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Plan of the parametersThe data which characterize the qualities and structure of worldview, cognitation and mental potential of a requested individual. At the typeselection of data "General" the program will give out information in three parts about the diagnosed man. As these parts look, vide infra. The first part characterizes the level of world view of man and his property. §1 Worldview levels. General definition. Worldview of a person has individual information content, which is concentrated in the memory of individuals with different densities. The speed of human thought and his internal reaction depend on the density of the perception of information. The minimum information densities have individuals of the twelfth level. This is manifested in the highest speed of thinking and instant internal reaction to his health. The highest information density has individuals of the first level of worldview. This appears low speed and low level of thinking internal reaction to his health. From first to 12th level decreases the density and detail of information perception and increases the speed and performance of self-intelligence individuals. Worldview levels consistently rise vertically from one to twelve. §2 System properties of worldview level A person is constantly developing from simple understanding of life to complicated understanding of personal importance in relations with information of the outworld. By his cognition the person receive different information according to standards developed by his worldview level. Twelfth level – the person’s influence. A person with this worldview level cognizes and memorizes different objects of the environment by the effect of their influence on other people and specifically on the given individual. By cognizing individuals they try to understand their abilities and possibilities to influence on the society. §3 Possibilities properties. Each person understands his possibilities in his own manner and applies them accordingly. A person is not creating ways of acting possibilities by his own, but repeats them by force of habit until he parallel see something new in possibilities. Thus it’s enough to parallel see innovative possibilities in order to start developing informative in their cognition and to increase the quality of worldview. Twelfth level – the interaction of possibilities. They are able to instantly understand, agree and communicate with the maximum mutual effect. They create a relationship with unknown people at first. §4 The system of current cognition work. There are different attitudes to information in human cognitions which in different ways relate to knowledge, by processing in their order. These actions create a processor work of cognition. Twelfth level – the use of well-timed possibilities. They try to apply their possibilities in a timely manner or to use the possibilities of interacting people. §5 Knowledge application system. Each individual perceives the same knowledge in his own way. He has his personal feelings for them that he gained in the experimental processes of self-actualization. Personal feelings of individual because of the understanding of the same information form the relation, as well as the use of the same knowledge. Twelfth level – the use of real knowledge. The given person uses that knowledge, which is proved by personal practice or by the practice of responsible individuals. §6 Mental efforts dynamics. A person puts mental effort at those moments when the procedure of primary relations of information and the active forces of the psyche is formed. Everyone evaluates its tasks in their own manner, while self-electing the moments of his response and duration of influence. People systematically understand the various interactions, choosing individual policies of his understanding and dedication to this matter. Twelfth level – the devotion in certainty. The tendency to put efforts in topics which were determined by meaning and practicalness. §7 The purposefulness of attention. The attention of a person has special properties to see the world in its own way, individually. Personal vision of the world directs attention to the human understanding of certain aspects of those relations. Accordingly, from the same subjects may receive different benefit a certain number of individuals. All of this explanation depends on that particular attention is directed that gives attention to the process of relations. Twelfth level – the understanding of certain relations and processes’ themes. Considering the various themes of relations, they delve into the certain quality sides and values. §8 The characteristics of comprehension. Each individual has his own characteristic of comprehension that’s why he reacts in his relations according to this characteristic. At the same time he watches the reaction of the environment and people after his influence. The person introduces the understandable and planed things in his relations thus becoming firmly established. At failure to realize his comprehension he becomes weak in his confidence and strength as in position. Twelfth level – the comprehension of everything in the whole. In their comprehension they combine the general meaning of general definition and the relations’ theme. §9 The activity system. Each person individually applies to its energy fund attention. Some people do not know how to appreciate the attention, while others do not appreciate the attention of interacting people, and others do not feel the attention to standardize as potential measures. And since every individual in their own spending and control capabilities attention to these actions and arrive in a state of active abilities. From the possession of reserve fund of attention depend on the possibility of self-actualization, which can be performed with the last forces or with the selected reserve. Twelfth level – always estimate everything globally. In various relations they tend to estimate the maximum values. §10 The diligence characteristics. Our diligence remains our diligence! The interacting people mostly don’t see the diligence in our behavior. The thing is that our internal feeling of diligence can be perceived by the surrounding people in the other meaning. It’s important to consciously explore the diligence characteristics in order to effectively affect them. Twelfth level – the connecting diligence.By their cogitation they connect the parts and the details in whole blocks thus simplifying the knowledge. §11 Purposefulness of cogitation. Meditating or working on something, the individual has a certain goal, which is imagined in various forms, types and conditions. Human purpose - it is their concern that possess them and the man belongs to them voluntarily. His commitment to the objectives pledged by cogitation, people are sold only on certain orders, personal awareness. Twelfth level – to do it so that it will be not excellent. By their comprehension they appreciate any possibility for cogitation work and exercise it without having rest. In the