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Concept of science Psychonomy

Psychonomy is a natural psychology!

The very name of the given science distributes our attention to two basic spheres of self-actualization of the mankind. The first sphere is "psiche," defining the soul device or the internal world. The second sphere is "nomos," defining the laws of the environmental world. Translated from Latin together this phase means: the laws of the soul device. The given science represents a locally global concept of human integrity with the environmental world. 

A number of sciences existed and continue to exist today with the help of which the humanity cultures elements of the human nature and the nature of its habitat. Currently, there is a multitude of sciences divided into different directions that barely cross in any point! However, the human represents a cross point for every science. He unites existing sciences with his being, his attention, and his comprehension. Based on this purport, the science of psychonomy represents a new section in the field of exact and liberal sciences! The given section is called "interfacing".

In the science of psychonomy, the human essence is considered as the central and the fundamental point. Everything that existed, exists, and will exist in the future is consistently characterized following the human essence. The science of psychonomy consists of exact knowledge which is enclosed in a set of schemes or systems of elementary and periodic tables. These systems classify the properties and the laws of time that naturally influence the formation of the psychology of the human and the society. 
The efficiency of the given science is reflected in highly exact theories and axioms, which are instantly accessible for understanding and subsequently, for practical application. This science is applicable to all spheres of human self-actualization. Therefore, the given science must be characterized by the natural psychology 360 degrees around the human axis.

A person mastering the knowledge of the given science can structure everything that touches upon his attention. To structure means to standardize, to understand, to realize, and to possess the opportunity to influence when necessary or to develop the sphere that occupies the attention of the psychonomy expert.
The concept of the given science provides the mankind with a new opportunity allowing for especially effective development of the self and the individuals in personal relationships.

Prior to the knowledge of the technology of the given science, our understanding was based on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity: “everything in life is rather”. Today, we can proceed to a more exact order and sense with the help of the axiom of the science of psychonomy: “everything in life is comparative.” Einstein’s Theory of Relativity prompted mankind to the development of global statistical theories about the inaccuracies of various opinions! The comparative theory allows mankind to define the priority and the overweight of a more precise and practical knowledge that provides the possibility of extracting the truth that leads to the enrichment of the mankind! Psychonomy is presented in the unified language of theology, psychology, and physics. Currently, the given science is automated for the internet users on Ukrainian, Russian, and English languages.
Programs called the Scanner of the Individual and the Crown of Education allow the user to obtain precise characteristics of the human device describing either the self or someone other. These two programs will instantly react to the inquiries of the user. In a few minutes, the user will receive answers according to his pace of reading which might otherwise have taken years to deduce!

The science of psychonomy provides the data that justifies the incontestable fact that the birth time has an absolute influence on the entire character of an individual. With age, individuals only become stronger in the elements of their personal character. 

It is important to understand that an individual begins absorbing information of the surrounding environment from the moment of birth, from the first sigh. The process of environmental information absorption formulates the knowledge that forms the individual or the personality. The first independent breath turns on the work of memory and the formation of an abundance of neurons. An individual switches to an independent mode of self-actualization in the world surrounding him from the moment of his birth. A mood peculiar to a twelve-year old shaped by time of the year, day of the month, and time of the day is fixated in an individual from the same moment. Adults barely notice the influence of time on their mood; they rotate as on a ring around years, months, weeks and days. The shapeless mentality of the child begins its activity at the moment of birth; at that given moment the child accepts the current mood of the environment as the basis of vital orders. Accordingly, a newborn accepts the current mood of the society as the armor necessary for personal survival. All of this occurs automatically with barely any influences from the people.

The time consists of laws which first of all influence us, the people, and everything surrounding us as well. In its device, the time is symmetric with the device of the human soul, i.e. our mentality! Fundamentally, the laws of time consist of twelve level systems that can be observed both in small and large values. Yet, current logic of humanity is based on ten rules. This inconsistency hinders a person to grow and reach the state of his integrity. Thus, there is a thousand-year struggle between a full-fledged mentality and a defective logic! 

Everything surrounding us represents device or structure. One of the most important structures is the human mood. We can hear from others or repeat the word "mood" many times per day. In the meantime, it is possible that we never set ourselves to question: "what do we mean by the word mood?" The direct definition of the term "mood" is the condition of soul device. Authentically, in Russian this term consists of two parts: the prefix, translated as "on,” and the suffix, translated as “structure.” Hence, the prefix “on” describes external influence on the structure of the soul. Accordingly, our parents influence our mood from our birth, setting us in terms of their perceptions of life. During this process of bringing up and training us, our parents teach us not to repeat the mistakes that harmed them in forming their personalities.

