a change of methods of attention.

From 128 to 129 years - a change of methods of application of initiative.

From 129 to 130 years - a change of plans and methods of calculation.

From 130 to 131 years - a change of methods of foresight.

From 131 to 132 years - a change of methods of their self-control and control of others.

Twelfth twelve years of life.

The time during which you are third reform of behavioral psychology.

About the lives of little known society ages, namely, the conditions of their life, mood, health and well-being of relationships with people. These people are protected close attention and supportive people. Single people do not live very long, because human life is extended in harmony with the loving and respectful of their people. Most of these societies were formed far from the lawless civilization and progress suicidal capitalists. Today's centenarians are on islands and isolated from civilization villages. In such circumstances, the local community can maintain a harmonious aura, in which young longevity supplement energy and health through attention, and long-lived complement of young wisdom and experience. These age groups are especially dependent on the society of their location, they deadly change society of their location.

From 132 to 133 years - the dependence on relationships with family and other people.

From 133 to 134 years - the dependence on customs and desires family and people around them.

From 134 to 135 years old - the dependence on concentration and excitement near and around them.

From 135 to 136 years - depending on their understanding family and people around them.

From 136 to 137 years - the dependence on analysts and thought family and people around them.

From 137 to 138 years - depending on the knowledge and the close people around.

From 138 to 139 years - the dependence of the properties of will, friends and people around them.

From 139 to 140 years - depending on the strength of close attention and people around them.

From 140 to 141 years old - the dependence on the initiative relatives and people around them.

From 141 to 142 years - depending on the plan and settlement near and around them.

From 142 to 143 years - the dependence on the foresight and wisdom of friends and people around them.

From 143 to 144 years - the dependence on self-control and family and the people around them.


You are familiar with the system development and genetic characteristics of human adaptation. This detailed presentation regarding the first twenty-four years of life. The next hundred and twenty years have generalized titles each year zhiznideystviya person. These materials are formed on the basis of science Psihonomii. To see the detailed presentation of age periods after 24 years, you need to show their participation.


Man by himself without a society can not develop! He's like an animal survive in their environment. We can pay attention to the rich and abundant power of people, they do not last long, because they create disharmony in society, such actions depleting their vital resources. Every man, growing up, becoming dependent on relations in society, and the units are trying to positively influence the quality of the relationship. Centenarians and superdolgozhiteli live in a harmonious society, far from major metropolitan areas.

The fact is that everyone has their biomagnetic field, as the planet Earth. Such a field can be of different sizes, ranging from centimeters and continuing for hundreds of meters, and can reach up to kilometers. Growing up, he becomes more dependent on the bio people around, there may not even realize that affects his health and his spirit flies to life.

Societies on the positive and harmonious relationships is the foundation necessary for longevity. Company's work in this area removes the death and at the time it would not. It is important to understand that even a small harmonious society of people from dozens of your biofield can positively affect millions of abstract people. Most people are distracted by the priorities of secondary importance or confusing manipulators who put people suicidal purposes instead purposes to develop and improve.

Author: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.


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