self-actualization relations they don’t have enough time in order to use all the knowledge, that he has much more then self-actualization themes. §12 The awareness sets. In the human comprehension are laid automatic sets of priority to guide cogitation on certain values, and competition for them in public relations. These sets are the personal mental armor of self-actualization in the world of images and maps of thoughts. With the help of cards of cogitation person makes his own decisions and agreements. Twelfth level – the set - comprehensive understanding, perfect knowledge. By their comprehension they consider the topic of cogitation from different sides, in this ways they fully understand the themes of personal self-actualization. §13 The attention focusing on the time processes. Special features of cogitation based on the work with the information of their knowledge, skills and interacting people and with the information of the environment of relationships and self-actualization. Working with the information of the listed areas, the person is able to think in three main ways. The person’s attention is directed towards these data orders. Third level – they take care about past processes of realization. The information about the past relations and self-actualization conditions is especially clear.
§ 1 The human behavior has the individual performance. One and the same task one performs fast and the other slowly, one qualitatively and the other not qualitatively, one by halves, and the other with a sense and diligence. In the processes of life-relationships, each person produces a certain rate of self-actualization, also in his efforts. All of this is concentrated in specific methods of self-actualization. Any methods are equal to a certain level of behavior. From the first to the twelfth level the speed increases and the quality decreases. The level of behavior. The maximum sensitivity to the current relationship, because of this they are very attracted to or distracted by the details. §2 The strategy of behavior policy. Both you and other people in all sorts of ways are using one of the four strategies. Each of the four strategies discloses the nature of a person, which is often hidden from our direct vision. The first strategy. This person has the appearance of a serious and committed person, but within himself he is very sensitive and vulnerable. §4 The feelings of the heart. In relations with some people, we demand and expect the impossible. The fact that some people are naturally soft-hearted in interpersonal relations and friendship, and others are tough-hearted. And it’s impossible to demand from the tough-hearted person to be fanatical, as well as to demand from the soft-hearted person the indifference. The soft-hearted person tends to fanatical enthusiasm in interpersonal relations and friendship. § 7 The work with information. In our lives and the lives of others exist, existed, and will always be an incalculable amount of information that mankind tries to regulate. To do this, mankind uses three methods of working with information. Implementation or in other words the transformation of theory into practice - this method is one of the most important. At the time of realization of some operations or relations occurs the use of accurate information that is provided by historians and forecasters. This information on how to perform a particular job or operation. Thus, thanks to accurate information, we can reduce costs, time and attention and other resources. Implementer has the ability to transform information into some kind of action (useful or useless). Implementer not particularly distracted by the depth of past events or the detail of future events, he is in the best conditions and opportunities of the current time. §8 The source of information. In the process of life events a person uses different information. He gets it different ways and treat it differently. There are three main channels of information, which we use. Alternative. This source of information is drawn from current events. The person in the current circumstances is trying to select an alternative direction (the best), trying to use this alternative resources. The alternative is the best of the possible and necessary now, at the moment. This person is able to instantly respond, while using alternative opportunities. He is an operative, which can immediately affect the circumstances, changing for the better or for worse, that depends on the tasks. §10 Punctuation marks. There are numerous interactions of individuals with each other in human society. In the process of relations, each individual controls his own rhythms and rhythms of the interacting people by certain punctuation measures with the help of which he affects these relations. Point. With the help of the point in the orthography we separate one sentence from the other sentence, paragraph, topic, section or one book from another. In humans, these qualities manifest themselves psychologically so that they can separate some things from others and separate the special things and the matter. Accordingly, the ability to separate spheres of activity allows person to clearly estimate certain things, actions or relations. §11 The effective possibilities. Our tactical actions produce a certain effect on the theme of relations. It is always important to act promptly and effectively to the best of your abilities. Each person has developed automatic, natural ability to act effectively in relationships. Actions in the relationship are made primarily informative, but not physically. Splits. In the themes of relations he clearly splits one theme from the others. §12 They pay special attention. There are many areas that relate to groups of values of society. But in the natural structure of a person, all values are divided into three groups - a group of material values, ideals and relations. Wealth. This person particularly appreciates things and becomes very attached to them, and sometimes can depend on wealth. §13 The psychological properties. The psychological structure of human nature is divided into three groups. First - this is the psychological, the second - psychical, the third - logical. Psychological manifested in current interactions. This individual is given to the process, without distracting the depths of history and plans for the distant future. §14 The effectiveness of methods in actions A person by his actions produces different effects on his condition and condition of others, as well as on relations. Confirm. This individual confirms in the relationship his position or understanding of the current manifestations in the environment. §15 The form of behavior. The behavior of an individual always has a definite form to others or interacting people. Any form of behavior has its basis and productivity. Facts. This individual is based in his behavior on visual evidence; because of this he is very fruitful immediately on the fact of relationships and agreements. § 16 Diagonal, Vertical, Horizontal. People's behavior can be characterized by geometric