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Sagittarius is the Astrological sign


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Sagittarius is the Astrological sign

Oriental horoscope signs, properties influence born

Zodiac Sagittarius - November 23 to December 21.

Sagittarius - the eighth sign of the zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this sign of the zodiac on the nature of their birth impulsive, perceptive, prone to fanatical passion.

Specialty zodiac sign Sagittarius - is an "accomplice, Deputy Director, the player." People of this zodiac sign can get involved by studying fanatically. Sagittarius lives according to the principle: "Attention will save you." He is inclined to play along with the interaction of man, tries to play around them. Sagittarius often crosses through the rules, laws and people to achieve its goals. Sagittarius tends to manipulate people, sometimes leading them into a hypnotic state. He is prone to a variety of pleasures that destroy his health. Sagittarius - a player for life, playing with words, gestures, people, and the meaning of life.

Author: Vasily Leonidovich Samolyuk

Map of the zodiac signs and symbols of the eastern, their levels

Horoscope zodiac sign Sagittarius born in the Year of the Horse

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Horoscope zodiac sign Sagittarius born in the Year of the Monkey

Horoscope zodiac sign Sagittarius born in the Year of the Dragon 