Of course, this is great, if only our parents could develop comprehensively and would not erase from their perception the things they cannot understand or recognize! They are right, but only from their own positions, which represent "a speck of dust on a speck of dust" from general knowledge of the laws of life. The knowledge that helps our parents exist represents crumbs. Namely they exist, because it is impossible to characterize the form of existing as a full life when you live with the expectance of the approach of death. At the same time, our parents do not utilize widely accessible the opportunity to enrich their soul. They chose to live so based on their personal decisions. They have absorbed crumbs of truth from the general structure of the Harmony of Life during their formation. They impede their aspiration of developing of their human essence meanwhile believing that they have imbibed everything necessary for further vital activities. This is the method used for our upbringing by our family, relatives, and the society.
By virtue of the given reasons, we, the people, are not educated to the necessary level of self-development that would allow us to influence and to control the properties of time. As a result, time exerts its force of controlling the psychology and the life of humanity!

On the basis of the given reasons, an individual is under the authority of laws of time from the moment of conception and birth, throughout his life and up to the end of his existence.  
The society is naturally divided into groups according to three basic perceptions of life: theological group, psychological group, and physical group. Each of the specified groups belongs to one of three fundamental parts of time!

The theological group leans on time properties of forthcoming events i.e. on the future. This is justified by the numerous predictions of the prophets. The prophets are capable to predict the nearing events with an absolute accuracy. The theological group combines the predictions of future events with current relations accordingly. Therefore, Believers reason consistently starting from the future and ending in the present! 

The physical group leans on time properties of current events, i.e. on the present. This is justified by a multitude of supporting evidence which can be verified at any desired point with the help of contemporary sciences or even with personal experiences. The physical group connects the near past with the near future meanwhile trusting only current manifestations. 

The psychological group leans on time properties of earlier events, i.e. on the past. This is justified by an abundance of research experiences and interpretations of history from pragmatical positions. The psychological group focuses mainly in the depths of past events. Consistently, these events tend to manifest in current relations.

These ramifications of people’s attention and positions justify the existence of a unified language necessary for mutual understanding between parties. The unified language of the given science is based on the law of diplomacy that "strengthens the importance of the parties according to their participation in the relationships". 

The meaning of human life unites different positions of the society! The meaning of life worries everyone. Accordingly, sometimes we do get answers to our questions but these answers tend to generate additional questions! This question has concerned people for more than a millennium and we have never known what the real meaning of the human life is. Based on diplomatic laws it was possible to develop a structural plan detailing the meaning of life of each individual with his properties and abilities for self-fulfillment.  
It is not a secret that everything surrounding us consists of certain information. Likewise, we consist of the information assembled in our physical body and in the bodies of people who cooperate with us. The information that characterizes a human is allocated on: morals or experiences, etiquette or current expressions, and customs or target aspirations. The given distribution allows us to penetrate into the structure of a person and to reveal the meaning of a person’s life.

The supreme meaning of a person’s life is perfection and self-enrichment! 

A Perfect Order is present among us and inside us currently but rarely does someone realize it in the necessary potential in personal life. The reason for this is concealed in the essence of the human being – the overweight of customs or morals. These qualities sway a person to their side, prioritizing one of the sides with high importance. A third position consists of equilibrium or a balance between the two sides. This is the best state of existence for people. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult to define a person’s current state of existence – whether there is a balance or one side is reigning over the other!

Many people can stay in the state of harmony from time to time, but this condition is not stable! When a person is in a state of harmony, he collects resources that he cannot retain to himself. Events sway the individual to unexpected expenditures that create a vacuum around the individual, squeezing out everything positive the individual has achieved. Other events associated with actions or inactions can influence on the economic state of the individual: in difficult situations when it is necessary to act or to stay idle. Accordingly, people who stay in a relative state of balance are popular in the society. Others susceptible to the extremes attain to their level! 

There are no barriers in the field of development and perfection; barriers only exist in the field of retaining the resources! Everyone without exceptions needs resources. This is the reason for the existence of competition in which the weak are absorbed by the strong, from smallest to greatest! People fight among themselves for possession of the resources and this battle continues throughout the human existence! The establishment of states has softened this competition among the people and now it is regulated by the state laws. There is an abundance of different states as well as laws! The laws are formulated by the virtue of the people’s origin and their country’s territorial location. As many as there are people, so many there are states and laws! 

Existing states can be divided to four groups or four cultures: the North, the South, the West, and the East. Accordingly, each part of the world practices its own religion which shapes its laws for morals, etiquette, and customs. 

Through diplomatic ways, the science of psychonomy unites existing knowledge of various cultures, religions, and peoples of the continents to one individual! Thus, an individual attains the state required for the integrity of his personality.

The first step of the process of self-enrichment is locating the state of individual at the present moment! To achieve this, the science of psychonomy introduces two automated programs the Scanner of the Individual and the Crown of education. The given science is decades ahead of existing technologies! Therefore, it is meaningless to search for parallel sources in terms of your attention and time expenditures rationality. However, many sources can supplement this fundamental theory regarding the perfection and the abilities of the human structure.

The twenty laws of human life acceptable to everyone along with the two paid programs about the individual are presented on the following website: With the help of the Internet, the paid programs are created to be available any moment to anyone interested in utilizing the knowledge and technologies of the given science!