values. And as we previously acquainted with the triple qualities of human behavior, we can also characterize them by geometric lines into three groups: Diagonal. This individual is very versatile. His life metaphorically represents a ladder with steps of growth. Step on the plane can accumulate and increase resources. In this direction he consumes a minimum of personal resources. Step on vertical plane – a necessary trend of development, shall bear the costs of resources or even fruitless. Sometimes the individual is inclined to get involved in overly plane or vertical. §17 Changeability. Changeability between emotionality and tactfulness - it is more universal position. This changeable personality elects initially some specific tactics for relations on the basis of arguments and in the process of relations can switch to the emotion in order to change tactics during the moment of this emotion. As a result, the shifting positions provide an opportunity to respond to the current situation, while not obliging to behave according to the rules defined by tactics. This individual may apply different tactics, linking them with each other by short-term emotions. §18 Positive-negative properties. A person by his behavior or themes relations can create a negative or positive effect on the interacting people or people around him. 50% of the negative and positive. Half-positive and half negative. Increasingly dependent on the current conditions. §19 There are three forms of future events: a semiconductor, conductor, insulator. Semiconductors. This person has the properties of the semiconductor. He relies on current events, from which he records the prediction of various theories in himself and the surrounding people. Sometimes these predictions are very short on detail of future events. Because of a certain experience this individual can doubt some facts or arguments, and be partly sure in them. Accordingly, this person is a semiconductor between people of different categories. §20 The temperament of the character. The temperament in human nature affects others differently. By temperament a person is able to oppress other people or be oppressed by superior temperament of people. Temperament is as the temperature in the character of the person, which can be compared with a high velocity of flame and low velocity of cold. Data quality in a man appears in the form of charisma, character, or lack of character explosion. Melancholic. This highly sensitive indecisive individual often shows increased exactingness to himself and to the others. When supported he is able to achieve high performance in a creative work. He is carried away by the emotional mood or ostensibility. For reasons of failures his response speed decreases until the complete deferred response. Melancholic doesn’t demonstrate his will or his own personal command. He has to fulfill the commandments of volitional guidance, interpretations, or pressure of other individuals. § 21 The will properties. Willpower - how is it manifested? The will begins with the commandment, which sends someone in a certain direction. You can say "shifts" in any direction, like the image of a moving wall or ceiling. On the first place the will is generated by mental moral excitement through desires. The start of the manifestation of the will: "I want it!!!", "I wish it!!!", "I need it!!!", "I can achieve this!!!", "I will get it!", "I have everything for this!!!", "I am maximally awake", "I mostly give myself for someone." Through these desires, we can wake a will. Will is excited in a person with a help of fanaticism. Fanaticism - is a powerful generator of will. At the same time, taking advantage of fanaticism, it is necessary to control it by sobriety of the mind in the current time. To be able to instantly turn on the fanaticism with which to implement complex tasks, which may also be monotonic. Also to be able to achieve the following goals instantly turning the fanaticism, returning to instantly calm state. There are four orders by which the volitional actions are manifested. Without will. This person can not demonstrate his desires and rights and commands. If he displays some sort of will, this will was absorbed by him from other people with whom he had to interact. The will of others he can fulfill much zealously than his own. Therefore, it is a person without his will. §22 The quality of responsibility. In human society, each individual particularly perceives the order of responsibility which can be created in relations with other people. The effort of being responsible itself directs indicators or concepts in the most profitable way. Responsibility can be represented as manipulation of responsible persons by the irresponsible persons. People may be responsible for their behavior to society or to be responsible for their condition to themselves. By the will of others he’s responsible. This person is maximally responsible to the interacting people with whom he reached some agreements, or had a relationship. § 23 The psychological standards. Every person by nature draws the attention to a relationship that allows him to understand, evaluate and influence in these relationships. The etiquette. By means of etiquette, we have the written and the unwritten rules, which allow us to choose the methods of behavior and relationships. From the Greek the word “Etiquette” means a label, this means our “standard”. There are many standards of human behavior. These standards are formed in society, as a certain procedure through which we are entitled to the relationship. And because there are many different societies, each has its own etiquette. Therefore, at entering into any society, we can take its etiquette (rules) or to bring our own etiquette. In other cases, the competition takes place where wins the person with a superior etiquette. This individual has a particularly focused attention on the current rules of relations and standards of the customs of the surrounding people. § 24 The External Internal and Connecting actions. The connecting actions. The connecting actions are manifested in the following way: a person is 50% inside himself (his feelings, thoughts) and 50% in the external world. This individual is able to instantly switch from himself to the environment and then go into himself. He can perfectly understand people who are inside and those who are in the environment with their attention. This man has connecting properties, because he is the intermediary who brings together all three groups for. It is difficult to maintain relationships in one particular group for a person with these properties. He keeps making changes in communication, going from one group to another, and then in the third. §25 The position. There are two methods of behavior and relationships between people: passive and active. Active. This man knows how to create, to create something new, to create something even in cases where there is nothing. Accordingly, active person can engage in various innovations. § 26 The strategic position in the society. There are four groups, which divide