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Instruction manual• The Crown of Education • Methods of payment and the cost of services • Structure of the database. Projects in perspective • Contact information The Crown of EducationObjectives. Personal development of understanding and awareness in the field of psychological human structure and the laws of relations in society. Development of the user’s abilities to apply in practice the cultivated knowledge of the given program and to interact effectively for all parties involved. Favorable development of the user in all aspects of his self-actualization and stability in the state of personal harmony. Current opportunities. Currently, this program presents the user with the opportunity of characterizing the structure of personality in a three-dimensional form. With the help of innovative presentation forms, the user can understand, see, and recognize through individual initiative the structure of an individual’s mind-set, the system of his behavior methods, and the consequences of his actions which manifest in specific reactions of the surrounding people. Practical experience. The user can utilize high-precision knowledge of the real laws concerning human life and society. The knowledge in this program is based on thirteen years of experience in diverse relations. During the period of practice, the given technology has established itself as above national, above geographic, and above gender. This means that the definitions of gender, nationality, and geographical location disappear as the primary facts that characterize the structure of personality. The paramount importance in the given technology is given to the person, the personality, the individual, the associate, the society, and the surrounding people, in time and in determination. The form of presentation attracts the reader’s attention promoting easy memorization of the given information. The technologies applied in this program utilize the reader’s personal experience. In The Crown of Education program, the user discovers the natural structure of his temper, the causes of his mood and the causes of people’s attitude towards him. The accuracy of this information surpasses the given individual’s personal knowledge of self and his associates for an average of ten to hundred times. Concurrently, the user familiarizes with methods of self control and team management. As a result of familiarization with the program’s information, the user generates high independence in his self-fulfillment and in his collective relations. The system is effective for any age in general; however, it is specifically effective for individuals twelve years of age and older. This is due to the fact that the user at his age will have a necessary amount of experience which would help him compare, see, understand, and benefit from reading charged information. After reading this information, you will understand that your knowledge of your character and the character of your associates was very limited. Database ManualIn the database control panel located in the upper left corner of the page you should enter the birth parameters of the individual you would like to learn about. Every key of the birth time shown in the control panel of query parameters is important. However, an exact knowledge of the necessary birth parameters is not always available in reality. For this reason, the absence of some or all birth parameters was considered in advance. If you lack information about an unknown birth year, you should enter a question mark or choose unknown. The program will provide you with the information that will help you learn about yourself or a given individual several times better. The control panel for queries has two buttons: basic and general. If you click basic, you will receive information about the mind-set, methods of behavior and terms of interaction with the surrounding environment. If you click general, you will receive the basic information regarding the difference of outlook with methods, methods with terms of circumstances, outlook with circumstances, and the final manifestation of the personality. Additional buttons with more functional abilities will be connected soon. Methods of payment and the cost of services.The Crown of Education works automatically in response to requests of a user who has completed free registration and replenished his personal account with funds. The contribution to your individual can be completed in the Personal account / Balance using WebMoney and LiqPay (through VISA and MASTERCARD). Funds are equalized to the monetary unit of this site - wholes. One whole is equal to 24.00 UAH, 0.89 USD, or 56.01 rubles. Users of MTS Moscow can replenish their account by sending a text message from their mobile phone to the number 1161 with the individual text provided by the system in the Personal Account / Balance / SMS. The cost of one text message is equal to 111.76 rubles with taxes accounted. Upon request, the user can familiarize with the information by reading it from the database and paying for the time of staying in The Crown of Education database. The acquired whole remain in the account of the user until the user uses them up with no time limit. The e-money of this site – wholes will be automatically withdrawn from your personal account for each minute ahead. Every minute is used up by seconds before automatic purchase of the next minute from the beginning of the query and in the process of reading the information from this program. The price for an hour of reading the information from the database depends upon the selected language. The cost of reading information for one hour in Russian is 2 wholes. The structure of the database. Projects in perspective.The given program unites a group of information programs that formulate the material of a personality. Accordingly, this educational complex can be compared with a woven machine that formulates the monolith of the individual characteristics from multiple information threads. The systems that formulates The Crown of Education program includes: 1. The system of the mind-set and the outlook; 2. The system behavior methods; 3. The system of environmental reactions; 4. Independent understanding and application in action; 5. Actions under instruction; 6. Properties of understanding and properties of environment information; 7. The level of personality’s final manifestation; 8. Properties of development periods for each year and twelve blocks; and 9. Properties of daily self-actualization. Currently, the connected systems are - 1, 2 and 3. The given program is created according to the laws of the science called psychonomy. Constructively, this science represents a contiguous position among other sciences. The main concept of the given science is that all information is directly or indirectly related to the natural laws of human psychology, it also takes into account the causes of the