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Elements of Zodiac are in psychology of man

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In any direction you want the person is able to direct his attention, he is able to meet the elemental forces of nature of the environment or natural force of character.

Many of the events around the man spontaneously move and change in its manifestation and properties. Part of the change in the circumstances of our modern life, humanity standardized units of time and there is a science.

Parallel to the events of change in the development of society resisted the oldest science and discipline of self-man, which is today called astrology. Science of astrology is the foundation of modern science of psychology. In the depths of the ancient astrologers laws revealed the effect of time on the matter and on the psychology of human behavior. Their research allowed them to form horoscopes, which today we can compare with the psychological analysis of human behavior. Both then and now to make the analysis of general temperament of people and detailed content.

Elements of the Zodiac disclose the nature of the human total. Each of the elements has a specific color scheme of the two colors that characterizes the psychological characteristics of people of general importance. Elements differ from each other with their density of matter, information, and specific gravity, and this is manifested in the psychological qualities.

In the zodiac of the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Each of the elements is defined by a group of mothers who are just in a mobile state, and in cooperation with each other are called elements. The influence of the elements in nature, we see constantly in the form of earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Manifestation of spontaneity in the psychology of human behavior also has the visibility of certain properties that can identify and influence them.

Elemental Zodiac series divides society into the vertical hierarchy of four parts. From the simplest to the most complex elements of the structure of the appearance! According to this principle, and under such laws the way the world zodiac.

The element of Earth. This element is associated with the color black, which silhouetted image of red. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus constellations form their element of Earth. In the psychological device of man the earth element is manifested in its heightened consciousness, the current perception of the environment. People of this element increased sensitivity to events that occur in the environment. People Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are especially sensitive in dealing with people and information, it is evident in their increased vulnerability. Black element to the atmosphere of austerity and responsibility in the external behavior of the people of this nature, and the red image on black background showing their positive intentions to the outside of rigor and severity.

Each of the four elements has a pole on the earth, and the elements of the Earth belongs to the North Pole! Man of the Earth element is capable of its rigor and responsibility of pumping cold air in public relations. People who were born during the impact Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus particularly conscious and sensitive to people and information.

Element of water. This element is associated with the color green, which loom images blue flowers. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio form their constellations element of water. In the psychological unit of human element of water is manifested in its enhanced subconscious, in a strong imagination. People of the elements have contrasting thoughts and many associations related to their way of thinking. The people of this disaster immediately able to understand other people and to understand the new information environment. Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio especially intuitive in dealing with people. This is evident in their rapid susceptibility of people, events and information. Green elements creates an atmosphere of consistency and certainty in the external behavior of people in this disaster, and blue images on this background show their internal instability and volatility of external consistency of behavior and attitudes in society.

Each of the four elements has a pole on the Earth, the Water element belongs to the pole of the West! Water element people can escalate their increased sociability abundant information environment in public relations. People who were born during the influence of the constellations of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio especially subconscious and contrast savvy in dealing with people with information and circumstances.

The element of Fire. This element is associated with the color red, which silhouetted image with black. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius form the constellations of their element fire. In humans, the psychological elements of fire apparatus is shown in the strong penetration of attention, that is, in penetrating understanding of the internal structure of the environment and people's mood. People of this element increased susceptibility to relationships in the community and their customs. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius is especially insightful in the relationship. This is manifested in them in multiple relationships with people and information. The red color elements to the atmosphere of fanaticism and love in the external behavior of people in this disaster, and black images on this background exert their negative impulses reinforced selfishness.

Each of the four elements has a pole on the earth, and the elements of Fire belongs to the South Pole! People element of Fire is capable of his loving and fanaticism embolden and intensify the mood of people in societies. People who were born during the influence of the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius very keen and attentive to people and information of circumstances.

The element of Air. This element is associated with the color blue, the image that emerges green. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius form their constellations air element. In the human psychological device elements of air shows in the strong sense of touch, that is, self-control and monitoring of the environment. People of this element increased susceptibility to consistency in the events that occur in the environment. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are particularly pragmatic in dealing with people and this is reflected in their high demands to the cooperating persons and the minimum of responsibility. The blue color elements to the atmosphere of globality and variability of information that appears in the external behavior of people in this disaster, and green on a blue background image showing them logically planned relationships with people, society and circumstances.

Each of the four elements has a pole on the earth, the air element belongs to the pole of the East! Man is capable of air element of its thrift and maximalism exploit responsibility in dealing with people. People who were born during the influence of the constellations Libra, Gemini and Aquarius is very tactile, trying to rule over all. Use every resource at his logic and calculations are often inclined to do insensitive in dealing with people with information and circumstances.

Our nature is a natural element of the potential, which is manifested by the energy without human intervention, in the zodiac in parallel presents a manifestation of spontaneous potential in the psychology of human behavior. People, learning information of its natural properties of nature, has the ability to reclaim them. To influence the development of character, you must use the device information rights. In science Psihonomii person can consider the natural laws of human behavior and the ability to develop cultivation of his natural capacities and human interaction.

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Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk 


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