the society: the labor force, law enforcement, criminal forces and governing bodies. Labor force. This particular individual can realize himself in the performance of set by someone tasks. He belongs to the melancholic temperament. He needs to apply himself and requires the demand for performing of tasks. This individual may not always apply himself, and readily tends to be controlled by the others. He does not have his own personal commandments; he takes over commands from others and sometimes creates the impression of a strong-willed person. § 27 The hierarchy of specialists in the society (the fields). From birth and the first breath a person takes the path of independence. In later life with every step every human develops special abilities of different actions and skills. Some of his actions or abilities the person acquires to the culture and sometimes provides these properties by the education that can be called a profession by vocation. Each of us has a natural potential, which can be called a profession or specialization. Each profession has its own natural level. Working unit. This individual is the executor of the process that does not defer the execution of the tasks for later. He solves the problems which were put in front of him and explained. This is a special natural property: stable, responsible, conscientious. §28 The properties of the specialists. Everyone in society is engaged in self-actualization, while he uses the special properties for enhanced effectiveness of his participation in the unifying theme. Each appropriate time in the topic of relations the person uses his special properties of behavior. The emergency diligence. The responding of this individual starts from the moment of understanding. This person is highly susceptible to all the details which appear in all relations. He is always ready to be useful to spend time on any clear objective. This individual asserts himself through the processes of implementation of tasks. §29 The dynamics in the behavior. People adjust efforts in themes relations with different dynamics and frequency of trials and tests, in cases of failure at the first attempt to realize the theme of relations. Every individual in his own manner allocates his resources devoted to the theme of relations. Multiple. Choosing the topic of relations, he adjusts the initiative for self-realization in favorite decision. In case of failure at the first attempt to realize the theme of the chosen target, he changes the methods and then adjusts force until the solution of the selected task or to depletion of resources. §31 The conditions of: Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Penetration, Sense of touch.Condition of a person has integrity, which consists of four parts. All of them are equally important. But one by nature is more developed against the other three components. Consciousness. Consciousness plays a fundamental role for this person. Current second of time belongs to consciousness. Accordingly, the sense of responsibility for him before the environment is a attribute of consciousness. In the current second of time, he can invent and create, to change something. Accordingly, the creativity is one of the main attributes of consciousness. Vigilance and wakefulness -are particularly important attributes of consciousness in the life of this person. §32 The inspiration sphere. Information around human is imprinted and forms its theme of interest and attraction, through which people seek to be inspired, sated or asserted. Creativity. This man is inspired and approved by the influence of circumstances, different organizing-creative lessons or activities. Highly sensitive understanding of the topic of relations, a subtle and detailed view of the topic classes allows this person to create new things or improve existing. With the implementation of themselves in the creative work this person can carry heavy loads. §34 The strategic characteristics. Community of people intertwines in various symbioses of individual properties. Some people are able to do different actions and thereby create a common benefit for all parties involved. This effect is strategically unites people in society. The source of strength. The person in the society provides a lot of power in relationships with people. His strength lies in a sober perception of current events, and he teaches a society in which he is. §35 The Dominant Potential. The status of each person has integrity, which has four constituent parts and one of them is more developed by the nature. This affects the superiority of a particular potential in the character of the person. Feelings. Feelings shared by all, but for the man they are worth. Much of the public (75%) manipulates feelings, considering sensible people too simple. Simplicity is evident in light of the susceptibility of events that occur close to this person. This individual is highly sensitive; he almost never passes by. Everything takes close to his heart and at his own expense. §36 The direction of the current potential Each of us has a special focus on a certain range of information perception of the environment or our state. Because we understand some of the actions better than the others, the force is drawn from the best opportunities. Each of us develops and produces better those abilities that are constantly being exploited by us. Feelings of current events. The special sensitivity of a given individual to current events. It puts the person into all the details of changes of environment and internal state. §37 The Body, the Spirit, the Soul. What prevails in man: spirit, soul or body? Drawing attention, each in his notice that particularly inclined to give body or somewhere to fly from ideology, and sometimes we are too impressionable. Because of this we are exhausting the soul. These properties of three ones, but there are many that odds in one of the three parties. The body. This man is very sensitive to his body, his needs and condition. Accordingly, the person mainly depends on the needs of his body. The accessible material world is particularly clear for him. He easily understands and delves into the properties of matter. Very often the physiological needs of a given individual's superior over the moral and ethical values. His attention is focused on the inconvenience of the physical body, also on the matter, which surrounds it, also on the physiology of people around. §38 The Realists, Players and Double-sided. Each of us has individual attitude to our lives and the lives of loved ones, of interacting and surrounding people. We do not even suspect that other people have the same traits of character as we have. Often, the general attitude to life brings people together, but mostly only for some time. Double-sided. This person is able to relate to life very realistic, but if necessary, immediately switched to the game mood. He always goes into the behavior by using a better side of it. Thus, he behaves changeable. §39 The three forms of energy competition or psychological vampirism. The behavior of each and every person