physiological state of human relationships and the cyclicity of relationship orders in the society. The Crown of Education is the first of four fee-based systems of education based upon the elementary table of psychonomy science. In addition to The Crown of Education program, another program of general query titled Interaction is preparing to be connected. With the help of this feature, the user will have the opportunity to request information regarding the relationship between two individuals. The second program called The Scanner of the Individual is designed for personal use of the individual and companies that test their staff. In this program, the user will have the opportunity to buy a block of information on demand for a specific fee and study it in an arbitrary rate subsequently. The third fee-based program is called Everything in Life is Relative. As in The Crown of Education program, the planned payment will be based on time of being in the database. Psychonomy is a set of free and paid programs. Currently, you have the opportunity of familiarizing with the first part of the technologies provided by this science. By sequentially familiarizing with the themes of these programs, the user will possess the knowledge that he would be able to apply in practice. Based on the familiarization with the information based on the technologies of the science of psychonomy the user may be qualified for a certain status of a specialist or technologist in the science of psychonomy. General informational structure of every person.It is widely known that the structure of the human is three dimensional but few can formulate this definitely and precisely. To develop the ability to see, understand, and maximally influence in the field of human knowledge and society, you must configure a respect for every person, regardless of his development! In every person we can see some major or minor part of ourselves which is reflected in their certain behavior or mood. Only individual manifestations such as actions, behaviors, and mental solutions can be disrespected. Every person is instantly applying his attention to three fields of informational activities; each activity is successively vertically interconnected. The first information plane is called the exodus. This part of informational activities of an individual consists of his way of thinking, outlook, and imagination. For the most part, these human abilities are hidden from direct sight of other people. Everything that happens in a person's mind-set can be realized or remain in the memory of the thoughts. It is important to realize before consciously acting a person must possess thoughts on the subject of actions. People who are interacting with other people are sharing ideas - the labor of thoughts and attention! This information plane is divided into 12 levels of worldviews. By nature, one of twelve levels is developed in every human. Each level is individually effective for the individual and the society. To do something, you need to know or imagine. Correspondingly, if there are no thoughts on the subject then there the actions in this subject are absent as well. Thoughts of an individual constitute the vision of his mind. If there are no thoughts, there is no mind. As a result, an individual is blind with his mind in that theme. Thinking is the essence of human mind and thoughts are subject to management and direction. The psyche of the individual is formulated from the thoughts; without the information of the psyche, there is no individual. The second informational plane is called tactical. This part of informational activities of an individual consists of the tactics his behavior methods, physiological sensations and activities, his physique, his commutability and rhetorical abilities in the quality of communication. Every individual has identified for himself certain special abilities which manifest in our behavioral methods or in the specifics of our interactions with the associates and the surrounding or communicating people. The tactic of behavior methods occupies direct importance in the individual’s independent realization of tasks, formed by his personal desires and his personal decision. In such processes an individual tends to spend a lot of energy while variously distressing oneself. This information plane is divided into 12 levels of tactical methods of human action and behavior. By nature, one of twelve levels in developed in every individual. Each level of tactical methods is individually effective for the individual and the society. To interact effectively for oneself, an individual must possess knowledge and know how to apply it in practice. This is the order in which the tactical behavioral methods are characterized. The third informational plane is called strategic. This part of informational activities of an individual consists of the consequences of his actions which manifest in particular response of the circumstances, the associates, and the surrounding people. This informational plane represents the personal strategy of the individual allocated with years of his life. Past years of every individual consist of past events that are capable to either inspire or depress the current mood of the individual. The human strategy can be compared to a vine bush. Much like a vine bush runs wild and looses years of life without care, a man runs wild without the guiding terms of his circumstances, being carried away by his natural needs. This information plane is divided into 12 levels of strategies of environmental impact terms. By nature, one of twelve levels in developed in every individual. Each strategic level is individually effective for the individual and the society. To interact effectively in the given circumstances, it is important to remember proven relationships with the surrounding people and the circumstances! You should complete the obligations of forgotten years according to the available energy and opportunities minimally in your thoughts and maximally with your actions. Our strategy is reflected in our solutions and outstanding commitments to the surrounding people throughout our life experience. The surrounding and interacting people treat us in the manner we treated them before. Each person possesses an instinct of reflecting the behavior of others in a society, only with some delay. The strategy of an individual is formulated from the information scattered across many years and different relationships. The given three informational planes that make up an individual contain the identity device information and its system of relationships in the society. Contact information:WMID415517966256 Tel: +380939488812 WMID852980884560 Tel: +380667887028 e-mail: psychonomycom@gmail.com icq: 358829989 © 2008-2010, Basic Table of Psychonomy Science, Database of Automated Programs: the Scanner of the Individual and the Crown of Education. |
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