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Instruction manual

In the database control panel located in the central part of main page for The Scanner of The Individual you should enter the birth parameters of the individual you would like to learn about. Every key of the birth time shown in the control panel of query parameters is important. However, an exact knowledge of the necessary birth parameters is not always available in reality. For this reason, the absence of some or all birth parameters was considered in advance. If you lack information about an unknown birth year, you should enter a question mark or choose unknown. The program will provide you with the information that will help you learn about yourself or a given individual several times better with the help of test keys, imposed on the tested individual. The accuracy of the data provided for the given individual is 75% and above when the parameters are certain. Seventy-five percent from the first time become accessible for the understanding of the reviewer without preparation and with every subsequent time of technology use, the percentage grows to an average of twelve times.  

Current opportunities. Currently, this program presents the user with the opportunity of characterizing the structure of personality in a three-dimensional form. With the help of innovative presentation forms, the user can understand, see, and recognize through individual initiative the structure of an individual’s mind-set, the system of his behavior methods, and the consequences of his actions which manifest in specific reactions of the surrounding people.  

Object. The text information comes in the volume of 8 to 12 A-4 formatted pages. An example plan of parameters with information requested for a certain individual is located to the left of the requests panel.  

Delivery. The information is automatically sent to the user’s e-mail entered during the registration at the time of the realization of the query. In addition, the user can simultaneously read the information by selecting the you can read the data right now option in the requests panel.

Payment. The money from your account attached to your registration will be automatically removed in the amount of one whole after you input the parameters of birth and press the request to "Next".  The Cost of one request makes for English 9 USD.

Replenishment of funds. To use the program, you need to contribute funds to an individual account that automatically attached to user registration. The contribution to your individual can be completed in the Personal account / Balance using WebMoney and LiqPay (through VISA and MASTERCARD). Funds are equalized to the monetary unit of this site - wholes. One whole is equal to 24.00 UAH, 0.89 USD, 56.01 rubles. 

Application domains. The consistency of the given program is favorable and operational. It is very useful to large organizations; teams; private, public, and state systems of administration. For any manager working with people this program is a completely legitimate pointer that would help him maximize the effectiveness of his decisions. The user can quickly understand an individual: his business qualities; friendship and marital properties. With the help of this program, an unknown individual will become transparent and accessibly clear. Welcome to the science of precision and certainty!

Input parameters


Time of birth:

Data type:



