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Home :: Naturalness :: Nature of society

Nature of society

Society naturally attracts the most people. People in a society almost always see something new for themselves and sometimes useful.

Through interaction with other people is the development of people communicating, as in the dialogue process, people exchange information and their capabilities.

People come together in society because of mutually beneficial reasons. Society of people united by common ideas, goals, current rules and commitments.

Therefore, the person in society has the capacity to plan, expect to have a guarantee and trust participants. In view of these possibilities a person chooses their own society, which is in accordance with its needs. More ...

Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.

Map of the department:

Division number 8. Naturalness.
Section number 1. Human nature.
Section number 2. Nature of society.
Section number 3. The nature of the weather.
Section number 4. Nature cultures.
Section number 5. The nature of the Earth.
Section number 6. The nature of the universe. 