is shown in the effect of influence on the environment and objects of relationships. Most often we think about the effects that produce the interacting people or surrounding people. To a greater extent, we are focused on our personal feelings and the official version of the laws of relationships. We did not have enough attention or desire fro the opinion of the interacting people in a personal analysis. Because of personal feelings he can not wait or put off for later. Therefore, the competition of psychological vampirism is the formation of different importance in the relations of present superiority of some of them. Donors. His policy is based on the properties to give, distribute and monitor this process. This person influences on society or on individuals, obliging them through the benefits that he gives them. This person gets a feeling of pleasure and the effect of utility, when someone needs something from him. This individual is able to give the people around the power of imagination, strong-willed asset or logical abilities that are manifested in the form of communication (communication skills). He often experiences an exhaustion, which sometimes leads to depression. He, as a donor in the society plays the role of shock absorber, softening competition policy in relations § 40 The Depression, paranoia, schizophrenia. Depression. This person burns his resources. He had more tasks than the potential of the senses. He can perform his task, but he will have a vacuum inside him, which primarily leads to uncertainty in himself. Then he is easily vulnerable to others. Due to the fact that people compare each other's potentials, this individual is in the impoverished state which could be easily seen. Depression shows that people have a very weak electric current in the nervous system. The results of depression are low-controlled and very heavy body, a back, which is not holding a vertical position, and the legs which are not particularly easy to get off. Surrounding people can very easy extol over such a man. Therefore, depression in the deep phase is pushing this person for solitude and relaxation. §41 Polar cultures. Continent from its location relative to the poles creates certain conditions of nature. Nature through the weather affects the mood of people. Through time it produces a definite character and culture of the people's mood. It also predisposes to certain extremes. The person has primarily northern mood in relations with people. He is fighting for every crumb of resources, since he has a very severe conditions and the chances are not repeated. §42 Negative. Avarice, Irony, Pride, Arrogance. No matter if we want it or not the negative characteristics are able to show themselves in our character. They can be negative primary in the view of the others and the interacting people, and what to the person this is the only one tool for self-actualization or surviving. Greed - the minimum possible. Greed manifests itself in this person at a time when he had no other options, but only one with which he can better take advantage. He has to step over someone or through some kind of high concept because of simple human necessities. So this man asserts himself to a minimum, but with real possibilities. §43 The tactical capabilities. For personal self-actualization each of us uses own methods of behavior which create certain opportunities for us in the environment. Minimum opportunities. This individual is carried away and is distracted by any opportunity for self-actualization. In this connection, he reduces the strip pricing of personal labor. §44 The potential of weakness which absorbs a lot of powers. There are a lot of useful and useless occupation, hobbies and relationships in our life. Among them, there is a topic that particularly strongly burns our life potential. We can even ignore and not recognize the existence of the damage. In this case, we can not influence it. Avarice. This individual treats himself sparingly, hurting himself in what a large expenditure of resources. And in respect of others very generously manifests it, making his energy-gifts. This person treats himself sparingly in a large, but bestows others, more than they need. §45 The methods of behavior. There are twelve main methods of behavior. Each method plays important role in the behavior of the people. "The hardness of conviction. With the knowledge consolidated by practice, this individual may be sure in that information and offer it to others. His conviction is the most powerful property when he can repeatedly apply the information in practice. §46 The personal happiness in the behavior of the individual. In a natural society, there are definitions of happiness and everyone knows that the second happiness is arrogance. And what is the first or the 12th, which we conclude nobody knows. In the natural behavior of people predisposed to use their property of happiness, which is one of the twelve and inculcated from birth. But by knowing about them and learning you can develop in yourself all twelve. Confidence knowledge to offer. The confidence of this person is based on what he knows. Because of this, he tends to always pull together his information field of knowledge, through the proposals. §47 How do the people begin to prove themselves. Everyone is trying to show themselves to the society with a certain mood and attitude, while he wants to benefit from his policy of behavior. Each policy has a beginning. From one. This individual sees very well and understands in relation only himself and from himself he tales a position in relation to the other, like a locomotive or a horse-drawn cart, he relies only on himself. This man is very strong, and weak if he counts on someone else. When counting only on himself - his self-sufficiency increases. When he interacts in a group harmoniously and synchronously, the strength of the group increases. However the highest responsibility has those who rely only on themselves. He starts from one - from himself. § 48 The influence on the society. All people while interacting in the society create relationships that affect the atmosphere of the society. Each of us makes a contribution to the overall atmosphere of public relations, and society affects our state. Atmospheric depending on the mood of society. This man lives by the law "The answer depends on the question." As a result, he quickly takes the state of society in which he resides. This may occur in the form of creation or competition. Without seeing anything new, he simply dissolves in the current atmosphere of relations. §49 The Influence of season of birth on certain human organs. From the moment of our birth and to the current moment we are living at our own pace by which we develop or deplete various abilities of the organism and psychological nature of interaction in society. Our activity often overloads some organs of our body. This is mainly due to our mentality and ignorance of the strength of the influence of our moods and behavior on many organs. The source of energy (electrical current). The digestive system