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Home :: History is past events :: History of Ukraine and Ukrainians

History of Ukraine and Ukrainians

The current sources of deep history of the Ukrainian people and the country are unreliable and inaccurate. Drawing attention to the excavations and the artifacts found in them on Ukrainian soil, we can firmly determine the age of three stories and a half to four thousand one hundred years.

Almost any city of Ukraine is under a underground utilities, which are on average consist of three levels deep. The lowest level dungeons under Ukrainian cities is the oldest, which is superior to the age of four thousand years.

The official history of Ukraine artists did not paint the many periods of past events. Perhaps because they are foreigners and they have no reason to formulate zealous true facts of history.

In this section are materials about the real history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. More ...

Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.

Map of the department:

Division number 7. History - past events.
Section number 1. Concept of past history.
Section number 2. History of Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Section number 3. The history of national countries.
Section number 4. The history of international countries.
Section number 5. The history of nations.


