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Home :: History is past events :: History of nations

History of nations

How not cool man his consciousness, but modern science has proven that all humans descended from the same mother, so all the nations descended from one.

There are some materials from the story of the first people on earth, and that they were originally bred by teleportation. Accordingly, no physiological contact formed new people by force, called Glory people.

After certain events first men began to multiply in the same way as we do today. Which people, in what way have occurred today is difficult to determine. But their stories more evidence of its origin.

The first people, the first people to be in power integrity culture and spirit of that he was perfect. Today, there is a sense complement each other peoples useful experience their stories of life on Earth. More ...

Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.

Map of the department:

Division number 7. History - past events.
Section number 1. Concept of past history.
Section number 2. History of Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Section number 3. The history of national countries.
Section number 4. The history of international countries.
Section number 5. The history of nations.