of this person is the most congested organ. Because of sensory perception of life and easily wounded, he is often frustrated by burning the resources received from food. Because of this, he again eats, and exceeds the daily requirement of the organism. Digestive organs from an early age become weak, and some are working in an escalated state (stomach, liver, pancreas, intestine). §50 The methods of behavioral properties of symmetrical to the characteristics of chess piece. With the help of chess play you can characterize the met methodology of human behavior. The person doesn’t even know than his behavior corresponds to the rules and standards of chess play. Behavior of this person rather includes all pawns. This appears in the possibility to be responsible for his behavior, and ability to sacrifice himself for the general welfare. By virtue of experience he may gain strength, through which he will reincarnate at the end in any other piece except the king. §60 The driving forward Intellectuality, the Unwilling wisdom, the Balancing deity The special armor of the person is developed during all his life. With the help of this armor the person is self-actualizing in the society The balancing deity. This person focuses on what is happening now. Accordingly, based on the facts, he is able to combine with the properties of the current events the wise people and the intellectuals. Thus he balances the relationships.
§ 1 The Properties of the Environment Everyone influences the world around him with his mood. Everything that surrounds man reacts to the attention, understanding and human presence. So, man is made in three measures to apply himself. In the process of multiple relations a person leaves imprints of his participation and influence, thus forming his history. Traces of history of each individual, printed by any means, subsequently grow as the tree roots, intertwined with the roots of neighboring stories. And if you grow your story as a vineyard, then each part of your story brings beneficial fruit in the present relationships. The fruits of history appear in different ways by each individual, but the overall benefits emerge when groups of people want the same. Likewise, when people behave in one and the same way in the same case of self-realization and when the same conditions for self-realization leave the same traces. By his behavior man shapes relationships in the environment, which, being time-suspended, are reflected by the attitude of the interacting and surrounding people. The attitude of the world to every person is formed by the man himself; however, not everyone has time to notice it. And it turns out that in the environment we are mostly in the relationship with ourselves, only reflected by the outside world, which with time postponement repeats our past actions, in the actions of other people. The ninth level of environmental conditions is the cruelty of circumstances. This man has the terms of relationship with others and society, on the basis of which the surrounding people tend to treat the individual with cruelty. § 2 The Attitude of Others During his life a person interacts with many people, arranging different relationships and results. In the subsequent time each of the interacting parties remains with some personal experiences and understanding of the current minute, hour and day. And by such awareness of the moment everyone can make up leeway or arrange various vengeances. And the time in each one is delaying the results and the possibility of decent self-actualization. We can not completely for the given second be dedicated to the topic of possible relations, it should be done only when necessary and possible. The consequences of yesterday's your attitude to different people are reflected today by absolutely different persons by specifically identified attitudes and policies. The ninth level – the surrounding people violently gain their points. The surrounding people in the relationship with this individual are particularly inclined to use aggression and pressure on this individual. § 3 Character Traits of the Surrounding People People with certain characters tend to look for conditions of relations, which will enable them to realize their potential. In this search the people carry themselves a certain order of conditions for the other characters. These properties connect people in society, which intertwines with different characters and conditions for self-actualization of characters. The driving force of this process is the search, the request for new conditions of self-actualization, and development of existing relations of character self-realization and termination of disharmonious relations. Accordingly, each of us people creates by himself and one’s work conditions of other people attitude towards us. The ninth level – the surrounding people are dependent on their reputation. The person in the relationship with others creates conditions in which the interacting parties are dependent by their authority on the decisions of this person. § 4 The Method of Interacting EffectsThe surrounding people affect our relationship with them by certain methods. Accordingly, we arrange relations with different people based on the same methods of their response. This can be seen in new relationships, people act like those with whom the relationships took place and were terminated. Everyone adapts to some opposition and some kind of interaction in different relationships. The interacting parties are spontaneously attracted to the favorable relationship conditions, for the implementation of their methods. The ninth level – the interacting parties are intrusive. By their policies in relationships they create orders of interaction with the surrounding people so that the interacting parties are easily imposed with their topics upon the relations with this individual. At the same time they try not to notice his distress or reluctance of these relations. § 5 The Properties of the Methods of Interacting Parties. Any method in the relations of the interacting parties towards us manifest certain properties of impact on us. The impact properties of the surrounding people behavior bring us into a certain mood. And we in turn, also influence the moods of interacting people by our behavior properties. These relationships produce a stable policy with specific properties of interacting response to our relationship to the surrounding people. The interacting people react in their own ways to each person, using certain methods. All relationships take place according to strict rules and strict laws of interaction. With practice time we are producing definitely clear relation platforms, in which one of twelve relationship laws operate. Extremely small percentage is able to use more than one field of laws, but it is possible to learn it by studying all the fields and their laws. The ninth level - pride of circumstances. The interacting people are proud in their positions, when the relations are developed on the field of conditions created by this individual. § 6 The interaction in the fields