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Anatomy of human psychology

 From the author: Samolyuk V. L.

The information of my books includes in a person a constructive-structural vision and understanding of the systems of his body, the properties of the abilities and capabilities of his mind, and some techniques of influencing, controlling and controlling the human body and mind through attention.
Consistent reading of the materials of the book reveals a straight line of self-consciousness as a point in space, as a form of life, as a symbiosis of life forms, as one organism and a person’s personality, as one or many links of social chains.
 In the process of sequential reading, the reader reformes his life experience, filters his morality with current attention, increasing the accuracy and quality of knowledge and awareness. In this way, a person moves forward with his self-development from 70 to 300 years. Generosity prolongs and strengthens a person’s life if a person perceives many people and distinguishes their individuality. Improving the quality of a person’s current abilities reduces the time spent on his development.
With its content, the book allows a person to immediately begin a positive, effective reform of his psychological well-being and expands his tools of ability in relationships with other people.
Anatomy of human psychology © 2018
Practical concentration of the foundations of the science of psychonomy
The theory of questions with the practice of answers nurtures the scientific world to the comprehension of the unexplored laws of nature, the structure of man and his environment.
The scientific view comes from questions that become the field that guides the followers of the theoretical view to practical work on the synthesis of answers.
Questions in science are the basis of a scientific view, therefore, how constructively they are formulated to psychologists and psychology technologies, they are so quickly able to fill with answers of understanding, knowledge and skills of various abilities of psychology specialists.
For example, consider some popular questions of the public to psychology, to which a number of specialists of this kind of activity formulated the answers before us, formulate them today and, due to the inertia of current events, it looks like new answers will be formulated tomorrow too.
Of the many issues that concern the public, we will first touch upon those that are related to the structure and structure of a person, his relations with the environment. It is important to know how and in what way a person influences his behavior. For example: humane consciousness of knowledge and understanding, physical exertion on the body, nutritional structure or mental stimulation, motivation and inspiration.
Reasonably developing individuals need to discover how psychology works, what resources it consists of, how they can influence the quality and effectiveness of their psychology in symbiosis with their bodies.
The meaning of psychology begins in the word "psychology"
We formulate the meaning of the word "psychology" in the form of sound in our language, without referring to translations.
In our language, the word "psychology" consists of three key components:
The first component is 100% of the logic of physics = the theory of final results.
The second component is 100% psyche chemistry = energy of unforeseen possibilities.
The third component is 50% of logic + 50% of the psyche. Psychology - a symbiosis of biology with anatomy = current practice in matter.
Without bothering the logic of human psychology, we are able to evaluate and characterize the tactical behavior of a person, his ability to speak and communicate, as well as to memorize consistent information and solve logical examples and problems.
Logic image: shell, shell, surface, skin, gear wheels, repetition chain, sequential communication, progress or regress.
The psychology of human psychology is more difficult for us to evaluate, since it is less revealed for the conscious understanding of society. A rather figurative and abstract interpretation and explanation of the psyche among contemporaries of our era. Often it is compared with emotions. Yes, the emotion manifests a psyche that is poorly controlled by logic. At such moments, a person sprays more mental strength than on his external behavior, when his constructive tact and consistency weaken.
The human psyche is the fuel that revives the body's mechanisms and logical abilities, depending on the capabilities of the person.
The psyche comes from small folding forms of the energy of the depth of the nuclei of atoms that make up the unit of a unit of energy of living beings IFS.
The image of the psyche: the inside, secrecy, inaccessibility, island, spring, potential, energy, resource, momentum of concentration.
We assess the psychology of people according to their abilities to centrally control, control themselves, their relationships with people, society and the nature of their habitat.
The qualities of psychological abilities are measured by the possibility of adjusting the potential of one’s own psyche of internal forces, the motivations for personal logical actions, tactical and strategic tasks and plans. Use the attention of other people, their potential psyche, setting up


