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The elementary table of the Psychonomy science

Description of the table

This table is a new system of standardization of properties of the world, the structures of provisional measures and their impact on human behavior. The table consists of six hundred and fifty-nine items that reveal the basic description of its quality characteristics assigned to a certain period of time of birth. The table is divided into twelve substantially vertically oriented planes human intelligence.

Twelve levels begin with the first and vertically distributed up to the twelfth. Table Browser is able to navigate the first time in a leisurely way, reading all of the items on the horizontal position of each section. In this way, compare properties, seen and understood about themselves with the properties of people with a known time of birth. The browser will be able to assess the full range of understanding of effective standardization.

Using the system tables, mastered its people, structure their thinking. Later, during the reading of the table browser always discover something new, useful and interesting.

This table is read from the three positions that are separated by time zones. On the basis of the elementary science Psihonomii tables are automatically created database "Scanner individual" and "Crown of education." These programs immediately respond to test requests on three time zones birth.

"Scanner individual" describes the individual in terms of its professionalism and entrepreneurship. Contents of the response is sold in the form of a letter, in which 5 to 12 pages of text in the format A-4.

"Crown of education" describes the individual to interpret and explain sections of the elementary science Psihonomii table.

The user has the opportunity to study free, exploring the table itself, but by spending more time, or vice versa can spend a little money and instantly ready to read the interesting answers to a personal request.

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Lyricist: Samolyuk Vasily Leonidovich.

Map of the department:
Department № 3.Psihonomiya.
Section number 1. The concept of science.
Section number 2.Elementarnaya table Psihonomii science.
Section number 3. Elementary Science Psihonomii table number 2.
Section number 4. The Periodic Table of Science Psihonomii number 3.
Section number 5. The Periodic Table of Science Psihonomii number 4.
Section number 6. Elementary Science Psihonomii table number 5.
Section number 7. Lecture.
Section number 8. Practical instruction.
Section number 9. The laws of science Psihonomii.

Subsection number 1.If you do something, do it as necessary, but not as much as you want or can.
Subsection number 2. With regards to how such an answer. - Law of Capricorn.
Subsection number 3. Straining myself and it worked. - Law of the Virgin.
Subsection number 4. Be collected, but not constrained. - Law of Taurus.
Subsection number 5. You have it all! - Law of Cancer.
Subsection number 6. Obstacles in life. - Law of Pisces.
Subsection number 7. Relax, take it, but in moderation. - Law of the Scorpion.
Subsection number 8. Coolly observe the law. - Law of Aries.
Subsection number 9. Attention will save you. - Law of Sagittarius.
Subsection number 10. Love against pride. - The law of Leo.
Subsection number 11. All in good stead. - Law of Libra.
Subsection number 12. Does it make sense to show your face? - Law of the Twins.
Subsection number 13. Give people their face. - Law of Aquarius.
Subsection number 14. In immensely not drunk. - Law of Elemental Earth.
Subsection number 15. Foresight is correct. - Law of Elemental Water.
Subsection number 16. Vzaimosimpatiya everything. - Law of Elemental Fire.
Subsection number 17. Understanding does not agree. - Law of the air element.
Subsection number 18. You see! - No effect.
Subsection number 19. God - Procedure.
Subsection number 20. Devil - a mess. 