of self-realization. The conditions, in which we are born, live and grow, form special relationships with certain ranks of professionals in management, realization hierarchy. From the early age original ways are leading to relations with people of a certain occupation or profession. Originality consists in the fact that the accreditation of specializations is not as per occupation titles, but as per the functional effect of self-realization. People by nature are different specialists and, although it is not possible to realize their natural gifts as per the official accreditation, still their abilities and real properties appear and occupy their definite “shelf” within the system. The ninth level – the relationship with the heads, directors. This person is primarily in the community of initiative personalities, directors who undertake those issues in which they would be the majors in the relationship. § 7 Fundamentals of Human Interaction. People with whom we interact every day in our understanding behave predominantly normally. The similarity of the ordinary behavior of the close people is found in the behavior of people unfamiliar to us. Interacting with the community people can determine his overall phonic mood common with the others. These moods are divided into three groups. At the same time an individual from each group declares that these positions of his are the most important, and the other positions follow the most important. Accordingly, per such definitions the contents of knowledge and the properties of understanding are generated. As a result, it applies to the relationships. Based on morality. People interacting with the person pay special attention to morality, and evaluate the given person by morality. § 8 Sources of the Surrounding People Potential Everyone has to draw resources from different interior of his soul and character structure. And the source, which is most often used, becomes a special support for a person. Habitat teaches directing each person individually to develop the potential that is alternative at the given moment or an hour. A lot of people in the society have already shaped and defined their potential values, simultaneously persuading you to the same decisions and the basics of potential. The ninth level - experienced ignoring. The interacting (with this individual) people are based on the experience of the previous relationships, ignoring the present. § 9 Understanding of the Interacting PeopleIt is in human nature to understand everything without exclusion, and some themes, spheres and directions he understands better. The reasons of these divisions are laid in the experience, correspondingly, we know and understand everything what we paid our attention to before. The society which a person is formed in is subdivided into groups of directed attention. Relationship. People who are close to this man or interact with him particularly deal with the relationship. They bind this individual by new relationships. § 10 Attitude of the Surrounding People towards this IndividualIn the interactions people treat us in different ways, and it affects our mood and state. Very serious attitude of the surrounding people may clamp, antagonize us or draw us towards them. Not serious attitude of the surrounding people towards us can either humiliate us or relax. Changeability of the surrounding people does not allow us to determine the understanding of the interacting ones. Realists. People in relationships treat this individual realistically. The surrounding people tend to attract the attention of this person on realistic reasons and topics on relationship. § 11 The Dependence of Others Every man by his actions makes obstacles, which manifest themselves in the definite mood of interacting people. Every action has its own sequence, which always returns the source of opposition to it. We can provoke people to preferential carnal needs by our actions. We are also able to provoke people around us to inspired actions. We are also able by our actions to create great spiritual anxiety. Three qualities of dependence together is the full range of necessary resources to improve the relations, conditions and the interacting people. Psychological. The atmosphere, which creates this person in the relations with the interacting people, inclines others to the dependence on spiritual relationship with this individual. § 12 Defective Properties of the Interacting Parties Everyone is inclined to buy something and to lose something. Correspondingly, the people go into extremes, which are somehow defective for them. In the given field of relations, which this individual supports the defective actions for the interacting reveal. The ninth level - anger. The interacting people in the relationship with this individual show anger and aggression towards this individual very often. § 13 The Overloads of the Interacting People Every person, when he/she makes an effort for a certain action with some duration, then the exploited opportunities will deplete him/her. This will manifest itself in the symptoms of abnormal activity of the individual. Schizophrenia of the surrounding people. In the relations with this individual the surrounding people face many recurrent situations from their past relationships. They perceive them equivalently. With the laps of time, their past thoughts vision outweighs the vision of reality. Therefore, the surrounding people are in the schizophrenic state. § 14 Direction of Working Information of the Surrounding People Each of us manages to understand the information of the past, current or coming events. Therefore, the people use their understanding in a particular direction, respectively, in these areas they manage to self-realize. Chronologists This person is surrounded by people who have the ability to understand the chronology of past events that lead to ongoing relations. § 15 Activity characteristics of interacting persons. People around us produce productive activity from their part. Their activity is high in our estimation when those people’s characteristics take part in a relationship with us. Sometimes we do not notice knowledge transmission from such people, but for each of us the interactive persons acting according to the certain rules present their knowledge and their participation. Define with arguments. §16 Tactics of interacting persons. Every person follows live by his own code as well as you. The behavior rules of the peoplearound you are based on conditions in which the person is. If the person remains in the sameconditions than he or she is able to follow the experience of usual relations. The laws exist everywhere in everything and for everything. The people around personally interact with this person in accordance with this law: Level nine – love versus pride. The interacting people wish their importance to be confirmed and try to consolidate it by capture of this individual’s attention and honors. § 17 What the interacting people start from. People see in each other something useful, necessary, advantageous or dangerous and undesirable. In