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Scorpio is the Astrological sign

Oriental horoscope signs, properties influence born

Zodiac Scorpio from October 24 to November 22

Scorpio - the sixth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this sign of the zodiac on the nature of their birth constant, intuitive understanding of past events, prone to emotion.

Specialty zodiac sign Scorpio - is "an artist, actor, teacher and critic." People of this zodiac sign can effectively memorize long streams of information, considering the extreme negative and positive criteria. Scorpio lives by the principle: "Relax, take it, but in moderation." The behavior he has no diplomacy. Scorpio weak in dimensions, it tends to the extremes of positive or negative behavior to the extreme. Scorpio, as an actor, takes the form of behavior in the people around them, because of what is able to lose the personal views on life. Scorpio - the most powerful consumer attention of the people, he impulsively catches attention of interacting. From ignored by Scorpio can show aggression and even violence. Scorpio manipulates foreign quotations and opinions, affecting competitors indirectly through someone else.

Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk

Map of the zodiac signs and symbols of the eastern, their levels

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