this understanding they show their initiative for relations with us. In these relations the interacting people start from something primary and important for them. Ninth level – from influence. The interacting people start the relations with this person from the influence on the relations or the individual himself. If the influence was unsuccessful they yield to this person. § 18 Knowledge value All knowledge has its meaning and purpose and every person uses that knowledge which is useful for him. That’s why we divide knowledge value in 3 groups – knowledge of past, present and future meaning. People in their relations use this knowledge which is in everyday use and relations direct this individual to his platform. Past experience. The people who are around and interact with this person use the knowledge consolidated by the experience. The interacting people pay more attention to the practices and trust only their personal experience and practices. § 19 Inspiration spheres. It’s not difficult to notice in your environment and societies which we attend, that everywhere the inspiration spheres stay the same. In everyone’s relations the interacting people has the same inspiration. Mutual understanding. The people interacting with this person are inspired by friendship and love relations and the aim of sincere relationships. §20 Current characteristics of interacting people The people around are able to effectively interact in their current relations and interact on the relation processes with this person. The direct. The people around direct their knowledge on the effective application. §21 Methods dynamic of people around. If we look at the self-actualization dynamics of people around us, we’ll be able to standardize them by using of geometry lines: Horizontal. The interacting people all their development steps direct on horizontal directions from which they derive and accumulate resources. §22 Priorities The sense of the body, incessant conflict within or the sense of inspirations – every person around us spend much of his time in one of these qualities and is more developed in one sphere in comparison with others. Mental priorities. The people, with which this person has relations, have a high dependence on their traditions and connected with them rituals. §23 Activity dynamic of people around Each time, when we are unable to self-actualize effectively from the first time, we react differently. Ninth level – repeated. The people around make efforts and if there is no results then they change their methods and take the initiative until they exhaust all their resources or carry their point. §24 Self-actualization spheres There are self-actualization conditions around us which are formed due to the people which interact with us. The occupation of the interacting people is the field of our self-actualization. Social circle forms the relation sphere. Criminal forces. This individual’s relations are connected predominately with community which refers to criminal forces. The interacting people rely mostly on violation of different laws and rules. §25 Strategic rules. Everything in our life works in accordance with different laws and by knowing and using these laws we can develop successfully. At the same time the relations with people around are formed in each of us under a certain law. The surrounding people are also depending on these laws. Mutual sympathy in everything. The interacting people are able to show sympathy to the individual because he is unable to judge the others. §26 The condition of interacting people. Each person is working hard on his self-actualization field and a lot of people are met in this field. Your field of activity can affect special influence on people which take part in your relations. Your social circle and other’s man social circle has the ability to enter interacting people in a certain state of their perception of life. Perspicacity. A given person in his policy enters interacting and surrounding people in the perspicacious state. §27 The potential of interacting people. Both we and the people with whom we have relations have different personal potential. Natural potential can be useful or harmful for us. That’s why we share and increase the useful potential and use the harmful potential for attack or protection. Inaction. The interacting people are able to have relations with this person in a very non-initiative manner ignoring any initiative of a given individual. §28 The relationship structure. Our relations with interacting people around us have their place in a world-view image. Four parts of relations are fundamental relations, one-level relations, two-level relations and siege relations. Two-level relations. This individual forms relations in which the surrounding people and interacting people take the place of mutual sympathy and respect objects. §29 Negative characteristics of interacting people. The people you interact with, for a variety of reasons, are able to have a negative influence on you. Their influence is realized because of their conditions and possibilities for self-actualization thereby infringing upon interacting person or given individual. Pride. The interacting people are proud in relations with given person.They tend to humiliate given individual. §30 The reasons for negative characteristics. Each person has reasons for negative behavior in relations with us or other individuals. For negative behavior or manifestation the person is pushed by some internal infringement or other distress. We mostly affect the attitude of the people around with the help of our treatment of interacting people. We form self-actualization conditions for them and our attention for the positioning of the parties results in uptight and narrow-targeted reaction from the side of surrounding and interacting people. This leads to negative attitude to us. Demonstrative possibilities. A given individual creates relations in which all interacting people demonstrate their advantage in relation influence. §31 Create self-actualization conditions by themselves. The people by their common policy create conditions for self-actualization of other people. The connections favorable for a certain behavior methods of surrounding people are formed on the field of given individual. This quality can be determined by exact parameters of interacting people by time periods within limits of a month. The month period during which the person is born develops in him specific methods of self-actualizations. The year of birth presents conditions for certain self-actualization methods. These conditions are shown in relationships. According to this direction each of us automatically has relations predominantly with such people. Level 9. The interacting people are high-principled in past relations. A special disposition of a group of people which are high-principled in experienced self-actualization processes to have relations with a given person. Those individuals who were born from 23rd of July to 22nd of August belong to this group. |
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